MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 345 Jiushan

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  Chapter 345 Nine Mountains

Yu Xuantian shared the same hatred with the enemy, as if he felt deeply that he had finally found the organization, and Fang Jinyu finally figured it out under the condition of constantly obtaining Yu Xuantian's known information with the help of the secret technique created by a certain little girl [I'll just listen quietly for a while]. What kind of existence is that dark place where I "followed" three volumes of heavenly book-level magical powers?

The name "Jie Luck Organization" does not belong to the immortal sect, and there are no various sect rules. It seems to be loose and abnormal, and it is extremely free, but in fact, as long as you enter and sit in one of the top chairs, then you will never leave it. possible.

   Moreover, not only is he under control, but even his luck will be harvested!

  If Yu Xuantian hadn’t left such an extremely damaged fairy treasure for himself before his reincarnation, it was just enough to calm his own luck, otherwise, he wouldn’t even have a chance to escape now...

   Speaking of this fairy treasure, Fang Jinyu couldn't help but glance at Yu Xuantian.

  Yu Xuantian has not awakened his past life memory until now, this is because he has not cultivated to the level of his previous life.

  In his previous life, he was a monk who embarked on the path of enlightenment.

   Therefore, the current cultivation base is almost there.

  And he was able to leave such a fairy treasure to himself, not entirely due to luck.

  Before he died, he created a secret method, which was recognized by reincarnation, and thus reincarnated back to the realm of Huatian Immortal, and was able to step on the road of immortality again.

   It can be said that Yu Xuantian's achievements today are due to the accumulation of two lifetimes.

  At this moment, after the two exchanged names, based on the "common enemy", they are already very familiar.

"Brother Meng, that Wuzun is really deceiving people too much, but it's not that I have no way to take revenge, it's just that I can't find a place." Yu Xuantian said indignantly, and at the same time he defended himself, saying that he was actually It doesn't look that good.

  As for this "Brother Meng", he is naturally calling Fang Jinyu.

   Well, this is his new vest, surnamed Meng, but he didn't mention the name at all, because he didn't make it up on purpose.

   "Oh, I don't know where it is?"

  Fang Jinyu made a surprised expression when he heard the words.

  However, this is actually asking knowingly, because Yu Xuantian's memory was transmitted synchronously, and he already knew that it was a place called "Spiritual Realm Heaven".

   This is a strange place among the heavens of the Jiehai.

  It has some similarities with Eight Thousand Thunder Fields, but it is undoubtedly that this spiritual realm is more advanced, because all those who have the desire to realize the Dao and want to go to this spiritual realm are eager to go to this spiritual realm.

   Not only those who want to go to the Immortal Transformation Realm, even some immortal masters in the Hedao Realm will go to the Spiritual Realm Heaven on purpose!

   This is because, in this spiritual realm, there are not only the hard-to-find heaven and earth spiritual objects in the world, but also the Dao marks left by those who have successfully proved the Dao!

  Among them, the spiritual objects are distributed in various parts of the Spiritual Realm Heaven, while the traces are concentrated on the Seven Great Immortal Mountains of the Spiritual Realm Heaven.

  The seven great fairy mountains, the first fairy mountain is named Yujing.

  The second fairy mountain is named Eight Scenery.

  The third fairy mountain biography Yuxu.

  The fourth fairy mountain is called Lingbao.

  The Fifth Immortal Mountain Hufu Snake.

  The Sixth Fairy Mountain calls the West Guest.

  Seventh Immortal Mountain Zhaodi Gate.

  And if you can enter these seven fairy mountains, you can sharpen your own way of cultivation, so as to break through the bottleneck of practice, or increase your chances of success in proving the way.

   After all, except for perfecting the gods, no one can guarantee that they will be 100% successful in proving the Tao.

   Besides that, there is also an ancient inheritance hidden in this fairy mountain!

   It is said that the reason why the ten evil spirits of the Jiehai have such a great reputation today is all because they have obtained the ancient inheritance from the fairy mountain.

"I think Brother Meng has heard about that place. After all, that place is the most special place in the world! To be honest, I have a token of the Spirit Realm Heaven in my hand. If it wasn't for that hateful Wuzun, I would have gone to the Spirit Realm a long time ago. God is looking for an opportunity!"

  Yu Xuantian said with hatred.

  The token of the Spiritual Realm Heaven has restrictions on it. If one can comprehend the refining restriction, then holding this token can cross the boundary sea and directly enter the Spiritual Realm Heaven.

  And if you can't comprehend the prohibition on the refining token, then it doesn't matter, just need a little trouble.

  Because I have to go to the spiritual realm by myself!

   This is equivalent to refining the token of the Lingjingtian, and then obtaining the qualification to instantly cross the boundary to the Lingjingtian, saving the time and trouble of traveling.

