MTL - I am Trapped on the Same Day for a Thousand Years-Chapter 1 I have slept over 10,000 beautiful girls.

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One second to remember. End ^ Ben. God ^ station. First ^ hair. Mobile phone user input address..m.

"So you said that you have passed more than 300,000 times today?"

"Yes! It’s exactly a thousand years, and it’s just a thousand years ago."

A light-filled bar, in a dim corner, a man and a woman are whispering.

"Hey." Mu's mouth with a smoky makeup hair and five colors (color) shook his head, drunk and laughed. "Is this your means of chasing girls? Make a bizarre story, the means is really old (set t o ), the story is quite interesting."

"I said everything is true." Wu Chen swayed the red wine glass and smiled.

"Really? Not afraid that I will preach for you? We only know, do you believe me?" Mu Hao joked.

"What is it? For me, everything will be reset tomorrow, oh no, exactly, I am a person without tomorrow. When I wake up again, we are strangers." Wu Chen Shrug.

"Cheat! Have you ever tried to stay up late? Don't sleep."

"I tried, many times, but I will fall asleep and can't control it."

"Cut ~ I don't believe you." Mu Hao said that he ignored Wu Chen and looked down at the phone.

She had an appointment with her girlfriends today, and she came to soak together. As a result, she has been here for more than an hour, and her girlfriend has not come yet.

It was Wu Chen who suddenly came over to talk to her. Mu Hao and other boring, and chatted with Wu Chen for a while, did not expect Wu Chen to be a neuropathy, claiming to reincarnation for a thousand years or something.

"Your girlfriends will not come." Wu Chen said a little.

“Hmmm?” Mu Hao looked up and blinked. “How do you know my girlfriend?”

"I have said, this day is repeated for me, I am not the first time to see you, this bar I often come, I know every guest here today." Wu Chen smiled and took a sip of wine.

"Why didn't my girlfriend come? Do you know?" Mu Zhen tried to smear Wu Chen's lies.

"Her boyfriend came back suddenly and gave her a surprise, so she couldn't come." Wu Chen said, looking at the watch. "In a second, she will call you and tell you that she can't come."

"Accurate to the second?" Mu Hao said, looking at the phone time, and then said: "Now it is a night! Good! I will wait for a minute, if she does not call me, see how you edit!"

"Good!" Wu Chen slammed his head and raised a glass of wine against Mu Hao.

Mu Wei and Wu Chen's cup.

"Hey? You just said that you have slept with all the beauty of the city, is it true?" Mu Zhen asked again.

She is also boring, she has no words to read, and it is very interesting to listen to neurotic stories.

"Yes, I have slept." Wu Chen nodded.

"But you only have one day to get to know them, one day?" Mu Yi wanted to smear Wu Chen's lies.

"Of course one day is not good, only individual can, other, I need to understand them first."

"For example, I used five days to fully investigate a girl. Although five days were repeated in time, she didn't know me on the sixth day, but I already knew her interest, professional outlook, etc. Wait."

"So when I met her again, what I showed would make her think that I am her true child."

"In fact, there is a benefit to repeating it. That is, I can make mistakes infinitely. I don't have to worry about leaving a bad impression. Among the many girls I have slept, the most difficult one to catch, I shared 36 days and made countless mistakes. The error is successful."

"You can talk really straightforwardly." Mu said.

Wu Chen’s speech is indeed straightforward. He doesn’t mind being in front of a girl, talking about how much he has slept (female nu) and how to successfully catch up.

Because it doesn't matter, everything will start again tomorrow.

"How many beautiful women have you slept in?" Mu Hao asked again.

"In fact, there is not much. I am very demanding on the value of female ((xing xing) xing). There are tens of millions of people in Donghai City, and there are 10,000 people with more than one value."

"You have slept 10,000 girls? Masses?" Mu eyes.

"Uh huh!" Wu Chen nodded.

"I believe you a ghost, you can make it, shameless." Mu Hao grinned again.

Wu Chen shrugged, still indifferent, Mu Zhen believes that it doesn't matter, he just wants to have a drink today, find someone to talk.


Mu Hao’s mobile phone suddenly shocked. She looked down and saw the news from the news client [Jewelry robbery broke]. She glanced at it and seemed to think of something. He handed the phone to Wu Chen and asked. Look..."

It is the news of the big robbery in the jewelry store.

