MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 331 Dad, let me give you one!

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  These two birdmen are naturally from the Guantian Immortal Clan. One is named "Guan Yu" and the other is named "Ling Yu".

   And the fact is true, these two people are not only of the same generation as "Ning Yu", but also belong to the same faction.

  They came here, just as Fang Jinyu expected, to help him spread the way of mind power widely!

   After all, with his own strength, the speed of teaching in the school is undoubtedly not fast enough.

  They produced a crystal ball.

   "Kun Tribal Chief, this object is called the Mind-Resolving Spirit Bead, which can record the explanations of the tribal chief on the way of mind power, and then he can give lectures for an hour by himself after only one day of sunshine."

  Kun is the tribal name of this small tribe, so these two people from the Tianxian tribe called Fang Jinyu "Kun tribe leader".

   After talking about the usage and charging method of this crystal ball, the two pushed a small wooden box in front of Fang Jinyu.

  With a "click", the wooden box opened, and dozens of "heart-relieving spirit beads" were displayed immediately.

   "Thank you two brothers!"

  Fang Jinyu got up and thanked him solemnly.

  The two birdmen smiled, looked at each other and left.

   But they didn't go far.

"Let's start from Geyuan Town! Sure enough, our persistence is right. The way of heart power should be accepted and passed on to all human races! What happened to the predecessors does not mean that their descendants must be excellent! The reason why we failed is so Many times, in the final analysis, it is because of sticking to this point!"

  The birdman named "Guan Yu" said.

   "That's true! Not far from here, is that ancient town well? If there is any accident, it will be easy for us to solve it!"

  Another birdman named "Lingyu" nodded, agreeing with what he said.

   Then he did not forget to remind: "However, we have to be careful of other people in the clan making sabotage. Since we are going to try this time, we must fully carry out this experiment!"

   "Don't worry, I have asked the clan elders for advice on this point, and an ancient ancestor is also very optimistic about our proposal. So, just spread the news, and the clan elders will help us stop other clansmen!"

   "What about the inside of the human race? Is this just a small tribal leader?" The birdman named "Lingyu" asked another question.

  Because the Guantianxian tribe used to influence the human race, it was all done secretly.

   "Let those who call themselves aristocratic class indulge in wine and sex."

  Don't look at the "nobles" in the human race in this world, who hold the power of life and death of the common people, and enjoy the support of thousands of common people, but in the eyes of the people of the Tianxian tribe, they are nothing more than some easy-to-destroy frogs at the bottom of the well.

   Every time they harvest, the people who cause a lot of trouble to their fairy clan are never from the "nobles" of this human race, but some people of commoner origin who have obtained meager opportunities!

Although he was born as a commoner, he was destined to take many detours and be led astray by the "nobles" due to the living environment, living materials, etc., but the way of mental strength is special. Accumulation, for the cognitive transformation of everything, I have already accumulated enough foundation in my heart.

  If you are enlightened enough, you only need a suitable opportunity, such as Fang Jinyu's lecture in a school, and you can enter Zhixuan and even Huxian by yourself!

  This is the accumulation of small things. If you don't make a sound, it's a blockbuster!


   On the other side, in Geyuan Town, Fang Jinyu nodded slightly as he felt the synchronized memory.

  Because those two did help him clear up the follow-up troubles.

   "That little brother entered the stage of knowing the mystery of the way of mind power, but he wants to go further, unless he can fully understand it, otherwise don't even think about it..."

  Fang Jinyu was talking about the hunchbacked old man. He was more than four hundred years old. He called an old man of seventy years old "little brother", which is very reasonable in terms of seniority.

   Besides this hunchbacked old man, in the past few days, there have been a few outstanding ones, but they are not as eye-catching as that old man, who know the mystery directly in one step.

   But relatively speaking, those few potentials are better than that old man.

  Because from the age of talent to the age of forty, in addition to being mature in mind, there is also a lot of room for improvement.

  So, Fang Jinyu gave them a few soul-relieving spirit beads, and let them give lectures to teach others.

  These people have their own understanding of mind power, and Fang Jinyu wants to achieve the sixth stage of the way of mind power, and he alone is far from enough.

  Need to brainstorm!

   There are people from the immortal clan secretly attacking, coupled with Jinyu's current "noble" status, it can be said that there is a consensus among the civilians of various tribes.

  As the way of heart power continues to spread, there are more and more ways to gather heart power and step into the way of heart power.

  Among the outstanding ones, they all obtained a heart-relieving spirit bead.

  Because Fang Jinyu taught the way of mind power is not only incomplete, but also lacks the power to kill, so the immortal clan's support for Fang Jinyu is extraordinarily powerful!

