MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 342 Extra: Met You, Feifei from the Original Book, Met the current Xiaofei...

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Fan: I met you

Lin Fei read the last word of the contract and signed his name in the lower right corner, it was already ten o'clock, the night was dark, and the crescent moon was hanging high in the window, Lin Fei closed his pen, stood up unhurriedly, He turned off the computer and left his office.

The people in the company had already left, even his assistant and secretary were off duty, and he was the only one who seemed to be tireless, always the last one to leave the company.

When getting in the car, the cell phone rang, and it was his friend who asked him not to come out to play.

Lin Fei replied [No], opened the car door, and got in the car.

His friends had long been used to him being uninterested in anything other than work. After seeing his reply, they didn't ask any more questions, and went to the lively place by themselves.

The world always likes to be lively, but Lin Fei is an outlier.

He doesn't like excitement, socializing, and others approaching him. If it's not like-minded, he doesn't even need friends.

The traffic at night wasn't too heavy, and Lin Fei didn't take too long to get back.

He turned on the light and went straight to the kitchen. He hadn't eaten at this point in his work.

There was unfinished rice in the refrigerator last night. Lin Fei took it out, took green peppers, eggs, shrimp, corn and other ingredients, and simply fried rice for himself.

While eating, he watched the latest financial news. After reading the news, Lin Fei also finished eating. He washed the dishes, took a shower, and returned to his bed.

There was still a science fiction novel he hadn't finished on the bedside table next to the bed, so Lin Fei picked it up and continued reading.

There was no expression on his face, until the hour hand reached the number 1, Lin Fei closed the book, turned off the light and went to sleep.

This is his day, simple and fulfilling.

Of course, fulfillment is what he thinks. In the eyes of others, his life is boring and boring.

A friend once took him to bars, ktv, clubs, yachts and other places that they thought were lively and interesting, but no matter where he went, Lin Fei always had that expressionless look. Excited, lost, oh he won't lose, not fully sure, he won't end at all.

Someone asked him, "Aren't you tired of living like this?"

Lin Fei felt very strange, of course he wasn't tired. How tired is it to live? He likes to live, and he wants to live longer, so that he can see how the world will develop.

"But you don't look like you are enjoying life at all. If the world ends tomorrow, don't you regret that you didn't enjoy it better while you were alive?"

Of course not, Lin Fei thought, if tomorrow is the end of the world, at most he would only want to see what the end of the world will look like, maybe he will regret that he can’t see the end of the world, but it’s just a little regret, just That's all.

In essence, he has no nostalgia and feelings for this world. He has grown up and lived hard since he was young, just to see the world better.

I just didn't want to come by myself, but left in a daze.

Even now, he is famous and rich, and he has no attachment to this world. If one day the end of the world comes, Lin Fei will just wait and see the so-called end of the world calmly and indifferently.

The death of the world has nothing to do with him. He seems to value his personal death very much, but it always makes people feel that he doesn't seem to value it that much.

Lin Fei closed his eyes and, as usual, fell asleep driven by the clock.

Only this time, he had a dream that was different from usual—he dreamed of himself as a child.

It has been a long time since Lin Fei dreamed of his childhood self. It is rare for people to dream of their childhood when they grow up, let alone someone like him who has no attachment to children.

But this time, he actually saw him who was only eight or nine years old when he was young.

He was wearing expensive clothes at first glance, sitting in the classroom, looking down at the book.

Lin Fei didn't understand why he dreamed of Ji himself, just like he didn't understand why he let him wear expensive and exquisite clothes in his dreams.

He clearly remembered that he didn't have many clothes at this time. Lin Luoqing was too busy buying clothes for himself, so how could he spend the money to buy new clothes for him, so he always washed his clothes very clean , so that they look like new.

His material requirements are very low, and he will not be sad because of it, and he will not feel that he needs to make up for it. Lin Fei doesn't quite understand why he would change clothes for his young self in his dream. There is no need, he simply doesn't Care about these.

He looked at it suspiciously. After a while, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. As a young boy, he packed his schoolbag and left the classroom door.

The passing classmates waved to him and said "goodbye, Lin Fei", and he replied "goodbye" faintly, walking all the way out.

When he got to the school gate, he got into a car, and Lin Fei looked at him with even more doubts in his heart.

Why is there still a car?

