MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 285 Fanwai 20 encrypted passwords are as romantic (there are so many bullet screens...

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Extra episode 2:

"Then let's start now." The host said, "First of all, everyone will draw lots to determine the order of playing."

Ji Yuxiao looked down at Lin Luoqing, "You smoke."

Lin Luoqing was not shy either, and reached out to draw a wooden sign from the host, "No. 3."

"Very good." Ji Yuxiao nodded, "Just in the middle."

Lin Luoqing also felt good, he pulled Ji Yuxiao to sit down on the bench, and was going to see what level the other couples were and whether they could win.

"Do you think we can win?"

"Yes." Ji Yuxiao guessed.


"You are so smart, you will definitely win." Ji Yuxiao looked at him with a smile.

Listening to what he said, Lin Luoqing laughed happily, feeling that he really meant it.

The aunt's smile that hasn't disappeared in the past two days also hung on the faces of the netizens who watched the live broadcast: [It's so sweet, so sweet, Mr. Ji is really sweet. 】

[Mr. Ji: Does anyone else have hypoglycemia without breakfast? I have sugar here, you're welcome. 】

[Thank you Mr. Ji, I already feel better! Please keep on sugaring! 】

This time, the young couple Yang Xinyue and Li Zhiyuan were drawn. After a little discussion, they decided that Yang Xinyue would draw first.

She looked at the idioms on the staff's question board, scratched her head, and lowered her head to start drawing on the whiteboard.

When she finished drawing and held up the whiteboard to show it to Li Zhiyuan, Li Zhiyuan's face was bewildered.

"The stormy sea?" he asked.

Yang Xinyue shook her head, "No."


"Not to mention, it's far away, it's closer to the last one."

"Last one?" Li Zhiyuan was a little worried, "The waves are rough?"

Yang Xinyue still shook her head, "Think again, think again."

Li Zhiyuan, "...then what else can it be, an endless flow?"


"Or else." Li Zhiyuan suggested.

Yang Xinyue was furious, "The wind and the waves! Didn't you see the wind?"

"Is that wind?" Li Zhiyuan was surprised, "I thought it was the word Chuan."

The barrage laughed, but Lin Luoqing stopped laughing.

Yang Xinyue watched angrily as the staff raised the second idiom, then bowed her head again and began to draw.

At the end of the game, the two guessed 6 idioms correctly, and the host encouraged: "Not bad, not bad, very good."

Yang Xinyue snorted at Li Zhiyuan, Li Zhiyuan smiled and touched her head, coaxing her in a good-tempered manner.

The second players to play the game were Li Jiamao and Cai Shiyu.

Cai Shiyu's fans immediately tweeted on the barrage: [Cai Cai has painting skills, she must be good at painting. 】

[That's right, although it's not fair to everyone, Cai Cai's group should win hahaha. 】

[There's no other way, after all, Cai Cai's paintings are so beautiful, she deserves to win. 】

[That's right, it's hard to say that Cai Cai won't win. 】

The guests gathered here, and several live broadcast rooms merged into one. Seeing this, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao cp fans were not satisfied and said: [This is not sure, right now Ji Yuxiao is leading the game? It might be the same this time. 】

[Ji Yuxiao is very good, but everyone knows Lin Luoqing's painting skills, so...isn't it impossible to be overtaken this time? 】

[Yeah, it's fine if Ji Yuxiao is alone, but this time there are two people, Lin Luoqing is not very good at this, it's normal to lose. 】

This Lin Luoqing fan doesn't like to hear it!

After all, they are top class, they haven't disliked other people yet, someone actually disliked their brother first? what is this?

The fans turned on the mic instantly: [What about Luo Qing's painting has anything to do with you? It's still the first part of the painting selection process! 】

[I remember that Luo Qing and Mr. Ji are the only warriors who chose the right painting for the first time and didn't choose the second time, right? It can be seen that Luo Qing's paintings are very vivid, and Suo Ji can always choose the right one at a time. 】

[Hehe, some people boast so much, and my brother draws so well. When choosing a picture, why did I choose the right cp three times? Isn't the painting not similar enough? 】

[No, no, no, some people really think this is a competition of drawing skills, right? Why don't you go to painting variety shows if you are so good? Isn't this better than a couple's tacit understanding? Need to say that Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao have the best understanding? 】

[Hahahaha suddenly remembered the cooking session last night, some cps almost got into a fight, just like this, do you still think you can win? Strong self-confidence? 】

Cai Shiyu's fans wanted to fight back at first, but Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao's fans were too impatient, they didn't give them a chance to speak at all, and they didn't let others see their speech. Xia Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao praised it.

