MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 563 Laughing at the world

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The red fire is over the New Year.

This New Year is very memorable for many people, beautiful islands, exquisite food, sunshine and beaches, wine and beauty.

Wood old, they brought some red wine, white wine, and a happy face. Jinhua was cheeky and asked for a few koi and arowana, smiling.

Sending away a lot of relatives and friends, Chu Xian smiled on his face, he did not go back with his family, but continued to stay on the mermaid island.

Give them some rock red fruit for their parents.

Rock red fruit is a very big tonic for them, and it can increase the attack power of three or four hundred. In a few days, the attack power of several people has reached more than 7,000.

In addition, he also got some talents, as expected, parents have a special gift when they eat the fruit of the gift.

Spitfires and water sprays make parents feel very wrong.

"Xiao Xian, when are we going back?"

Staying on the island for a month, parents are a little bored, said.

"You can do it anytime. If you want to go back, we will go back tomorrow." Chu Xian said.

"Well, then go back, it’s boring to stay here for a long time," Chu said.

"Okay." Chu Xian nodded.

Going home with my parents, I went to the house every day, and went to the sea when I was bored. Not to mention, in the unintentional situation, he was confronted with a shipwreck.

So, for a long time, Chu Xian was obsessed with searching for the bottom of the shipwreck.

With his speed and the ability to detect sound waves, he walked through all the waters around China in a few months and caught countless treasures.

The value of treasures is immeasurable.

Time flies very quickly, and it will take more than a year in a blink of an eye. In this year, Chu Xian lived a life.

However, at this time, the mermaid island called a phone, Chu received, and excitedly rushed over.

"The boss, the research succeeded in the completion of the gene transfer." At the research base of the mermaid of the Mermaid Island, the old man walked over and said excitedly.

Gene extraction is the transplantation of a part of a living organism into another organism.

In one year, the wise mermaid has overcome the technology of cloning and mastered the technology of gene transplantation.

Gene transfer is based on the theory of biological evolution. Injecting a gene into a creature, it evolves a level and its strength is enhanced.

"How is the effect?" Chu Xian asked.

"The effect is beyond our expectation." The old man took him to the inside.

"Boss, this is the blue shark we used to experiment. After our gene transfer, the current blue shark has more than doubled its strength and has a special talent."

Going to the front of an aquarium, the old man said to him.

"Oh?" Chu Xian looked at the past, the heart of the move, the nature of the blue shark appeared in his mind.

Blue Shark: Energy 6545

Talent: fire, water, muscle strengthening.

Attack power: 6984

"More than six thousand energy, three talents, what is the biological talent of muscle strengthening?" Chu Xian was a little surprised.

"Boss, muscle strengthening is the ant's gene, which is formed by our transplantation of ant genes."

"Wait, you specifically tell me." Chu Xian had some doubts and asked.

"A good boss, after research, we have fully mastered the gene transfer."

“In the beginning, we extracted the gene of the Spitfire fish's talent, and then injected it into the body of the blue shark, so that the blue shark has the ability to fire.”

"Next, but when we continue to inject other genes, the blue shark died directly."

"We have learned that a gene that a creature can tolerate is limited. After a gene is injected, the second injection can only be made when the body reaches a certain level. So we started to carry out genes related to enhancing the body type. ”

"We have found a lot of genes in the body, ants, tigers, elephants, etc., summed up, the talent of ants is the most suitable."

"After injecting the ant's gene, we found that the fusion of genes and organisms takes a while, which requires some exercise or stimulation. When the genes of the fully integrated ants, the physique of the creatures will be greatly enhanced, then we will start again. The next gene injection."

"As long as the physical fitness of a living organism can withstand it, you can join the gene without limit." He said to him.

Chu Xian nodded thoughtfully: "Now if there is any problem with human injection of genes."

"No, the gene transfer technology has been completely broken, and then we look at a person's physique, and we found that after the biological injection of some genes, the life will be enhanced after the body is strengthened."

“Enhanced life?” Chu Xian’s face showed a surprised look: “Is there a human test?”

"There were two mermaid people who had been tested in the human body and all succeeded. In addition, we got two prisoners of death and all succeeded." The old man said: "The two prisoners are here."

