MTL - I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time-Chapter 462 4 continental powerhouses are coming

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On this day, many powerful auras emerged from all directions in the Central Plains.

The north, where the Dasha Principality was originally located, has now been occupied by Dazhou, but only a few strong men have been sent to sit in it.

At this moment, in the north of Dasha Principality, there is a big snow mountain separating the north and the south.

Originally, the Great Snow Mountain was a Jedi, and ordinary monks could not cross it.

But at this moment, thunder was rolling on the snowy mountain, and several auras flew down from the snowy mountain.

The complexion of the Da Zhou cultivators sitting in the original city of the Dasha Principality below changed drastically. According to the order given to them at the beginning, they quickly hid themselves and transmitted the situation here back to Zhongzhou City through ultra-long-distance transmission.

In the east, above the sea area, beside the four islands of the Yamato Heavenly Kingdom, there are also many powerful auras appearing, but they directly bypass the Yamato Heavenly Kingdom, and head towards the Central Plains mainland via the sea area.

The auras of the seven powerhouses on the mainland island of Yamato Heaven did not emerge, but there were fluctuations in spiritual thoughts:

"Is it finally here?"

"With so many strong men, Da Zhou is finished this time!"

"Lin Feng, what do you use to resist this time?"

"Don't gloat, Da Zhou is over, I have to think about my Yamato's future in advance, continue to send envoys to contact, don't fall behind!"

In the south, bordering the Central Plains, there is a natural dangerous place, a swampy area full of strong corrosive poisonous fog and full of poisonous insects, known as the poisonous fog swamp.

At this moment, the originally peaceful poisonous mist swirled, and countless poisonous insects were startled.

Many powerful auras flew across the sky, unexpectedly forcibly opening a passage in the poisonous mist.

These powerful auras emerged, but no one was seen, but they had already flown over the dangerous place of the poisonous mist swamp and entered the territory of the Great Brahma Buddha Kingdom.

The faces of the most powerful people in the Great Brahma Buddha Kingdom changed dramatically, but no one vacated to stop them, allowing these powerful auras to pass over the Great Brahma Buddha Kingdom.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the Buddha's horn sounded in Dafan Buddha's country!

"It should come or come, is it a blessing or a curse?"

"It's a disaster that can't be avoided!"

"Da Zhou is over, Lin Feng is over, what should I do, Dafan?"

The same scene is also playing out in the West.

Above the western desert, there are also many incomparably powerful auras emerging, coming straight to the core of the Central Plains via the Great Luo Empire.

The remaining eight powerhouses of the Great Luo Empire were equally horrified.

Everyone has the same feeling that the big week is over.

The three major powers initially discussed to control the Sifang Continent a little bit, so as not to let them come to too many powerful people at once, and destroy the Great Zhou at once.

They want to drive away the tigers and eat the wolves, and wait and see what happens. If one side is stronger, they will take refuge in that side, be a fool, and be ready to end at any time.

But in the end, after contacting the Sifang Continent, soon the Sifang Continent sent out strong people.

But there are too many strong people coming.

These four continents are not controlled by them at all.

This is not going to destroy the rhythm of the Great Zhou, but directly destroy the rhythm of the entire Central Plains.

Of course, the Quartet Continent is not one, and there is still a glimmer of hope in the Central Plains Continent.

But it's also extremely slim.

No matter how strong Lin Feng is, even with Dazhou, Dafan, Dahe, and all the powerhouses of the Daluo Empire, it is still not enough to kill Sifang Continent.

This time it's really over.

Therefore, the three major powers all have the same idea now, and hurry up to contact the mainland power behind each party.

There is no need to wait for Lin Feng to come out of the Bronze Temple, let's make a choice first.

Even if it's a little late, even if it's just a hot face and a cold **** now, it's better than being directly taken over by the Sifang Continent!

At the same time, Dazhou Zhongzhou City was still the meeting room on the top floor of the headquarters of the Night Watch Division. At this moment, the nine strongest men of Dazhou also received information from various directions.

"Northern Emergency Report, there are more than 20 strange and powerful people over the Snow Mountain and heading south!"

"Oriental Express, there are more than 20 strange and powerful people in the sea area, detour to Yamato, and they will land soon!"

"Nanfang Express, there are more than 20 strange and powerful people coming directly to Dazhou through Dafan's aura!"

"Western Express, there are more than 20 strange and powerful people coming straight to Da Zhou through the breath of Da Luo!"

Information from all quarters is here.

Even though the spies were not strong, they still roughly figured out the information.

There are strong people in all directions, even if the number is not accurate, but it is almost clear, there are no less than twenty strong people in all directions.

Taken together, the total number is hundreds.

There are so many powerhouses, even if there was not a single undead powerhouse in the Central Plains.

What's more, after the previous battle, many of them were killed by Lin Feng. Now there are no more than thirty powerhouses in the entire Central Plains. Even with Lin Feng and the eight purple-skinned ghosts, there are only forty.

At this moment, upon hearing this information, Zheng Kaishan's face was ashen in the meeting room, and his whole body was trembling.

The faces of the other Xeons were also extremely ugly.

"How do you fight this?"

"It's useless to have a defensive formation, and it's useless for Lin Feng to come out!"

"It's over, this time it's really over!"

"Hundreds of Xeons, this is not about destroying my Great Zhou, but the entire Central Plains!"

"Sure enough, Lin Feng is right, the real danger has just begun!"

Then, Zheng Kaishan snorted coldly:

"Okay! Don't talk about being discouraged, so what about hundreds of powerful people, I have survived countless crises in the past week, and today you all have the confidence to survive another catastrophe!"

But that being said, even Zheng Kaishan himself trembled when he spoke.

Even he himself didn't believe that this catastrophe could survive.

Even if Lin Feng came out and his strength skyrocketed again, it was impossible to exceed the peak of the Fusion Realm by too much.

But the enemy is hundreds of powerful people, not to mention Yamato, Dafan, and Daluo. Now these three parties are probably ready to take refuge in these four continents.

The nine strongest men of the Great Zhou Dynasty are all veterans of many battles, and they have also experienced the previous fight against three or five strongest men of the same realm.

But now, what they have to face is no longer three or five, but ten or even more f*cking ones!

How can I fight this?

But even in desperation, Zheng Kaishan and other powerhouses still forcibly kept calm.

Zheng Kaishan looked at Wang Fugui's projection:

"Old start the plan, evacuate the army of the Flame Canyon, and abandon the Flame Canyon!"

Wang Fugui was also very eloquent, so he responded directly, and immediately began to execute the order to retreat the army of millions in the Yanhuo Canyon!

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Kaishan looked at the others:

"Guys, let's start the plan. The final plan is to abandon the eight cities and concentrate on Zhongzhou City. The final decisive battle is coming!"

The same is true for the others, without saying much, they all agreed to start implementing the plan.

This time, it was the real time of life and death.

Hundreds of strongest men came to kill, and they would die faster if they opened the battle line.

It's just different from the hasty retreat of the Great Sand Principality at the beginning, which only took away some strong people and gathered together.

There is a large teleportation array arranged by Lin Feng in Dazhou, and the retreat is very fast, even ordinary people can retreat together.

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