He knew very well that when he was young, if he was not walking or taking a bus, a private car or a taxi, it had nothing to do with him in the slightest.

He also thinks that he doesn't care about these things, so why in this dream, he specially let himself get into a private car?

Lin Fei was a little puzzled.

Such incomprehension, when he saw Lin Luoqing in the car, he became more and more puzzled.

However, before he had time to think, he saw Lin Luoqing "rubbing" his head when he was young, and hugging him into his arms, "Do you miss Dad?"

dad? Lin Fei felt that his dream was not quite right.

In the next second, he saw Lin Luoqing bowing his head and kissing his young self on the face a few times. Although his young self had disgust in his eyes, he was more indulgent and helpless. He didn't even move, and leaned obediently. Letting him kiss in Lin Luoqing's arms seemed a little happy.

Lin Fei: ...

There is definitely something wrong with this dream.

"Feifei kiss daddy." He heard Lin Luoqing say to his young self.

Lin Fei sneered, dreaming.

Sure enough, the young self did not kiss him.

Only then did Lin Fei feel a little more at ease, but this peace of mind only lasted for more than half an hour.

After more than half an hour, Lin Luoqing and his young self got out of the car together.

Lin Luoqing opened the door of the courtyard of the villa, and dragged the younger himself back. After passing through the yard, opened the door and walked in, Lin Fei saw that the younger himself was taking advantage of Lin Luoqing's bending over to help him take off his shoes. Kissed him on the cheek, then quickly changed into his slippers, and walked through the hallway as if he hadn't done anything.

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei looked at his reddish ears when he was young, and then at Lin Luoqing, who was gentle and completely different from what he had imagined. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

This is obviously not the house where he lived with Lin Luoqing when he was a child, why did they live here?

Why is he so close to Lin Luoqing?

And Lin Luoqing, shouldn't he hate him very much?

Lin Fei couldn't figure it out, he didn't feel that he longed for Lin Luoqing's liking, and he didn't feel that he longed for expensive clothes, private cars and villas when he was young.

He knew very well that in his youth, the only thing he longed for was growth and reading.

Material and wealth are not his focus.

Not even Lin Luoqing.

So why did he appear in his dream, why did he have such a dream, Lin Fei couldn't figure it out.

He followed his young self up the stairs, watched him push away a children's room, and walked in.

"You're back." The person on the bed sat up.

Lin Fei looked at it from a distance, slightly surprised in his heart.

Although the other party is still very young and looks very immature, and is not the same as what he remembered, he still recognized it at a glance. This is Ji Leyu. In order to humiliate Lin Luoqing, he and the dog held a wedding ceremony Ji Le fish.

But now, Lin Luoqing and Ji Leyu live together.

Lin Fei felt a little funny, his dream seemed to be getting more and more "messy".

"En." Xiao Linfei responded softly, "Are you feeling better?"

"much better."

"Then you can go to school tomorrow?"

Ji Leyu fell down instantly, with a weak face, "I think I'm still a little uncomfortable."

Lin Fei: ...

Young Lin Fei: ...

"I'll go to school next week." Ji Leyu's voice was soft, with an innocent face, she looked cute and well-behaved, completely different from the flamboyant and domineering personality in Lin Fei's memory.

"Then you can talk to my dad later."

"Your father came back to see?!" Ji Leyu was pleasantly surprised.

The next second, he heard a knock on the door, and the door was pushed open again, and Lin Luoqing walked in, "Xiaoyu, are you better?"

"It's much better." Ji Leyu immediately shouted energetically.

"Yes?" Lin Luoqing walked up to him worriedly, looked at his expression, "it seems to be better than that."

"Yeah." Ji Leyu nodded desperately.

Lin Luoqing rubbed his hair with a smile, "Then you rest for two days, and go to school after you're fully recovered."

Ji Leyu was ecstatic, and hugged Lin Luoqing, "Dad, you are the best."

Lin Luoqing laughed, "But when you recover, make up for the missing knowledge points."

"Yes." Ji Leyu said obediently.

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei felt that this dream was probably completely opposite to the reality. Ji Leyu hugged Lin Luoqing and called him Dad?

Dad, are you the best?

Are you kidding me?

He will only let Lin Luoqing marry a dog, and then laugh at him as a fool that even dogs hate.

This was a boring and absurd dream, Lin Fei decided to leave.

But he tried several times and found that he couldn't wake up no matter what.

