MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 340 Spoiler: A family of four on a variety show (end) The variety show is over...

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Extra Story: A Family on Variety Shows (End)

It wasn't until Lin Luoqing kissed her enough that she finally reluctantly let go of Lin Fei and rubbed his head lovingly.

Lin Fei blushed a little, looked at him with disgust, and felt a little helpless, turning his head to look at the wall unnaturally.

It's rare for netizens to see him like this, and their hearts tremble because of his cuteness, and they keep shouting:

[So cute, so cute, very cute. 】

[Feifei is really the cutest cub I have ever seen, especially Luo Qingqian, who is twice as cute! 】

[Hey, I'm so envious of Luo Qing! 】

At this time, the parents of other families have also ended their intimacy with their children one after another, and walked out with their babies.

Lin Luoqing watched, smiled and said to Lin Fei, "Let's go, let's go home too."

Lin Fei nodded and turned around.

Hearing this, Ji Leyu took Ji Yuxiao's hand and prepared to go home with him.

It was only when he held hands that he realized that he didn't give Ji Yuxiao breakfast.

"Here." Ji Leyu handed out the breakfast, "Do you have breakfast?"

Of course Ji Yuxiao ate, but Ji Leyu took the whole way, he was not willing to refuse, and said, "Eat some, but I will be hungry again, but you have too much food, I can't eat it, let's eat together."

"Okay." Ji Leyu agreed.

Ji Yuxiao took out the bag from his small bag, tore open the bag, broke off a small piece, and gave him the rest.

Ji Leyu took it and started to eat slowly.

Lin Luoqing also inserted the straw into the milk box and gave the milk to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei refused to answer, and said lightly, "You drink."

Listening to his succinct words, Lin Luoqing felt that he had more and more potential to dominate the boss.

"I've already drank it, you can drink it, you didn't drink milk this morning." Lin Luoqing said softly.

Lin Fei reached out to take it after hearing what he said.

He remembered that Ji Leyu shared the milk with himself in the morning, so he drank a few sips and passed the milk to Ji Leyu.

Ji Leyu held Ji Yuxiao in one hand and the bag in the other. Seeing this, he lowered his head and drank directly with a straw in his mouth.

Lin Fei didn't mind, so he moved closer so that he could drink more conveniently.

The two of them ate as they walked, and walked out in a leisurely manner.

When going out, the children naturally lead their parents forward, but just walking, they become parents leading their babies forward.

Lin Fei was very sensitive to notice that they were not going the way he came from, and looked up at Lin Luoqing, "Can I go back here?"

"Yeah." Lin Luoqing nodded, "This is the path we took when we were arrested, and we will walk faster than you."

Lin Fei nodded without asking any further questions, and continued eating the buns.

Lin Luoqing watched his cheeks puff up and down, he was so cute, and bent over to hug him a little itchy.

Lin Fei was caught off guard by him and picked him up. He didn't quite understand, and said in a flat tone, "I can walk by myself."

"But I want to hug you." Lin Luoqing said softly.

Lin Fei: ...

Well, it's his clingy dad.

He looked at Lin Luoqing helplessly, with a bit of connivance in his eyes that he couldn't accommodate him, and was hugged by him obediently.

Netizens in the live broadcast watched this scene and couldn't help laughing:

[Hahahaha is it my illusion? I actually saw accommodation in my eyes! ! 】

[It's not an illusion, he really seems to have such eyes [cover face]]

[This is the first time I saw Zai Zai and felt that he was accommodating to his father, so cute. 】

【Feifei really loves Qingqing very much. 】

[Although, upstairs, are you sure your language location is correct? 】

[Indeed! Qingqing dotes on Feifei, and Feifei also dotes on Qingqing very much, the two of them love each other blatantly! 】

[It seems to be the case, after all, we have to send pocket money to Qingqing [cover face]]

[Hahahaha yes. 】

Seeing Lin Luoqing picking up Lin Fei, Ji Yuxiao also bent down to pick up Ji Leyu.

