MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 172 Chickens stand in a group of cranes

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【Jiangnan Martial Arts University Personal Scores】

[First place: Gao Haoran; points: 1245 points! 】

Seeing his name at the top of the list, Gao Haoran only felt full of unreal feeling.

For a long time, Gao Haoran was used to being a scumbag.

Whether at Haicheng Martial Arts High School or Jiangnan Martial Arts University, Gao Haoran is very clear about his position - the little prince at the bottom!

Even if he was inexplicably brought into the elite class, he knew very well that he was just a second ha among the wolves.

So, Gao Haoran never thought that one day he would sit on the throne of the "top" and be proud of the heroes!

"First place..." Gao Haoran couldn't help but look at the second who was pulled by him by nearly 50 points. He remembered that this is the absolute man of the postgraduate students in the school!

"Is this what it feels like to hang and beat Tianjiao?" Gao Haoran couldn't help but have an illusion that he was hanging and beating the world's Tianjiao.

Immediately after, Gao Haoran thought again: "1245 points can be ranked first in Jiangnan Martial Arts University, I don't know what the ranking is in the entire chicken eating competition?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but click on the "Individual Standings" Xia Guo general list. I saw that my name was ranked third in the Xia Kingdom, and only 8 points away from the first!

"First in school!"

"The Xia Kingdom is the third!"

Gao Haoran quickly took a screenshot of his record.

He knew very well that this was probably the most glorious moment in his martial arts career!

"Be sure to take a good screenshot and save it! When I get old, I will have the capital to brag to my grandson, telling him that my grandfather was also a figure in the martial arts world of Xia Guo..."

At this moment, Gao Haoran thought far, far, and even thought of his life after retirement.

This shit, he can blow it for a lifetime!


Gao Haoran thought of a terrible problem again - I am the third person in the Xia Kingdom; then the black soil boss, this thick thigh, should he How high are the points?

The name "Black Soil" did not appear in the individual standings, which seemed normal to Gao Haoran. After all, if you want to be on the list, you must first register with your university; if you don't register, you won't appear on the standings.

"The black soil boss's points must be much higher than the current Xia Guo's number one score of 1253!" Gao Haoran was very sure—he knew very well that in the chicken-eating game last night, How ruthless the black soil boss killed!

"Forget it! Leave it alone!" After saving all the screenshots that can hold X, Gao Haoran took out his phone, "Such great news, I must immediately Share it with me Mogo!"

Of course, what Gao Haoran really wants to do is not "sharing", but "pretending to be x"!

After all... In the past few years in Martial Arts High School, Gao Haoran has always regarded Lin Mo as a scumbag like himself! Unexpectedly, during the martial arts college entrance examination, Gao Haoran discovered that he was the only student who was a scumbag!

In the more than 20 days from the martial arts college entrance examination to the present, Gao Haoran felt that he was completely living in the shadow of Lin Mo-perhaps it was for this reason that Gao Haoran fell. into the abyss of the great sword.

At least Gao Haoran thinks that is the reason!

And now…

"Mexico's boxing talent is extremely unbelievable, but his fighting skills are quite average!" Gao Haoran thought to himself, "He probably didn't participate in the chicken-eating competition, even if he did. , and probably didn't get much good results!"

What does this mean?

In Gao Haoran's view, this shows that he has a rare opportunity to raise his eyebrows in front of Mexico!

Although this opportunity to raise eyebrows was brought by Gao Haoran with his thighs, is it important?

You can install x, just install it first!

Gao Haoran called Lin Mo directly: "Brother Mo!"

"Haoran, is there something?" Lin Mo's slightly tired voice came from the other end of the phone. Gaga slaughtered all night, and his hands were numb.

And Gao Haoran never imagined that the Mexican on the phone was actually the "black soil" who brought him up last night.

"Cough cough! Brother Mexico!" Gao Haoran coughed twice, pretending to be mysterious, "You may not believe something when you say it, I..."

"Then don't talk about it!" Lin Mo interrupted directly, "I'm going into the gravity room! You can't use mobile phones in it, so I won't talk to you for now!"

Speaking, Lin Mo hung up the phone directly.

"Beep beep beep..." Gao Haoran listened to the busy tone from the mobile phone, his face was confused.

He came to Mexico to pretend X!

Mexico just hung up the phone before he even started to install?


Gao Haoran, who tried to pretend to be x, only felt uncomfortable all over. He hurriedly called Mo Ge again, but it was prompted that the phone was turned off; obviously, Lin Mo had entered the gravity room.

