MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 313 Extra Story: A Family of Four on Variety Show (18) It’s Not Fish and Earth...

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Extra Story: A Family of Four on Variety Shows (18)

There was a long queue at Lin Fei's side. After a while, a passer-by who really passed by looked at this side strangely. He walked to the end of the line and asked the people in line, "What do you buy? This is hot."

"I don't know." The person in front looked back at him, "If you see them queuing up, you can line up. If you can line up so many people, you are willing to ask for cheap things. For Chinese New Year, let's buy things."

The passer-by turned his head and had a reasonable heart, so he followed him.

The filming director watched from a distance as the line got longer and longer, and the line got longer and longer.

Is this the legendary internet celebrity marketing model?

Taking advantage of most people's conformity and curiosity to watch the excitement, line up the team first, so as to induce other passers-by to follow suit.

But Lin Fei is still here, he probably doesn't understand this kind of marketing method, right?

The filming director turned his head to look at Lin Fei, and thought to himself that he really deserves to be Ji Yuxiao's son, this talent is almost like Ji Yuxiao's own son.

Of course, Lin Fei didn't know this kind of Internet celebrity marketing model. He just felt that if he lined up, everyone wouldn't have to squeeze, and they could come one by one in order.

He packed three potatoes, handed them to the person in front, collected the money, and said politely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, the baby is so good, it's great to come out and help mom and dad sell things!"

The potato seller counted his thumbs up for him, and wanted to greet him, but was urged by the queen's grandma, "Hurry up, there are others in the queen, let's go after buying."

The uncle looked back at her dissatisfied, and the old grandma raised her chin and looked back, not to be outdone.

The uncle was so angry that he turned around and bought another two yuan worth of potatoes. Really, the baby is cute, what's wrong with him wanting to say a few more words?

Hurry up, he doesn't!

"Baby, I'll give you another two yuan, I want it."

Lin Fei looked at the back basket, and there was no more on it, "Is it okay? The ones are gone now."

"When will it be available?" The uncle smiled.

"Wait a while to see if there are any." Lin Fei said seriously.

"Then take two." The uncle smiled, "How clever."

Lin Fei didn't speak, and handed him two potatoes, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, you're so polite, Mom and Dad are very proud to have this good baby who understands and is smart."

Lin Fei blinked, looked at his hand, and reminded, "Two yuan."

The barrage laughed loudly: [It's useless, sugar-coating is useless, we only have money in our hearts! 】

[Grandpa: Blah, blah, blah, a compliment, Treasure: Money! 】

[As expected of Mr. Ji's cub, this is how you know the importance of money! 】

[The goal is clear, there is a successor to President Ji! 】

[Hahaha sisters, take a quick look at Feifei's team, I'm dying of laughter, why is it still increasing. 】

[It's normal, sometimes when you pass by a crowded store, you will line up to see what to eat [cover your face]]

[Fei Zong—a business genius who has always known how to increase popularity by queuing! 】

[Hahahahahahaha, although I think Feifei should not understand this kind of marketing model, but I am really laughing. 】

[It's so cute, it's so cute, I can fully understand why the old masters and aunts are queuing up at Feifei's place, and if they meet an adult who looks like a child and is serious about selling things, I really want to tease him. 】

[That's right, it's so cute to say thank you with a paralyzed face, it's inexplicably cute. 】

[It's very polite, Luo Qing and Mr. Ji taught the truth. 】

[What's more, you are also very good and cheap. The potatoes that were dug up yesterday are not expensive. 】

[And Feifei is really smart, the price is based on one yuan, so he takes money very well. 】

[Feifei is good at mathematics, just now I saw a "grandmother" deliberately teased him when he was buying potatoes, and asked for a few older ones, so Feifei figured it out. 】

[That is, after all, he is a top student, so the more he looks at it, the more he likes Fei Fei. 】

[Yes, at first I thought that Feifei was not talkative and boring, but later I felt that Feifei was simply too obedient, too cute, too understanding, and too reliable, she was just a dream child. 】

[Damn it, someone is thinking about Feibao again! 】

Uncle Lin Fei took out two yuan and handed it to him. Lin Fei said "thank you" again, and the uncle reluctantly left, and it was the turn of the "grandma" behind him.

However, Lin Fei maintained the principle of one on the left and one on the right in an orderly manner. When the one on the right was sold out, he turned around and sold it to the people in line on the left.

The one on the left is a young boy, and the boy said straightforwardly, "It costs three yuan, but here is only a ten-yuan ticket, can you change it?"

Lin Feitou gave her the two yuan she had just received from the uncle, and gave him another five yuan.

"Smart." The boy boasted.

Lin Fei calmly filled her with six small potatoes, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." After the boy finished speaking, he waved at him and left with a smile.

It didn't take long for Lin Fei's basket of potatoes to be sold out. He poured out the potatoes from the snakeskin bag and poured them into the basket, adding a wave of supply and continuing to sell potatoes.

On the other hand, Ji Leyu's business is very good.