Ji Leyu couldn't be happier, hugged Ji Yuxiao, kissed him on the cheek several times, and rubbed his face softly.

"Father, I can protect you." He was gentle, his amber eyes staring at Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yuxiao thought he was on this mission, and slowly laughed.

"Okay." He whispered.

Ji Leyu laughed too. He hugged Ji Yuxiao, thinking that he could protect him, and when he grew up, he would be able to protect him better.

He wanted to protect Ji Yuxiao for the rest of his life.

The wind blew over Ji Leyu's bangs, and he looked at Ji Yuxiao with warmth and dependence in his eyes.

While talking with their children, the parents walked forward, walking, passing by the dandelion bushes when they came in the morning.

The breeze blows, dandelions dance with the wind, and snow flies between the sky and the earth.

"Look, Feifei, Dandelion." Lin Luoqing said softly to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei turned his head, and saw the white dandelion fluttering, flying and falling in the direction of the wind, like a dancing butterfly.

He didn't tell Lin Luoqing that he once felt like a dandelion, just like he didn't dislike or like dandelions because he used to be like a dandelion.

He just simply feels what he feels, but he doesn't feel sad or miserable because of it.

Every flower has its own way of growing, and the same is true for people. Flowers without roots can live without roots, and flowers with roots can live without roots.

He wants a flowerpot of his own, but maybe the dandelion doesn't want to belong to the flowerpot.

Lin Fei watched the white dandelion fly over, light and unconcerned, he stretched out his hand, and a dandelion fell on his hand.

Baibai, small, like opening a small umbrella, and like a little cloud.

Lin Fei watched quietly, but felt the wind blowing again, and the dandelion in his hand left his palm instantly and flew towards the sky.

Goodbye, little dandelion, Lin Fei looked at the direction of flying away, and said silently, I hope you have a pleasant journey.

He gently hugged Lin Luoqing tightly, leaned into his arms, and stopped in his heart - he had finished his journey.

It was almost 11 o'clock when the parents finished copying the path and took the children back to the village chief's house.

The host looked at them and said with a smile, "It seems that our little warriors have completed the task very well."

Tang Jiale nodded cooperatively, and did not forget to tell him, "The village chief, let me ask you clearly, there are no monsters, those monsters are people in disguise."

"Oh." The holder also nodded, "I see."

"Then have you ever met a fairy?"

"I met." Cheng Huiya said positively, "Sister Fairy is so beautiful, give us the pearl."

When the host heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Children are always like this, innocent and innocent, they will deny those bad things in their hearts, and only keep yearning for good things. They don't believe that there are real monsters, and think they are people pretending to be, but they are also willing to believe that fairies are real and not pretending.

It's cute, and it makes people want to care for their pure hearts.

"Then did any of you get the fairy bracelet?"

"Brother Feifei got it." Cheng Huiya said.

The holder turned to look at Lin Fei, who took out the bracelet from his pocket and showed it to him.

"Then it seems that it is our little warrior this time." The host smiled, "The brave little warrior will be rewarded, are you ready to accept your prize?"

Lin Fei did not expect such a link, nodded, and saw a staff member walking over with a box.

Lin Luoqing helped Lin Fei take it, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Doesn't Feifei have a key? You'll know when you open it."

"Key?" Lin Luoqing looked at Lin Fei in doubt.

Lin Fei picked up the pearl bracelet and opened the box with the key on the bracelet. In the next second, a box full of snacks and candies jumped into his eyes.

The other children couldn't help exclaiming in envy.

Ji Leyu also let out a little "wow", and said happily, "It's a lot to eat."

This is the third day of recording, he has not eaten snacks for three days, and now he can finally eat!

Ji Leyu's eyes curled up again.

Seeing that they were happy, the host laughed too, announcing that the mission in the morning was a success, and now the children can go home with their parents!

