MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 338 Under the great sky, live forever!

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  Chapter 338 Under the Great Luotian, Longevity and Longevity!

   At this time, Fang Jinyu has been in the Donghu realm for more than a month, but he has not found the king-level thunder frog.

  Because he is just a ray of consciousness now, attached to his "Xiao He".

  Just because he can't get in, doesn't mean his puppets can't get in either!

   But this is not the fundamental reason why Fang Jinyu took so long. Although it is only a ray of spiritual consciousness, with the help of Xiaohe's puppet body, even a ray of spiritual consciousness can explode to the strength of the ninth level of the Nascent Soul.

  The main reason is that the current border of the Donghu can be described as jittery!

  Five Immortals, Twelve Lands, Seventeen Immortal Gates, each one is highly tense, as if they could fight at any time.

It is said that before this, the seventeen immortal sects had all fought separately, and not only some low-level cultivators died, but even the Nascent Soul Realm died a lot, which can be said to be second only to the Immortal.

   Because of this, once these fairy sects find a strange Nascent Soul Realm in their own territory, they will be shot and killed immediately!

  Although Fang Jinyu was not afraid, he didn't want to provoke him either.

   After all, it has nothing to do with him!

  Xiaohe followed Fang Jinyu's instructions and hurried on as unobtrusively as possible. Finally, it took more than a month to arrive at Shenhua Xianmen smoothly.

   After showing the Shenhua Immortal Order, Taoist Yuanyu and others immediately received Xiaohe.

  Although Daojun Yuanyu and the others are just small consummate transformations, in Fang Jinyu's eyes, they are an enhanced version of the Nascent Soul Realm, but they still have a bit of vision after all.

   One can tell at a glance that this is an extremely clever puppet, and it also has self-awareness!

   "Are you made by Junior Brother Han?" Daoist Yuanyu asked.

   "Several brothers and sisters."

  Fang Jinyu didn't have the intention of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and his ray of consciousness directly manifested a phantom.

   "Junior Brother Han!"

  When Daojun Yuanyu and the others saw it, they were overjoyed.

  Na Qi Hesheng even explained quickly: "Junior Brother Han, we had no choice but to do what happened last time."

"I see."

  Fang Jinyu nodded, not blaming them.

   After all, it is not to blame.

"Then Junior Brother Han came here to cast spells this time, but is there anything we need to do?" One of the gods turned into a realm asked, and learned from other Taoist lords of the immortal sect that "Han Feiyu" was the one who surpassed Tianyi After transforming into a god, the almost impossible perfect transformation into a god, they already regarded "Han Feiyu" as a perfect dao state.

  Because of the perfect transformation of the gods, after the realm of cultivation reaches the ninth level of the transformation of the gods, you can directly join the Tao.

   There is no hindrance at all!

  Perfect Huashen is ten dead but not alive, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort.

   "Several senior brothers and sisters, I really want to ask some of you for this visit." Fang Jinyu immediately told about his king-level thunder frog.

  For "Han Feiyu" to spend so much trouble, just to find a spirit beast that he once raised, Daojun Yuanyu and Qi Hesheng were also a little speechless.

   They still think it's a big deal!

  However, these few people have no resistance to this, on the contrary they are very happy.

   After all, this is a favor from a future He Dao realm!

  Although things like favors can only be useful if they have the same identity, and the benefits are maximized, otherwise it can only be "feed the young master to eat cakes".

   But from the beginning, they just wanted to let "Han Feiyu", the future Hedao Realm, take care of the disciple of Shenhua Immortal Sect in the future.

At this time, the entire fairy gate was mobilized to find a spirit beast, which was obviously effective, but in the end, the king-level thunder frog was not found, because the king-level thunder frog was caught by another fairy gate .

  After all, although the Shenhua Immortal Sect is different from the past, but the Shenhua Immortal Sect is so quiet, how can other Immortal Sects be able to sit still?

   Not to mention the current situation!

  Fang Jinyu found out, so he asked Shenhua Xianmen to spread the word on his behalf, and if he didn't return his spiritual pet, he would return to the Donghu Realm to testify after a while.

   This sentence, in the eyes of most monks in the Donghu realm, is a threat that is completely harmless.

   But for the Taoist Lord of Transformation God Realm of the Seventeen Immortal Gates, this threat is a bit scary!

  So, on the day this word spread, Fang Jinyu saw his king-level thunder frog that he had not seen for many years.

   "Whoa! Whoa!"

   This thunder frog, called the king-level thunder frog, is actually a spiritual beast of a long-lived frog. When I saw Fang Jinyu, I was naturally very excited.

   After all, this is the only boss it has met who pays it on time!

