MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 170 big guy take me

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"Call Dad!"

Xiaoyu is very arrogant.

In his opinion, what happens to the black soil no matter how strong it is?

No matter how strong you are, you have to catch up with me, so that you can beat me!

With the help of the 10 times moving speed of the smart balance car, Xiaoyu is not worried that he will be overtaken by the black soil!

In this case, of course he can provoke unscrupulously.

"Oh?" Lin Mo was also a little surprised.

Xiaoyu, who called his father to beg for mercy as soon as they met, actually provoked himself uncharacteristically?

When he saw the smart balance car at Xiaoyu's feet, Lin Mo suddenly understood: "It seems that this guy has picked up some equipment to increase his movement speed, thinking I can't catch him, So all kinds of arrogance!"

In terms of movement speed, Lin Mo is indeed not very fast. After all, in the chicken-eating game, the fist power is locked at 1200 kg, and it is difficult to move fast!


Can't catch up, could it be that Lin Mo can't do anything about him?

Don't forget, Lin Mo is still a psychic and an illusionist! There are ways to kill Xiaoyu in front of him.

However, Xiaoyu obviously doesn't know this. He stepped on the smart balance bike and circled around Lin Mo at a high speed, while still arrogant and provocative.

"Black soil, are you angry?"

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Hey! I just like the way you look at me and can't kill me!"


Lin Mo was not affected by the opponent's provocation at all, but his eyes lit up: "So fast! I want to order this smart balance car!"

The Dragon Saber gave Lin Mo an invincible attack!

The film suit gave Lin Mo an invincible defense!

If you ride a smart balance bike again, then Lin Mo is really a combination of "attack and defense speed"! Totally invincible!


For Lin Mo, this smart balance bike is more important than the dragon slayer and the film suit!

Because Lin Mo's attack and defense are inherently invincible, the dragon slaying knife and the film battle suit are just icing on the cake for him! But the smart balance car is different... Lin Mo really needs it!

"This Xiaoyu is really a good person!"

First send the dragon knife, then the film battle suit, and then the smart balance car... directly help him put together a full set of special equipment!

Lin Mo wanted to give him a live dance "Thank you for warming the four seasons because of you"! There is really no bgm music, so I had to give up.

But...even though the dance stopped, but I still have to thank you verbally.

"Xiaoyu, thank you!" Lin Mo shouted with a smile.

"Thank you?" Xiaoyu was a little puzzled, thank you for what?

And in the next second…

I saw Lin Mo slam the dragon slayer in his hand!

The Dragon Saber flew out with a swoosh, turning into a beautiful parabola in mid-air.

And the landing point of this parabola is right in front of the direction Xiaoyu is flying!


Moreover, Xiaoyu could judge that although the dragon-slaying knife's landing point was right in front of his forward direction, even if he did not change his direction and speed at all, this knife would not be able to hit him.

"Heishu is smashed?" Xiaoyu thought to himself, even more disdain in his heart, "Just this, still want to kill me with a knife? It seems... Heishu is really angry, But it's so poor!"

Xiaoyu is very proud.

"Being able to push the black soil to this point... Looking at all the freshmen in Xia Guo, I am afraid that I am the only one who can do it?" I imagined in my heart, "If I pick up the Dragon Saber and run straight away, wouldn't the black soil be even more angry?"

Thinking about it carefully, Xiaoyu found that it is really feasible! When the Dragon Saber falls to the ground, pick it up and run away, the black soil can't do anything about it!

"When the time comes, I will hold the Dragon Saber and step on the smart balance car, won't I be able to kill the Quartet in the battlefield?" In Xiaoyu's mind, he couldn't help but see Guan Yu holding the The picture of Qinglong Yanyue Dao and riding a red rabbit horse is as domineering as himself!

"Even... if I take advantage of the black soil and make a sneak attack from behind him, maybe I might succeed!" Xiaoyu thought more and more.

If he can kill the black soil in the first battle of the chicken eating contest, then he can definitely take it out and blow it for a lifetime!

Just as Xiaoyu was thinking more and more beautiful, suddenly—

The brain balance car under his feet seemed to hit something hard and bounced off the ground heavily, even "ejecting" his whole body out.

"What's the situation!?" Xiaoyu was thrown into the air, his face full of confusion, "Isn't there nothing on the ground?"

He was completely unprepared for this shot.

If she sees something on the ground, Xiaoyu will definitely avoid it. Or even if he is bounced, he is at least guarded; with his combat skills, he can completely achieve the realm of "human and vehicle integration" with the smart balance car!

