MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 318 Spoiler: A family of four goes to variety shows (Twenty-Three) to give out pocket money...

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Fan: A family of four on variety shows (23)

Ji Leyu hugged her sticky for a while, then reluctantly let go, took her own money again, and prepared to give Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao pocket money.

Lin Fei looked at the joy on his face, stood up, and followed him out.

Lin Luoqing was taking out the steamed buns and jujube buns from the pot, when he saw them coming in again, he raised the curtain and said with a smile, "Hey, have you finished talking about the little secret?"

Ji Leyu smiled sweetly at him, "Dad, I have something for you."

"What?" Lin Luoqing put the lid on the pot again and walked up to him.

Ji Leyu took the money out of his pocket and handed it to him, "This is the money I got for selling potatoes this morning. Here it is, your pocket money."

Lin Luoqing was instantly pleasantly surprised.

Although he had received Lin Fei and Ji Leyu's pocket money once, it was the first time he saw cash as it was directly credited into the card.

Netizens immediately became overwhelmed:

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm gone! 】

【So Xiaoyu is reluctant to buy something at the market, just like a little Pixiu, not because he is reluctant to spend money, but because he wants to keep the money for Qingqing and Mr. Ji? Wuwuwu, what kind of fairy cub is this, Mr. Ji and Qingqing are so happy! 】

[So envious, so envious, so envious, crazy envious! 】

[Silently glanced at my son who was still asking me for money this morning, it is true that people are more deadly than others, and sons are more expensive than sons! 】

[How did Qingqing teach the child? This child is really not worry-free. This child is simply perfect! 】

【If every child is just like Xiaoyu, then why don’t I want to have children now? 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L L , I'm sure this life is worth it. 】

[The most important thing is that this is probably not a special case. Feifei should have given Qingqing and Mr. Ji pocket money before, "Fuck", it's so cool! 】

[Halal is a winner in life, the husband is handsome and rich and treats him well, the two cubs are good-looking and smart, the key is to treat him well too! Not only does he not have to worry about it, but he can also give him pocket money, who can't be envious! 】

[One day, a biological son may not be able to treat his biological father so well. 】

[The fish cried in the waterway, I envy who cried! ! 】

[Under the lemon tree, you and me, who is so sour? It's killing me! 】

Lin Luoqing took the money from Ji Leyu and kissed his little face, "Thank you, Dad is so happy, Dad has pocket money again."

Ji Leyu watched him smile, and smiled too, "You're welcome. I'll give you pocket money later when I make other money."

【"Fuck", you're so cute, Xiaoyu, you're too foul! 】

[There will be more in the future! ! Little fish baby, do you still need mom and dad? The kind raised by the cloud! 】

[Or do you want a baby, little fish? The kind that is 20 years older than you [cover your face]]

[After recording the screen, I will play it on a loop for my cub in a while! 】

[Hahahaha sister, I have a copy, and I will also play it on a loop for my children. 】

[That's right, this must be shown to my bastard, so that he can tell what kind of child is in other people's family! 】

[Learn and learn, all the cubs in the world learn from Feifei Xiaoyu! 】

[Laughing to death, have you started pocket money rolls after the study rolls? 】

[Hahahaha, the boy is the king of papers, and his reputation is well-deserved, who else would not accept it! 】

[Feifei: Is there anyone who can fight, alas. 】

Lin Luoqing listened to Ji Leyu's words, and gently touched his head, "Okay, then dad will wait for you to make a lot of money in the future."

"En." Ji Leyu thought to himself.

Lin Luoqing couldn't help but kissed him again, and said to him, "Your father is here."

Ji Leyu instantly understood what he meant and ran out.

Lin Luoqing watched him run away, then turned to look at Lin Fei, having a good time to wait and see.

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei turned around and wanted to go to the house.

"Don't you have nothing to say to me?" Lin Luoqing asked intentionally.

"No." Lin Fei was very calm.

"Then you have nothing to give me."

"No." Lin Fei said calmly.

Lin Luoqing nodded, "Okay then, go wash your hands. After eating, you can eat the bunny jujube buns after washing your hands."

"Yeah." Lin Fei took a step forward and walked towards him.

Netizens wondered one after another: [What's the matter, why didn't Feifei give the money to Qingqing? 】

[Excuse me, Feifei, Feifei is so cool. 】

[Hahahaha, I also feel sorry for Feifei. 】

[Does Feifei want to find a more formal time with a sense of ceremony before clearing the money? 】

【what? Is Feifei so ritualistic? 】

While the netizens were discussing, they saw Lin Fei suddenly glanced behind him—Lin Luoqing was busy placing the steamed buns and steamed buns on the dining table, with his back turned to him, without paying attention.

In the next second, Lin Fei took out the money in his pocket and stuffed it into Lin Luoqing's coat pocket at the end of the kang, then lifted the curtain with a calm face, and walked out.

He didn't say a word the whole time, and even his expression didn't change.

