MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 554 The world surrendered mermaid to the king

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"You guys..."

On the Pacific Ocean, above the huge aircraft carrier, the old commander of the commander was full of incredulous eyes and pointed at Chu Xian. Updates are fast and no ads.

All the generals around him were also looking at them with a dozen faces, and their eyes were deeply feared.

How did they get on the aircraft carrier?

"You are the people of the Mermaid Pirates?" asked a middle-aged incredible.

"What do you say?" Chu Xian looked at them, looking at them with a smile on his face.

"This...this..." The old man in the commander’s face was extremely embarrassed: "How did you come up?"

"Up, isn't this a very easy thing?" Chu Xian looked at him with a smile and asked: "A carrier is gone, I believe that I can make this aircraft carrier sink into the sea floor in minutes?"

The old man in charge of the commander looked at his face with confidence and his face was a little moved, and he took a deep breath: "This should be the leader of the Mermaid Pirates."

"Oh, just know." Chu Xian walked toward them.

The surrounding one called the general to take the initiative to open a road and look at him deeply.

"There is no other thing to come this time. The main reason is to tell you that the money should be regularly hit by the card of our Merlion Pirates. Also warn you, if anyone is willing to fight our mermaid pirate group in the future, We will kill all the top and bottom of your country."

Chu Xian looked at them with a smile: "Don't think that I am joking, to be honest, wanting to destroy you is easier than pinching an ant."

The faces around them were extremely embarrassing, but they saw that they could easily board an aircraft carrier and now stood in front of them with impunity. They knew that the Mermaid Pirates said it was a fact.

The defensive power of an aircraft carrier is no exaggeration to say, it is stronger than the White House of the Great America, but that is the case, for them, it is also ineffective.

"Well, this is a warning to you. You have made a wise choice. Otherwise, maybe your so-called fleet will sink to the bottom of the sea." Chu Xian smiled at them and then turned and left.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Chu Xian. Their departure is so calm.

"Call! It's terrible. The mermaid pirate group can easily destroy all of us, but it is slowly tormenting us and forcing us to surrender." An old man wiped his cold sweat from his forehead.

"Now we really realize how terrible the mermaid pirate group is, the aircraft carrier, we are now on the aircraft carrier, so we walked in so easily, and we said two words to leave directly, huh, huh, go out Who believes?" A general shook his head.

"Well, now this farce should be over, we really play ourselves."

"It's over, hehe!"

Some people laughed at themselves with self-deprecating laughter. They used their strong self-confidence and arrogance to encircle the mermaid pirate group. However, they found that their enemies were simply unable to confront each other. Their behavior was purely Looking for death.

They smiled self-deprecatingly, then returned to the aircraft carrier's lounge, rested, waiting for return, a return to relief.

More than a thousand warships and dozens of submarines, after driving for more than 20 hours, began to return to the original road.

When the news came, the world was boiling.

Surrendered, the fleet that owns the aircraft carrier surrendered.

The entire itinerary took just over twenty hours, but over the past twenty hours, it has changed dramatically.

"It’s too horrible. Even the world’s number one powerhouse is back from the sea, and the fleet with an aircraft carrier has returned violently.”

"If it weren't for them to surrender, it might only be possible to easily destroy the military power of several countries and permanently sink the sea."

"The surrender of the whole world, the mermaid pirate group is completely dominated by the entire ocean. No one can compete. It is estimated that no country will dare to provoke the mermaid pirate group in the future."

"This mermaid pirate group has to be completely sent out. A country has 500 million US dollars. Isn't it the annual cost of three or four billion dollars? It's crazy, and now the leader is already the world's richest man."

"The world's richest man counts as a hang, the leader said, he doesn't care about the money anymore. After that, the money really wants to spend all the flowers. Now the world's richest man, now he is not satisfied with all the guts on the list. Put a fart in front of the leader?"

"The world surrendered, the mermaid is king, the future world hegemony appears, the mermaid pirate group, everyone has to serve."

The entire fleet began to withdraw, although these countries have not announced the surrender, but the result is obviously surrendered, it is estimated that they will be announced soon.

At this time, Chu Xian and the mermaid came to the mermaid island, stretched a lazy waist, took out the phone.