Lin Fei felt a little strange in his heart. Do people know that they are dreaming when they are dreaming?

He now knows so clearly that this is a dream, so is this a dream?

Lin Fei was not very clear.

When he was young, he thought about the story of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie and Mengdie Zhuang Zhou, but he didn't think about it at that time, and it is the same now.

He silently looked at his young self, which was completely different from his memory. He looked at Lin Luoqing and Ji Leyu, obviously expressionless, but Lin Fei knew that he was very happy.

He likes people so much that even if he just stands and looks at them, he feels happy.

It was a feeling he had never felt before.

After all, he has never really liked anyone.

Lin Fei looked at himself quietly for a while, and saw them going downstairs to eat.

When walking to the living room, a person entered the door.

That was someone Lin Fei had never seen before, but he heard Ji Leyu call him "Father".

The other party has the same phoenix eyes as the grown-up Ji Leyu, and has three similarities in overall appearance. If he guessed correctly, he should be Ji Leyu's uncle Ji Yuxiao.

"Are you feeling better?" He saw Ji Yuxiao approaching Ji Leyu, and asked concerned, "Are you still feeling bad today?"

"It's not uncomfortable anymore." Ji Leyu smiled, "You came back so early today."

"That's not worrying about you." Ji Yuxiao pinched Ji Leyu's face, then looked up at Lin Luoqing, "And, your father is back too."

There was obvious liking in his eyes, Lin Luoqing looked into his eyes, and smiled unconsciously, the friendship surged, just as Lin Fei thought, they were indeed a couple.

So what is the situation now?

If Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao got married, what would happen to him and Ji Leyu?

But he doesn't care about these things, this shouldn't appear in his dreams, but should appear in the dreams of Ji Leyu, who has never forgotten this thing after so many years.

It wasn't him who hated Lin Luoqing for rejecting and humiliating Ji Yuxiao—he didn't even know about it.

It was Ji Leyu, who was so worried about this matter that he even used a dog to humiliate Lin Luoqing's Ji Leyu.

So why let him dream, no, see these?

There is absolutely no need.

He has no feelings for Lin Luoqing, and he has long been relieved of his previous feelings. He doesn't feel that he needs to make up for it, and he doesn't want to change it. He accepts everything he encounters frankly, and he doesn't care about Lin Luoqing for a long time.

Everything above is meaningless to him, it should not appear in his own eyes, but should go to Ji Leyu's eyes.

Lin Fei tried to leave this illusory dream again, but still couldn't find a way out. He could only stand not far away, and continued to stare at his young self who hadn't grown up yet.

After dinner, Xiao Lin Feicai went upstairs with Ji Leyu to a bedroom he had never seen before.

This should be his bedroom in this villa, there is no other reason, just because he has a big desk with a small bookshelf on it, and many books on it.

Ji Leyu sat at the desk and read for a while, seemed to be sleepy, and lay down quietly on the desk.

Lin Fei shook him awake and told him to go to bed.

Ji Leyu was reluctant, "I want to accompany you, I haven't seen you all day."

There is an unconscious coquettishness in his words, as if he is very dependent on the other party.

Lin Fei listened, picked up the book, and said helplessly, "I'll read it on the bed."

Only then did Ji Leyu stand up joyfully, and went to bed with him.

He watched Xiao Lin Fei leaning on the bed, Ji Leyu was lying next to him, holding his waist slightly, leaning against his side, and coquettishly said to him, "Touch"Touch"."

"Touch" "Touch"? Lin Fei was a little confused, should I touch it?

In the next second, he saw Xiao Linfei raised his hand and touched Ji Leyu's head, and then Ji Leyu closed his eyes with peace of mind, with a happy face, as if he was being touched by a soft hair ever cat.

Lin Fei: ...

It seems that the relationship between the two of them is far better than he thought.

After a while, Lin Luoqing came in with a plate of dessert in his hand. Probably because he didn't expect Ji Leyu to be asleep, and there was a slight surprise on his face.

"Little fish asleep?" He lowered his voice.

Xiao Linfei nodded, and Lin Luoqing put the dessert on the bedside table, "Then eat it alone, and remember to brush your teeth after eating."

"En." Xiao Linfei responded softly.

Lin Luoqing fondled his hair, said a few words to him, then kissed him reluctantly, and walked out.

Lin Fei stood not far away, watching quietly, wondering when this dream would end.

