MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 320 Black Dragon Changes Position, Abandoning the Dragon Lord

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  Chapter 320 Black Dragon Changes Position, Abandoning the Dragon King

Fang Jinyu knew about the loss of Chi Suzi's luck. After all, although Chi Suzi worked hard and diligently gathered luck and celestial fate for that wonderful book, in the end she didn't even have any soup. to drink.

She currently has three copies of luck, one of which was temporarily "lend" to her by that strange book, and the other two were obtained passively and actively by her, but because of the luck that is her foundation, it is It originated from that strange book, so it is not an exaggeration for Chi Suzi to say that he made a wedding dress for others.

   This is also why the "Book Spirit" in that strange book ran so simply, because it knows that the luck that belongs to it will eventually go back.

However, if Chi Suzi can get started with [The Long River of Reincarnation], then he can use this to leave a small part of luck. Although the heroine's status is gone, she won't stop like Du Man'er in the early Yuanying stage. .

   "People still have to rely on themselves..." Fang Jinyu expressed his feelings, thinking about himself, practicing so far, step by step, it all depends on himself!

  Look at how solid his body is!

   Even if his luck is as thin as a gossamer, and he consistently occupies the position of "cannon fodder", it will not affect him at all!

  If those "heroines" and "male protagonists" have only such a little luck left, then their cultivation level will drop by at least a big realm.

   "Well, then please continue to rely on yourself." Suddenly, a voice responded to him.

  Fang Jinyu was startled, and then found himself surrounded by darkness again.

   Come again?

  Following the sound, I saw a black figure with twin ponytails standing there, while holding a long banner with both hands, one foot was raised, holding a strange earthen jar.

   And above the heads of the black figures with ponytails, there is another fuzzy mirror showing red and white.

   "My teacher said that you have mastered the power of time, and you have the magical powers of the heavenly scriptures. You cannot be defeated by ordinary means, but with his Dao mark imprint, you don't even want to escape!"

  The black figures with ponytails are full of momentum, but this pose is really full of slots.

  Even if Fang Jinyu faced such a situation, he was stunned for a second because of the posture of the black figure with ponytails.

  However, this does not affect his escape from casting spells.

  As soon as he pointed out, the avenue was as simple as possible, and the immeasurable power burst out instantly, breaking the darkness here, and then Fang Jinyu stepped out of the gap in the darkness.

  At the same time, the magic power circulated, turning into purple thunderbolts, protecting the surroundings of itself.

Fang Jinyu looked up, and as expected, he was in the boundary sea again. At this time, he was surrounded by endless chaotic turbidity. It seemed that the darkness was a special kind of space magic power. Anyone who fell into it would be taken away from the original world. In the world where I am, come to the boundary sea.

   "You can't run away, yin and yang mirror, yang mirror is reversed, yin mirror takes pictures!"

  The black figure with ponytails called a curse.

  Suddenly, the red and white dichroic mirror above his head, the white part disappeared, and the red color then expanded to the entire mirror.

  In an instant, Fang Jinyu's figure appeared in the red mirror.

  When his own shadow was reflected in the mirror, Fang Jinyu realized that something was wrong with him. His terrifying lifespan, which lasted for tens of thousands of years, was crazily lost at this moment like water breaking a bank.

   This is also a fairy treasure!

  Fang Jinyu didn't realize it until this time. After all, fairy treasures are too precious, even if they are as strong as a little girl, she still doesn't have a fairy treasure in her hands.

   "Three fairy treasures?" Fang Jinyu couldn't help looking at the strange earthen jar.

  If it can be brought by the black figures with ponytails at the same time, then no matter what, the grade of this earthen jar cannot be lowered.

   "My master invited the master ancestor to take action. In ten thousand years, the one who is behind you will not be able to help you anymore." Said the black figure with ponytails.

   "As you said, people must rely on themselves."

  When the black figure with ponytails said this, his tone was full of jokes, but it was because the previous task was not done well, so after returning, although he was not punished, he was also very uncomfortable.

   "According to my teacher's will, you should be punished by death, so please go on your way!" The black figure with ponytails said as if reading, and then exerted a little force on his feet.

  Suddenly, that strange earthen jar flew up, and a dark halo diffused out.

   This halo seems inconspicuous, but after the chaotic turbidity touched it, the ice and snow melted one after another, turning into underground spiritual veins, or some earth vein ores.

   There is spiritual energy gushing out!

   But these differentiated spirits didn't exist for long, and were soon swallowed up by the chaotic turbidity, and disappeared without a trace along with the aura that had just appeared.

   This earthen jar just flew up, and it showed the ability to open up the world!

   Sure enough, they are three fairy treasures!

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. Isn't that a little too much for him?

  A Late Transformation God, plus three Immortal Treasures?

