MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 300 There is also an organization for thunderstorms?

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  Chapter 300 Thunderstorms are also organized?

  Rewards offered by heaven and earth have existed since ancient times.

  When something that shakes the world and weeps ghosts and gods appears, it will definitely arouse the jealousy of the sky.

  But this day's jealousy does not come from God's will.

Because when this piece of heaven and earth successfully proves the Tao and enters a higher realm, it will no longer have anything to do with this side of the world, but the other side's Tao and will of the soul have been perfectly reproduced by this world .

  So, the Heavenly Jealousy that just appeared in the Donghu Realm, to be precise, is the Immortal Jealousy!


  At this time, Fang Jinyu had already mastered this "Ling" fairy talisman, and he couldn't help being a little bit surprised, because the power of this "Ling" fairy talisman was far more terrifying than the fairy talisman he had mastered.

  Even the "wind" fairy talisman that he comprehended with the dragon body of the Dao state, its power is far inferior.

  Because as long as he holds the fairy talisman of "Order", Fang Jinyu's next words and deeds will carry the power of the law.

  For example, if he said "Flying Snow", even in the hot summer season, there will be snowflakes falling all over the sky!

   This is already the ability of the Dao Realm.

  What's more, unlike other He Dao realms, Fang Jinyu is not limited by heaven and earth. No matter which realm or realm he is in, he can master this kind of power of "speaking and following the law".

  That is...Fang Jinyu is currently afraid to use this power of "speaking and following".

Because it is really necessary to reverse the seasons and celestial phenomena of a realm, even if he is half a rank higher than a first-grade golden elixir, coupled with the unparalleled Dao foundation created by the perfect transformation of the gods, he will not be able to withstand the mana of this level of power loss.

   That was not enough to take his whole body away.

  At least, you can only try it a little after you reach the fifth or sixth floor of Huashen. And if you want to show your power, you have to go to the ninth level of God Transformation!

  Cultivation is the foundation of a monk after all.

  With this in mind, Fang Jinyu was ready to set up an alchemy formation. He is now the master of the Tianren Temple of the Shenhua Immortal Sect.

  It is impossible to refine the elixir of the God Realm with the alchemy furnace, even the top-level magic weapon of the five legal domains. This kind of elixir requires the help of the power of heaven and earth to successfully refine it.

   But it's not that the alchemy furnace is completely useless, at least the stone tripod that Fang Jinyu bought through "Xianyu Xianqu" can still play some auxiliary role.

  Especially the accelerated alchemy time is still effective.

As for Fang Jinyu's big movement, it is impossible for the other four members of the Shenhua Immortal Sect to know about it, but these four didn't say much, because they didn't know what kind of elixir Fang Jinyu was going to refine, so the elixir The fragrance filled the air, giving birth to the vision of thousands of clouds and clouds, which caused the aura of the place to boil, and after it became extremely strong in a short period of time, the four of them couldn't sit still.

  Thousands of dollars, thousands of methods, and thousand panacea!

  Such an astonishing vision, and it can also induce changes in aura, and only this kind of elixir is quite famous among the group of Taoist Lords in the Transforming God Realm!

Although Shenhua Xianmen has collected a lot of elixir in these years, because there are five god-forming realms, and in the past few years, they have mainly supplied Xia Yi, so that the four Daojun Yuanyu and Qi Hesheng In the hands of the Taoist Lord of the God Transformation Realm, he didn't even have the elixir to make a pair of pills for the God Transformation Realm.

  Although after Xia Yi stepped into the ninth level of Huashen, he no longer needed the elixir, but how could the elixir grow so fast? What's more, there are many elixir, which can only depend on personal chance, and cannot be planted at all.

  Even if it can be planted, it will take at least ten thousand years for a elixir to fully grow and reach the rank of ninth-class heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

   It can only be said that even if it is cultivating immortals, it will die from drought and die from waterlogging.

   Those who can eat enough will always be the top!

   The rest, even if you are close to the other party's level, you can only eat some of the rest.

Therefore, after some hesitation, the four Taoist monarchs of the Shenhua Immortal Sect found Fang Jinyu, and wanted to exchange two elixir of eighth-class natural materials and earth treasures with Fang Jinyu for a thousand-yuan, thousand-dharma, and thousand-spirit pill .

  The reason why it is the eighth class, not the ninth class, is because they each hold a pair of main pills in their hands, and those ninth-class elixirs of natural materials and earth treasures cannot be less.

