MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 352 Sermon? Free legend!

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  Chapter 352 Proverbs? Free legend!

   There are his reasons for this.

  The originally dead world either went to a dark place, or engulfed a large number of living souls, fell into the underworld, and turned into a yin soil. But after the birth of the only living being in the world, there is basically no possibility of falling into the underworld in the dead world.

  However, this is not a reason for the four Yintu Hedao realm to act secretly.

   After all, the lack of "yin soil" will not have any impact on them, and the real masters of the underworld are not their Dao realms.

  The sky fell high.

The reason why these four people took advantage of the world where they were "born" was because they wanted to take advantage of the time when this world fell into the underworld, and wash away the "Heaven Outer Heaven" fairy fate that the four of them obtained together when they obtained the inheritance of their adventures back then. Get rid of the traces outside the sky, so that they can be turned into a fairy fate that can be used normally by them!

   "I always feel that the style of painting in this world is a bit subtle..."

   Fang Jinyu thought of the reincarnation similar to "lending", and then looked at the four Hedaojing who took the "money laundering" route. For a while, he was full of not only slots, but also slots.

  Then, Fang Jinyu's figure disappeared, and only a part of those who came from the Hedao Realm, even if they were all beheaded, it would have no effect on them.

   Therefore, instead of doing useless work here, it is better to get another thirty strands of fairy fate!

  Because the part of the world that he just sent away was only a part of the "Heaven Outer Heaven" fairy fate obtained by the four Composite Dao Realms, and they did the same tricks in another world.

   Coincidentally, Fang Jinyu encountered that world hundreds of years ago!

  Because that world hadn't completely died at that time, Fang Jinyu just left a little footprint, so that he can find it when he needs fairy fate in the future.

Fang Jinyu used the magical power of the heavenly book, so it disappeared in an instant, and the three "false birth" bodies in the Dao state did not react at the first time. They didn't realize it until their other "false birth" bodies had problems. This guy didn't want to sneak attack and fight!

"not good!"

   "How did he know?"

  These three He Dao realms were in shock, and then quickly abandoned the three "pseudo-born" bodies and moved over!

But after they passed by, apart from reuniting with "Eloxin", they could only see the scene where the world was engulfed by darkness, and a ferocious creature that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, with three eyes and no horns, at this moment Looking down at them even more condescendingly, those golden vertical pupils were full of undisguised mockery at this moment.

   "Oh, you guys are one step late!" Fang Jinyu said in a particularly unbeatable tone, and then he dropped his claws, and the black halo at the tip of the claws directly changed the faces of the four "pseudo-born" bodies in the Dao state.

  Having fought against Fang Jinyu before, they didn't know that this is a powerful force that is close to Taoism.

  The only difference from the real Taoism is that reincarnation does not recognize it, and there is no way to "loan" to reincarnation!

Originally, it was just this kind of "false Taoism", which did little harm to the Taoist realm, so they naturally wouldn't take it seriously, but they couldn't stand it. Be contained, otherwise their attack and defense methods will become useless.

  But based on this, you want them to be caught without a fight and let them be slaughtered, that is even a thought!

   Not only that, they even did not hesitate to condense the Dao marks, and at the cost of more than half of the Dao Xing disappearing, they hit their respective powerful blows.

   This is related to the dignity of the Dao Realm!





   These four "false birth" bodies in the Dao realm each drew a sword.

   And these four sword qi, as if coming from the same source, became echoes from afar, and then an incredible formation was formed in this sea of ​​realms.

  Even the turbulent chaos and turbid air in this sea of ​​realms can't do anything about it.

   Afterwards, the evil spirits of the heavens in the sea rushed out, turning into an opportunity to kill in this formation, and at the same time, blessing the power of this formation!

  In an instant, those four "Tao" who were in the Dao state were sublimated to the level of "First Immortal" in one fell swoop!

  The terrifying Xianwei swept out!

   This is no longer the way of the world!

   Fortunately, this is the boundary sea under the Immortal Domain, not in "Tianwaitian"!