   Especially the "Guan Yu" and "Ling Yu", as soon as they found out that Fang Jinyu lacked the mind-relieving spirit beads, they immediately sent them up.

  Fang Jinyu naturally took over.

   Time passed like this, and a year later, he also successfully cultivated his mental strength to the stage of "calling immortals". As expected at the beginning, it can only be said that he is neither an enlightened person nor a smart person in this world of mortals.

  The Zhixuan stage, as the name suggests, knows the wonders of the world, but is still unclear about why the world is so wonderful.

   That is, knowing what it is, but not knowing why!

  But at this stage, the means displayed by the mind force are naturally extraordinary.

  The fifth stage of Huxian, after cultivating to this state of mental power, can already communicate with the world with his own heart, and evolve celestial phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

  However, what surprised Fang Jinyu was that the reason why this stage is called "Huxian" is because this stage can perceive all the places he has been to in a single thought!

   It is the kind of ability he obtained when he mastered the mind power!

   "It should be because of divine consciousness..."

  Fang Jinyu thought for a while, and then realized that his immortal cultivation was only suppressed, not gone. Spiritual consciousness is an extremely special product, so even if his mental power has not been cultivated to a sufficient level, the abilities he possessed at this stage have already been possessed in advance.

   And these days, he has not used his "heart" to review the road he has traveled in the past. When he looked back at this time, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a "little brother" who looked like a savage, and was rushing towards Geyuan Town.

   "Isn't this the one named Ning Yu?"

  Fang Jinyu thought for a while, then immediately turned into the body of Biaojian, hiding the people from the Tianguanxian clan, and rushed over quietly.

  Before, Fang Jinyu was distracted, so his speed was very slow, but now he was on his way with all his heart. Coupled with the "+1" achievements this year, he arrived soon.

   At this time, "Ning Yu" had lost his way.

  As soon as she saw Fang Jinyu who fell from the sky, this girl burst into tears and talked about her tragic experience.

  She met the Celestial Watchers, but because she lost her wings, they drove her away. And this is because her teacher is not simple.

  If she hadn't been intimidated by her teacher, she must have been killed by her former enemy.

"They are so hateful. They don't let me go to the human race, saying that they are afraid that I will pass on the complete way of heart power. However, the fairy race can't go back, and they still don't let me go to the human race. Where should I go? I can't let it go." Shall I build a clan by myself in this ghost place?" Xu said that it was because he hadn't communicated with anyone for a long time, and when Ning Yu opened his mouth, he seemed to be chattering endlessly.

  However, it also let Fang Jinyu know more about the internal secrets of the Celestial Celestial Clan.

"The current internal martial law of the Guantian Immortal Clan is because something happened to your distant ancestors and ancient ancestors?" Fang Jinyu said, and couldn't help but glance at Ning Yu, who was devouring it now. The feathers on this birdman's body are gone now. She has become similar to an ordinary human woman, and because her life is good enough, her skin is extremely tender, coupled with her beautiful face, she can be said to be a peerless beauty.

  However, this is not the reason why she attracted Fang Jinyu's attention.

   "How long have you been hungry?"

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help asking.

What Ning Yu ate at this time was the prey he killed casually, but it was only simply roasted, so she ate it vigorously, not to mention eating it with relish, and the way of eating like a starving ghost was not afraid of eating it because of it. The question comes.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, They are all weakened, but it has little effect on me. My wings are gone, and the blood power of the immortal clan has completely dissipated. As for the self-proclaimed stone statue of the ancient ancestor, it is said that the problem in the body was caused, and it will take thousands of years It takes time to suppress it."

  Fang Jinyu was thoughtful, because what happened to the "ancient ancestor" of the Tianguanxian clan seemed to match what a little girl said.

  However, compared to this "ancient ancestor", he is undoubtedly more interested in that "distant ancestor".

   "Your ancestors are still alive?" Fang Jinyu asked.

"Our distant ancestors have already become immortals, how could they die? There is still a lifespan limit in the Hedao Realm, but as long as you open that immortal gate, you can escape the shackles of reincarnation." The "immortal gate" Ning Yu said, Naturally, it was the door in Hedao Hall.

   Successfully proving the Tao, the Heaven and Earth will reward a Hedao Hall, which has a door that can only be opened on the ninth floor of the Hedao!

   Once opened, you can enter the fairyland.

   "Do you know so much about immortality?" Fang Jinyu asked again.

"That's natural! Our distant ancestor is a fairy! And he's not an ordinary fairy! If it weren't for the restrictions of this world, the distant ancestor would have taken us away long ago!" When Ning Yu talked about his distant ancestor, he suddenly showed a look He looks proud and proud.