  Fang Jinyu took a look and was sure it was his one. After hundreds of years, this guy was still at the Foundation Establishment level, so his eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately, he asked Xiaohe to put it away, and then thanked the Taoist monarchs of Shenhua Xianmen: "Thank you, brothers and sisters, if you can't step into a higher realm, then after you enter reincarnation, I'll guide a few of you back into the Immortal Dao."

   Sending people into reincarnation, and then letting them re-enter the immortal way, is also divided into several grades.

For example, Xin Qianqian's kind is undoubtedly the most advanced one. It has been accumulated for thousands of years. Broken Dan becomes a baby.

  And the lowest grade is that there is an approximate location after reincarnation, so that people know where the reincarnation went! As for what the reincarnation will be, or whether there is a spiritual root, it is uncertain, it depends entirely on God's will!

   What Fang Jinyu promised at this time is naturally the lowest grade.

  However, with his means, even if he doesn't even have a spiritual root, or is not even a human being, but is just a grass that can be seen everywhere on the side of the road, he is sure to let the other party build a foundation smoothly!

   And hearing Fang Jinyu's promise, Taoist Yuanyu and the others were naturally overjoyed.


  In the turbulent chaotic air, the world of "Thousand Regions" is like a honeycomb nest. Although the word "Thousand" is a false finger, there are really hundreds of worlds in this great world!

  And such a world, the number of Hedao Realm existences that can be accommodated is naturally extremely terrifying!

Even if not every realm can have a Hedao Realm, or the Hedao Realm in some realms has reincarnated and has not returned, it is still possible to gather more than a dozen Hedao Realm immortals. .

  Suddenly, a black shadow leaped across the chaotic turbid air, and took the two small black spots away from the boundary of Donghu.

  The black shadow was very fast, and it crossed several worlds in one move, but the black shadow was discovered by the Hedao Realm in the "Thousand Regions" world.

  It was a stalwart figure sitting cross-legged in a Taoist palace, his gaze was deflected, and he came across the boundary, not even the chaotic air could block his vision!

   "Is it Pai Jian?" The stalwart figure was startled.

  As a He Dao Realm, he naturally knows about this unique creature. Because of this, it is clearer that such a creature is impossible to be born!

  No matter how close you get to the room, you can't open your third eye.

  Because if you want to open the third eye, you need hundreds of strands of fairy fate as the price. And what is the concept of hundreds of strands of fairy fate? It doesn't take that much to prove the Dao in the sea of ​​realms!

   What's more, Immortal Fate cannot be obtained in the Transformation God Realm!

   It is impossible to obtain fairy fate, but there must be a lot of fairy fate to open the third eye. This is an unsolvable endless loop.

   At the same time, it is also a key step that has blocked countless "false gaps".

   "It can't be a perfect space, it should be very close to the real space..." A voice came, responding to this stalwart figure.

   This is another He Dao Realm.

Not only these two, but also more He Dao Realm found this figure, but they didn't do anything, because if it was a real time, they could burst out with the power of He Dao Realm at any time , unless they have a fairy treasure in their hands, they will not be able to suppress it at all, and will only add an enemy to themselves for nothing.

  However, the most important thing is that even these great immortals don't know what the effect of Bujian on Jiehai is.

  Because of the real Bujian, it has not appeared for a long time.

   Chances are it didn't even show up at all!

  After all, even the requirements for the birth of a real soul were calculated by a first immortal of the ninth level of the Dao, before pushing open the door and entering the fairyland.

  Because this first immortal met a great enemy before he became an immortal, and that enemy just obtained an imperfect human body.

   Originally, the number one immortal thought he was doomed, but in the end, he surpassed that enemy instead.

  In addition, the enemy of the First Immortal, whose talent is extremely astonishing, can be called unparalleled in ancient and modern times, so the First Immortal couldn't help but make some calculations for this purpose.

   This faraway room is naturally Fang Jinyu.

  He knew that there were states of harmony in the world of "Thousand Regions", but because of the ability of "getting over the inspiration" and the fact that Qing Fu could come to help him at any time, Fang Jinyu was not afraid of these states of harmony.

  After all, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke troubles, those in the Dao realm will not be idle and have nothing to do.

  Of course, it would be more difficult to say if the fact that Bu Jianzhi sent the world into a dark place and was granted a fairy fate leaked.

   Immortal fate, not to mention the Hedao realm, even the first immortal can't help but be moved by it.

  Fang Jinyu didn't wander aimlessly in the boundary sea, because he found a place to stay, which was a place of remains.

  What is the Land of the Remains?

  When a world was born, something went wrong, so that most of it was swallowed up by chaotic turbidity, leaving only a small area remaining.

  Because it failed to form a real world, it could not block the chaotic turbidity, but because it possessed the characteristics of a boundary-level world, it could survive the erosion of the chaotic turbidity.