Therefore, when the celestial power formed by the blessing of this "heaven and outer sky" power appears, an invisible and gentle reduction force will come from top to bottom, from the thirty-three layers of clear sky that carries the fairyland. Falling down, the four "Tao" who were in the Dao realm directly laid down this realm.

   Xianwei dissipated instantly.

   At this point, Fang Jinyu got a breather.

  When the four "Tao" in the Dao state were sublimated with the help of that formation, the four sword qi they had cut out before blocked him directly!

  The way of freedom, which should have ignored all human-level "Tao", completely failed at that moment.

  The blockade of the four sword qi did not become effective until the four "Tao" in the Dao state were knocked down to that level, but even so, Fang Jinyu felt a strong danger of falling at this time.

  Although it is no longer the "Way of Heaven", the power of the four sword qi is already terrifying!

   "He Dao Realm is really unbelievable..."

Fang Jinyu's heart was palpitating, and he used the magical power of the heavenly book [Dingxianyou] to run away again. He has wandered around the world for hundreds of years, but he left many footprints. As long as he wants to, he can escape in an instant from an unknown distance. This is also the reason why he dared to agree with Dao Realm before!

And due to the particularity of [Dingxianyou], when the four "false birth" bodies in the Dao realm wanted to lock on Fang Jinyu and kill him, they had to give up because their own Taoism was too expensive. .

  In order to kill a God Transformation Realm and lose half of its Dao Xing, it has already been said that it is shameless. If it consumes too much Dao Xing, then I am afraid it will really be laughed at by other Compatible Dao Realms.


  In a boundary-level world, a hideous gigantic figure that looked like a dragon but not a dragon suddenly appeared.

  Then, without waiting for the world to react, this ferocious giant figure quickly left the world with the appearance of "a man who knows the current affairs is a hero", and then plunged headlong into the endless sea.

   This is naturally Fang Jinyu.

  He swam for a while longer, and after confirming that there was no world nearby, he opened his mouth and spit out eighty-one strands of fairy fate.

After ringing the death knell of that world, Fang Jinyu was given thirty strands of celestial fate just like the previous one, making him fat, and this also made the total number of his celestial karma finally exceed what he needed to prove the Tao number!

  The gold-plated purple air is intertwined, as if it is about to evolve a primordial change. In the chaotic and turbid air here, there is an incredible and wonderful change immediately.

   And the Fang Xiaoxianyu in Xianyuan has grown up accordingly.

  Eighty-one fairy fates, naturally there are eighty-one small fairylands!

  Fang Jinyu immediately selected one of the small fairylands, and integrated the other 80 small fairylands into it. For a while, the opening scene of this small fairyland took shape.

  With Fang Jinyu as the core, the scene of a fairyland also slowly unfolds.

  It's like painting with splashed ink, but the scenes painted all show the charm of fairyland!

There are fairy mountains rising from the ground, standing majestically, as if supporting the world here; there are white cranes descending from the sky, holding a plant of longevity medicine in their beaks, and those who hear it will have longevity; In pursuit of prosperity and wealth, holding an old ox in hand, he walked from the bustling to the cold and remote mountains; some Yi people walked on the water, attracted thousands of swimming fish, and laid a "fish bridge" for them...

  At this time, a sense of freedom began to pervade!

   That is the way of freedom that Fang Jinyu cultivated.

   There is no such thing as freedom, but after he took the step towards becoming a god, he has this way of practice! And at this moment, the most critical moment of this way of practice is about to come!

  If it can be done, then Fang Jinyu will become a legend!

   In the heavens of the world, legends of freedom will also be born one after another, just to spread Fang Jinyu's way!

  At this time, a mysterious wave spread rapidly from the sea of ​​boundaries, because there is no space in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, so that wave of waves spread throughout the heavens and worlds in the sea of ​​​​boundaries in an instant!

