MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 289 The fairy gate who is ready to kill chickens and monkeys, the demon who collapsed in the middle way

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  Chapter 289 The fairy gate ready to kill chickens and monkeys, the magic of the collapse of the middle way

  These little blue dots flashing electric light mark the heavens and the earth.

  When a cultivator who has not survived the thunder disaster but has broken through the great realm appears near Fang Jinyu, these small blue dots will appear to guide Fang Jinyu's route so that he can quickly find him.

   And when will it come out, the first time like this will give Fang Jinyu a preparation time, and then come out again.

  Wait until Fang Jinyu's "working hours" have been long, or his "performance" is very good, when these heaven and earth marks will appear, it is all in Fang Jinyu's mind.

   And at that time, Fang Jinyu can also get the privilege of condensing the "Virtual Image of Thunder Tribulation".

   But what is more embarrassing is that this "Thunder Tribulation Phantom" is not even a chicken rib for Fang Jinyu, a cultivator in the realm of transformation.

  Transformation into the realm of the gods, where the body is, the vision manifests itself.

  It’s just that the seven-colored clouds that Fang Jinyu manifested in the previous world are more powerful than this "Virtual Image of Thunder Tribulation", and the effect is even more miraculous.

Of course, this is because Fang Jinyu's perfect transformation into a **** is so beloved by the world, but after Fang Jinyu estimated it, he found that the "Thunder Tribulation Illusion" that took at least decades of hard work to condense, its power is probably equivalent to Yu Yuyue turned into a god, in the early stage of turning into a god, it looked like he was hitting with all his strength.

  For Yuyue Huashen Transformation Realm, it can be regarded as a big help in the early stage.

  As for the Immortal Clothes Transformation God, it can be used in the early stage.

  It is completely useless for perfecting gods!

  That's why Fang Jinyu jokingly called himself a freelancer for the world.

   "Speaking of it, the sensing distance seems to be only ten miles in radius. How can there be so many in such a small place?" Fang Jinyu glanced at these heaven and earth marks, and couldn't help being surprised.

   It can only be said that the Miu Miu Lightning Avoidance Origin Crystal is amazing enough!

  It's just a sixth-class treasure of heaven, material and earth, but it has such an incredible effect.

   "If there were no immortals suppressing it, this Miu Miao Lightning Avoidance Origin Crystal, completely occupied by any immortal sect, would be able to sweep the entire realm!"

  Fang Jinyu was thoughtful.

  If the process of breaking the broken pill into a baby can be assisted by enough pills and strange things, then even if the cultivation method of oneself is not perfect in the current state, it can be passed smoothly.

  But the subsequent thunder disaster will not be so easy to survive!

  Because the Broken Pill Chengying cultivator who forcibly broke through like this, basically has no resistance when facing the thunder calamity, and it shatters clean when touched.

  The powerful heaven and earth of Immortal Dao will give this kind of monks the chance to reincarnate three times.

  The chance of reincarnation here refers to the fact that the next three reincarnations can all have spiritual roots, and the aptitude of spiritual roots is very good. In addition to this, past life memories will also surface from time to time.

  But in the world where the immortality begins to weaken, this kind of monks will not be treated so well...

   If you die, you die, there is no chance to start over!

  For example, this is the case in the Donghu boundary.

  The immortality of the "Thousand Regions" Great Realm has entered its later years, and the Donghu Realm, as a part of this great realm, is naturally unavoidable.

  Na Yuan Tuo Ancient Buddha Realm will have two hearts, colluding with a certain little girl, cutting himself cleanly, leaving the immortal protection of the "Thousand Regions" world, and falling into the lower realm, probably because of this to some extent.

  Although Tiandi has no self-awareness, it also knows the pros and cons.


  At this time, news spread that the Shenhua Xianmen had established a new Hall of Heaven and Man to welcome Han Feiyu Daojun back to the throne, and was in charge of the Shenhua Xianmen Neizhen and Dan Dao.

  It is related to the top immortal sect of Shenhua Immortal Sect, so the news naturally spread quickly.

  Although the territory of the Donghu is very large and there are many dangerous places, but as part of the "Thousand Regions" world, there were even immortals preaching the Dharma in ancient times, and the various methods are naturally miraculous.

   What's more, for ordinary monks, it is extremely difficult to send a ten-thousand-mile letter, but for these immortal sects, it is just a thing that they can send as much as they want.

   Because of this, all kinds of information about Han Feiyu can be said to have been piled up in front of the heads of the major immortal sects in the first place.

But to the surprise of these leaders, there is so little information about this "Han Feiyu Taoist Lord", even if they have enough horsepower, they can only find out that this "Han Feiyu" smuggled from the lower realm He came up, and then joined the Shenhua Immortal Sect because of a misunderstanding, and then seemed to have been burying his head in hard work, until he became the registered disciple of Yuanyu Daojun, encountered an unexpected catastrophe, and disappeared strangely.