The old man said, walking with him toward him, in the two rooms, two naked faces of fierce men stayed inside.

Chu Xian looked at them, and in the heart, they found that their attack power reached more than two thousand.


"Let me go out and let me go out immediately." A man shouted loudly, his fists falling in the steel room and making a loud noise, but he did not feel the slightest pain.

Chu Xian looked at his face and smiled. Then he asked: "The extraction of genes is not easy. What harm will it cause to the creatures after extraction?"

"Extraction is not difficult. After extraction, it will cause fatal damage to the extracted organism. After the general gene is extracted, the creature will die."

"If the gene injected by humans, can it be extracted again?"

"Boss, this is not possible, the gene has only one activity, and the second extraction will cause damage."

"Okay, I know." Chu Xian’s face was thinking: "Next, we have a powerful search for our mermaid and Deng's fish, searching for all the powerful genes on the earth, and then injecting it, no problem."

"Good boss, we will let people start searching." The old man nodded.

Chu Xian smiled and nodded.

The transfer of biological genes was completed a year ago. Hard-shell bio-biotechnology has already carried out this step more than a year ago, but they have just succeeded. If the experiment is placed in human voice, it may take a long time.

At the same time, Chu Xian also knows that because of the relationship between the mermaid pirate group Deng's fish, the whole world is studying the aspect of genes, and the cloned prehistoric creatures have already appeared. I believe that the new generation of genetic humans will be almost five to ten years in the future. Will appear.

"In this case, we will once again establish an organization. One year later, we will publish our research results, which is called a non-human scientific research company." Chu Xian said with a smile: "In addition, let the fish catch some two or three The fish around the meter came over and I rebuilt a batch of mermaid."

"Good boss." The old man nodded.

"Let Avon build an information organization in the world, and you will help me."


"The world is changing, and human beings will undergo tremendous changes. The Stone Age, the technology age, and possibly the future will enter the era of genetic technology."

Chu Xian’s face smiled and came to the sky garden, laughing and watching the world change.

The current wealth of the Mermaid Pirates is terrible. The last time the world surrendered, it won more than $50 billion, and the money started to work.

More than five billion dollars, equivalent to more than 300 billion yuan, can do too much.

A variety of creatures were caught, and various ancient fossils and blood were purchased.

More than 50 intelligent mermaids are used to conduct scientific research every day.

Mermaid, they are even more terrible than robots. In addition, Chu Xian even has a feeling. Perhaps, when the genetic research is to a certain extent, when the mermaid develops to a certain extent, it can be like the Zerg in the game.

Contains countless fine genes and becomes the most terrifying race in the universe.

In fact, the mermaid is also developing in this direction.

At present, Chu Xian can continue to improve the ruling mermaid. Because there are still two hundred positions, he has once again transformed two hundred fish, one hundred mermaid and one hundred fighting mermaid.

The wise mermaid all entered scientific research and strived to achieve a major breakthrough in genetics.

One hundred and fifty mermaids of the top IQ are studied together, and the results obtained are incredible.

However, one thing is that Chu Xian did not think of it.

In Greater America, a laboratory at an alien research base suddenly announced an outcome in July.

They resurrected the dinosaurs and recreated ancient creatures.

The announcement of the project immediately shocked the Jurassic Park can be presented to everyone. At present, we have long neck, pterosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Deinonychus, etc. Waiting for more than a dozen dinosaur genes, we have all hatched them, and then using cloning technology, we can make dinosaurs truly present in front of everyone in the world and build a real dinosaur park."

On the TV, a middle-aged man stood on the top and talked. In the glass box behind him, there were several living dinosaurs, and the people who came to interview were shocked.

The whole world is shocked, but more, some people who study al Qaeda are disdainful because they can do the same.

However, when the company announced the results, the alien research base immediately announced its listing, and at one time, it reached a point of horror.

Some organizations and companies that have studied quietly have seen this and have begun to announce some results.

At this time, people all over the world know that genetic technology has reached a point of horror, to the point where the whole world is shocked.

Ps: Yesterday, something suddenly happened, no update

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