MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 166 Everyone here is my dad!

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One o'clock.

The National Martial Arts College Chicken Eating Competition is on time!

Lin Mo also landed in the Metaverse for the first time, click to participate.

"Player Black Earth! It is detected that your current actual age is 18 years old, and you are eligible to participate! Are you sure to participate?"


"Do you want to register with the martial arts high school where you are now?"


Lin Mo chose not to register for the time being.

After all, Lin Mo doesn't really want to reveal the identity of "black soil" for the time being. Therefore, the safest way is not to let people know which school the "black soil" is in.

However, Lin Mo didn't know that the senior officials in the martial arts world of the Xia Kingdom believed that the "black soil" had been taken away by the master of the Metaverse - of course, the scope of this news is currently limited to martial arts. At the top of the world, ordinary warriors basically don't know.

"Successful competition! Player black soil, your initial score is 1000 points! I wish you a high score in this chicken-eating competition! Now, do you want to start the game match?"

"Get started!"

Lin Mo has not played the game "The King of Chicken" in the metaverse, so he is still looking forward to it.

The chicken eating contest has just started, and the popularity of players can be imagined! Lin Mo clicked the match for less than a second, and the match was already successful.

The next second, the picture in front of him became pitch black.

In the darkness, lines of text appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes:

"Welcome to the Battlefield of The King of Chicken!"

"Here, all players' punches will be locked at 1200kg!"

"Psychic power and illusion will also be limited! Psychic and illusionists will still have great advantages on the battlefield, but they will not disrupt the balance."

"Currently in single player mode! Please kill other players on the battlefield as much as possible and win the final victory."

Lin Mo glanced at the rules and quickly understood.

"This game is simple, just kill it!" Lin Mo secretly said.

After 15 seconds, the lines of text gradually faded; the surrounding scene also began to emerge.

"I seem to be in the cabin of a spaceship?" Lin Mo saw that in addition to himself, there were hundreds of players in the cabin. Obviously, these are his competitors; and if he wants to win this game, he has to kill everyone here.

"You can't do it now!" Lin Mo saw the system prompt, "You must jump out of the spaceship cabin and enter the battlefield before you can do it!"

At the same time, Lin Mo saw some situations on the battlefield through the game panel: such as the battlefield map, the number of survivors, etc.

As the surrounding scene became clearer, the spaceship cabin gradually became lively.

Players scrambled to say harsh words in the game.

"I'm not targeting anyone! Everyone here is rubbish! Fight!"

"Does anyone dare to jump into the sea and fight directly after entering the battlefield?"

"I just want to kill you, or be killed by you!"

"Quiet! Quiet! Everyone listen to me first!" Suddenly, a player named "Xiaoyu" shouted loudly.

The voice in the cabin is really quiet, everyone wants to see what this Xiaoyu can say.

"Xiaoyu?" Lin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly - isn't this the senior old sprayer who often sprays himself?

Although in the Metaverse, there are many cases of the same name. But Lin Mo had already kept an eye on it and secretly remembered this Xiaoyu's digital ID!

Yes! It's that little Yu Benyu!

"It's really a narrow road!" Lin Mo couldn't help but smirk.

The first time I played "The King of Chicken", I matched an old friend!

Is it fate?

"It seems that in this game, I have to focus on taking care of this old friend of mine!" Lin Mo secretly geared up.

I finally caught this old troll, if I don't knead it well, will I be worthy of this opportunity given to me by the Metaverse?

Xiaoyu didn't notice at all, he was already stared at by a cold eye! It is no wonder that he did not have the slightest gap, because at this time, more than half of the eyes of the entire spaceship cabin were looking at him!

I want to see what Xiaoyu has to say.

He saw that most of the eyes in the cabin were already looking at him, and he couldn't help but become more arrogant.

He stood up with a sigh and looked around, as if looking at the heroes: "Everyone here is my father!"

The air suddenly freezes!

The cabin, which was still a little noisy, was instantly quiet, and it became audible for needles to fall.

All eyes in the cabin looked at Xiaoyu in unison.