Li Jiamao's fans are speechless. In terms of celebrity status, Lin Luoqing slapped all the guests. In terms of the number of fans, Lin Luoqing completely crushed it. This show has not yet started broadcasting, but the live broadcast has such a huge popularity. Isn't it because of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao? ?

Just like this, Cai Shiyu's fans still have to tear up with others, they are rushing to recruit gangsters, and even implicate their brother.

They quickly expressed their attitudes, and said that they also felt that Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao had a good understanding, and this session was very suitable for them.

Lin Luoqing's fan also didn't want to break with Cai Shiyu's fan, as if he fell in love with their brother, and offered Cai Shiyu coffee.

After beating up all the people, I stopped talking and continued to watch the live broadcast quietly.

Cai Shiyu fans lost this barrage battle, dissatisfied, gritted their teeth secretly, wait, you will know what the gap is after Er Cai Cai finished painting, poor painting is poor painting, last time it was a mistake , how can it be so easy this time?

This time they will definitely win!

Cai Shiyu also thinks the same way, of course he thinks more than his fans, and he also wants to take this opportunity to show off his painting skills.

Character design is a thing that needs to be strengthened at all times to leave an impression on the audience. Cai Shiyu has prepared a rich and full set of character design for this variety show, and is waiting to show it repeatedly after being on the show. Now is the right time.

"Let me draw first." Cai Shiyu said.

Li Jiamao didn't care about this, and agreed, "Okay."

He sat on the chair with his back facing the question board.

Cai Shiyu looked at it, and saw the staff held up a sign, which read: [Lying on the ice and begging for carp].

Cai Shiyu lowered his head and began to draw.

Li Jiamao waited for a while, seeing that he hadn't lifted the whiteboard, he urged him, "Isn't it alright?"

"Wait." Cai Shiyu was still busy drawing people lying on the ice.

He only has a black marker pen in his hand, so he can't draw very delicately. Fortunately, Cai Shiyu is very patient in order to create this character. The person lying on the ice not only has facial features, hairstyle, and clothes.

Li Jiamao couldn't wait for him for a long time, and urged again, "Isn't it alright?"

"Wait." Cai Shiyu was a little dissatisfied.

Li Jiamao was also dissatisfied.

He and Cai Shiyu are not a so-called couple at all, they are purely flirting with each other.

"Let's Fall in Love" signed Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, and worried that they would feel awkward among heterosexuals, so they wanted to find another same-sex couple. Li Jiamao and Cai Shiyu's companies received the news and decided Let them pretend to be a couple and contact the program team to participate in the recording of this season.

It's a pity that the two of them couldn't talk to each other, and they were even a little annoyed.

Li Jiamao felt that Cai Shiyu was "forced", troublesome, and hypocritical. He knew that he was on this show to take advantage of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao's popularity, and he wanted to get on the right side by matching the superiors.

Cai Shiyu felt that Li Jiamao was brainless, short-tempered, and didn't know how to seize the opportunity. How many times can you cooperate with top streamers in your life?

The difficult time to cooperate is of course to be fully prepared, and it is best to take advantage of the popularity of the top stream to let yourself take off and create "Although I watched this show for Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, I prefer Cai Shiyu Li Jiamao's pair", this is the real recording value!

It's a pity that Li Jiamao didn't appreciate it and didn't cooperate, so he decided to go solo, and it didn't matter if Li Jiamao didn't use this show to take off.

Li Jiamao's fans saw that he did not turn on the whiteboard for a long time, and said angrily: [Why hasn't he finished drawing yet! 】

Cai Shiyu's fans quickly said: [Of course it is for better painting, so that it is easier for Li Jiamao to guess. 】

Chigua Luren looked at his whiteboard and said: [He draws quite decently. 】

Cai Shiyu's fans instantly straightened their backs, 【Did you see it? Cai Cai is very picturesque. 】

Lin Luoqing looked at Cai Shiyu and felt that it took him a long time, "It's a waste of time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cai Shiyu raised the whiteboard.

Li Jiamao could only see a person lying in a straight line, and asked in confusion: "What is this? Should it fall to the ground?"

Lin Luoqing smiled, and said that his painting is not good, why didn't he draw a carp.

Cai Shiyu seemed to realize it too, and quickly patched a carp straight down, and another next to his head.