At the beginning, Ye Kuiyi, the head of the sect, could have several kinds of spiritual objects of the ninth-class level of natural materials and earth treasures, mainly because he had the status of the head, which was also supported by the Shenhua Xianmen. Besides, those spiritual objects The attribute does not fit Yuanyu Daojun and the others, nor is it what they need for alchemy.

   "Several senior brothers and sisters are polite, and the elixir is unnecessary. These four elixirs are considered a part of Han's heart."

  Fang Jinyu agreed, and he didn't want the elixir. He gave each of them a thousand yuan, a thousand methods, and a thousand elixir for free. Yuanyu Daojun and others were naturally overjoyed when they heard the words.

   Then, just after they left, Fang Jinyu flicked his sleeves, and there were four small blue dots.

  Sweeping his eyes, after seeing the specific directions of the four small blue dots clearly, four virtual bodies came out of Fang Jinyu's body, and then ran towards the four directions.


  Qi Wenhe, a member of the Qi family of Shenhua Xianmen.

   It is the Qi family of the "Five Lords" among the "Five Lords, Seventeen Kings and more than two hundred subjects", that is, Qi Hesheng's family.

   Therefore, with such a background, even if Qi Wenhe only has the aptitude of the four-attribute spiritual root, he has cultivated all the way to the Nascent Soul Realm!

Although he didn't have a fairy seed, and he didn't survive the thunder disaster, when he formed the alchemy, even if his father and grandfather tried their best for him, he could only reach the fourth rank of the alchemy, but he did get the Nascent Soul Realm Lifespan!

  However, because he did not survive the thunder tribulation, although he has mastered the ability to gather and disperse from the heart, he cannot switch from reality to reality.

  Of course, this is not an important matter to Qi Wenhe!

   After all, his ancestors are there. Even if Qi Wenhe goes to other fairy sects, as long as he doesn't offend the top fairy sects in the Donghu realm such as Yaochi Tianmen and Lan Xingshan, who would dare to provoke him?

  Don't say kill him, even if you hurt him!

  So, Qi Wenhe gave up his practice after the Broken Pill became a baby and successfully concealed Lei Jie by relying on Miao Miao's Lightning Avoidance Yuanjing. And his father did not persecute him as before, after all, even with his father's status, he could no longer provide him with a large amount of pills like he did when he was in the golden core state.

   "Let me tell you, I, Qi Wenhe, can be what I am today because of my own efforts and the hard work of my family for thousands of years! You have only practiced for a few hundred years, so why compare with me!"

  Qi Wenhe was mocking an ordinary immortal disciple who was talented.

  Because this disciple stole a lot of his limelight when he was in the Golden Core Realm, which made him unhappy for a long time!

That ordinary immortal disciple is still in the Jindan realm right now. After being so humiliated by Qi Wenhe, he dared not say anything more. His family, that is something he cannot afford to offend!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Seeing this, Qi Wenhe immediately laughed with great pride.

  Because he knows that even if other people know what's going on in their hearts, those who are qualified to refute will not bother to talk about him, but those who are not qualified... Naturally, they dare not even speak.

   Moreover, once you tell too many lies, it might become true! At that time, maybe there will be some fools who don't know where they come from to agree with him and complain for him?

  Although Qi Wenhe's character is not very good, but because of his good background and high position, he can see many things clearly.

  But at this moment, a shadowy figure like a phantom quietly appeared in front of Qi Wenhe. However, the strange thing is that none of the people present could see it.

  The hazy, phantom-like figure glanced at Qi Wenhe, then tapped lightly.

  Suddenly, a little thunder fell!

  The thunder light fell even more silently, even if it entered Qi Wenhe's body, Qi Wenhe didn't feel the slightest.

   Immediately, this hazy phantom figure left, and Qi Wenhe returned to Qi's house in a happy mood after mocking the Jindanjing and sending him to a dangerous mission.

   Then, he was gone.

  A flash of lightning instantly turned Qi Wen and the whole person into nothingness.

  Suddenly, the entire Qi family was alarmed.

   "Thunder Tribulation!"

"how come?"

  The arrival of the Nascent Soul Realm, after a careful induction, all of them have a huge change in their faces. Because this incident was too weird, and the one who died was another direct descendant of Nascent Soul Realm, so Qi Hesheng was invited out in the end.

   "This is indeed a thunder disaster..."

  Qi Hecheng was a little surprised, and then he couldn't help being confused: "How could there be a sudden thunderstorm? And it's still so sudden? Weird!"


And such a scene happened not only to the Qi family, but also to other "five monarchs" families. Except for the Xia family that had begun to decline, the other four top families of the Shenhua Xianmen, without exception, all experienced thunder disasters. Hacked to death a Nascent Soul Realm disciple.