For three days in a row, Lin Fei was forced to watch his young self in his dream for three days.

He is doing well and having fun.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao remarried, and he and Ji Leyu became brothers in name. They were brothers and sisters, and were favored by their two fathers. Lin Luoqing's love would be more gentle, and Ji Yuxiao was beyond his expectations His father is not such a strict father, and sometimes he even deliberately teases the two of them.

Not only that, Kobayashi even has a study.

A study room with a large ceiling painted as a starry night.

This was the point that surprised Lin Fei the most, and it was also here that he realized that he was doted on. Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao loved him very much.

Otherwise, no one would buy such a large study room for such a small child, with different books placed in different categories.

He looked at Xiao Linfei raising his head, staring at the bookcase in front of him, as if he was looking for some books. He recalled for the first time when he was a child, when he was his age. At that time, he probably wanted a study room too. yes.

They watched "Beauty and the Beast" played by the teacher in the classroom. The male students envied that the beast was a prince, and the female students were happy that the princess was with the prince. But he, he only remembered the study room in the castle of the beast. Such a big and beautiful study.

But at that time, it was extremely difficult for him to finish reading with peace of mind, so how could he be allowed to fantasize about the study room that had nothing to do with him.

However, the little self in front of him has such a study.

It is even full of books, which can be searched and read by him at any time.

Lin Fei felt a little indescribable at that moment, he seemed very relieved, and also seemed a little happy.

What he didn't have, but Lin Fei in front of him had it.

This feeling made him feel a little relieved.

Xiao Linfei turned around and seemed to have finally found the book he was looking for.

He opened the bookcase and reached for the book.

The position of the book was taller than him, and he stood on tiptoe, but he could barely reach it.

Lin Fei looked at it, his heart moved, and he took the initiative to go over and help him take out the book.

It's strange, no matter what he does or how he does it, he can't touch the real thing, and no one else can see him.

But at this moment, he successfully took out the book.

The young Lin Fei turned around and saw a tall and handsome man he didn't know.

Xiao Linfei blinked and stared at his face quietly.

He felt that he should be surprised. After all, the people in front of him appeared in front of him without warning, and it was very dangerous to appear in front of them. He should be terrified and afraid.

But he couldn't be afraid no matter what, he wouldn't hurt him, he vaguely felt so.

"Here." Lin Fei handed him the book in his hand.

Xiao Linfei took it and silently measured him.

He felt that his face was very familiar, he seemed a bit like Lin Luoqing, but he was taller and more heroic than Lin Luoqing.

Lin Fei blinked, and belatedly realized that he seemed, a bit like himself.

Not a bit, but a lot like it.

"Who are you?" he asked softly.

"Lin Fei." The other party said calmly.

Only then did the young Lin Fei show a little surprise, was it himself?

He measured Lin Fei up and down, and asked doubtfully, "Are you me when I grow up?"

Lin Fei was stunned by his question.

When he first met Xiao Linfei, he felt that he was his young self.

But later on, he didn't think so.

They have grown up in different environments, and he doesn't think the children in front of them will grow up to be like him in the future.

He will have a better future, so maybe he is not the grown-up him.

"I don't know." Lin Fei calmly said, "I should be, but maybe not."

The little Lin Fei didn't quite understand what he meant, "What do you mean?"

Lin Fei leaned on the desk behind him, and said softly, "I grew up differently from you."

He said, "Just like the villa you live in now, I have never set foot here before."

The young Lin Fei was a little surprised, but his face was as calm as ever.

He asked, "Then you haven't seen your father?"

"You mean Ji Yuxiao? I haven't seen him before."

"Where's Dad?"

"I don't have a father." Lin Fei said calmly, "If you are talking about Lin Luoqing, he is not my father, he is my uncle in a logical sense, but it is a pity that we did not get along very well, so we talked about it early on. gone."

Did Xiao Linfei realize it sensitively after listening to his words?

"You don't get along well?"

Lin Fei nodded.

"Have you been unhappy?"


Xiao Linfei lowered his eyes, as if he was thinking about it. After a long time, he asked, "Your uncle didn't scold you when he went out in the morning, but he treats you very well when he comes back in the afternoon. He will eat with you and help you." You take a shower and tell you he's married, don't you?"

Lin Fei nodded, "Yes."