Now Li Jiamao guessed it, "Lying on the ice and begging for a carp!"

"Yes." Cai Shiyu laughed.

His fans once again boasted: [Sure enough, Cai Cai's paintings are very vivid! 】

[Just keep urging, isn't this to make you guess right for the first time? If it weren't for the image he drew, would you have guessed it? 】

[Li Jiamao is really not gentle, how can such a gentle and delicate person like Cai Cai like him. 】

[That is, Ji Yuxiao next door is more handsome than him, richer than him, more capable than him, and so gentle. 】

[I think Cai Cai goes well with Ji Yuxiao! One is a handsome boss and the other is a cute star, absolutely perfect! 】

[Yeah, it would be great if Cai Cai's cp was Ji Yuxiao. 】

[That's right, Li Jiamao is not worthy, Ji Yuxiao is only suitable for dishes! 】

Passionate cp fan:? ? ?

Passerby: ...Ah this...

Li Jiamao fan: Thank you for the invitation, we also feel unworthy, please break up as soon as possible!

[No, did some fans forget that the live broadcast room was merged? Did Lalang have the nerve to say this publicly in person? 】Passionate cp fans were shocked and said:【Is this because you don't want your face? 】

[Hahahaha laughed, this is the first time I've seen Lagua so impatiently, he is indeed handsome and domineering x cute star, but it's a pity it's not your brother, your brother is so cute. 】

[No, no, I like Lin Luoqing because Ji Yuxiao likes Lin Luoqing. This is already obvious to all. Why are there still blind people who want to dismantle the CP, not to mention pulling me on? 】

[Lin Luoqing wants to have good looks, to be famous, to have awards, to have works, what does your brother have? Why don't you pull me up here? Do you deserve it? Huan Ji Yuxiao is only served with your dishes, but I don’t think your dishes are suitable. 】

[The most important thing is that Mr. Ji hasn't watched Cai Shiyu's eyes since he started recording the show? Hahaha, this can also be pulled. I know that Mr. Ji is gentle, golden, handsome and omnipotent, but isn't this gentleness only for us? I have never seen him being gentle with other people. 】

[That's true, Mr. Ji doesn't seem to talk to the others. 】

【'Fuck', really, new sugar has appeared! 】

[It's so sweet, so sweet, Ji Zonghe Qingqing is really good at eating, there are different kinds of sugar every day, and every day is sweeter than yesterday. 】

[Yes! 】

After a while, the passionate cp returned to the state of happily eating sugar again, Cai Shiyu's fans became more and more dissatisfied, feeling that they were taking too much control, cp itself, who is hindered by their eating their brother's cp? It's their turn to enforce the law.

Ji Yuxiao and Lin Luoqing are not married yet, and maybe they are superficial couples?

The fans thought so, and when they looked at Cai Shiyu, they realized that it was not easy for him, alas, their brother is so good, why can't they have a CP like Ji Yuxiao?

It's so unfair.

Cai Shiyu drew three pictures and finally handed over the whiteboard to Li Jiamao.

Although Li Jiamao was dissatisfied with his slow drawing, he also admitted that he did draw well, so he guessed quickly.

He is not good at painting, so he can only try his best to paint, but Cai Shiyu is dissatisfied and said, "Jia Mao, don't be so perfunctory, please be serious, I know you want to answer a few questions, but you paint well , If you draw carefully, I can guess it, and we can guess it right."

"Why haven't I painted well?" Li Jiamao said angrily, "You are so good at learning to paint for everyone like you. That's my level. I'm already very serious."

Cai Shiyu seemed a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "Ah, I forgot that our level is not the same. It's my fault. I got used to drawing and forgot that I am a professional. You are right, I didn't think carefully, and I shouldn't use it. I'm sorry to ask you for my own level."

Li Jiamao didn't realize that there was something in him, so he just said, "You just need to know."

Ji Yuxiao smiled, feeling that the couple's "character" is not quite right.

Lin Luoqing heard him laugh and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Ji Yuxiao approached him, and he whispered in his ear, "That Cai Shiyu, the show is pretty good."

Lin Luoqing also noticed it, it doesn't matter, anyway, it doesn't have anything to do with him, it's fine as long as it doesn't act for him.

Li Jiamao drew for a long time, and Cai Shiyu seemed to rack his brains after guessing, and finally answered only four correctly.

"Jiamao, you really draw too... oh, forget it, it's okay. Fortunately, I used my brain in time, and now we have answered seven questions correctly, which is not bad."

