MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 523 Add 1 pet

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After a blow, the overwhelming red and blue fire and electric sand attacked thousands of one-meter-sized strange fish below.

The three talents are once again fused together, and the horrible sand penetrates directly into the body of a large head squid.

Under the attack, thousands of strange fish were destroyed.

"Up, rushed over." Chu Xian held a five-meter-long arm with a thick iron rod, patted the body of the horse, and ordered him.

"Hey." Shima saw Chu Xian help him attack the big head squid around him, so he didn't shake any more. When he moved, he took him directly toward the big head squid.

Chu Xian did not use the power of the shape of the Kui fish, he wanted to try the power of his name as the diamond rod.

Sitting on the back of a black horse, Chu Xian holds a five-meter long stick and is very powerful.

"Oh." The strange fish made a loud noise, and the poisonous needles on the body attacked them again.

"Hey." Chu Xian just wanted to surround them with the guardian of the magnetic field, only to find that the starting horse sitting down slightly, surrounded by a transparent cover.

"Bobpo." A stinger was blocked out.

Chu Xian’s face showed a surprise look: “Great, this control, not only can attack, but also be able to defend.”

Waving the diamond stick in his hand, Chu Xian went to attack with a big head thorn fish.

"Touch." The 10,000-kilogram King Kong stick does not have much weight in the hands of Chu Xian, but when it falls on the head of a big fish, it will smash the head directly.

"Bump." In the end, I didn't feel like the sound of a watermelon cracking. The beginning of the horse saw the cracked fish head, and the body was a clever one.

If it falls on its head, it is estimated that it will crack a big hole.

Holding the diamond stick, Chu Xian is like a breeze sweeping the leaves, killing a big head squid, less than five minutes, all the big fish on the lake were killed.

A corpse fell inside.

In the position by the lake, Xiong Da Xiong is on a stone, and he looks at Chu Xian and kills the Quartet very leisurely.

Even the white-haired eagle king fell next to them, scratching his body with his mouth.

"Good weapon, harder than the shape of the Kui fish." Chu Xian's face showed a satisfactory look.

"Hey." Shima saw the last big head squid falling into the lake, screaming and jumping directly into the lake.

The lake in this space should not be called a lake. It is more appropriate to call it a trough. There is no discomfort underneath.

"It seems that this guy wants to take revenge." Chu Xian saw it rushing into the bottom, the heart secretly.

However, I am very satisfied with the performance of Shima. This guy knows revenge and should know how to repay, and the IQ should not be low.

After entering the lake, the Chuxian sound wave inspection immediately looked around.

The lake is very deep, about a kilometer, and there are not many living creatures in it, similar to the above.

However, Shima seems to know a position and rushes straight ahead to rush.

Soon, a tribe appeared in the mind of Chu Xian.

This is a tribe of big-headed squid. The big-headed squid has no nests and big lizards.

Their holes are not very large, about two meters deep, and there is a big head thorn fish in each hole.

In this position, densely packed thorn fish nests, people with intensive phobias will be surprised to see.

"There are so many big-headed squid in this tribe." Chu Xiang looked at it and suddenly saw hundreds of corpses of the beginning horse.

The beginning of the race should be to live on the island, and then attacked by the bighead thorn fish, and only this one began to survive.

"If these horses are alive, how cool it should be after being conquered, hundreds of horses start to rush on the grassland, and a jump is a kilometer high. Think about it." Chu Xian’s heart is dark, but unfortunately only the last one only.

But this last one should belong to the strongest of the beginning horses, or it will not live to the end.

"Hey." Shima took the Chuxian to the top of the big-headed thorn fish nest, and snarled toward the bottom, as if it was anger, as if it was provocation.

A big-headed squid drilled out of the nest, revealing their heads, and staring at them.

Looking from a height, it seems to have come to a terrible world.

"Oh." One wind blade appeared around the beginning of the horse, and then attacked toward the big head squid below.

"Oh." Suddenly, hundreds of big-headed squid screamed and went straight to the beginning of the attack.

A sharp sting attack came.

At the beginning, the horse opened the defense and rushed straight toward the big-headed squid.

Chu Xian’s face smiled, and he was very confident in waving the diamond stick in his hand and attacking a big-headed thorn fish.

With one hit, no big fish can withstand his attack.

You don't have to do anything with the beginning of the horse, as long as you run toward the big-headed squid.

The speed of the beginning of the horse is very fast, and the four-legged one is faster than the bursting force of the Chuxian.

Especially when he used his talent to control the wind, the speed of the explosion was almost twice that of Chu Xian, almost reaching three times the speed of sound.

What is the concept of triple sound speed, which is close to two kilometers per second, which is very scary.