   This brought Daojun Yuanyu and others together again.

   "Why did one of our families have an accident?" Qi Hecheng asked with a frown, because this matter was too strange.

   "We just found Junior Brother Han..."

  One of the gods said, and although he didn't finish his words, the meaning was clearly expressed.

   After all, the thousands of years old antique, under normal circumstances, which one is not very thoughtful?

   "Then there is monk Lei Fa, is there anyone who can compare with Lei Jie?"

  The fourth Daoist of Transforming God Realm asked without seeing a change in expression.

   Qi Hesheng and Taoist Yuanyu frowned slightly at this time, and said nothing. Obviously they both had this suspicion, but they didn't say it out loud.

  Not only the two of them, but also the fourth Taoist Lord of Transformation God Realm also had this suspicion.

   And at this time, another news came.

  But there was another thunder disaster!

   This time, instead of one death from each of the four families, dozens of them died one after another! Eighty to ninety percent of the Nascent Soul Realm in their family was directly emptied.

"How is this going?"

  At this moment, the four God Transformation Realms were in shock.

  So, they released their divine thoughts one after another, trying to find out what was wrong, or the "black hand behind the scenes"!

   After a while, Qi Hecheng backed down and said, "It should be that the original crystal of Miao Miao's lightning protection has failed!"

Daoist Yuanyu has withdrawn his spiritual thoughts, because she has nothing to gain from the weakest cultivation base, so she nodded: "It can only be this possibility, the Nascent Soul Realm in our four major families has never been taken away by Lei Jie. survived the thunder disaster."

   "Then why are the Nascent Soul realms of other families unaffected?"

   "It's just that we start first..." Qi Hesheng said, and then looked at one place, he could sense that there was another thunder disaster, and it was a large area.


  At this moment, Fang Jinyu, as the chief culprit of the thunder calamity in the Shenhua Immortal Sect, is still making alchemy. Even if what he sent out was only a virtual body, and in the Shenhua Immortal Sect, there were still four God Transformation Realm, he was still very relieved.

This is not because Fang Jinyu has confidence in his own way of hiding. Although he does, what Fang Jinyu is relying on at this time is not Qingfu's secret technique [I can hide well], but Donghu Realm's secret technique. help.

  After all, as long as Lei Fa immortal cultivators can step into the realm of transforming gods, their combat effectiveness is not bad, but it is inevitable that they will encounter some accidents during the punishment on behalf of the heavens.

  For example, those He Dao Realm who are still restless after death.

  So for the safety of monks, as long as they are running around to make up for the thunder disaster, heaven and earth will help invisibly.

   Otherwise, Fang Jinyu would not dare to be so reckless.

  However, Fang Jinyu didn't play hard, he just released the power of the thunder tribulation he encountered when he crossed the tribulation, without increasing or decreasing.

   From a certain point of view, this is no longer releasing water, but "releasing the sea".

  Because the thunder-attribute Tianlinggen received only 30% of the power of the thunder disaster that other monks received when they crossed the catastrophe!

  Who would have imagined that none of those who suffered such a blow survived...

  Although there is a reason for the sudden thunder disaster, in the final analysis, these Nascent Soul realms are not qualified to step into this realm!

  At this time, Fang Jinyu's expression suddenly moved slightly.

   Then he waved his hand.

  A shard emerged, it was the shard of the immortal treasure of the Jiemojing!

  As soon as the fragment appeared, it collided with a sudden light of thunder and calamity.

   Naturally, the fragment is fine.

   And the light of thunder calamity also revealed its original shape. Fang Jinyu glanced at it, and couldn't help being slightly startled, because it turned out to be a yellow-brown wooden abacus.

   But it is not an ordinary abacus, but Fang Jinyu's spiritual sense can't tell what it is.

  Suddenly, an idea came to Fang Jinyu's mind: Find Qing Fu!

  But the next moment, Fang Jinyu shook his head again and changed his mind.

   "Let's try to comprehend first, maybe we can see something..." He played naturally with the idea of ​​"+1" talent, after all, it is not good to always look for Qingfu when you are in trouble.

   Mainly because Fang Jinyu didn't want to be provoked again.

   But at this time, words automatically appeared on the abacus. This is a kind of words that Fang Jinyu has never seen before, but he can understand its meaning at a glance.

  Obviously, this is another type of writing second only to the Immortal Talisman.

   But this is not important right now!

  Because the information expressed in those words is amazing: Respect the newly born guardian of Lei Jie, Jie Yun Xianbao has sensed you, so I specially bestow you with a top position, and invite you to join our organization.

  (end of this chapter)

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