MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 560 Going to the Mermaid Island for the New Year

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"came back."

Chu Xian walked out from the airport and watched Xiaoying waiting for her at the door. The open arms with a smile turned away.

"Every time I have been away for so long." Xiaoying said to him with some complaints.

"The next few years may not go out." Chu Xian said with a smile, currently invincible, the mermaid pirate group is invincible.

Occupy two huge demon trees as a base, the intelligent mermaid is also studying the experiment, he will not go out in a short time or two.

“Really?” Xiaoying looked up at him and asked with a delightful face.

"Of course, I will not go out in the future. If I go out, I will take you." Chu Xian said with a smile.

"This is what you said?" Xiaoying was happy.

"Yes, I said." Chu Xian smiled.


"walk home."

When I arrived at home by car, my parents and Xiaoying’s parents and sister’s brother-in-law were waiting for him at home.

"Your boy finally returned to the wild, and it was more than a month after he left. Is it not good at home? It is only after the New Year." Chu mother saw him coming in and said directly.

"Where is it, is this not something? I will not go out in the future." Chu Xian smiled.

"Can your kid not go out?" Chu mother did not believe that he pointed to him: "Hurry up to wash your hands and eat."

"Okay." Chu Xian smiled and went out to wash his hands.

"Is the outside thing handled? You look at your year, and you have been outside for more than half a year."

At the dinner table, Chu father asked Chu Xian.

"Handle it, this time it is really handled." Chu Xian nodded heavily: "There is nothing in the future. If we go out, our family can also go together."

"For my parents, I have one thing that I didn't tell you. I have an island outside. Now the island has been transformed by me. This year, our family went to the island."

"Island?" Chu parents and Xiaoying's parents showed a surprised look: "When did you have an island? Where?"

"Now the sea fish near Australia can move, and you can get the waters near our country in the future?" Chu Xian said with a smile.

"What? What do you say? Can you move? When is technology so developed, can it make the island move?" they asked in surprise.

"The island is a bit special. It is now in the waters near Australia. It is a testament to our Chinese New Year. It was very beautiful."

"Your boy has an island without a sound, so we have been on the island this year." Chu said with a smile.

"Well, you can call them uncles and uncles. The island is dozens of kilometers long and there are many houses inside." Chu Xian continued: "You can call friends and family to celebrate the New Year."

"That's good, I asked these days." Chu mother, they all nodded.

When there are still ten days in the New Year, Chu Xian stays at home honestly, surfing the Internet all day, playing games.

Regarding the mermaid pirate group, there is no information on the country's network, but there is a news of moving the island, which only aroused some people's surprise.

However, during this period, something happened that made Chu Xian very interesting.

Not far from the location of the early mermaid island, the old man told him that they found a shipwreck on the seabed.

All the boats are all kinds of exquisite porcelain and jade, worth billions of yuan.

Chu Xian smiled after hearing, let him make the jade, as an ornamental or utensil.

On the eighth day of the Chinese New Year, Chu Xian’s family came to a large number of guests.

Uncles and uncles were invited by their parents. At the same time, they also called the uncle’s daughter-in-law, and Xiaoying’s relatives also came to more than a dozen people.

These are all people with good relationships. Parents also said that the relatives who have been blocked have not called.

"Uncle, sister, brother-in-law." Chu Xian said to a group of relatives.

"Oh, not bad, Xiaoxian, your child is now a big one." Uncle and uncle are relatives of Chu Xian.

Since he has money, his father has directly given his uncle a large sum of money, reaching tens of millions.

Of course, uncles and aunts are a bit worried, but they have accepted it after they understand it. The uncle is a brother and his father.

Xiaoying’s cousin and Liu Qingsong’s family also came over, and they had a family of four.

Since the last time Chu Xian and Xiao Ying went to their wedding, he asked Hualong to call some rich second generation and wealthy businessmen to come to face some of the rich second generation in Kunming. Since then, Xiaoyun’s husband Liu Jia is in the whole city of Kunming. And the entire province is famous.

From all kinds of relationships, Liu Jia instantly became the strongest family in the whole city of Kunming, and no one in the province dared to provoke.