  So, Fang Jinyu reminded friendlyly: "Your ancestors are broken."

   "Then maybe our ancestors succeeded?" Ning Yu retorted subconsciously.

   "Don't you think your words are very contradictory?" Fang Jinyu glanced at this "hard-mouthed duck", and it seemed that he was really hungry and confused for being able to say such thoughtless words.

   "Whoa, what should I do in the future?" After being dazed and worried about her distant ancestor for a second, Ning Yu immediately cared about herself.

   "I'll send you to the human race and make a disguise for you." Fang Jinyu said.

"What do you want me to do?"

  Ning Yu became alert instantly, and she would never forget that this guy who looked like a black dragon and was a bit weird in front of her was one of the chief culprits that caused her to be in such a mess at this moment.

   "Can you still refuse?" Fang Jinyu pointed to the barbecue on the campfire.

   "Father, I'll give you one, what do you think of my sincerity?" Ning Yu stayed for another second, but then immediately changed her expression.


  To be honest, I have seen Shameless a lot, but this is the first time Fang Jinyu has seen such a shameless person.

  However, it can also be seen that no matter how once a high-ranking person is allowed to run around for three meals a day for a period of time, he will no longer be "noble".

  Any noble essence presupposes exploiting others.

   Then, even if this girl didn't take Fang Tian's painting halberd, Fang Jinyu firmly refused to recognize this adopted daughter.

  He took Ning Yu to Geyuan Town without telling the people of the Guantian Clan, and asked her to change her name. After all, this name is too easy to associate with the Guantian Clan.

   "Then my name will be Xin Ning'er!"


  Fang Jinyu was silent for a while, and then seeing the eyes of this shameless girl, he couldn't help but start to feel weird.

   "What's the matter? Isn't this name okay? Then I'll change it and call it Xin Yuer."

   "How did you come up with the idea of ​​taking such a character as your surname?" Fang Jinyu couldn't help asking, his eyes were faintly inquiring.

   "Because I feel that my previous days were really hard!"


  Fang Jinyu nodded, because the synchronized memory screen showed that she really thought so. As for the word "er" at the end, she just didn't want to be too troublesome to name it.

  Then, Fang Jinyu taught her all the mental skills he had learned recently.

  In this year, in addition to the continuous improvement of mental strength, the "+1" talent naturally brought unexpected joy. Among them, there is the Celestial Immortal Clan who treasured them up and did not allow the Human Clan to acquire Mental Skills.

  He has comprehended more than ten kinds!

   "Where do these mental skills come from?" Xin Ning'er was stunned. She didn't remember that mental skills had been handed down, and these mental skills were too unfamiliar!

   "I made it myself, what's the problem?" Fang Jinyu asked calmly, caressing his sleeve robe.

   "Father, I'd better give you one!"

  Xin Ning'er was very excited.


  Finally, under Fang Jinyu's eye threats and verbal persuasion, Xin Ning'er's "Wandering Half a Life" plan had to declare bankruptcy.

   "You taught me so many mental skills, do you want me to do something?" Xin Ning'er asked with a sigh. Her plan to hug her thighs failed after all.

  Fang Jinyu nodded: "You find a way to pass on all the mental skills to the people of the Tianxian clan!"

  He spread the flawed way of mind power widely, so how can he have no back-up?

   "You want me to betray the immortal clan!" Xin Ning'er suddenly widened her eyes, she said in shock.

   "You just said whether to sell it or not?" Fang Jinyu was simple and straightforward.

   "Sell it! It's because you find a way to leave one day, can you take me along with you, I'm a good boy, and I won't make trouble." Xin Ning'er said this, her expression and tone seamlessly changed.

  Fang Jinyu first wondered how she knew, and then quickly asked, "What is the way to leave?"

   "Don't you know? Then how did you create so many mental skills involving the law of thunder? Yuanjie can suppress the immortal way, but it can't suppress the thunder calamity!"

   "I heard that it takes tens of thousands of years to leave this world. Why is that?" Fang Jinyu asked.

"If you stay too long, Yuanjie's suppression of immortal monks will become less and less. If the immortals in the outside world have not discovered the heresy of Yuanjie, that's all. , Yuanjie's suppression of immortal monks will also be reduced to the lowest point!"

   "Then why don't you use this method to leave?" Fang Jinyu didn't expect this method of leaving to be so simple!

   "I don't know about it. Neither the immortal race nor the human race in this world can use this method to leave. Only the immortal monks who have strayed into the fate world can."

  Fang Jinyu nodded, leaving a sentence that after she has practiced all these mental skills, she can leave on her own, and then he turned and left. Because he was going to ask a certain little girl, how did she know about this method that would take ten thousand years to leave?

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