MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 276 The Guide of the Fallen Nascent Soul

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  Chapter 276 The Guide of the Fallen Nascent Soul

  Fang Jinyu found out that he actually acts like a locator! And it's not just a normal position, it actually allows this little girl to break through the encirclement and run out without a sound under the premise that the digital harmony realm will join forces to block the door!

  As for why it is said to be silent?

   But it's because... this little girl has already gone to steal the house now, and she plans to take a big part of the other party's world!

  If she is allowed to do it, those few who are in the Dao state will at least end up with serious injuries per capita.

   I'm almost lucky, and it's possible to go into and out of it once.

  So, which secret art of this little girl has something to do with it?

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help thinking about it.

   Is it the way to open up the [Mystery Realm]? Or [I eat a lot, but I am very powerful]? Or [Mother Qingfu, please cover me]?

  However, it may also be [I guess you can't hit me]?

  Maybe it could be [I'm hiding well]!

  In addition to this, [I will really listen quietly for a while] the possibility of this secret technique is also very high! After all, this is a secret technique that Fang Jinyu has become more and more comfortable with recently, and not long ago, it even blocked the return of a demon in the immortal.

  As for [Qing Fu is amazing]...

  Well, definitely not this secret technique!

  Because Fang Jinyu hasn’t practiced this secret technique yet, after all, the cultivation condition of this secret technique is to practice ten Qingfu-type secret techniques to the perfect state.

  With this method, the power of the ten Qingfu-type secret arts can be directly increased by more than a hundred times.

   It is even more incredible than the "Ji Zi Mi" in "Nine Character Secrets".

   But soon, Fang Jinyu couldn't care less about thinking about this, because at that tens of thousands of miles away, his divine sense used as a mark began to be unable to withstand it.

   Then, in the next second, before Fang Jinyu could do anything, he could no longer see the scene over there.

   But his divine sense that was used as a mark was gone.


  Although Fang Jinyu's divine sense is very powerful, it is not strong enough to be able to span thousands of miles, lock it out of thin air, and overlook everything.

The reason why he was able to cross tens of thousands of miles, break free from that inexplicable place in the thunder field, and come to that "ghost gate" was because there was a talisman left by him on those ghost cultivators at that time. make!

  In the situation where those talismans were destroyed in a large number, being able to have an induction with him on the air mechanism allowed him to travel thousands of miles away, relying on virtual reality to switch over.

   "As expected of a woman who took the real heroine script."

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help sighing softly when he thought of the last image transmitted by the divine thought.

That Yi Yuan'er has only just entered the Golden Core Realm, and is only at the first level of the Golden Core, but by virtue of a coincidence, after touching the power of that ancient chance land, she hits a level that is comparable to the ninth level of the U.S. baby. The blow of the shot.

   This kind of attack has already exceeded the upper limit that Fang Jinyu's divine sense can bear! Therefore, even if you have the entry qualifications from the great to the simple, there is nothing you can do.

   After all, one force will drop ten meetings.

  Fang Jinyu's divine thought, no matter how inconceivably powerful it is, in essence, it is just Fang Jinyu's divine thought.

   "However, that ancient opportunity, even if you are the heroine, you can't take it away."

This was given to him by the "+1" talent, and it is not something without an owner. The reason why he left it untouched before was simply that Fang Jinyu wanted to stay and see what kind of people were attracted by this ancient opportunity. Just people.

   And the harvest was really good, and Fang Jinyu met the last heroine all at once! In addition, by the way, I also met someone who was very likely to be the hero.

   This is much more convenient and quicker than searching for a needle in a haystack like he did before, using some old tricks to find someone!

   Immediately, a slightly dim figure with a blurred face was seen walking out of Fang Jinyu.

   And this figure disappeared without a trace when it changed from reality to reality.

   This is Fang Jinyu's virtual body!

  He doesn't have a separate body like other Nascent Soul Realm, not because of what An Ruyin guessed, but because of the special exercises he practiced. That Lei Dao Tian Shu - Lie Que Zhen Jing Jie actually has no restrictions on this aspect.

   In the final analysis, Fang Jinyu didn't separate his avatars because he had enough virtual avatars.

  Besides, these virtual bodies are all obtained through his "+1" talent, so they are much stronger than normal virtual bodies, which makes Fang Jinyu directly lose the meaning of dividing into clones.

   After all, the root of the tenacious vitality of the Nascent Soul Realm is the virtual body, not the avatar! The avatar is just a product of the fact that it is too difficult to form a virtual body, and in desperation, one settles for the next best thing.