It is impossible to be thrown out!

It is precisely because they are unprepared that they will fly directly.

It happened so suddenly, in mid-air, Xiaoyu had absolutely no way to use his strength, he could only let his body turn into a parabola.

"After landing, I must ride the smart balance bike for the first time!" Xiaoyu thought to himself.

Just now he was riding a smart balance bike, and he said a lot of cruel words around the black soil;

But at this moment, Xiaoyu suddenly caught a glimpse of a knife shadow.

"Dragon Slayer!"

Xiaoyu felt his hair stand up and his scalp tingling!


The location and time of the Dragon Saber's landing just coincided with him!

In other words, the moment he landed, the Dragon Saber would pierce him! And he is now in the air, so he can't take advantage of it at all, and he can't change this result!

"How is it possible!?" Xiaoyu only felt that the whole person was stupid!

Is it a coincidence?

Or... the black soil has already been counted?




Two parabolas, one after the other, landed almost simultaneously.

First, Xiaoyu hit the ground!

Before he could gain a firm foothold, the dragon-slaying knife that followed had pierced through him!

Dragon Saber: No one can match the blade! Below the fifth rank, you will die if you touch it!

Xiaoyu is still far from the "fifth order"! So the moment he was rubbed by the Dragon Saber, he was already dead.

Before he died, his eyes were full of horror and wonder!

He never thought that he would die like this!

"With this amount of strength, how dare you pretend to be x in front of me?" Lin Mo, who was not far away, smiled disdainfully, stepped forward unhurriedly, and pulled out Tulong who was stuck on the ground Knife.

As for why Xiaoyu suddenly flew out of the smart balance car...

That's of course Lin Mo is in the middle of it - Xiaoyu is running so fast on the smart balance car, Lin Mo only needs to control the power of his mind and yank it on the wheel of the smart balance car... Xiaoyu Don't you just fly out?

In addition, with Lin Mo's "fifth-order extreme" fighting skills, he had already calculated the parabola that Xiaoyu flew out!

First throw the Dragon Saber, and then throw Xiaoyu away, killing him with one knife! It's that simple!

"This unfortunate child!" Lin Mo couldn't help but sympathize with Xiaoyu, "For the sake of game points, he swallowed his breath in front of me twice, but he still died early!"

You said that you have already called "Dad" twice, if you call it again, and then present the smart balance car... Can Dad treat you badly?

When the time comes, Dad will take the first and let you take the second. Wouldn't that be bad?

"But then again, this Xiaoyu is really professional in delivering courier!" Lin Mo carried the dragon-slaying knife on his shoulder and rode on the smart balance bike again.

With the "three major items" sent by Xiaoyu, Lin Mo officially assembled the "speed of attack and defense"!

"10 times the movement speed?" Lin Mo looked at the attributes of the smart balance car, "I haven't seen who killed who yet?"

Lin Mo was right!


It's an upgraded version of Quagga!

And Lin Mo's "kill count" is also rising!

65 kills!

70 kills!

75 kills!

In the end, Lin Mo's kill count in this round was fixed at 81 kills!

A 100-player melee involving 100 players actually made 81 kills!


Finally, Lin Mo withdrew from the game with the Dragon Sabre in one hand and the roast chicken in the other.

Lin Mo quit this game; but the influence of this game has just begun.

On the official forum of the Chicken Contest.

Lin Mo's defeated generals are wailing and crying here.

"Too brutal!"

"Black soil is so ferocious!"

"81 kills in one game! It's just outrageous!"

"Matching with black soil, I feel like I'm lining up to be slaughtered! It's really no gaming experience at all!"

"Fifty or sixty of us besieged the black soil, and only three people were killed and escaped! Can you believe it?"

"I feel that even if we play all 99 people together in the whole game, it is not enough for the black soil to kill!"

"The existence of black soil is too disruptive to the balance of the game!"

"I suggest... whoever matches the black soil, might as well commit suicide and start the next game as soon as possible!"

For a while.

The word "black soil" once again swiped the major forums.

Everyone realizes... Although the black soil has not appeared in the metaverse for more than half a month, it seems to be even more terrifying!

There were still many voices who thought that the talent of "Black Earth" was not as good as that of "Lin Mo"! But after seeing Heitu's record of killing the Quartet in the chicken-eating competition, these voices suddenly became much quieter.

"Black soil and Lin Mo, whose talent is more terrifying?"

"What do you need to say? Of course it's black soil! Black soil is the number one person on the Xia Guo Tianjiao list! And Lin Mo is only ranked third!"