   Regardless of whether you have comprehended the restrictions on the refining token, when you go with the token, you can bring some people with you to enter the spiritual realm.

  The number is also very loose, as long as there are no more than five hundred people.

  At this time, Yu Xuantian took the initiative to take out a token, and handed it to Fang Jinyu.

  This token is nothing special, and the three characters written in the letter, Lingjingtian, are not fairy talismans. However, Fang Jinyu felt a little familiar with the prohibition pattern on this token.

   "It seems to have the same effect as the runes on those talisman tools?"

  Thinking of this, Fang Jinyu turned his head to look at Yu Xuantian who was at the side, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Yu, I don't know this token, can you lend me a little enlightenment?"

  Although the other party handed it to me, since he is so upright, then I can't let his face be ashamed!

   After all, there are only a few nice words left and right.

   "Brother Meng, please go ahead, if brother Meng realizes enlightenment, just take me there!" Yu Xuantian agreed without thinking, because this is why he came here specially for this token.

  He's had this token for a while, but never got around to it.

  Fang Jinyu nodded his thanks, and then put his own consciousness on it. After reading it twice, Fang Jinyu was sure that the refining method of this token was in the same line as those talisman implements!

   But not as exquisite as those talisman tools!

  However, even so, it also made Fang Jinyu more and more happy as he watched it, so much so that he forgot the passage of time for a while.

  【Today is a day to comprehend the middle-level weapon refining technique of Immortal Realm, but the harvest is very little】

  【Refining the Way to Obtain Immortal Realm Intermediate Artifact Refining Technique +1】

  Fang Jinyu's eyes moved slightly, but it was not because of the emergence of all kinds of insights at this time, but the two prefix words of this refining technique!

   Immortal Domain! intermediate!

   Could it be said that the high-level refining technique of the Immortal Realm was used to refine those talisman implements?

  Then this fairyland can only be described in four words...

   "It's so scary!"

  Fang Jinyu withdrew his wandering thoughts, and then his magic power circulated, and in the palm of the hand holding the token, the light of thunder burst out like a flower bone.

  But he has understood the prohibition on this token at this time, and is ready to start refining!

   Thanks to mastering the great way of [Xianyu Intermediate Artifact Refining Technique], Fang Jinyu refined this token of the Spiritual Realm Heaven only a moment later.

   "Brother Meng! You have succeeded in enlightenment?"

  Yu Xuantian saw that Fang Jinyu's magic pressure dissipated, so he couldn't help asking.

  At this time, he was shocked, and at the same time, there was a strong suspicion in his eyes! But this is not because he is targeting Fang Jinyu, but because Yu Xuantian is doubting his life at the moment.

  Is his comprehension really that bad?

  How long has this "Brother Meng" been enlightened! Is this refined?

  Yu Xuantian really wanted to disbelieve it.

  However, this was the reality before him, which made him speechless for a moment.

   They are both at the eighth level of Huashen, is the gap that big?

   "Fellow Daoist Yu, let's go!"

  Fang Jinyu smiled and said nothing, neither admitting nor denying, he just said so.

   Then, holding the token, he stretched out his hand and drew a random circle forward, and suddenly a door of nothingness emerged, forcing back the chaotic air around him.

   Seeing this, Fang Jinyu stepped forward and stepped over.

  After refining this token of the Spirit Realm, he already knew the specific method of using this token, as well as the origin of the gate of nothingness in front of him.

   For those who refine tokens, there is no danger.

  Yu Xuantian hastily followed with joy on his face.

  Although he lost this incomparably precious Token of the Spiritual Realm, he is safe and doesn't have to worry about Wuzun's pursuit, not to mention that his long-cherished goal has been achieved at this time!

  He can finally go to the Spirit Realm!

  With the chance encounter in the Spiritual Realm Heaven, he will definitely be able to break through the last difficulty, re-cultivate to the ninth level of God Transformation, and inherit all the combat power from his previous life.

  With the memory of his previous life, his chances of successfully proving the Dao will be even greater!


  Fang Jinyu stepped through the gate of nothingness, and saw a vast and incomparably vast world in front of his eyes.

   At a glance, the sky is so high that it is completely boundless. Although there is no sun, moon and stars, the vast and ancient aura of the sky can't help but shake people's minds.

  Looking up, there is a huge mountain in front of you, and there is no end to this huge mountain.

   Farther away, there seems to be a river, a long chain of silver and white, meandering, like a long river of time, and like a white snake running out of the fairyland.

   This is the Spirit Realm Heaven!

  However, compared to the scene of heaven and earth in this place, what Fang Jinyu cares most about is that he feels the oppression similar to the fate at this time!

  But the suppression of the fate is outrageous.

  At least in this place, Fang Jinyu can still mobilize the mana in his body. Although he can't use supernatural powers, he can still use the three supernatural powers of heavenly books, as well as Tianxin is my heart method and Daozhijian.