  As for other Nascent Soul realms, separate out a clone and stay in the fairy gate as the last means of life-saving.

  That is unnecessary.

  Because if there is such a day, even his body is killed, then the "+1" talent is probably gone. And just lingering on a clone that can no longer cultivate diligently, this is not in line with Fang Jinyu's current practice.

  Besides, most of this avatar will not survive.

  Relying on the breath of the body, the secret method of searching for enemies in the void and killing their clones is a rare technique, but it is not impossible. Even Fang Jinyu is proficient in this.

   This was given to him by the other party after he became a teacher of Taoist Yuanyu.

   After all, after apprenticeship, how can there be a master who really doesn't teach anything? Well, that aspect of a certain gourd doesn't count.

  However, Daoist Yuanyu actually doesn't know how to do this kind of secret technique, because it's too difficult to practice, and he also needs the blessing of a real name in the Dao realm.

  So this led to what was supposed to be an extremely powerful secret method, but it was directly reduced to a tasteless one in the Donghu realm.

  Most Taoist monarchs in the realm of transforming gods directly regard this as a collection.

   Otherwise, Daoist Yuanyu would not have given it as much pleasure as he did at the beginning.

  In fact, originally Fang Jinyu could only regard this secret technique as a collection. But why did he insist on choosing this secret method? That is naturally because other secret methods with the same effect are not only far inferior to this one in terms of power, but also Fang Jinyu does not have the qualifications to practice. After all, he is only a registered disciple with Taoist Yuanyu.

  If there was a choice, Fang Jinyu would not choose this.

  However, since a certain little girl joined forces three times, this secret method is another matter.

   directly became Fang Jinyu's big killer!

  As for why Fang Jinyu didn't cut the roots and kill the clones left behind in the Nascent Soul Realm when he killed those Nascent Soul Realms in Nine Desolation, it was just because he was too lazy to do so.

   rather than can't.

  After all, his main target at that time was still those three God Transformation Realm from the underworld!

  The Nascent Soul Realm no longer poses a threat to him.


  Stepping out from the void, Fang Jinyu's empty body took away the ancient opportunity here as soon as he raised his hand.

  After all, the body is empty, and if most of the body arrives.

  The strength is between the ninth level of the Nascent Soul and the transformation of the gods, and with this kind of strength, it is naturally easy to take away a piece of opportunity.

   What surprised Fang Jinyu was that this ancient chance was actually related to fallen immortals.

   "What Cang met in the real world seems to have the shadow of a fallen fairy. Not surprisingly, it was the woman Cang met who obtained the object of the fallen fairy and thus mastered the power of the fallen fairy."

  Fang Jinyu thought about it carefully. Su Yier seemed to be the same at the time. Although she didn't know why she was condemned by heaven in the end, judging from her active appearance to defend those ashes immortals, this person probably had something to do with fallen immortals.

  After all, the source of the Nine Desolation's fallen Nascent Soul is the Fallen Immortal!

   "Speaking of which, the fallen Yuanying Wuyuan once came to Tianlingmen to find a solution as described in the strange book. At that time, my brother told me not to talk too much about it. Perhaps my brother knew some secrets about this."

  With this in mind, Fang Jinyu let the virtual body return, and at the same time cast a spell to contact the ancestor Meng who was far away in the dark place.

  This method of cross-boundary connection is a great burden for other Nascent Soul Realms. But for Fang Jinyu, since his Jindan was accidentally "half a rank higher" than Dancheng's first rank, his mana has been several times that of those of the same realm.

   This is still compared with other practitioners of Tiangong Xianjing.

  Golden Core Realm can be said to be another way of laying the foundation, which determines the upper limit and strength of a monk in the future, which is the foundation of Taoism. If not, it is just a Chengdan, and there is no need to divide the theory of nine ranks.

   And being "half-rank" higher than the first-rank Jindan, undoubtedly made Fang Jinyu's foundation of Dao reach a certain limit!

   Soon, as a cloud of black mist emerged out of thin air, the figure of Patriarch Meng emerged from the black mist, but only three inches high, looking like a Nascent Soul.

   But in fact, this is just an incarnation of the ancestor Meng.

   Transforming into a **** state, one body is immortal, and all bodies last forever!

   "Junior brother, what happened to Jiuhuang?" Patriarch Meng asked hastily as soon as he appeared.

  The reason why he can safely go to the dark place and continue his studies, besides taking Nangongli with him, in the final analysis, is because Fang Jinyu sits at the Tianlingmen.