"That's right! How can there be any mistakes in the Tianjiao list formulated by the General Administration of Martial Arts of Xia Guo?"

"But in any case, Lin Mo is the only genius in the entire Xia Kingdom, and even the entire Blue Star, who is qualified to compete with the black soil! Although Lin Mo is definitely unable to compete with the black soil, but It is also much stronger than other geniuses!"

"That's right! Just like that Ye Yi, who looked so arrogant before! Now take a closer look, whether it's compared with black soil or Lin Mo, it's too far behind!"

"I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I'm afraid of comparing goods! Ye Yi is like **** when placed in front of the two of them!"

Ye Yi is actually hanging out in the forum at the moment. When he saw that netizens were discussing Lin Mo and Heitu, they somehow brought the topic to him, and he couldn't help but feel stunned.

"I was shot even when I was lying down!" Ye Yi's face was full of confusion, "I've been keeping a low profile for so long, and I don't dare to come out and pretend to be x! Why are you pulling me out? Whip the corpse?"

Ye Yi only thinks that this year's genius is too difficult!

Living in the same era as geniuses like Lin Mo and Heitu, other geniuses are destined to be bleak! It is even often pulled out as a comparison object!

Then a comparison leads to a conclusion: rubbish!

There are voices of shock, and of course there are voices of disdain for "black soil".

"Black soil? Is it very powerful? It's just bullying and bullying people of lower age!" An Internet celebrity Yinyue martial artist named "Misty Rain Rusue" made a disdainful remark, "He If it matches a martial artist of our age, hitting him would be like hitting a son!—Although Black Earth's talent is good, the protagonist of the chicken-eating contest is not him, but us martial arts graduate students and martial arts doctoral students!"

Misty Rain Rusue's attitude is not arrogant, some netizens even couldn't help but want to spray, but found that... Yan Yu Ruxue seems to be right!

Although "Black Soil" is powerful, it is also relative to peers! In front of those martial arts graduate students and martial arts doctoral students, "Black Soil" is really just a junior! At most, he can only be regarded as a genius, but he will not be regarded as an opponent by them!

Black soil is not qualified to be a match for a martial arts graduate student or a martial arts doctoral student!

The protagonists of the chicken-eating competition are destined to be only graduate students of martial arts and doctoral students of martial arts!

"In any case, the black soil is already very bad! This chicken-eating competition, he will be training soldiers! When the next chicken-eating competition, I am afraid that the black soil will become One of the main characters!"

Almost everyone thinks that: the black soil is expected to become the protagonist in the next session; the next session, the black soil is likely to directly rule the game!

But this chicken-eating competition, black soil is destined to be only a foil.

Gao Haoran rarely went to Dabaojian today, but stayed in the dormitory and wanted to participate in the chicken eating contest.

"Li Jiaxuan is so ungrateful! He was arrested a few days ago with a big sword, and I fished him out of the picket brigade; now I ask him to take me to eat chicken, and he actually I don't want to!" Gao Haoran thought a little indignantly, "If I had known, I wouldn't have caught him! Let him be locked in it for half a month!"

Although Gao Haoran knew that the chicken-eating competition had nothing to do with him, he also wanted to be taken away and have a good time in the game.

Unfortunately, Li Jiaxuan was unwilling to take him.

It's not that Gao Haoran didn't think about finding Lin Mo, but... In Gao Haoran's view, although Lin Mo's boxing talent is very abnormal, the chicken eating competition does not test boxing at all; Boxing power, will be locked at 1200 kg.

"Even if Mexico participates in the chicken-eating competition, he has no advantage, and it is estimated that he will not be able to bring me! And... Maybe Mexico doesn't want to participate at all! I better not go to block him That's it!" Gao Haoran thought very empathetically, "Forget it, I'll go solo queue by myself! In the game of King of Chicken, although strength is very important, luck is also very important! If I'm lucky enough , you can still get good points!"

Thinking like this, Gao Haoran directly entered the metaverse and started a single-player match.

Soon, the match was successful and entered the chicken-eating game.

In the spaceship cabin, Gao Haoran, who played "The King of Chicken" for the first time, looked around cautiously.


"Huh? This is..." A familiar screen name caught Gao Haoran's eyes, "Black soil!?"

Gao Haoran didn't know that the black soil was actually his Mexican!

He hurriedly checked the digital id, and found that the black soil that matched him was indeed the local black soil!

"I actually matched with Black Earth?" Gao Haoran's eyes lit up.

His first reaction was: Big boss take me!

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