  One side of the world, no matter it is the realm-level world, or the world-level world, or even the big world, at this time, they have all learned the information conveyed by this mysterious wave at this time—Legend of Freedom! Proof is imminent!

  As for this news, most of the Hedao Realms in the world did not respond to it.

  Some people are amazed that someone can reach this step in their lifetime after creating their own way of practice! This kind of talent is really worthy of admiration!

  However, it was just a surprise, no matter how many movements there were, because I was not familiar with it after all.

   But not completely unresponsive.

   There are some Dao realms, but I still have other ideas about it.

   "The legend of freedom? Is it the way of freedom? So, is it possible that he is a peerless talent born in the real world after I walked out of the real world? I just don't know which upper-class ethnic group he is from?"

   This is a He Daoist who was born in the real world, and he once created his own way of practice.

   Therefore, he can't help but feel a little bit of joy.

  This is when he first proved the Dao, he did not use the Dao he created himself, but chose to accept the Dao fruit of a predecessor. Although after the Taoism, only half of his own Taoism was divided, and overall, he did not have any problems, but it still made him feel deeply regretful.

   "Then I have to meet this junior! After all, without hardships, how can I succeed in proving the Tao?" I said so, but the meaning is naturally different.


   "Did it come from the real world? Or another world? No, I have to go and see. If it comes from the real world, then don't blame the old Taoist for being cruel and merciless!"

  The sound fell, and a figure stepped into the boundary sea, and then used the secret method of crossing the boundary sea to follow the wave.

  If there is a state of harmony for this kind of thinking, then naturally there is another state of harmony for thinking.

"Legend of freedom? Fang Jinyu? These two points, whether it is the former or the latter, are not the ones who have stepped out of the real world that I know. It seems that they are those ordinary people and humble cultivators! If this is the case, I have to go again It’s been a while, but it just so happens that the treasure refined by this seat still lacks the painstaking efforts of a peerless talent, so it’s about time.”

  The chaotic and turbid air in the boundary sea was surging, but it was another He Dao realm, who was using the secret method of boundary sea crossing, and then followed the source of that mysterious wave.

  In addition to these He Daoists who represent their own interests, there are also several people who have feuds with Fang Jinyu.

  These people immediately followed the source of the mysterious fluctuations and rushed here!

  Among them, four sword cultivators who were born in the Hedao Realm were naturally indispensable, with a piercing sword aura, and behind each of them, a sword world evolved.

  If the four of them were not from the underworld, even if Huanyang transformed into a flesh and blood body, it would not be able to change the essence. In the sword world of the four of them, creatures that best fit their "Tao" would have been born long ago!

   Fight for them!

  Or for them to comprehend the Jade Sword Sword in the inheritance of practice!

  Because this kind of creature can also be proved, and after being proved, it can even surpass its source in a short time.

   That is the realm of the four underworlds.

  However, no matter how transcended, this kind of creature born of "Tao" cannot escape the control of its source.

  Because once you leave, it will be the time when this kind of creature will die, and there will be no chance of entering reincarnation!

In addition to these four He Dao from the underworld, there are three figures of He Dao Realm, one came from a great world called "Hundred Immortals", one came from the world, and the remaining one It is from the dark place.

   However, it is not over.

  Because after two or three breaths, a few more He Dao realms arrived.

   This made the four He Dao Realm from the underworld start to look weird after looking at each other.

  How did you live to prove the Dao after offending so many He Dao realms?

   They were also a little shocked.

  God Transformation Nine-Layer cultivation base, offended by more than a dozen He Dao Realm!

  I am afraid that those disciples of the "First Immortal" realm do not have the courage and ability!

  The last few He Dao Realm people who arrived at the end were also a little confused at this time, especially those dressed in Taoist robes, the corners of their mouths were already twitching.

   But while he was in a daze, he regretted coming over.

  When the old Taoist saw the figure in the middle of the head, he was sure in his heart that the other party was not from the real world, because there was no aura that made him feel sick.

   And it was precisely because of this that he regretted it.