  Although Fang Jinyu is only at the ninth level of Nascent Soul, he is only stronger than weaker than him at the first level of Tianyi Huashen.

   Forcibly conquered three god-transforming realms from the underworld!

   This reassured Meng Patriarch.

   "No, it's just that I got something by accident." Fang Jinyu said this, and the object of the fallen fairy was also taken by the empty body, and it appeared in front of the ancestor Meng.

   This is a black hairpin.

   It's just that it seems to be inlaid with infinite gems, so that this hairpin becomes a bit majestic. Just looking at it, there is a feeling of overwhelming wealth and extravagance rushing into my heart.

  However, under this extravagance, there is still a luxurious and decadent ancient atmosphere hidden.

  This breath is black and white.

  Just as soon as it appears, it has the terrifying power to turn the whole world into black and white!

   But at this time, this immeasurable power was contained.

  Dozens of imprisoning immortals have blocked it heavily, so that the breath of the fallen immortal cannot be released at all.

   "This seems to be related to those fallen Nascent Soul..."

  Meng Patriarch just took a cursory look, and couldn't help showing a little shocked expression.

   "Indeed, senior brother, how much do you know about the fallen Nascent Soul?" Fang Jinyu nodded.

Because of his intervention, Su Yier's biography of the fallen Nascent Soul that should have appeared many times disappeared without a trace. In addition, there are several places in Su Yier's biography that are not in line with reality, so Fang Jinyu is not sure that he came from the strange Whether the information obtained in the book is true or false, or half and half true.

   "Do you still remember that a man named Wuyuan came to you at that time, and I told you not to care about it?" Ancestor Meng asked about it.

   "Of course I remember."

"At that time, I was already on the ninth floor of the Nascent Soul, and even half of my foot had stepped into the God Transformation Realm, but the restriction of the Nine Desolation made it impossible for me to enter. That Wuyuan was the first fallen Nascent Soul who came to me , she wanted to be my guide, but I didn't agree. Later, I don't know what happened to her, and her strength fluctuated..."

   "So senior brother, you don't know much about the fallen Nascent Soul?" Fang Jinyu heard the meaning behind what Old Ancestor Meng said.

"I used to think that I knew a lot about the fallen Nascent Soul, but after going to the Dark Land, I found that what I knew about it may be wrong without exception." Ancestor Meng was embarrassed, It is also extremely dignified.

  After all, there is a Fallen Immortal in Nine Desolation, which is not good news!

   Those fallen Nascent Souls are not afraid, they are afraid of the initial guides of those fallen Nascent Souls appearing!

"What does the Dark Land say about the Fallen Nascent Soul?" Fang Jinyu couldn't help asking. Although he had been to the Dark Land several times, the first time he was tricked into being unlucky, and the second time he went to the Black Dragon to "wish". With the half of the problematic luck, I exchanged for Ying Ye's dragon body. As for the third time after that...

   He got into trouble with a Daoist from the Dark Land, which made him dare not go again.

"Junior Brother, the name of the Fallen Nascent Soul is actually not accurate. The correct term is Fallen Immortal. There is only one description about Fallen Immortal, and that is—what you think you know is just that Fallen Immortal wants you to know." Yes." Meng Paozu said in a serious tone, which was the fundamental reason why he didn't dare to say more about it.

  Even he doesn't know whether what he knows is true or not. If he tells this, wouldn't it be a cause of misleading?

  Fang Jinyu nodded.

  The Fallen Immortal is so mysterious, even a little weird and inexplicable, which is not too shocking.

  After all, if the Fallen Immortal was simple and ordinary, then he would not be entangled with those characters who want to return from the dead so frequently!

   Obviously, the Fallen Immortal was gaining something from it.

  Thinking of this, Fang Jinyu couldn't help but have a thought: Are those great powers who have successfully returned with the power of fallen immortals really the same as before?

  After all, leaving aside the other things, this fallen fairy is clearly extremely corrosive!

  Fang Jinyu remembered that when he was using Qingfu's secret technique to fuse the gourd magic weapon with the ability of melting soldiers and refining the body, he once glimpsed a corner from the source of the fallen fairy.

   "There are embers in the heart, and only one abandons and mourns for the end."

  Short eight words, but it contains an alternative way of longevity, and a little bit of spiritual practice, which has a great influence on Fang Jinyu.

  At least one-tenth of the method of ghost cultivation he created originated from these eight characters.

  (end of this chapter)

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