Li Jiamao didn't say that Cai Shiyu did keep guessing that it was because he didn't draw well, and he was mainly to blame, and it had nothing to do with Cai Shiyu.

Cai Shiyu's fans felt the same way, and some passers-by also echoed: [Yes, Cai Shiyu has worked very hard no matter whether he is painting or guessing, the main reason is that Li Jiamao's painting is really bad, alas. 】

[If you change your partner, this score should be able to go up. Cai Shiyu is also good at drawing pictures, and guessing idioms is better than Li Jiamao's guessing. I have really worked hard to save it. 】

[Indeed, he is quite suitable for this game. 】

[It's a pity that the partner can't do it, but it's okay, it's higher than the first group. 】

Li Jiamao's fans rushed forward to refute, but because of passers-by's assists, they couldn't beat Cai Shiyu's fans, so they just returned home. I hope their brother will break up with Cai Shiyu as soon as possible!

After Cai Shiyu and Li Jiamao finished, it was Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao's turn.

Passionate CP fans immediately lifted their spirits and started calling them. In an instant, only the names of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao could be seen on the barrage.

Passerby: ...That's right, the popularity is really high!

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao stood up and walked forward.

"I'll draw first." Lin Luoqing said, "I haven't played with this yet."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao touched his head, "Come on."

"Let's go."

Passionate cp fan: [That's really... not very free. 】

Lin Luoqing went to the chair, picked up the whiteboard and sat down, and Ji Yuxiao also sat opposite him.

"Are you ready?" the host asked.

"Okay." Lin Luoqing replied.

"Let's begin then."

The host started timing, and the staff also raised the question board, which read: [Shocking].

The netizen looked at it and exclaimed: [Is it so difficult to come up? 】

[How to draw this, there is no specific image. 】

[Already bald. 】

[But Qingqing started to draw! 】

【what? 】

When everyone looked at it, they saw Lin Luoqing finished the painting with a few strokes, and held up the whiteboard.

[Good guy, what is this painting? 】

[Second love I recognized? What is the first one? 】

[I don't know the first one, the third one is a trapezoid, right? 】

[The fourth also feels like a trapezoid. 】

[Who the **** can recognize this, Qingqing, you are too abstract! 】

[He's even more bald. 】

As soon as the barrage was sent out, netizens heard Ji Yuxiao's calm voice: "Shocking."

host:? ? ? ?

Netizen:? ? ? ?

Choreographer: ? ? ? ?

Boy, you can guess that too!


The staff quickly changed to the next idiom: [cadence].

Netizens gasped.

[Is this intentional? On purpose? Why is this getting harder and harder! 】

【How should I draw this? How can this be more difficult? ! 】

【Good guy, why did Lin Luoqing start writing again? 】

[Not to mention, his reaction speed is really amazing! 】

[Painting speed is also available, and the painting is fast. 】

A few seconds after he finished speaking, Lin Luoqing raised his whiteboard again.

[My God, it's time to test my eyes again. 】

[Is this a test of the eyes? The score for this test is my imagination! 】

[Could it be that there is a chance that Qingqing and I have a consonance? 】

[So what is this? It's a bit like a cloud. 】

[Is it a cartoon version of the cloud? 】

[A decorated cloud? 】

[I don't think it's a cloud, but there are three clouds on his side and a cloud on the other side. What is this picture? 】

"Modulation." Ji Yuxiao gave the correct answer without hesitation.




【"Hold"! Did he really not read the answer? 】

[How did you guess this? ? ? I'm so curious! 】

[Please, let Mr. Ji give me an explanation, I am too confused, if this is not resolved, I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight! 】

[Ah, ah, sisters, is it possible that the cloud is a sheep, so this is a homophonic stalk, three sheep here, one sheep there. 】

[! Damn it, sister, you can see this! 】

[Hahahaha Qingqing is so witty, she also knows that cadences are not easy to draw, and the homophonic sheep squats wrong. 】

[But this sheep didn't squat at all. 】

[And it's not like a sheep [cover face]]

[It's not bad, as long as Mr. Ji understands it. 】

[I can understand, Mr. Ji, you really love him! 】

[And I still guessed right! see it? This is tacit understanding, this is mutual sympathy, this is consonance, some people who want to dismantle CP should die as soon as possible. 】

[That's right, the passion has long been locked, hope everyone knows! 】

Cai Shiyu fans: ...very angry!

Seeing that Ji Yuxiao guessed the two idioms right, Lin Luoqing gave a thumbs up and boasted, "Amazing."