Later, Liu Qingsong’s father, Liu Chuanjun, also inquired about it. He learned that Xiaoyun’s cousin’s husband was a top-notch character. This time they sent an invitation and the whole family immediately rushed over.

"Xiaoyun." Xiaoying walked over and greeted Xiaoyun.

Xiaoyun’s husband Qingsong went to the front of Chu Xian to say hello.

Chu Xian smiled at him and chatted with him.

The next day, Chu Xian chatted with Jin Sen, Ge Wenqing, Li Xiaohua, and Hong Chenghai. After learning that he had an island, he said that he wanted to go there for the New Year.

Chu Xian is of course not coming, the mermaid island is very large, and there are fewer people without the atmosphere.

Then Chu Xian specially called Enze and David to let them play with their family and friends.

He also called the old man and invited him to the mermaid island for the New Year.

For the mermaid island, Mu Lao knows more, and they have seen the mermaid island scene.

Moreover, the mermaid island can intercept intercontinental missiles, which is safer.

After hesitating, Mu Lao decided to go there to play, with a young and old, Chu Xian, of course, no problem, and let Mu Lao invite other old people in the city.

Mu Lao quickly responded to him, and five or six of them passed with him, including Zhou and his family.

Zhou Lao’s daughter has not yet been completely cured. This time she will go back and cure it with his current magnetic force.

In addition, Zhang Huanhua, Yu Yu, Fiya and others also invited the past.

People who have contacted a large circle, and the fifth day will be Chinese New Year. Chu Xian walks with the friends and relatives of the family to the airport.

"Xiao Xian, is there a yacht on your island?"

“Xiaoxian, the island is not beautiful, how far is it from Australia?”

Walking on the road, Jinsen Ge Wenqing Qingsong Li Xiaohua, a few young people stood on the side of Chu Xian, asked curiously.

"Haha, you have all the thoughts, you have all of them, I tell you, my island, can be said to be heaven." Chu Xian and these young people with him also blew the cowhide, happy to chat day.

“How much did it cost to build that island? Is it rented or bought?” Qing Song asked curiously.

"Tian Hao gave me the cost of just transforming it to more than 50 billion." Chu Xian said faintly.

"Xiao Xian, I found that you are more and more able to brag, you are rich now, it is arrogant, but I guess you have two or three billion assets, you can come up with more than 50 billion to build one Island?” Jinsen did not believe.

Chuxian's assets, they know the two wonders of the Wonderland Aquarium, the Wonderland Hotel, the Wonderland Hotel is now hot, the daily turnover has reached hundreds of millions, abnormal horror.

"Money is just a number for me." Chu Xian said very hard.

"Haha, Xiaoxian, you haven't gotten to this level yet, but dare to buy an island outside and transform it, but it is the most powerful in China."

"Alright, okay." Chu Xian smiled.

"Are many of us going by boat?" Jinsen asked curiously.

"The boat time is too long, take the plane past." Chu Xian said to them.

"Flying to Australia, then taking the boat?"

"Don't have so many You will know when you arrive at the airport."

Chu Xian smiled at their mysterious smiles. They didn’t start together. They might be delayed for a few days.

When I arrived at the airport of Haiqing City, Chu Xian made a phone call.

Soon, an airport executive and a soldier came over: "Head, please."

Chu Xian’s forced squid made the crowd behind him a bit stunned.

However, when they followed the back to the airport, they were even more shocked.

At the airport, more than forty helicopters were parked, all of which were military helicopters.

"The trough, the military helicopter? Xiaoxian you got more than forty military helicopters." Jinsen on the side, they were a bit stunned.

The relatives and friends behind him were even more shocked and opened their mouths.

They thought that Chu Xian was very powerful, but did not think that it was so mixed that he used military helicopters directly.

Qingsong’s parents showed a smile on their faces. Xiaoyun’s relatives were more and more powerful, and the benefit to their Liu family was greater.

"Well, don't be so surprised, make the plane faster, everyone on the helicopter." Chu Xian smiled at them, then said to a group of people.

"It’s amazing, old, your son is really amazing now."

"A Xiu, Xiao Xian is really capable now!"

Some relatives were envious and said to the Chu father Chu.

The two opened their mouths and smiled.

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