When the information of the mermaid pirate group broadcasted, hundreds of millions of people directly flooded into the live broadcast room. If it wasn't for his live broadcast number, it would have collapsed after the special treatment of Facebook.

"Invincible, the leader is really invincible."

"Too great, the leader will be the most powerful man on earth in the future, and ask for support!"

"The mermaid pirate group kills innocent people, and sooner or later someone will kill you."

"The Mermaid Pirates are invincible and the leader is invincible."

“Congratulations to the Mermaid Pirates as the world’s number one force, the hegemon in the ocean.”

Tens of millions of people entered the live room and immediately swiped the screen in the room. This speed has only a hundred million messages in just one minute.

Some people congratulate the mermaid pirate group as a marine hegemon, and of course some people are guilty of the mermaid pirate group.

There are many people who congratulate, because even if the mermaid pirate group becomes the world hegemon, it has no effect on them. They are just ordinary people. They are sitting at the computer and watching it.

The rise of the Mermaid Pirates has no effect on them. What's more, in many people's minds, the Mermaid Pirates are not a terrible, inhuman organization. On the contrary, this kind of live broadcast is very interesting.

As for the people who died in the war with the mermaid pirate group, other countries have provoked them from beginning to end. If they say the most blame, they should be the top of those countries.

Chu Xian looked at the crowd in the live room and smiled on his face.

"This time the event is over. If there is no major event in the future, it will not come out again." Chu Xian said directly.

"As a result, you already know that the death journey of dozens of countries has ended, so in the future our mermaid pirate regiment will be the hegemon in the ocean. If there is no need in the future, we will retreat."

"This time, dozens of countries have surrendered. We have not lost one person in the mermaid pirate group. It is too challenging and too boring. The rest of the world is also honest in the future. This is the main reason for our retreat. ”

"Invincible is lonely, and we will begin to enjoy life in the future."

"Okay, there is nothing to say about this live broadcast. Oh, yes, after this period of live broadcast, the reward of only the gift seems to have reached more than 100 million US dollars. I am going to donate the money. We recommend one. The world-wide fund organization mainly helps some elderly people and children. In addition, the official of Facebook, you will take out the gifts and donate them all. When you donate, every fund will be released to the public and will be supervised by the society. ”

"Okay, goodbye."

Chu Xian said something, as he said, after this incident, their mermaid pirate group is already invincible, and other countries do not dare to provoke them again. They may be idle later, and may not be broadcast again. It is.

"I wipe, the leader you have to retreat, this is to return to the rhythm of the mountain forest!"

"The mermaid pirate group has become invincible and has become a transcendental existence of the earth. No country dares to provoke them. The leader is lonely, so it is necessary to retreat."

"One year's time witnessed the development of the Merlion Pirates. In just one year, they became the most powerful organization in the world from a pirate group and reached an invincible level in one year."

"Worship, after today, no strong mermaid pirate group, the mermaid pirate group is invincible."

"The world surrendered, the mermaid is king, the ocean overlord, the mermaid pirate group."

When Chu Xian’s live broadcast hangs up, the whole world is discussing something about the mermaid pirate There is a lonely speech about the mermaid pirate group, which makes countless people feel arrogant. Very admire.

The mermaid pirate group is indeed invincible, and there is no existence on the planet that competes with them.

Some regrets are that people have never seen the true face of the pirate pirate leader.

Today, these declarations of Chu Xian are concerned all over the world. Those countries that used missiles to attack the base of the Mermaid pirate group are extremely embarrassed.

The Mermaid Pirates are invincible. They are not at the same level at all. They have no idea of ​​bullying them.

It’s just that they don’t feel like they are going to provoke each other.

Now the strength of the other side is tempted, and the result has paid a heavy price.

The Merlion Pirates may be retired in the future, which does not mean that they do not need to pay a certain fee each year.

Instead, even if the mermaid pirate does not speak, they have to fight the money in time.

Not long after the live broadcast in Chuxian, many countries voiced and acknowledged the status of the pirate pirate regiment.

Agree to the identity of the Mermaid Pirates Marine Overlord.

On the aircraft carrier, after the generals reported on what they had encountered, each country was silent, and then collectively issued a statement.

This year, there was a hegemon in the ocean, a recognized hegemon in the world.

Ps: Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who have won.

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