At 9:30 this morning, the "Jinfu Jewelry" of Donghai City Commercial Street was robbed, and 20 million gold and silver diamond jewels were taken away. Two clerk were injured.

The case was detected in the afternoon, one was at large and three were arrested.

This incident was on the national news and was repeatedly broadcast and pushed.

Jinfu Jewelry is the top three jewelry company in the country. Its headquarters is in the East China Sea. Su Ruiwen, the owner of Jinfu Group, is the richest man in the East China Sea.

"Well, what happened..." Wu Chen glanced at the news.

"News photo, the last one."

"What happened to the last one?" Wu Chen looked again.

The last one is Jin Fu jewelry owner Su Ruiwen shaking hands to thank the police for the photo, standing next to Su Ruiwen is a wavy curly beauty.

This is Su Ruiwen's daughter, Su Qingying, senior vice president of Jinfu Group.

"Su Qingying, you should know, the overbearing female president, graduated from Wharton, has his own luxury brand, and a female (strong qiang) person."

"Know, what happened?" Wu Chen asked again.

"You said that you have slept in all the beauty of the city." Mu Yulian said, "Su Qingying is one of the best women in the East China Sea. It is highly educated and highly intelligent. Even if your aesthetic standards are harsh, her value should be Is it more than above?"

". Points." Wu Chen said, "The whole Donghai city can compare with her, and count one hand."

"Then you slept with her?" Mu Xi still wants to smear Wu Chen's lies, to Wu Chen (set t o).

"Of course." Wu Chen nodded.

"You lied! Today Jinfu Jewelry (fa) has a big robbery. It’s not the police or the reporters all day. How can Su Qingying know you, this stranger? You are too busy!"

"Moreover, Su Qingying ((sex xing) xing) is very strong (strong qiang) potential, notorious, how much to understand her pursuers are not successful, you rely on what day to succeed? Even if you understand her, It's impossible! Haha, nothing to say!"

Mu Hao said with a big laugh and poked the lies of neuropathy. She was very happy.

"I will answer your second question first." Wu Chen said with a smile. "Yes, Su Qingying is indeed very strong, but she has a fatal weakness that is enough for me to easily take it." she was!"

"What weakness?"

"You guess, it's very interesting."

"Cut! If you make a mystery, she is so perfect, there will be weaknesses."

"Then the first question." Wu Chen again said, "Yes, the jewel robbery (fa) is born, Su Qingying certainly has no time to know me, even if she knows me, she will not have heart. ) What happened to me (fa)?"

"That's not what you have? What else do you have to say?" Mu Yi raised his eyebrows and revealed his victory.

"But." Wu Chen pressed his arms on the table and sneaked forward (sh. n) with a smile and whispered. "If I stopped the big robbery (fa)?"

Mu Muyi.

"Today, it is a constant reincarnation for me. I have experienced more than 300,000 times. For myself, I knew a thousand years ago that the robbery will be born today. I have a lot of time. Repeated investigations, do you think it is difficult for me to stop the robbery?" Wu Chen kept smiling.

Mu Zhen said nothing.

"My logic is no problem." Wu Chen said to pick up the glass and gently sip a bite.

"Good! Even if your logic is ok, then I still have a problem!" Mu Yu was not convinced, she was going to make a big move.

"What question, please say."

"Have you slept me? You said that you have known me long ago, have you slept me?" Muham asked, and he licked his hair and gave it up.

"No." Wu Chen shook his head.

"Haha, can't you admit it? Are you afraid that I will ask you, what characteristics do I have on my body? Can you answer it?" Muxi laughed.

"No, you are not worthy, I am not interested in you." Wu Chen faint.

Mu Xiao smile suddenly froze.


Mu Hao patted the table and stood up, biting his teeth. "Do you dare to say that I am ugly?"

"No, no, you are not ugly, but your makeup is too strong, it has been smoked makeup, little girl, I don't know what you look like, but it looks like the bottom is not bad, give you seven points. ""

"You--" Mu Mu quickly exploded.

at this time.

Jingle Bell……

Mu Hao’s cell phone rang, and she glanced at it. She was hit by a girlfriend, and she immediately connected.

"Oh, sorry, Awei suddenly came back and gave me a surprise. I can't go to the bar to find you. I will invite you to dinner tomorrow, hey, hang up first, beep..."


(Month 4 (day ri) to month (day ri))


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