MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 305 What should I do if I sit on the wrong chair?

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  Chapter 305 What should I do if I sit in the wrong chair

   After Qingfu made a face at Fang Jinyu, she never returned. No matter how Fang Jinyu called out in his heart, all the responses he got were—haha~haha~

  It seems to be snoring in sleep.

  Fang Jinyu thought for a while, and then began to study the abacus.

This abacus is not as difficult as Fang Jinyu imagined, or because it was played by a little girl once. After Fang Jinyu touched the abacus with his consciousness and mana, a wonderful formula directly came into his mind. middle.

   "First Explanation of Thousand Gods."

   This is a method that focuses on spiritual thoughts. After practice, one can strengthen one's own spiritual thoughts. But this is not the main purpose of this method. After completing this [Thousand Gods First Solution], you can use this abacus to go to the organization where the Jieyun Immortal Treasure is located, and take the top spot.

   "Major in spirituality?"

  Fang Jinyu frowned slightly. For him, after cultivating this kind of formula, there is no increase in combat power at all.

   "But if you don't practice, you can't go to that so-called organization."

  So, Fang Jinyu began to comprehend.

  【Today is a day to comprehend the first solution of Qianshen and gain a little bit】

  【Refining to obtain the true meaning of thousands of gods +1】

  Just after this day passed, Fang Jinyu's "First Interpretation of Thousand Gods" had reached the state of great accomplishment, and he was able to go to the so-called organization.

  However, Fang Jinyu didn't rush to go immediately, after all, he had already achieved great success, so he should just cultivate and achieve consummation.

  So, another day passed, and relying on the "+1" talent, he had already cultivated to the perfect state of this [Thousand Gods First Interpretation], and then he discovered that there was a follow-up to this method.

   Moreover, this so-called [Thousand Gods First Solution] method is very likely to be only the first-level cultivation method of the complete version.

   But it's not interesting to think about it, so Fang Jinyu immediately activated this method.

   Not long after, a ray of spiritual consciousness split out, and then this ray of spiritual consciousness seemed to have life, and directly condensed into Fang Jinyu's appearance.

  At this time, the abacus sent out a gentle guiding force, trying to attract this figure transformed by the divine consciousness.

  Fang Jinyu did not resist.

  The figure transformed by this divine consciousness disappeared into the abacus in an instant.


  At this moment, Fang Jinyu only felt as if he had entered some kind of deep-sea tunnel, and his eyes were full of darkness, and at the same time, his figure was constantly being guided forward.

   Then, after traveling for an unknown amount of time, maybe a day, or maybe a few months, he finally saw the light again.

   It is not very bright, because this is a relatively dark place.

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help looking around, but found that there was no one here, only a handful of exquisite seats. And as he looked over, the ability of divine consciousness to know the treasures of heaven and earth also took effect.

  The seat he saw first had the same color as his abacus, and it was also made of wood.

   Such a seat, in his spiritual feedback, is "a place where a fish leaps into a **** to sit on".

  So, Fang Jinyu's gaze directly passed over this type of seat, and looked at the seat made of blue stone placed a little higher.

   After all, he is not a fish jumping into a god.

   And these bluestone seats, in his spiritual feedback, are "a perfect suit to sit on".

   Seeing this, Fang Jinyu naturally continued to look back.

  Then he only saw one seat, which was like a golden glazed seat, and this seat, in the spiritual feedback, was "perfect to sit on".

   "So I should sit here..." Fang Jinyu suddenly realized, so he stepped forward happily and sat on this seat.

In an instant, the golden colored glaze light was released, penetrating the figure transformed by Fang Jinyu's ray of spiritual consciousness, but it did not cause any harm to Fang Jinyu's ray of spiritual consciousness, because the golden colored glaze light was only for verification, that is, it was used as a ticket checker. role of members.

  Fang Jinyu is a real perfect avatar, so after the golden colored glaze light is touched, a Dao talisman suddenly appeared in front of him.

  These commands are also written in the same language that they have seen before.

  Their functions are: to hold a catastrophe meeting, to offer rewards for eighteen orders, to discuss the ways of catastrophe, to open rewards in advance...

  Fang Jinyu read it once, then reached out and touched the talisman representing "opening the reward in advance", because the others looked a little tiring.

  The talisman shook slightly, and suddenly a wonderful rhythm that Fang Jinyu had never seen before was transmitted.

   Not long after that, figures began to appear in this dark place.

These figures seemed to be familiar with each other, and they were about to greet each other, but they suddenly saw Fang Jinyu sitting on the golden glass seat. Because of the special seat, they could not see Fang Jinyu's face, so they subconsciously clasped their fists and saluted: "I have seen Wu Zun!" Fellow!"

  Fang Jinyu: "..."

   Did he sit in someone else's seat?

  However, Fang Jinyu did not immediately stand up and give up the seat, but waved his hand casually, signaling these figures to sit down by themselves.

   Seeing this, these figures saluted again, and then found their own seats to sit down.

When these figures were sitting down, Fang Jinyu was also observing in secret, and then he discovered that these figures were all condensed by divine thoughts, some of them had a strong momentum and a sense of flawlessness, which should be perfect god.

  Because the seats that this type of figures sit on are all bluestone seats.

  Fang Jinyu counted, and there were thirteen such figures. In other words, these were the thirteen Lords of Lei Fa who transformed themselves into gods.

At this time, seeing that the seats were all full except for a few wooden seats, a Daoist Lei Fa who was sitting on a bluestone seat stood up and said, "Since everyone is here, Then I will open the land of rewards!"

   After the voice fell, six figures stood up.

   These six people were originally sitting on those wooden seats.

  As soon as they stood up, they threw out six special tokens, and then the Taoist Lord Lei Fa who spoke earlier also threw out a special token.

   These tokens flickered, but when they collided together, they manifested a land full of scrolls out of thin air.

  As if there was some induction, the scrolls kept falling and flew towards the chairs.

  These scrolls also have their own colors, among which the gold is the least, and there are only three scrolls, all of which flew towards Fang Jinyu. More gold than this is cyan, flying towards those seats that represent the gods in heavenly clothing. Finally, there are yellow-brown scrolls. This type of scrolls is the most densely packed, and the targets of this type of scrolls are naturally those chairs that represent the fish leaping gods.

  After receiving their respective scrolls, these figures didn't say much, they just hugged Fang Jinyu, and then dispersed.

   Seeing this, Fang Jinyu naturally ran away quickly.

   Thank you Dr. Lan for the 5,000 starting point coins~



  (end of this chapter)

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