MTL - I am Trapped on the Same Day for a Thousand Years-Chapter 250 So messy?

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Yi language Rong really does not care who has she did not know, the other girl who came in with Wu Chen and Li Ruo Bing, but still dare to face everyone, directly with Wu Chen.

In fact, she has already judged it. Those who come to the party today for dinner should be women of Wu Chen. So she didn’t care twice.

Take care of them!

The proverb is really sweet. I kissed Wu Chen for a few seconds. Just let go, and then smiled softly at Wu Chen, and then he took a look at Li Ruobing. Just look at it - just like it.

She did not use her eyes to provoke Li Ruo Bing, but act b.. See how Li Ruo Bing thought.

Li Ruo Bing can still think about it


It turns out that Li Ruo Bing is really admiring the proverb. Now, naturally, it is gone. I don't want to have too much communication with the proverb.

Zhuang Yudie standing on one side looked at this situation, but there was no feeling, just knowing. In front of this, the 20-year-old woman who is still higher than herself and has a good temperament explosion is also Wu Chen’s "Jiusan"

That's it.

She doesn't know the proficiency of the proverb. There will be no other ideas

Su Qingying and Mu Wei are still looking at each other. Very shocked and relieved

Mu Mu Table (love Qing) is more exaggerated, and the eyes are round and round.

But in fact, the inner impact is even more so is Su Qingying.

She naturally wants to know more than Mu.

people. So her feeling now is. The most incredible thing (love qing)

No matter what (when n), how big a cow ((bi)bi) can not win the proverb. Was taken by Wu Chen!

The atmosphere in the private room is very wrong.

Zhuang Yudie looks at (hot r), Su Qingying and Mu Wei ((bi)bi). Li Ruo Bing no face (love qing).

"Sit down, don't stand, sit down..." Wu Chen was very indifferent, smiled and gestured, and then took two steps to Mu Hao. Sitting next to Muxi, sitting on a chair

Li Ruo Bing, who took Wu Chen’s hand, sat down with Wu Chen on the side: :: Yi Yurong did not grab the position with Li Ruo Bing. She would not be so excessive and would not be so rude.

Zhuang Yudie sits on the other side of Li Ruo Bing

Slang has returned to its original position.

In the final order of siting. Su Qingying, Mu Wei, Wu Chen, Li Ruo Bing, Zhuang Yudie, and Yi Yurong:-: The left side of the burial is Su Shi.

Six people sit around the table

This order is formed by Wu Chen. The reason why he sits next to Mu Xi is mainly because he must be with Li Ruo Bing, and whoever he sits on the other side becomes very special.

Whether it is Su Qingying or Yi Rong, it will lead. I didn't sit on the side of Wu Chen (body sh n), my heart was not right.

Zhuang Yudie did not know them. Wu Chen did not want Zhuang Yudie to come.. It provoked the hostility of other women.

So -= Muyu is the most suitable!

Whether it is Li Ruo Bing or a proverb. I don't think there is any threat to Mu Wei ((sex xing) xing) l Su Qingying, not to mention

Everyone sat down. Li Ruo Bing pulled the paper out of the bag directly, and another hand stretched his hand and pinched Wu Chen's chin and twisted it in the other hand. In the paper, he gave Wu Chen a mouthful: I got the lipstick of the proverb.

(.邬语蓉 looked at Li Ruobing’s move. The face (color) did not change.

When wiping Wu Chen, Li Ruo Bing looked at Wu Chen on the other side, watching Mu Wei == she knew that this is the daughter of Mu Sihai. However, she did not know before that Mu Zhen and Wu Chen had this kind of relationship.

Mu Wei knows that Li Ruo Bing is Wu Chen’s true girlfriend!

This is what Su Qingying told her.

One thing worth mentioning is that Su Qingying already knows that Li Ruobing and Wu Chen officially established (Guan Guan) that l was on the day of Wu Chen’s departure from the East China Sea. Li Ruo Bing and Su Qingying had an appointment to eat. At the dinner table, Li Ruo Bing told Su Qingying that he really loved (love i), no longer pretending to be a lover.