"No way!" Gao Haoran was very unwilling, "I finally have a chance to pretend to be X! This is a force, I must pretend!"

Gao Haoran felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching! If he didn't force this, he might not even be in the mood to go to Dabaojian during the day!


Be sure to install it!

"I'll go to the door of the gravity room and wait for Mexico!" Gao Haoran thought to himself, "As soon as he comes out, I'll tell him the big news! In that case, I can still see it on the spot. Mexico's shocked look!"

Installing x on the phone, how can it be cool to install x on the spot?

Gao Haoran decided, this is a force, he has to pretend to be Mexico!

You can't let Mexico always see his shocked expression, but also let yourself see Mexico's shocked look!

Thinking about it, Gao Haoran went straight to the practice area, found the gravity room where Lin Mo was, and squatted directly at the door. It looks like a watchdog.

Just after squatting for a few seconds, Gao Haoran found that his cell phone rang.

"Dad?" Gao Haoran glanced at the caller ID, slightly surprised.

Since he came to Jiangnan Martial Arts University, Gao Haoran felt that he was "released"! The mountain is high and the emperor is far away, and he is no longer afraid of being strictly controlled by his father, Gao Feng.

When he is having a good time, Gao Haoran will even forget that he has a strict father.

"Dad! Why did you remember to call me early in the morning?" Gao Haoran asked with some doubts.

Isn’t it usually at night that father and son communicate with each other by phone? Why did you call me in the morning?

"I'll check the post!" On the other end of the phone came Gao Feng's stern voice.

"Check the post?" Gao Haoran became more and more puzzled.

"I heard that since you went to Jiangnan City, you have been singing every night! If I don't check the post, how can I know if you have worked hard to cultivate martial arts during the day?" Gao Feng said .

"Dad! Where did you hear this rumor? A rumor! It is absolutely a rumor!" Gao Haoran hurriedly said, "I am in Jiangnan Wuda, but I am famous for my hard work! Teachers praise I'm a fool to fly first!"

Gao Haoran did not dare to let his father know that he had completely abandoned martial arts during this period of time, eating and drinking big swords every day.

Gao Haoran has no doubts that if his father knew his current state of life, he would definitely fly over to beat him right away!

"Haha!" Gao Feng obviously didn't believe these words at all, and sneered disdainfully.

"Dad! Are you laughing too much?" Gao Haoran was anxious. Although he is rubbish, he also wants to save face, "Don't believe it, your son is now a figure of Jiangnan Wuda!"

"Haha!" Gao Feng sneered again, "Just you? Are you still a famous person?"

"Dad! Chicken eating contest, you know?" Gao Haoran said upon seeing this.

"Of course! But what does it have to do with you?"

"It seems that you don't care about news hotspots at all!" Gao Haoran said arrogantly, "I suggest that you quickly go to the personal standings of the chicken eating competition and take a closer look!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Haoran hung up the phone directly.

He believes that his dad will call him back soon!

Sure enough, within a few minutes, his father called again.

"Haoran! The third in the Xia Kingdom and the first in Jiangnan Wuda, is that you?"

"Didn't you see it all?" Gao Haoran said vigorously, "Now you know how hard your son worked in Jiangnan Wuda?"

"I believe it! I believe it!" Gao Feng was shocked, "Those who say you run to the big sword every day seem to be all rumors!"

"Isn't it?" Gao Haoran said confidently, "I've been there once! That time, it was because I first came to Jiangnan Wuda, and Brother Li's kindness was hard to resist, so I had to go. Yes! It was just that one time, and I was caught!"

"During this period of time, you must have been very hard in Jiangnan Wudali, right?" Gao Feng couldn't help but said, "If you feel tired, you should relax or relax, such as doing an occasional exercise. The big sword or something is also excusable!"

"Dad! Don't worry!" Gao Haoran was overjoyed, and he could go to Dabaojian in an open and fair manner.

Jiangnan Budo University, President's Office.

Principal Tu is looking at a document and doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Alas! Another chicken-eating competition!" Principal Tu obviously didn't like this event, "Every chicken-eating competition, our Jiangnan Wuda's record is at the bottom of the major martial arts schools! Especially in the individual standings, let alone the first place in the Xia Kingdom, it is difficult to even enter the top ten in the Xia Kingdom once!"

The results of the chicken eating competition are obviously a major pain point for Principal Tu.

At this moment, the secretary He Xin knocked on the door and came in: "Principal Tu, in our Jiangnan Wuhan University, there is a student who is in the top three of the Xia country in the individual standings of the chicken eating competition!"

"Who is it?" Principal Tu's eyes lit up and asked.