The young Lin Fei already knew the problem. He met Lin Luoqing from another world, not his uncle Lin Luoqing, but his father Lin Luoqing, but he didn't meet him when he grew up.

So his life has not changed, they still hate each other, and naturally left each other early.

You didn't get your pot did you?

The young Lin Fei looked at him and suddenly realized the problem.

He suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Fei watched him lower his head, and said calmly, "Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

Xiao Linfei thought for a while, then raised his head again, he didn't know whether to ask again, the Lin Luoqing he met, he didn't meet when he grew up, so he didn't meet Ji Yuxiao, then "You Have you met a little fish?"

"Ji Leyu?" Lin Fei nodded, "I've seen it once or twice."

"Only once or twice?"

Lin Fei nodded.

"Then your relationship is not good." This is a declarative sentence.

Lin Fei smiled and replied, "It's not bad, but it doesn't matter. To me, he is just a stranger."

Listening to this, the young Lin Fei couldn't imagine.

Ji Leyu is so clingy that he likes him, even if someone touches him, he will drive that person away, but when they grow up, they are just strangers.

Can Ji Leyu accept it?

With no one in charge of him, wouldn't his little thoughts and bad intentions come true, and if he wasn't paying attention, he would do things he shouldn't have done.

"Is he bad?" Xiao Linfei asked worriedly.

Lin Fei looked at the concern in his eyes and found it very interesting, "It seems that you also know what kind of person he is."

Xiao Linfei didn't speak, of course he knew, he knew far more than anyone else how much bad water was hidden in Ji Leyu's bones.

"Didn't father find out?"

Lin Fei looked at him, not knowing how to answer him for a moment.

Ji Yuxiao was dead, of course he didn't find out, he didn't have the time and chance to find out.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiao Lin asked curiously, "No?"

"No." Lin Fei gave him a vague answer, "I have never met Ji Yuxiao."

It seems that he didn't find out, as expected of his father, he always only thinks that Ji Leyu is the most obedient child.

Lin Fei nodded, thinking that this is fine, if he doesn't know, he won't be surprised, and Ji Leyu will always pretend to be good in front of him, and won't show too much affection.

"Thank you." The little Lin Fei said softly.

Lin Fei shook his head, "You're welcome."

"Wait for me." Xiao Linfei looked at him, said something to him suddenly, and ran out.

He returned to his bedroom, took his wallet, went to find Lin Luoqing again, and went out with him.

Lin Fei wanted to follow up to have a look, but found that he was trapped in this villa and couldn't get out.

It seems that if Xiao Lin didn't tell him to wait for him, he had to wait for him here.

This dream may not only belong to him, but also to the child who has the same appearance, name, personality, and hobbies as himself, but has completely different experiences.

Lin Fei returned to Xiao Linfei's study, took a book, and sat quietly on the bay window to read.

The bay window is covered with a white plush carpet, and on the carpet, there are a few small pots of cacti.

Lin Fei reached out and touched the thorns of the cactus. It didn't hurt and was very soft, like a child who hasn't grown up and wants to protect himself.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have liked cactus for a while when he was young, but it was a long time ago.

The sun was shining brightly on the white pages, and the aroma of the ink was evaporating. Lin Fei looked at the words on it calmly and recognizably.

He watched quietly for a while before he heard the movement, it was Xiao Linfei who came back.

Lin Fei closed the book and looked back at him.

"I read a book of yours." He said lightly.

Xiao Linfei nodded, and generously did not argue with him.

He closed the door, holding a pot of cactus in his hand.

"Here." The little Lin Fei walked up to him, stretched out his hand, and handed him the flower pot in his hand.

Lin Fei was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't quite understand, and he didn't seem to know what to say.

He just looked deeply at the child in front of him, and many words settled in his heart.

"Why did you give me this?" Lin Fei asked him.

Xiao Linfei's expression was very calm, but there was a slight light in his eyes. He said, "In this way, you will also have your own flowerpot."

Hearing what he said, Lin Fei seemed to have returned to his childhood, and also seemed to have passed through many times and saw his former self.

In fact, he had already given up thinking about a flower pot.

He already has the ability to live with the situation, and has the strength to survive wherever he floats, so he has already accepted that he is like a dandelion, and has already given up the flower pot he once longed for but didn't get.

Maybe some people in this world will be trapped in one place, trapped in their own longing.

But Lin Fei won't.