The two also talked about this matter.

The final opinion reached an agreement that the well water is not river water,

Li Ruo Bing’s opinion is that as long as Su Qingying does not affect her and Wu Chen.. then it will be casual. Su Qingying has no opinion on this. Her and Wu Chen’s affairs cannot be made public, but also rely on Li Ruo Bing to fight. Cover it a

The private room is very quiet.

No one dares to speak.

The atmosphere is still not right.

The nature of Zhuang Yudie’s observations (color) does not dare to open his mouth.

Li Ruo Bing wiped Wu Chen's mouth _ and scanned the second table, counting her own

Is there any other woman in Wu Chen?

I don't know, Li Ruo Bing can't judge.

"Just what happened to you. How is this watch (loveqing)?" Wu Chen looks at the smile

Mu Maozhen has not slowed down. The head is like the paste, squatting. Did not answer Wu Chen.

"Are you stupid?" Wu Chen laughed at her. At the same time, he reached out and pinched his face.

Wu Chen is not at all evasive.

Looking at Su Qingying, I understand this in the moment - I understand what it is - a party.

"Husband. You and the niece: - You too..." Su Qingying spoke up. She controlled herself (love qing) and then she (also) smiled, and Wu Chen, and then yelled at the proverb.

"Uh huh." Wu Chen looked directly at Su Qingying and nodded.

Su Qingying called "husband". She saw it and she didn't pretend.

The atmosphere in the private room, along with Su Qingying’s "husband", changed again (fa), relatively speaking. It’s all a lot easier, it’s all Wu Chen’s women’s showdown, nervous (fart pi)

Zhuang Yudie is a bit strange in his mind. He feels:: The private life of the big man, the son of the son, is it so chaotic?

"A la carte," Wu Chen glanced again.

The waiter came in. The western menu was first seen by Li Ruobing and the proverb. After the waiter went out, the waiters went out and waited for the dishes to start chatting.

"How is the company in Qingying? The board has no problem?" Wu Chen asked Su Qingying.

"No, my husband has helped me get it, they don't dare." Su Qingying smiled at Wu Chen.

"Pro (I love i), you didn't say to Qingying _What are we doing?"

"No." Wu Chen looked at Xiaoyu Rong and smiled. - "Call you all today. Just by this opportunity. Re-know-under, after the exemption, there is unnecessary trouble."

"I really didn't expect that Ms. Yu also:" Su Qingying looked at the proverb.

"There is no way, who will let us Mr. Wu, so special." The slang is soft and sweet.

Just talked about it

The center of the conversation is Su Qingying. "Because Li Ruo Bing does not want to take care of the proverbs, the Westerners do not speak. So after the atmosphere is getting better and better, Su Qingying is talking to Li Ruobing and talking to the proverb.

After more than ten minutes.

Li Ruobing is talking to Su Yingying

Mu Hao was kneeling at Wu Chen’s ear and whispering with Wu Chen.

": Miss Zhuang is learning to perform. In the future, I want to be an actor?" The proverb is talking to Zhuang Yudie. She is sitting next to Zhuang Yudie, and it is convenient to speak with Zhuang Yudie q, _.

I have already had the name of Zhuang Yudie before, and I know that Zhuang Yudie is going to college.

Zhuang Yudie is also with Wu Chen. It seems to be unfamiliar with everyone. He never spoke on his own initiative. It seems to be left out. Wu Chen looks at it.: It is very good to be a human being and has a strong communicative ability. Then "care" this point and take the initiative to talk to her.

Jingle Bell...

Someone's cell phone rang.

It is a proverb.

Everyone stopped talking.

"Sorry." Speaking in a slogan, he first slammed his phone out of the bag. Looked at = down, then turned on the ear and said, "Hey, what?"

Is her daughter Song Wei

"Mom, are you eating at Mingzhen House? I saw your car downstairs." Song said.

"Yeah:::." Proverbs Rong first agreed to ten, face (color) will be - the next son is wrong, and asked, "You are downstairs?" At the same time as the question, the proverb Rong looked at Haochen. _

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