The children cheered and followed their parents to leave the village head's yard.

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu also followed Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao back.

It wasn't until after two o'clock in the afternoon that Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao were woken up again by the program staff and went to the recording site to record the closing interview.

Lin Luoqing heard the word ending, and realized once again that this show is really over.

When they recorded for the first time, it was snowing heavily and everything was at rest, but now, the willow tree has already sprouted new buds, everything is full of vitality, and spring has arrived.

Time always changes something unknowingly, but it seems like nothing has changed. He is the one who just arrived and is full of curiosity and yearning for him. Ji Yuxiao is also the kind, considerate and self-confident Ji Yuxiao.

Lin Luoqing bowed his head and smiled, and followed the staff to the temporary interview room.

The host has arrived at the meeting. When he saw them, he put a gentle smile on his face and politely asked them to sit down.

"Sleep well?"

"Okay." Lin Luoqing smiled, "What about you?"

"I didn't sleep." The host sighed, "I can't sleep when I think about never seeing Feifei and Xiaoyu again."

Lin Luoqing laughed, "I will see you if there is a chance."


"Of course." Lin Luoqing nodded slightly.

After a few polite words, the two entered into this interview.

"We never asked before, Mr. Lin, why did you and Mr. Ji choose to participate in this variety show? Is it because you want to spend more time with your children?"

"It's one of the reasons, but it's not a reason." Lin Luoqing said softly, "Actually, I didn't want to participate at first, but Feifei and Xiaoyu wanted to come, so we came."

"The two of them want to come, why?" the holder asked curiously.

Lin Luoqing smiled, "Because Feifei wants to make money, Xiaoyu wants to come out to play."

This is not the same as the holder's expected answer, nor is it the same as the netizen's expected answer.

[Hahahaha Feifei turned out to be doing it to make money? 】

[Good guy, this not only has a personality like a boss, but also looks like a boss! 】

[As expected of Mr. Ji, he knew how to make money so early [cover face]]

[Laughing to death, it’s true that it’s so different! 】

【It's the first time I've seen a baby come to record a variety show to make money! 】

[And was exposed by my father hahahaha. 】

【cute! ! Another day of trying to steal cubs! 】

"Feifei want to make money?" The host asked in surprise.

Lin Luoqing nodded, "He wants to give me pocket money."

When he came here, he couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it cute?"

The host nodded silently, that was really cute.

Netizens are envious:

[This is too cute! 】

[Sure enough, the sale of potatoes was not a special case. Feifei and Xiaoyu just gave pocket money to their fathers. 】

[When I think that Feifei's cold face is to send pocket money to my father, I can't help but want to kiss him! 】

【Me too, Feifei and Xiaoyu are so rare! 】

【Qingqing is so happy, I'm so envious! Who is crazy about lemons? it's me! 】

"However, if you ask him, he will definitely not tell you that he is giving me pocket money." Lin Luoqing smiled, "He has never been good at taking credit for his children, so he seldom does anything good for himself, or he is doing it for your own good. Let me tell you. He likes to do it, but he doesn't like it. This kind of child needs the patience of parents, and you need to pay attention to his every move and give him more care."

This sentence was verified in the children's intimate talk session in the afternoon.

"Feifei, why do you want to record the show with dad?" The host peeled an apple for him.

Lin Fei didn't answer, shook his head, and said politely, "Thank you."

The host had no choice but to eat by himself, "Is it for going out to play with the fathers?"

"No." Lin Fei said lightly, "Because I want to make money."

"Why do you want to make money?"

Lin Fei looked at him, speechless.

The host followed the instructions carefully, "It's okay, it's just the two of us here, you can do whatever you want."

But Lin Fei didn't think much of it. He never liked to talk to others. He had a low desire to confide, let alone casually confide in others.

Seeing that he was quiet and silent, the host thought to himself that this is really the same as Lin Luoqing, he really understands himself very well.