Everyone knows that this Xiaoyu speaks so solemnly, he must be trying to speak harshly! But no one thought that Xiaoyu's cruel words would be so cruel!

Everyone here is a dad?

As soon as these words came out, many people were embarrassed to start with Xiaoyu.

"Brothers, give me a face, this game will make my son eat ****!"

"What is your son? Isn't it my son?"

"Anyway, this game will let Xiaoyu eat chicken, whoever objects, stand up! I'll kill him!"

"Agree! No objection!"

Even Lin Mo couldn't help being a little shocked - the players of this game are too cruel, right? Do you recognize your father first? What tactic is this?

But to say the least, this tactic really works! Lin Mo felt that he was embarrassed to do something to this Xiaoyu!

"Or, let him eat chicken in this game?" Lin Mo couldn't help thinking.

"I...I..." At this time, Xiaoyu also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and waved his hands again and again, "No, no! Wrong! It should be... I am the son of everyone present. It seems... not right?"

Xiaoyu may be too nervous, and will not let go of harsh words for a while.

But at this moment, Xiaoyu panicked, and his eyes suddenly swept to the name on Lin Mo's head.

"Huh?" Xiaoyu was slightly startled, "Black soil!?"

Xiaoyu was stunned.

Isn’t that a coincidence?

He just sprayed black soil on the Internet, but he didn't expect to encounter the deity in a blink of an eye.

"Black soil?"

"Is that the black soil on the Xia Guo Tianjiao list?"

Everyone is attracted by the word "black soil", and no one cares about father and son anymore.

The next second, the eyes of the entire cabin focused on Lin Mo.

"Black Earth!"

"It's really him! It's the digital ID!"

"We actually matched this big guy?"

"Are we lucky or unlucky?"

"Damn! My fighting skills are not even Tier 3! If I encounter black soil on the battlefield, wouldn't I be killed in minutes?"

Although these days, there are many voices on the Internet questioning the strength of "black soil"; for example, this Xiaoyu in the cabin of the spacecraft, there are not many doubts. But when they really encountered black soil, it was completely two attitudes!

After all…

Who doesn't know that Black Earth's fighting skills are very strong?

Who doesn't know that black soil can kill the Quartet on the chicken-eating battlefield? No one can stop it at all?

"The first game of the chicken-eating contest was matched with black soil!"

"There is no suspense in this game! No one will be the opponent of Black Earth!"

"The last one to eat chicken must be black soil!"

The players in the cabin were a little depressed.

In the single player mode of "The King of Chicken", only one of the hundred players can survive to the end. There is no doubt that in this game, everyone will be the foil of the black soil!

After all, at the beginning of the chicken-eating competition, they were all matched by the same age group; and in the same age group, how could someone be the opponent of the black soil?

"Don't be afraid of him!" Xiaoyu suddenly shouted, "No matter how strong the black soil is, he is still alone, and he has no three heads and six arms! As long as we all rush up and beat him, then He may not be able to kill us all before he runs out of energy!"

Xiaoyu's words sounded "cowardly and ruthless".

But everyone really thinks it makes sense!

Isn't it?

If the "black soil" is left alone, they will definitely be defeated by the black soil one by one; there is no suspense at all who will win and eat chicken in the end.

But if they make concerted efforts to destroy the "black soil" first, then the result will be different!

"Yes! The black soil is destroyed!"

"Everyone has a boxing power of 1,200 kilograms. I don't believe that black soil can defeat a hundred with one!"

"What's wrong with the fifth rank of combat skills? We can drown him with one mouthful of saliva!"

"If we can pick up a weapon that is handy, and the black soil is bare-handed! Then it will be easier for us to kill him!"

"Get it!"

"Everyone listen to me!" Xiaoyu even encouraged him in the cabin, "Wait a while where the black soil jumps, we will all jump with him! Let's join forces and kill him together! "

Lin Mo couldn't help being speechless.

Isn't that the name of the game "Black Soil"? Is there such a big reaction one by one?