【"Hold"! ! ] The netizen was shocked: [It's not that you are too foul! ! This is too Su! 】

[The movements are clean and neat, and the whole process is expressionless, as expected of you! 】

【Oh my god, I never thought that I would feel Su Gan in a child! 】

[He really has a character that can only do nothing, he silently gives you money, but doesn't want to do anything with you, so he will never do it! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhh that was the case with little Fu Xi in "All the Way to the West". 】

[Fuck, shit, shit, it's really like this, now I seriously suspect that Fu Xi is playing the role in a different way! 】

【Thinking about it now, little Fu Xi is also duplicity, integrity, smart and gentle, really exactly the same as Fei Fei! 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomore 】

[And sometimes he doesn't tell you, alas, he is really a cub who makes mother fans feel bad, but fortunately he knows him and loves him. 】

[Qingqing is really good. Fortunately, Feifei met Qingqing, so Feifei's personality must suffer. 】

[That is, only children who can cry can have milk. If you don’t cry, you probably won’t make a sound if you get beaten. 】

[Hold my little Feifei tightly with distress, but fortunately Qingqing, Ji Zong and Xiaoyu like Feifei now, it's not easy. 】

[Who can see me watch a parent-child variety show and become a fan of this family! 】

[Me too, I was not a fan before, but now I am: Long live the passion, hugs and kisses, your family must be fine! 】

[That's right, Feiyu and Qingqingji are always on the lookout! 】

When Ji Leyu ran out, he saw Ji Yuxiao was serving dishes, and he happily ran up to Ji Yuxiao with his hands behind his back, mysterious and full of pride.

"What are you doing?" Ji Yuxiao looked at him, "Look how proud you are."

Ji Leyu grinned.

"Here." He took his hand out from behind his back, "I earned this this morning, and I'll give it to you as pocket money."

"Wow." Ji Yuxiao looked at his thick hands, "You have made a lot of money."

Ji Leyu was even more proud when he heard that, "Yes."

"Amazing." Ji Yuxiao praised him, "As expected of my baby."

Ji Leyu smiled brighter.

"Take it quickly," he urged.

Only then did Ji Yuxiao take it, rubbed his head with a smile, put his arms around him and kissed him on the face, "That's good."

Ji Leyu hugged him relyingly, and after a while, he saw Lin Fei walking over.

After Lin Feijing washed his hands, he saw that Ji Yuxiao's side had prepared dishes, so he came here to help him carry the dishes.

Hearing this, Ji Leyu stretched out his hand to show that he would also help.

"Go wash your hands first." Ji Yuxiao said.

Ji Leyu washed his hands quickly, and ran to him again, shaking his little white hands, "It's finished."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao smiled and handed him and Lin Fei a dish, worried, "Is it hot?"

Ji Leyu shook his head.

Lin Fei also replied, "Not hot."

"Okay, be careful, don't spill it."


Lin Fei responded, turned around and walked towards the main house, Ji Leyu followed him cautiously.

Lin Luoqing was about to go out to help Ji Yuxiao bring the dishes, when he lifted the curtain, he saw his two porters walking slowly.

He smiled and raised the door curtain high so that they could come in.

"You also brought the dishes by the way."

"Hmm." Ji Leyu smiled.

Lin Luoqing followed him to the dining table, took the dishes, and put them on the table.

Ji Leyu saw colorful steamed buns of different shapes and bunny-like buns on the dining table at a glance, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"This is what your father and I did in the morning."

Lin Luoqing sat on the chair and asked them to sit down too.

"Here." He took a bunny bun for each of the two babies, "This bun is made of jujube, try it."

Ji Leyu took it and smiled, "Little rabbit."

He pointed to the small red dates used to act as rabbit eyes, "Red eyes."

"Yeah." Seeing his innocent look, Lin Luoqing couldn't help but also smiled, "Try to see if you like it."

Ji Leyu puffed his cheeks and blew, and then bit down.

Lin Fei was still looking at the little rabbit in his hand, it really looked like it, with a white body and red eyes, a little cute.

He pinched the little rabbit's head and started to eat it from its buttocks. After one bite, he could feel the strong jujube aroma.

The jujube has been chopped, but it is not as delicate as jujube paste, but it has obviously different sizes of jujube meat, wrapped in the white and soft dough, it is fragrant and sweet.

"Is it delicious?" Lin Luoqing asked Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded.

Ji Leyu also shouted, "It's delicious, Dad is so amazing, it's delicious."

Lin Luoqing laughed again, with curved eyebrows, "It's just as long as you like it."

Ji Le Yuzui said sweetly, "I like it very much."

Ji Yuxiao walked in with the dishes, and heard Ji Leyu say "I like it very much".

He put the dishes away, sat down on the chair, and teased him, "Why do you like it so much?"

"I really like what Dad made." Ji Leyu corrected.

"Really? Didn't you like what I did last time?"

"Because you are also a father." Ji Leyu plausibly said, "You and father are fathers."

Ji Yuxiao laughed, pinched his face, "You're a big kid."

Ji Leyu laughed.

Lin Fei saw that he took off his coat and put it on the cabinet while he was talking, and by helping him take the clothes to the shelf at the end of the kang, he also stuffed the pocket money for Ji Yuxiao into his coat pocket.

At this point, his pocket money was all gone, Lin Fei was satisfied, sat down again contentedly, and began to eat.

Netizens looked at him with eyes full of liking:

【I hope Qingqing and Ji can show up sooner. 】

【Oh, Feifei is really, it warms my heart to see it. How can there be such a gentle child in this world. 】

[That means I'm not at the scene anymore, so I can bald Feifei. 】

[Hahaha fully understands why Feifei can’t be my son, because of his thick volume [狗头]]

[I don't know when Ji Zong and Qingqing will be able to show up, ahhh, Ji Zongqing, don't eat, go check your pockets! 】

[Yes! You don't have to eat rice, but Zai Zai's heart can't help but show it! Go get dressed! wear clothes! 】