  The Land of the Dead can be said to be one of the few places in this world where people can "rest their feet" for a while.

  Because there are spiritual veins hidden underground.

However, the Land of the Remains is hard to find. After all, the chaotic turbidity blocks the consciousness, and the Land of the Remains itself is similar in nature to the chaotic turbidity. Could not be found.

  Fang Jinyu was able to find it entirely because of his natural talent.

  After he fell, he waved down a formation, and at the same time triggered the underground spiritual veins, and suddenly a mana barrier was formed to isolate the chaotic turbidity.

  However, this formation will not exist for too long, at most a few hundred years. When the power of the spiritual veins in it is exhausted, the mana barrier generated by this formation will be smashed by the chaotic turbidity.

  But it was enough for Fang Jinyu.

  He regained his human body, then waved his hand, and two small black spots fell down, manifesting into the king-level thunder frog and the puppet Xiaohe.

   At this time, after Fang Jinyu took a few glances at the king-level Thunder Frog that was still in a state of excitement, he finally confirmed one thing. This thing really only looks like a Thunder Frog.

  He remembered a tome he had read in Shenhua Xianmen, which contained a detailed description of this spirit beast.

   "Longevity Frog, also known as the Spirit of the Four Brahmas."

   "Shou is better than a true immortal."

   "From the day of birth, it is the genus of longevity."

   "In the state of Qi training, the lifespan is three thousand years. In the state of foundation building, the lifespan is one hundred thousand years. In the state of Jindan, the lifespan is millions of years. In the state of Yuanying, the lifespan is the same as that of heaven and earth."

  Fang Jinyu's eyes were gloomy. He didn't expect that the spirit beast he cultivated on a whim had such a great history.

   Especially the talent points of this spirit beast are completely added to the lifespan. Every time a big realm is broken through, the lifespan is so long that it is simply outrageous!

   No wonder it can be honored as the spirit of the Four Brahmas!

  What are the Four Brahmas?

  In the legend of the thirty-six heavens of Taoism, the Daluotian is the most, and the next only to the Daluotian are the four Brahma heavens!

  In Buddhist theory, the Four Brahmas also have far-reaching implications.

   "However, it is also because Shouyuan is too outrageous that it is extremely difficult for this kind of spirit beast to break through the realm from the foundation establishment..." Thinking of this, Fang Jinyu suddenly took out a elixir.

  This elixir is called "Yipin Jindan". After taking it, it will definitely become a first-grade golden elixir, but the price is that it cannot transform into a god.

  Fang Jinyu made a bottle of this kind of panacea by accident, but after all these years, that bottle of "First Grade Golden Pill" is still full.

"It seems that this panacea is just right for the spirits of the Four Brahmas..." Fang Jinyu looked at the longevity frog strangely. According to records, this thing can only reach the Nascent Soul Realm, which is considered a limit of heaven and earth. There is nothing the real immortal can do.

   And at this moment, when the longevity frog saw Fang Jinyu take out the elixir, no matter what elixir it was, the first thing he did was to open his mouth wide, as if waiting to be fed!

   After all, things like paying "salary" are the easiest thing to make people motivated.

   Seeing this, Fang Jinyu fed this "first-grade golden pill" to the spirit of the Four Brahmas, because the cultivation of this spirit beast just reached the ninth floor of foundation building.

   Next, Fang Jinyu, the Daoist Lei Fa, made a move, and the longevity frog naturally broke through smoothly.

   But what is more surprising is that the spirit of the Four Brahmas, which was supposed to be a first-rank alchemy, only became a third-rank alchemy after the alchemy was formed.

  The grade of the Golden Elixir has been lowered. Although this incident is unexpected, it is still reasonable when you think about it carefully.

   Moreover, for the spirits of the Four Brahmas, there is actually no difference between the first grade of Dancheng and the third grade of Dancheng, they all just have a chance to break Dan into a baby.

   It is a pity that this spirit beast broke through in the Land of the Remains, so it did not obtain the fairy seed.

   But this is just a spiritual pet, not a disciple. If there is no fairy seed, there will be no fairy seed!

   "Old club!"

   At this time, after breaking through to the Golden Core Realm, this longevity frog was able to speak human words.

"Well." Fang Jinyu nodded slightly. He didn't care about the names of the four Brahma spirits, and then he stated his purpose: "Since you have made a breakthrough, let's discuss something and lend me half of my life. How about I promise to let you break through to Nascent Soul Realm?"

  He spent so much time looking for this king-level thunder frog, not only happened to remember this spirit beast, but also related to the fact that he remembered those records about the spirits of the Four Brahmas.

  Among them, there is such a sentence-the spirit of the Four Brahmas enters the golden core and becomes the real body without leaks, which can give people half of their lifespan! Even mortals can rely on this to live forever!

  (end of this chapter)

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