   And when "Han Feiyu" came back, he was already at the early stage of transformation, and his power was even more astonishing.

   But the only fortunate thing is that this "Han Feiyu Taoist Lord" should not be very strong.

  Because along the way, although "Han Feiyu" released the coercion of the God Transformation Realm, the low-level monks he met did not even get injured!

  Most monks were just taken aback by the sudden coercion, and then had no other influence.

  As for the seven-colored clouds, only by experiencing it can we know the power of this vision, so it was directly ignored by the heads of these immortal sects.

  After they sorted out the information, they submitted it.

The heads of the immortal sects in the Donghu realm, like the Nine Desolation Immortal Sect, are not the strongest of the various immortal sects, but unlike the general tool people of the Nine Desolation Immortal Sect, this immortal sect in the Donghu Realm There is no doubt that the door needs to be stronger.

  At least, if you don't enter the late stage of Jindan, you are not qualified to be the head of the sect.

Guiming Xianmen, this is one of the "Twelve Lands" of the "Five Immortals and Twelve Lands" in the Donghu realm. It is usually the most low-key. The strength of Ming Xianmen will continue to be hidden!

It was also during the catastrophe of the demonic infestation that the monks of the major immortal sects in the Donghu Realm discovered that apart from the top powerhouses who did not have the ninth level of the God Transformation, the monks of the God Transformation Realm in the Guiming Immortal Gate already had There are as many as eight!

  A Yuyue Huashen is a veteran Daoist of the Huashen Realm. Like Qi Hesheng, he has also practiced for more than 4,000 years, but this person's cultivation has already reached the 5th level of Huashen!

  However, the other seven are just minor perfectionists.

   Even so, with such a strength of the immortal sect, if the five "juan kings" hadn't suppressed them before, this Guiming immortal sect had already begun to challenge the position of the five top immortal sects.

   Now, without those five people, Guiming Xianmen naturally took that step.

   This time, it was Gui Ming Xianmen who took the lead in getting Miao Miao to avoid Lei Yuanjing. After having enough strength, no one is willing to continue to lie down and be small.

   "This Han Feiyu is probably also Yuyuehuashen..." Regarding the information submitted by the head of Guiming Xianmen, this veteran Yuyuehuashen of Guiming Xianmen only gave a brief reference.

   Even guessed the strength of "Han Feiyu" a little higher.

   But there is no guessing how high.

  Gai because in the eyes of the veteran Yuyue Huashen of Guiming Xianmen, the cultivation years of this newly promoted "Han Feiyu" at the same level are really too short.

   Most likely not even five hundred years.

   In such a short period of time, no matter how talented a person is, he can't complete the transformation into a god! This is because there are two basic prerequisites for Tianyi Huashen, one is to achieve perfection in the cultivation method, and the other is to temper one's own mana to a flawless state, and both of these are very time-consuming!

   If there is no seven or eight hundred years, don’t even think about it!

   "Since there is only one more Yuyuehuashen, then the Shenhua Immortal Sect should come down from its former position..." the veteran Yuyuehuashen said indifferently.

  He is not only Yuyue Huashen, but also a 5th level of Huashen. To deal with a new Yuyue Huashen of 1st level of Huashen, isn't it easy to catch?

   After all, what he practiced was the immortal scriptures passed down in the Guiming Immortal Sect.

   Moreover, in addition to this, they actually have hidden strengths in Guiming Xianmen!

   "What Master said is very true. The Shenhua Xianmen used to rely entirely on that Daoist Xia Yi." Opposite this old Yuyuehuashen, there is still one person sitting at this time!

  This person is also in the realm of transforming gods, but his aura is still fluctuating greatly, it seems that he has just broken through not long ago, and has not yet consolidated his cultivation, let alone comprehended the magic of the primordial spirit.

   And this one is the hidden strength of Guiming Immortal Sect—a new Yuyuehuashen!

  The name Yao was born!

It was Guiming Immortal Sect's veteran Yuyue Huashen's closed disciple. After he started, he entered the Guiming Immortal Sect's Patriarch's Secret Realm. He practiced for more than 700 years. To step out of the secret realm.

   It can be said to be extremely forbearing!

  The two Yuyue Transformation Gods and the seven Little Perfection Transformation Gods, the strength of Guiming Xianmen can be said to be the number one in the Donghu realm at the moment.

"Shenhua Immortal Sect is in a hurry, but we don't need to be in a hurry. Tiansheng, I have an ancient Qidan here, you take it first, this pill can help you realize the magic of the primordial spirit." The old Yuyuehuashen looked at Yao Tiansheng felt extremely relieved, so he flicked his hand, and suddenly a stream of light turned into a jade box and landed in front of Yao Tiansheng.