As early as when Lin Fei was huddled together, some uncles and aunts ran to Ji Leyu's side and asked him, "How do you sell these potatoes?"

Ji Leyu has always been good at pretending to be good, and when she sees someone with a sweet smile, "Three for one yuan, or two, or one big."

He pointed to his own cardboard, "It's written on it."

The aunt laughed, "It's the same price as the boss next door."

"Yeah." Ji Leyu smiled.

He is beautiful, and even more cute when he smiles, like an exquisite doll, and instantly captured a group of uncles and aunts.

Ji Leyu taught them to line up left and right, collecting money with one hand and giving them potatoes with the other hand.

He was even lazy and didn't want to get his hands dirty, so he just tore off the plastic bag and gave it to them, and said softly, "Auntie chooses what you like, but you can't take it randomly."

The people in line laughed, thinking that he was really a ghost.

"Don't worry, Auntie won't bully her friends."

Ji Leyu smiled, "Mmm, thank you, Auntie."

The simple and honest aunt immediately picked three, two, and one big, and showed him, "Is there no random, three yuan?"


"Auntie didn't bully, did she?"

"No." Ji Leyu smiled sweetly.

In an instant, the cute aunt took out another two yuan, "Auntie bought another two yuan, I hope that the baby of the auntie's family can be cute in the future."

"~" Ji Leyu took the money.

—Obviously, he collects the money first and then gives the goods. The goods are not always available, but the money must be collected.

The customers who bought potatoes saw that he was really cute and sweet, innocent and simple, and wanted to tease him even more. When they gave the money, they deliberately asked him what his name was, how old he was, and where he was from. Ji Leyu looked at him with a smile, With a shy face, it made the liver of the person in front of him tremble, wishing that he could have such a son/grandson.

Obviously he didn't say anything, but everyone seemed to have got the answer, and couldn't help but sigh, "You're so cute."

[It's too sweet, it's really too sweet, the fish is simply the sweetest friend I've ever seen laughing. 】

[The fish really looks really good looking, and looks different from non-feifei. Luo Qing and Mr. Ji are really happy to have two babies who look like this. 】

[And the fish is really soft, like glutinous rice cakes, white and tender, glutinous and soft, I want to **** fish. 】

[No wonder Feifei pets fish, Feifei is worried about what will happen if the fish is sweet, soft and cute, if someone bullies him, so he takes care of his younger brother. 】

【Yes, the fish should know, that's why they've been sticking to each other. 】

【That's right, Fei Fei is smart enough to protect my younger brother. 】

【That is, we are not always omnipotent [狗头]】

Lin Fei was packing potatoes for customers, when he looked up, he saw his hypocritical, cunning, duplicity brother was holding money in his hand, ordering the customers in front of him to load potatoes from the basket himself, and he didn't even bother to say thank you, it was just hypocrisy Smile at each other.

The other party looked happy, and praised him sincerely, "What a hardworking and simple kid."

Lin Fei: ...It's his brother who sold someone else and gave him money back. That's right.

After all, Ji Leyu only had one basket of potatoes, and it was sold out in a short while.

"No more." Ji Leyu looked at the basket on his back and said, "Let's buy it elsewhere, goodbye."

"Oh, why is there no more." The people in the queue at the back were reluctant to part, "Boss, is this basket for sale?"

Ji Leyu:? ? ?

Ji Leyu looked back at the filming director.

Follow-up director Liu: ...

He really deserves to be Lin Luoqing's son! A single face can make people into this!

The sales of other people's potatoes have not been fully opened yet, and someone wants even the baskets here, which is too bullying!

The filming director could only laugh and shook his head, "This can't be sold."

Ji Leyu turned her head and said, "I can't~"

He waved again, "Goodbye."

After finishing speaking, he said cutely, "It's time to get off work."

The people who lined up laughed instantly, thinking that he was really a ghost, and waved to him with their hands for a moment, "Goodbye, baby."

Ji Leyu smiled as she carried her basket on her back, put her thermos in it, and happily walked towards Lin Fei.

The young girls in line smiled at him, their eyes were like fans who couldn't bear to leave after meeting.

[Hahaha I knew it was selling potatoes, but I didn't know it was a fish meeting. 】

[If you can hold a meeting to sell potatoes, let's fish [狗头]]

[Worthy of being the son of superstar Lin Luoqing! 】

[The fish is sweet and attractive, with strong business ability (bushi selling potatoes), even if it is placed in the entertainment industry, it is definitely a top-notch! 】

[And I will tell my fans that I am off work, and say goodbye, isn't this a favorite of fans [狗头]? ! 】

[Hahahaha seems to be no problem, die laughing. 】

[Warmly celebrate the successful conclusion of the first Tudou meeting of the superstar Ji Leyu, let's sprinkle flowers~]

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha performed a chicken crowing from laughter. 】

[The laughing neighbor knocked on the door hahaha. 】

[Very well, when will the second Tudou meeting start? 】

[No more, no more, but Feifei’s meeting with Tudou is not over yet, you can retweet it~]

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