"Then if we invite you next time, would you like to come with your father?"

"Is there a salary?" Lin Fei asked him.

"Of course." The host laughed.

Lin Fei nodded, "That's fine."

The barrage instantly burst into laughter:

【Feifei, you really love money! 】

[Who doesn't love money? Is there anyone who doesn't love money? ! 】

[Laughing, Feifei is just like me, only caring about salary. 】

[If you have a salary, that's fine, but if you don't have a salary, you don't have to talk about it! 】

[So I trouble the capitalists not to give me a cake, and I will pay directly, thank you! 】

[Hahahaha that's right. 】

"Then after recording so many episodes, Feifei, is there anything you want to have a little fish with dad?" the host asked, "or is there anything you think they can improve?"

Lin Fei shook his head.

"I don't think there is any need for improvement."


"Is there nothing to think about then?"

"En." Lin Fei nodded.

The host looked at him and felt that he was really a child who rarely talked, in other words, he was also a child who was very good at protecting himself.

"Okay, then you can go and play, and let the little fish come in."

Lin Fei stood up and walked out of the house.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ji Leyu waiting outside.

"What does Uncle Village Chief have with you?" Ji Leyu asked impatiently.

"You'll know when you go in." Lin Fei said calmly.

Hearing this, Ji Leyu walked in curiously.

The host brought him a bag of potato chips.

Ji Leyu chatted with him while eating.

Compared with Lin Fei, hosts and netizens think he is much more lively.

"Why did Xiaoyu come to record the show with his father? Is it for fun?"

"En." Ji Leyu nodded.

"Does the little fish feel happy these few times?"


"Is there anything you want to talk to dad or brother? Or do you want them to improve?"

"No." Ji Leyu finished and turned to look at him, "But I hope Uncle Village Chief you can improve things."

The host immediately sat up, and said humbly, "What?"

"Can you not accept the tablet." Ji Leyu said seriously, "Every time I collect the tablet, I can only read books. Reading every day is really miserable, so I won't accept the tablet next time, even if I only send it for half an hour a day. Okay!"

Holder: ...

Netizens in the live broadcast room laughed:

[As expected of you, Ji Leyu, the king of study-weariness! 】

【It’s only after this season is over, it’s useless, my son. 】

[Poor little fish, who was forced to be scrolled seven times by his brother. 】

[There are more than seven issues, not every volume before [cover face]]

【Not just before, there will be volumes in the future [狗头]】

【That is, after all, he is the only younger brother of King Juan hahaha】

[Crying, weeping for our little fish in advance. 】

The live broadcast room was full of joy, and Ji Leyu ended the truth-telling session in this happy atmosphere.

In the evening, everyone gathered for dinner and chatted around the bonfire.

The adults exchanged work and education experiences, while the children played.

The firelight reflected on their faces, and everyone saw peace and happiness in their eyes. Everyone took a group photo under the starlight to end the entire recording of this season.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao took Lin Fei and Ji Leyu to the car to go home.

Lin Fei looked at the scenery outside the window and listened to the program staff say goodbye to them. He realized that next month, they would never come out to record the program again.

He calculated and found that they went to seven places in total. Every time, he was very happy when he went, and he was also very happy when he came back.

Lin Fei once felt that he didn't like changing places, so he wanted a flower pot and wanted to take root in a place. But now he feels that he doesn't seem to dislike changing places that much, maybe because he already has his own flowerpot.

He would go back, they would go back, wherever he went, he knew, he would go back.

He got off the car with Lin Luoqing, boarded the plane, got in the car again, and rushed towards home.

The road was long, and Lin Fei even slept, but he still felt at ease.

When the car stopped, Lin Fei got out of the car and saw that he was very familiar with home.

"Come back." He heard Lin Luo's clear and bright voice.

Well, Lin Fei said silently, come back.

He came home.

Or maybe, Lin Fei looked up at Lin Luoqing, he was actually at home all the time.

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