However, this kind of outbreak cannot last for a long time. Under normal conditions, the speed of the beginning horse can also break the speed of sound.

With the movement of the beginning of the horse, Chu Xian sitting on it only needs to attack.

Twenty minutes, Chu Xian killed a total of five or six thousand big-headed squid.

"Hey!" At this moment, an unusually loud call came.

Chu Xian smiled and turned his head and looked at it: "Boss should come out."

A four-meter-sized, big head thornfish with a length of one meter long and densely stinging came out of the nest. Its staring eyes stared at the beginning of the horse and Chuxian.

"Oh." It was another cry, and the nest once again drilled a large thorny squid, close to tens of thousands.

"Hey." Shima was a little anxious to look at the big head squid leader below.

Chu Xiang looked at it, the information of this big head thorn fish appeared in his mind.

Big head squid: energy 35432

Talent: stinger, flying, swallowing, electric thorn

Attack power: 38765

"Thirty-eight thousand attack power." Chu Xian looked at the attack power of this big-headed squid is also a slight glimpse.

Thirty-eight thousand, close to 40,000 attack power, is already a very powerful existence.

"It seems that this space should have four or five thousand or even higher-attack creatures." Chu Xian heart secretly.

Looking at the big-headed squid and the more than 10,000 small big-headed squid around, Chu Xian does not plan to waste time.

As soon as the heart moves, the body's deformed squid moves toward the front.

Slowly turned into a 30-meter-long monster, Chu Xian immediately followed, and merged with it.

The state of more than 30 meters long was launched again.

Shima was shocked when he saw that he suddenly became such a powerful monster, and quickly retreated toward the back.

Chu Xian’s body and mind moved and attacked the strongest big-headed squid directly at a horrible speed.

"Hey!" The head of the big-headed squid saw a 30-meter-long monster and felt a strong crisis. He screamed loudly, and all the stingers and electric thorns on his body attacked him.

At the same time, the surrounding tens of thousands of big-headed squid also launched an attack.

Tens of thousands of stingers have attacked Chuxian, as if the ancient 100,000-strong army was fighting, and tens of thousands of people were in a hurry.

Chu Xian’s poisonous needle from the attack did not pay any attention, and it was directly crushed by the tenth.

Rushing to the head of the big-headed squid, the huge body directly swept through.

"Oh." The head of the big-headed squid showed a look of fear. He was the first to encounter such a powerful creature, and it was unmatched.

Spike, Chu Xian, who is more than 10,000 attacks, directly kills the head of the big-headed squid.

Subsequently, Chu Xian stole and moved toward the surrounding big-headed squid.

For the big-headed squid, this is a disaster. They are like the ants of the ants, and there is no energy to resist.

Chu Xian has no mercy for this kind of creature, and it is directly crushed.

In ten minutes, more than 10,000 big-headed squid were killed by him. After looking around, his heart moved and disintegrated.

The shape of the Kui fish once again became the armor attached to him, Chu Xiang looked up at the top, watching the beginning of some horror.

The figure was moving and quickly came to the back of Shima.

When Ma Shi looked at him, he did not dare to have the slightest resistance. What's more, the creature in front of him seems to save his life and help him revenge.

"Go up." Chu Xian pointed to a direction.

"Hey!" Shimao screamed and jumped quickly toward the top.

When I came to the top, Chu Xian saw that Xiong Da Xiong Er and Bai Mao Ying Wang were sitting there leisurely. The two guys Xiong Da Xiong II still fell asleep.

Chu Xian's face turned black, let the beginning of the horse pass.

"Hey!" The beginning of the horse walked on the ground and made a powerful sound. The bear big bear opened his eyes slightly and slowly climbed up.

“嘿嘿 Chuxian went to them, and then pointed to the bodies on the island and the bottom of the lake.

The bear big bear II and the white-haired eagle king certainly understood what he meant, and immediately came to the island on the lake with a few floats on the lake.

Chu Xian put the diamond stick on the ground, rested leisurely, and the beginning of the horse screamed and squatted beside him.

"Not bad." Chu Xian opened the beginning of this horse, the more he loved it. After others took the boat, he could sit on the horse and raging in the sea. This picture is not too cool.

"Give you a name, you will call Longma later, this name is good, domineering side leakage." Chu Xian touched the head of Longma, said with a smile.

At this moment, the bear big bear, who is very skilled in collecting the corpse, quickly hit the corpses on the island and jumped into the lake immediately.

When they came to the bottom of the lake and looked at the dense body below, they suddenly turned black.

There is no ideal. Xiong Daxiong, who is comfortable to travel every day, sees that he has to do so much work and feels his body shaking.

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