"The main reason is that you draw well." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile.

Netizen:? ? ? ?

[God, is he a painter in the eye of the beholder? This is also exaggerated! 】

[Hahahaha Mr. Ji said yes, that's good, otherwise, can he guess right? 】

[Mr. Ji is really gentle and coaxing. Qingqing has painted like this, and he even praised him for his good painting, so Qingqing is always very confident, daring to think and paint. 】

[So Cai Shiyu was very unkind to Li Jiamao just now, saying that he didn't paint well. 】

[Yes, so Li Jiamao has always been very unconfident in the back. He painted and erased several times, and the expression on his face was also very heavy. When he ended, he was not very happy. 】

[It's not necessary, it's just a couple game. Of course, it's the person you like that is the most important thing. Winning or losing is not just this time. 】

【So I think Mr. Ji is very loving, and it's no wonder that Qing Qingzhi has a very good temper. After all, Mr. Ji gave him this kind of affirmation and encouragement. 】

[In an instant, they felt better! 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeses. 】

[Hug my sister, I met you. 】

As netizens said, the staff has revealed new idioms.

Lin Luoqing glanced, thought about it, lowered his head to draw again, and within a few seconds, he raised the whiteboard again.

【I'm still confused. 】

[It's still very abstract. 】

[The wavy line in his circle is a bit like the word "king", what is that? 】

[I got stuck here just now, but I didn't see the young lady raising a sign, circle, king... Occupying land is king? 】

[No, he also drew three patterns. 】

[It's so difficult, so difficult, I, a fan, can't figure it out. 】

[Is the first one a snake? The second is the cloud, right? The fourth one can't tell, snake, cloud... What kind of idiom is this? I was also stuck in the live broadcast room just now, is there anyone without a card? Tell me what idiom is this? 】

"The dragon soars and the tiger leaps." Ji Yuxiao said calmly.


【"Fuck", you guessed right again! 】

【How did he figure it out!? 】

[So there is a king in that circle who is a tiger? 】

[Yuanyuan has a king character on her head, so it seems that there is no is indeed a tiger [cover face]]

【…The drawing is very good, don't draw it next time. 】

[Qingqing, marry Mr. Ji quickly, really, no one understands you better than him. 】

[Hahahaha after this time, Qingqing must feel that she is drawing more, otherwise how can Mr. Ji guess correctly every time. 】

[And they are so fast, they have already guessed three right from the very beginning. 】

[Because Qingqing draws so fast, Mr. Ji guessed right again, this is a tacit understanding! 】

[I feel that this Qingqing and Ji Zong will also be number one! 】

[If it continues at this speed, it is really possible. 】

[Hahahaha I remember that someone said before that their brother was going to be number one? die laughing. 】

【I am still surprised that yesterday, Mr. Ji's strength and his tacit understanding with Qingqing have been seen by all. 】

[Isn't it? Some people always feel as if she has eyes in the whole world. 】

[Come on passionately, win the first place! 】

Soon, with the strong cooperation of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, in just the first three minutes, Lin Luoqing drew Ji Yuxiao's answers and answered 8 questions correctly.

[ this the first time now? 】

[Yang Xinyue and his group got 6 points for 6 questions, Cai Shiyu and his group got 7 points for 7 questions, and Qingqing and Ji Zong got 8 points, that's indeed number one. 】

[Hey, some people are not the first, so the fans just bragged about it, so they have the nerve to step on Qingqing, don't you want to see your match? What a big face. 】

[As expected of Mr. Ji, once again we are not on the starting line with everyone. 】

【Qingqing is also great, he draws quickly and well. Although his paintings are similar to encrypted passwords, Mr. Ji guessed it right away. It can be seen that he really knows Mr. Ji very well. 】

[Hahahaha encrypted password. 】

[It's really encrypted, only he and Mr. Ji know what he wants to express. 】

【"Fuck", this statement, I immediately fell in love with it! 】

[Even if there are so many people in the audience, only you can understand me, and only I can know what you are thinking. This feeling is great! 】

[How did the lyrics come from, "We once had a lot of friends and talked about the hidden love to the fullest", this is simply the live version of this sentence. 】

[Look at everyone, we have our own spiritual world, this world is only understood by the two of us, it's too romantic, this couple is really good. 】

[This is not the case for fairy love. 】

[Mom, the cp I'm drinking is really amazing, it's so crazy, I feel like I can't get out of this life! 】

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