   Moreover, judging from the power displayed by these three fairy treasures, they have different purposes, cutting off his lifespan and restricting him from escaping. As for the crock pot fairy treasure, it is undoubtedly used to kill him!

   "Your master, what is it?"

  Fang Jinyu spoke calmly, and there was a surge of hostility from the depths of his eyes, and at the same time, the originally dark eyes turned into a pair of golden vertical pupils!

   "Ang Ho~!"

  A dragon chant that seemed to resound through the boundary sea sounded, and immediately the entire boundary sea boiled, and the turbulent chaos became more intense.

   Unprecedented killing intent began to erupt everywhere.

  If it can be digitized, then you can definitely see—the favorability of a certain world-999, the favorability of a certain realm-999, the favorability of a certain world-999...

   Those are the worlds in this sea of ​​realms, where malice is erupting.

  A giant black dragon that spread for an unknown distance appeared in this boundary sea.

  The golden lines on the dragon's body are intertwined, and the imprint of the immortal talisman appears and disappears from time to time. At this time, countless inspirations from heaven and earth are being plundered, pouring into the mouth of this black dragon.

   That's all from the nearby world.

  Although it is actually far away from here, who made these worlds happen to appear within the sight of the black dragon at this time?

  Wherever you look, the world and the earth are prey!


   Dark place.

  This is where many worlds belong after their "old age".

   Because of this, no one can know how wide this dark place is.

  It is the world in this sea of ​​realms, which is constantly being born, but at the same time, there are also worlds one after another, starting to "old age", and then entering this dark place.

  It seems that worlds are undergoing an ancient alternation of life and death.

  At this time, a black dragon that had been sleeping here for an unknown number of years was suddenly awakened by some movement in the dark.

  However, even after being awakened, it did not open its eyes.

   "Good good good good!"

   This black dragon said hello three times, but it sensed the changes from the boundary sea. It was some kind of "similar" that was constantly robbing it of its natural power!

  But for this, the black dragon has no other emotions except happiness.

  Because it is the black dragon "Wish"!

   "Since you want it, then take it all! I will give you another ten thousand years of cultivation! Let you succeed in transformation directly! Hahahahaha!" The black dragon seemed extremely happy.

  But it has been waiting for this day for too many years!

  Opening his mouth, a dragon element exuding a terrifying aura flew out, and with the appearance of this dragon element, this dark place began to distort.

  But soon, the aura of this Dragon Yuan was reduced by more than half.

   Swallowing the dragon yuan back again, the black dragon "wish" was already exhausted to the extreme, but this black dragon, besides being excited, was still excited.

  It slowly opened the pair of long eyes that had been closed for thousands of years.

  There is no abnormality here.

  It no longer has the ability to open its eyes to hunt the world, and close its eyes to sink all living beings.

   "Since today, there is no black dragon wish in this world, only the black dragon of Hedao Realm, Abandoned Dragon Lord!"

  The black dragon flew up, then left the land of darkness, and quickly entered a world. And that world didn't reject the black dragon in the slightest, and even welcomed the black dragon very much.

  Because the black dragon began to prove the Tao as soon as it entered, there was no need for a running-in period.


   On Fang Jinyu's side, the black dragon he transformed into has undoubtedly become extremely terrifying at this time. As the world's inspiration continues to be devoured, his body of the black dragon is becoming more and more worthy of the name.

  When Fang Jinyu suddenly gained a large amount of cultivation boost, the black dragon transformed by Fang Jinyu exuded a terrifying power.

  Above the ninth level of Huashen, but below Hedao!

   He could take that step at any time, but that step stuck Fang Jinyu firmly, making it impossible for him to go any further. Even the place where he was born, Jiuhuang, began to resist him going back.

   This is the price for Ying Yelong to open his eyes!

  However, although the price was high, Fang Jinyu at this time just shot away the immortal treasure yin and yang mirror that fixed his longevity with just one paw. This fairy treasure is naturally safe, but the fairy treasure "Qi Ling" is under this claw, and its spirituality is greatly damaged.

   With a sweep of the dragon's tail, the darkness that had controlled Fang Jinyu several times was blown away, and the black figure with two ponytails hiding in it was blown away.

  After robbing the heaven and earth of several worlds, this Ying Yelong body, even if it is just such a simple claw or sweep, has extremely terrifying power.

   It’s not the Dao of Harmony, but it’s very close to the Dao of Harmony.

   "You still have such tricks?"

  The black figure with ponytails turned pale with fright, so he couldn't care about anything else, he released the last restriction in the earthen jar, and a celestial light gushed out from it, tearing apart the entire boundary sea.

  The world is boiling!

  However, under the sweep of this celestial light, countless heaven and earth spirits were born, and then formed common small worlds floating in the boundary sea.

   And the power of the fairy light is so terrifying, the huge dragon body that was directly swept by the fairy light was evaporated in an instant.

  (end of this chapter)

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