Although Yuyue Huashen is stronger than Xiaoyuanhuashen, but as the bottom of the list of the method of transforming gods, after achieving Yuanshen, there are only more than ten strands of divine consciousness, so Yuyue Huashen wants to fully understand the magic of Yuanshen , It will take hundreds of years of hard work!

However, Guiming Immortal Sect naturally has its background. At this time, the ancient Qidan brought out by the old Yuyue Huashen is one of them. It can help a new Huashen quickly understand the magic of Yuanshen, saving hundreds of years. time.

   "Thank you, Master!" Yao Tiansheng was overjoyed when he took the pill.

  Having practiced in the Patriarch’s secret realm for many years, he has also heard of this ancient Chidan, and knows how much it is cherished. He is not qualified to take it for ordinary small perfections.

   This is because the formula of the ancient Qidan has not only been lost long ago, but this Qidan was originally handed down from the Immortal Realm.

  When the ancestor of Guiming Immortal Sect got the Guiming Immortal Scripture, he also got this ancient Qidan. At that time, it was a whole bottle and a pair of pills, but now there are only a few ancient Qidans left.

   After all, it’s just sitting and eating.

After obtaining such a precious thing, Yao naturally had to express his opinion: "Master, please rest assured that Han Feiyu, the son of Lao Shi, is also a fish leaping into a god, but most of them have not yet realized the magic of the primordial spirit. At that time, the disciple will definitely Kill him once in public! Give me the first victory for Guiming Immortal Sect to climb to the top of the five great immortal sects!"

  Yao is born with a strong promise and full of self-confidence.

   After all, he got this ancient Qidan. After he realizes the magic of the primordial spirit, in addition to being able to completely master the ability of transforming gods, his magical powers will also increase in power!

  If it was Little Perfect Huashen, he could crush three or five dozen by himself!


  The veteran Yuyuehuashen nodded, his tone was still calm, but he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

  For Yao Tiansheng, a closed disciple, the veteran Yuyue Huashen of Guiming Immortal Sect, he is naturally extremely satisfied. After all, how many fishes can transform into gods from all the fairy gates in the Donghu realm?

   Up to ten people.

   And they belong to Ming Xianmen, and now they account for one-fifth.


  At this moment, Fang Jinyu naturally didn't know that someone was already planning to "kill chickens and monkeys" against him.

   But even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

  The power of the perfected **** can only be known by the perfected god.

  For example, at present, if one of the four god-transformers of Shenhua Xianmen hadn't held a fake fairy treasure that matched its attributes, Fang Jinyu would have killed them all in a moment.

   And there is that fake fairy treasure... This is not just as simple as being tricky, it is very likely that Fang Jinyu will not be able to deal with the other party.

  Once a fake fairy treasure matches the attributes of a person who has transformed into a god, the power that will erupt from the combination of the two is still very terrifying.

  Even if it is a perfect transformation of a god, it must be avoided.

  For example, if the fake fairy treasure "Cultivation of Death Knell" from the underworld can match Fang Jinyu's attributes, Fang Jinyu will dare to fight against the person who is on the road to enlightenment.

   It's a pity that it can't, so Fang Jinyu took it to suppress the "ghost gate" that opened in the nine wastelands in the underworld.

  At this time, Fang Jinyu was looking up classics and records of knowledge, in order to know what changes had taken place in this realm during the two hundred years since he left the Donghu realm.

  Before he learned some, but not all.

  Because Yuanyu Daojun and the others, after reminiscing with him, only told him that "Master Xia" had gone to another realm, and that the power of the Shenhua Immortal Gate was being provoked.

   "Magic infestation and catastrophe, is that the end of anticlimax?"

  Looking at the records in his hands, Fang Jinyu couldn't help showing a bit of consternation.

   It's no wonder that when he came back to the Donghu Realm this time, he felt that there was nothing unusual about the disciples of the Shenhua Xianmen.

  He originally thought that it was because Lin Xian'er was successful in cultivation, so there was no need for the whole world to follow her "Qian Zhi", but he didn't expect that Lin Xian'er didn't make her mark in this Donghu realm!

   Moreover, not long after he encountered an accident and went to the realm of Yuan Tuo Ancient Buddha together with those low-level disciples of the Shenhua Immortal Sect, the magic infection disaster disappeared!

   "Senior sister, how did the magic disappear?" Fang Jinyu approached Taoist Yuanyu to ask.

   After all, relatively speaking, he is the most familiar with this person.

   "Junior brother, you mean the disaster of demonic infection more than two hundred years ago, right?" Daoist Yuanyu was taken aback for a moment before remembering what Fang Jinyu was talking about.

   After all, hundreds of years have passed.

  (end of this chapter)

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