He is a person with a strong psychological quality. He accepts everything and himself in every period calmly. After finding that he can't have it, he abandons his fantasies without hesitation and continues to be strong without fear. to go.

So his life is tough and tenacious.

But now, the child in front of him gave him a flower pot.

A flowerpot that he longed for at his age but never had.

A flower pot that he had given up and no one knew about it but himself.

Lin Fei looked at Xiao Linfei in front of him, and for the first time smiled happily from the bottom of his heart.

He already has the ability to give others flower pots, and he has grown very well, far better than himself.

Lin Fei didn't expect that he could have such an ability. He was gratified and moved. Suddenly, he remembered the sentence he read in the book he picked up just now when he was waiting for his child: "Your moment Free gift, like a shooting star on an autumn night, ignited a flame in the depths of my life.

He reached out and took the flower pot in the opponent's hand, looking at the simple but strong flower pot, he said sincerely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Xiao Linfei said softly.

"Do you have any wish?" Lin Fei asked him, "I can help you realize it."

The little Lin Fei thought for a long time, and finally said to him, "If possible, can you take care of your father and Xiaoyu for me?"

He said, "I think when I grow up, I will be able to protect my father and take good care of the little fish."

Lin Fei was a little surprised, "Is there no Lin Luoqing?"

The young Lin Fei shook his head.

He said frankly, "Lin Luoqing from your place is not my father."

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei was puzzled.

"My father is not my uncle, but Lin Luoqing from another world. You didn't meet my father, you met my uncle. I don't like my uncle, I only like my father."

Xiao Linfei felt a little regretful, "You didn't meet him."

Otherwise, he would have given you a flower pot when you were young.

Lin Fei finally understood.

He finally knew why everything here was different from his experience.

Lin Luoqing has changed, so everything has changed.

He was no longer the Lin Luoqing he knew, so he didn't reject Ji Yuxiao. He married Ji Yuxiao, raised his young self very well, and gave him a new and complete one.

There are still such things in the world? Lin Fei felt illusory, but he could meet the young Lin Fei in front of him, so is it impossible?

Lin Fei looked at the immature child and asked him, "Do you want to protect Ji Yuxiao?"

Xiao Linfei nodded, no matter when, he wanted to grow up, but the former him hoped that he could protect himself when he grew up, and the later him, hoped that he could protect his people well, Lin Luoqing did not grow up His world in the future, so he hopes that he can protect Ji Yuxiao and Ji Leyu, the only relatives.

Looking at the hope in his pupils, Lin Fei couldn't tell him that Ji Yuxiao was dead.

He was silent for a moment, then agreed, "Okay."

If Ji Leyu needed it, he would help him for the sake of the child in front of him.

Xiao Lin Feishun laughed, "Thank you."

"you are welcome."

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and gently touched his cheek.

His cheeks are immature and soft, he is still very young, and there is still a long way to go, but Lin Fei believes that he will grow up very well, far better than himself.

He looked at the child in front of him gently, and slowly hugged him.

When Lin Fei woke up again, a new day had already begun, and the alarm clock was still ringing persistently. Lin Fei was a little dazed, and reached out to turn off the alarm clock.

It's half past seven, it's time to get up.

Lin Fei sat up, suddenly thought of something and looked down, the bed was empty, and the flower pot that Xiao Linfei gave him did not come here with him.

It stopped in his dream.

Lin Fei felt a little sorry, or rather, very sorry.

He rarely had such emotions. When he was growing up, he looked at everything around him indifferently, and experienced everything with no emotion.

But this time, he was very sorry.

The child was full of tenderness and sincerity, and gave him the flower pot, but he didn't bring it back.

Lin Fei sighed regretfully, and sat quietly on the bed for a while.

On the other side, little Lin Fei also woke up from his dream.

He felt as if he had had a heavy dream, but couldn't remember it.

Dreams are always like this, the dream is very clear, but when I wake up, it is blurry.

Lin Fei thought about it hard, and vaguely remembered something, as if he dreamed of him when he grew up, looking very mature, reliable, and handsome.

Lin Fei turned his head to look at the window sill not far away, looking at his small flowerpot on the window sill. He is always full of hope and expectation for growing up, but now, he is also willing to cherish the days when he was only a child, and cherish the days when he came from The adult love Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao gave him.

——When his mind feels relaxed, he is finally willing to slow down and be a well-loved child who has not grown up.