"Gao Haoran!" Secretary He Xin reported his name.

"Gao Haoran? This name seems a little familiar!" Principal Tu couldn't remember for a while, "I remember the names of the doctoral students in martial arts in the school clearly, there is absolutely no name for Gao Haoran! Yes! A certain martial arts graduate student?"

"No!" Secretary He Xin explained, "Gao Haoran is not a martial arts graduate student, but...a freshman of this year's elite class!"

"A freshman?" Principal Tu was stunned, "In the elite class, there are super geniuses emerging again? - Mr. Wei Zhi has brought the elite class very well! Let him come over , I want to praise him a few words!"

"Mr. Wei is already outside!" said Secretary He Xin.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Wei walked into the principal's room, but his expression was a little embarrassed: "Principal Tu, it's like this, this Gao Haoran... is actually a second ha!"

The news of Gao Haoran's entry into the "Chicken Eating Competition Individual Standings" naturally exploded throughout the school.

"Gao Haoran? First in the school? Third in Xia Guo? Am I right?"

"Isn't this Gao Haoran a scumbag who was sent to Jiangnan Wuhan University? I know this guy, he is Erha mixed in the wolf pack!"

“How could he be so dazzling in the chicken eating contest?”

"I heard that Gao Haoran is hugging the thighs of 'Hei Tu'! Hei Tu took him in a double row, and the points went up by eating chicken!"

"Does this work too?"

"This wave of Gao Haoran's actions in the personal standings is a complete standout!"

"Isn't it true? The entire Jiangnan Wuda scholar was stunned by a scumbag!"

"Let's go! There's nothing to see! Gao Haoran didn't rely on his own strength to get on the personal standings list; it's impossible for the black soil to take him to double-row chicken every day! Soon, he It will disappear from the list!"

"But at least Gao Haoran has a good time!"

In school.

The voices of the classmates were not much shocked, but full of contempt.

In their opinion, although Gao Haoran is now standing in the crowd, garbage is garbage and will soon be beaten back to its original shape!

Li Jiaxuan discovered Gao Haoran on the personal standings list while having breakfast, and was so shocked that he even spat out the soy milk in his mouth.

"Pfft! What's going on?"

After finding out that Gao Haoran was hugging the thick legs of "black soil", Li Jiaxuan quickly called Gao Haoran: "Brother Ran! Have you had breakfast?"

"Is something wrong?" Gao Haoran heard at once that Li Jiaxuan's attitude was definitely asking for himself.

"Brother Ran! See if you can tell the black soil boss, come back and bring me to eat chicken together!" Li Jiaxuan laughed, "Anyway, there are not many more of me, so you can bring it with you. I eat chicken in three rows!"

There is an opportunity to pretend X, of course Li Jiaxuan does not want to miss it.

"You want me to take you now? Why did you go yesterday when I begged to take you?" Gao Haoran snorted disdainfully, "Yesterday you ignored me, today I let You can't stand tall!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone without reciting the friendship of the "Four Irons of Life".

Practice area, gravity outdoor.

Gao Haoran knows that his reputation has spread throughout the school, and most of them are demeaning and mocking voices, but he doesn't care at all - he doesn't care what other students think about him, he just wants to Put a little x in front of Mexico!

Finally, from morning to evening, from dawn to dark; Gao Haoran finally waited until Mexico came out of the gravity chamber.

"Mexico!" Gao Haoran greeted Lin Mo excitedly, "There is one thing you must not believe!"

Lin Mo gave Gao Haoran a meaningful glance.

Of course he knows what Gao Haoran wants to say, and of course he understands that Gao Haoran wants to pretend to be in front of him - as a senior person in the X class, Lin Mo is too aware of the routine of pretending to be X!


Lin Mo is not ready to give Gao Haoran a chance to pretend!

Is there something I certainly don't believe?


Lin Moxiao looked at Gao Haoran and said, "I believe it!"

"???" Gao Haoran was stunned - why didn't Mexico play cards according to the routine? Usually when I hear this sentence, shouldn't I ask something?

After all, Gao Haoran doesn't have much experience in pretending to be x;

What's next?

Just when Gao Haoran failed to install x.

A "Martial Arts Exchange Group" from Sakura Country arrived in Kyoto City in Xia Country.

The leader of this exchange group is a senior martial arts master in Sakura Country.

The years have left obvious marks on the face of this martial arts master, but his eyes are still clear and full of wisdom: "Finally, we have come to Xia! One stop, go directly to the 'Aoki University', the strongest martial arts college in the Xia Kingdom!"

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