Because according to the regulations of the alliance he belongs to, if a monk who is not from the real world is threatened by a real monk when he is proving the way, as long as the members of his alliance happen to be present, or even though they are not present, they can rush over They must unconditionally help each other.

   There is actually no problem with this rule, because at most, a true cultivator will make trouble for a Nine-Layer Demonstration.

  If the number is too large, then the troublemaker must not be in the right realm.

  It can be sent easily!

   But now, let's see how many He Dao realms he has seen?

  Just from the real world, there are two of them! And there's Necra, Darklands, and Hades too!

  However, fortunately in the misfortune, because there are too many Dao-joining realms, there is no intention to do anything about these Dao-joining realms right now.

  After all, it is said that more than a dozen Hedao Realm teamed up to fight a ninth level of Huashen...

   They will definitely lose their faces!

  At this time, the chaotic and turbid air surged in the boundary sea, and it was another He Dao realm who used the secret method of boundary sea crossing to rush over.

"Namo Amitabha!"

  A Buddha's call came melodiously, and then the golden light spread out, and there was a figure like a young monk among them. I saw him holding a string of minimalist rosary beads without a pattern in his left hand, wearing an ordinary robe, and a pair of dusty sandals under his feet. This monk came stepping forward, as if he was asking an ascetic , not to kill people!

   "Little friend, it's time for you and the poor monk to settle the old grievances!"

  The monk said, and then he was stunned, because at this time, he discovered that there are still more than a dozen He Dao realms who are above him!

   "Poor Monk Tuo Gufo, I have met fellow Taoists. This is..." Tuo Gufo was a little surprised, and even wanted to run away immediately.

   After all, these dozen or so Taoists in the Dao realm are all a bit amazing.

   At least the second floor of the Dao!

   And he is just a cultivation base of the first level of He Dao!

   "We came to see you do it." Said a He Dao Jing who was born in the real world.

  The rest of the Hedao Realm nodded slightly when they heard the words.

   seems to mean—we mean it too.

  However, such an answer naturally cannot convince Tuogu Buddha, so he smiled sarcastically and said, "Dear fellows, you are joking!"

   "We're not joking." The Daoist who came from the dark place said expressionlessly.

   This is a slightly old man, like Tuogu Buddha, with no hair on his head, and a pair of eyes with fierce light, like the eagle eyes of the legendary president.

   This was offended by a certain little girl.

  But with the relationship between Fang Jinyu and Qingfu, and the Hedao Realm in this dark place, Fang Jinyu naturally put half of the blame on Fang Jinyu.

   "Indeed, we're not joking."

   There is also a saying of He Dao Realm, it is the two He Dao Realm who came from the world of "Hundred Immortals" and Necari.

  These two don't actually have any enmity with Fang Jinyu, and the reason for letting them come here is naturally the same as the one from the Dark Land.

   After all, Fang and a certain little girl were really in trouble in the past... Cough, they are friends in need who share the same goals and work together!

   "Fellow Tuo Gu Buddha, please do it! We will help you!" At this time, the four He Dao Realm from the underworld said, and when they nodded just now, they understood what the others were thinking.

   Face, they want it.

  But it is impossible not to take revenge, so this face can only be lost by this Tuogu Buddha.

  Gufo Tuo saw this, so he was naturally unwilling to make a move. After all, the situation was too weird. A group of people with higher cultivation bases than him kept urging him to make a move.

   But at this time, a monstrous momentum came, which was the coercion of the He Dao Realm exuded after the condensed Dao Mark of Zizai Dao Mark!

   "Not good! He's going to succeed in preaching!"

   "How could he succeed in proving the Dao so easily?"

   These Hedao realms couldn't help being shocked. Because that small fairyland had been successfully opened up, they didn't see Fang Jinyu's way of proving the way, and even thought that Fang Jinyu's proving the way had to resist the pressure of the world.

  After all, even if they were not rejected by heaven and earth when they first proved the Tao, the pressure from heaven and earth was not very small!

  (end of this chapter)

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