However, Lin Mo is not afraid of beatings!

On the battlefield of the King of Chicken, there are only cold weapons and no hot weapons!

If Lin Mo is still only a "fifth-order early stage" fighting skill, then maybe he really should be afraid of being surrounded and beaten. However, Lin Mo's current combat skills have reached the "fifth-order extreme"!

Fifth-order extreme, what is the concept?

Lin Mo's control over his body is almost at the "cellular level"!

Regular injuries are no longer an injury to Lin Mo! For example, broken hands, broken feet, or even broken heads... Lin Mo can heal his injuries in an instant, and he won't even bleed a drop of blood!

I want to hurt Lin Mo... unless I directly hurt Lin Mo at the "cellular level"! Let Lin Mo's cells die on a massive scale! That's it!

If it is an attack by a hot weapon, it can still cause Lin Mo's cells to die on a large scale! However, the attack of cold weapons is really difficult to hurt the cellular level!

Lin Mo would not be hurt at all even if he stood there casually and was slashed by dozens or hundreds of knives!

This is the horror of the "fifth-order extreme" combat skills!


Will Lin Mo just stand there and cut him off?

The fifth-order extreme fighting skills brought Lin Mo, in addition to strong vitality, and... powerful attack power!

The body is mobilized almost at the cellular level. It is conceivable that the same 1200 kg boxing force and the same 1200 cell strength can exert a strong attack power here in Lin Mo !

No other players can compare!

It is equivalent to... Lin Mo is participating in this game with 10 times the attack, 10 times the defense, and infinite life!

This is completely open!

This makes other players play like this?

Unless he encounters a "fifth-order" opponent, Lin Mo is invincible in the game of King of Chicken!

And there are no opponents in this age group!

So Lin Mo can just walk sideways!

But the other players in the spaceship cabin obviously didn't realize the horror of "black soil" at all! One by one, they were still excitedly gearing up, thinking about how to beat the black soil.

"Brothers, dance with the black soil later!"

"As soon as you land, check to see if there are any weapons around! Pick up the weapons and surround the black soil first!"

"One man and one knife to kill him!"

"It's a brother, let's cut the black soil!"

"The game can be lost, the black soil must die!"

"If you can kill the black soil once, you can blow it for a lifetime!"

"Go go go go!"

Every player is excited.

For them, the probability of eating chicken is not high;

Who doesn't want to be famous?

So, when the spaceship flew over the battlefield, when Lin Mo chose to jump out of the cabin...

Swish swish swish…

More than half of the players followed the black soil and jumped down!

For a time, the air was filled with silhouettes. Looking around, I'm afraid there are fifty or sixty people!

Of course, not everyone has a brain and dances with the black soil... just like Xiaoyu!

"A group of stupid birds!" Xiaoyu sat in the cabin of the spaceship, looking at the fifty or sixty players who jumped off the spaceship through the window, "So many people jumping in one place, even if it is true If you kill the black soil, there will definitely be heavy casualties! I'll hide away first, and grow in silence... When you kill the black soil, it's time for me to eat chicken!"

Xiaoyu found that he was really smart!

Let these mindless players fight the black soil first and lose both; and then take advantage of the fisherman!

"To play games, use your brain!" Xiaoyu's mouth curled into a smug smile.

But just then—

"Xiaoyu, do you remember me?" In the spaceship cabin, there are other players. A tall and thin player stared at Xiaoyu for a while, and suddenly asked.

"You?" Xiaoyu had a puzzled look on his face, obviously not impressed.

"Fuck! You ungrateful thing!" The tall and thin player scolded, "Do you remember, once a while ago, you said you wanted to live broadcast! I'm afraid you don't have enough to eat, so I took a taxi for dozens of kilometers and sent you a bag... As the saying goes, sending goose feathers a thousand miles is a gift! Why don't you remember it?"

"Haha! Just you?" The tall and thin player sneered and provocatively said, "Let's see how I will deal with you ungrateful person later!"

"Little brat, don't hesitate, dance together!"

"Can Dad be afraid of you?"

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