  In addition, the body of Bujian can also be manifested, and the natural strength of the whole body is still there, and it has not been suppressed by half. That is, once he manifests his body, he will be kicked out by the Spirit Realm Heaven.

  So Fang Jinyu felt at ease.

  Because it means that his strength has not been weakened.

   Even from a certain aspect, it should be called enhancement!

  But Yu Xuantian, who was with him, can only frown now, because Yu Xuantian's overall strength has been reduced by as much as 90%.

  He was not very good at first, but now he has become even better.

  Because he only has some boxing kung fu left to use. Fortunately, the kung fu he cultivated can absorb the breath of magic weapons to strengthen himself. His flesh and blood body is far stronger than those of the same level.

   "This spiritual realm is really just like the legends. The monks who have come to the ninth level of the gods and embarked on the road of proving the Tao, can't exert the strength of the golden core realm."

  Yu Xuantian shook his head helplessly, but immediately, he hugged Fang Jinyu with a smile on his face: "It's thanks to Brother Meng that I can come to the Spiritual Realm this time!"

   "You Daoist Yu don't blame Meng for refining that token!" Fang Jinyu responded with a smile.

   This is the plan not to return it!

  But Yu Xuantian didn't intend to come back at all, he immediately laughed, and then said: "Brother Meng, you and I are new here, why don't we go together, how about?"

  Fang Jinyu naturally had no objection to this.

  Although his strength hasn't been weakened, it's better to be a little "slow" before he finds out what power this Lingjingtian has.

   If you can not attract attention, you will not attract attention!

He didn't encounter anything along the way, but what Fang Jinyu didn't understand was why the "spiritual objects everywhere in the spirit world" in Yu Xuantian's memory, he walked all the way, but there were even first-class heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Can't see anything?

   This doubt was not understood until the two of them saw a fairy city and then walked into this fairy city named "Hanlu".

  The existence of Lingjingtian has been very long.

  And this place is the initial place where the holder of the token enters the spirit world, so from generation to generation, this area will naturally have no spiritual objects.

  Besides that, there are spiritual objects in the Lingjing Heaven, and there is no one below the level of seventh-class heaven, material and earth treasures!

  Because even if it is a ninth-class treasure of heaven, material and earth, it is not difficult to find it in the spiritual world. At most, it is encountered but cannot be picked, or it is obtained but cannot be kept.

  The fairy city of Lingjingtian is named after the twenty-four solar terms.

  In the fairy city, you will not be attacked by spirit demons in the spirit realm.

  The spirit demon is a special creature in this place!

  Like a ghost, it is extremely difficult to kill, but at the same time, like a monk, it has a smart self-awareness.

  However, even if they can communicate with each other, it is still difficult for spirit demons and monks to coexist.

  Because monks can gain great benefits by killing spirit monsters, especially the "Dao Wheel" formed after the death of spirit monsters, which can relieve the suppression of monks from the Spirit Realm Heaven and restore monks to their original strength.

  And once the accumulated "Dao Wheel" is enough, you can also comprehend the Taoism that can only be involved in the Dao state!

   It is said that the "Dao Wheel" is needed to trigger the Dao marks and inheritance in the Seven Immortal Mountains!

  Just like monks killing spirit monsters, this spirit monster can also gain great benefits from killing immortal cultivators. A cultivator's cultivation experience, the formulas he cultivated, and the supernatural powers he cultivated can all be obtained by the spirit demon who kills the cultivator!

   Moreover, once a spirit demon kills ten cultivators in the God Transformation Realm, they can leave the Spiritual Realm Heaven directly.

  When a monk kills a spirit demon, it can help his practice and go further.

  The spirit demon kills the monk, and he can be free and become a real living being.

   At this time, Fang Jinyu had already separated from Yu Xuantian, but it was Yu Xuantian who inadvertently found out the whereabouts of an old friend of his, so he went to find his old friend.

  Fang Jinyu didn't wander around in this "Cold Dew" fairy city. He exchanged a few spiritual objects for a detailed introduction about the vicinity of the "Cold Dew" fairy city.

  This introduction not only contains accurate information about this fairy city, but also includes descriptions of some spirit monsters that appeared near Hanlu fairy city.

  Fang Jinyu finished reading it soon.

However, his expression is very calm. Even knowing that Hanlu Xiancheng has encountered powerful spirit demons attacking the city many times, and the next attack by spirit demons is just a few days away, his expression has not changed at all, and he even has a heart. Think otherwise.

"Speaking of which, when I went to that robbery organization, the special top chair that I accidentally knocked down and sat on should be the one that Wu Zun sat on, right? Then, it seems that there is only one top chair in that place. questionable."

  Because so far, Fang Jinyu has never discovered his luck problem.

   Still as thin as a gossamer!

   No increase, no decrease!

   At first glance, he knew that he was an iron "cannon fodder".

  (end of this chapter)