MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 588 Fierce beast

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The world is changing, when there are experts on the Internet that the body of the beast is easier to upgrade than humans.

In the world, many countries have a mysterious smile on their faces.

This matter, biological research, they began research eight years ago, from cloning to cultivation.

At the beginning, the mermaid pirate group was like a god-like ruler in the entire ocean, relying on the existence of the Dun's fish.

Therefore, in these eight years, many countries are studying some giant creatures all the time.

Underneath an island, in a wide underwater research room, hundreds of people walked inside, and surrounded by glass, they were blocked by glass.


Suddenly, the entire lab trembled.

"This group of guys is naughty again." An old man turned his head with a smile and looked out.

I saw that a huge creature of about 20 meters touched the glass on the bottom of the sea.

It has two huge wings, and the pointed head is four or five meters in size, and the body is full of scent.

"This guy is getting stronger and stronger, and the whole base is almost unable to lock it." The old man smiled and said to himself: "Try it again today, it is a horror monster of ten genes, plus some others." , enough to form a marine murderer army."

At the same time, a dozen horrible monsters swim by the beach next to a rare beach.

They have sharp, powerful claws and horrible mouths, and they seem to have applied a layer of oil on them.

A fierce beast tilted his tail and patted the sea, splashing the seawater a few tens of meters high.

"Hey!" On a military island, a horrible python is on the upper reaches of the island.

The thick scales are like shields, the pythons open their mouths, and the two huge teeth are half a meter in size, and the **** smell comes from their mouths.

They are like coming out of the flood and emitting a horrible atmosphere.

In the world, there are many such research labs, and a huge number of creatures. After being cultivated and injected with genes, they have far exceeded their original glory and reached an incredible point.

The murderer is stronger than the human body. Some of the savage beasts have five or six levels of combat power at maturity, and then they are easily trained to reach level 10.

This is the card for some countries, and why some countries no longer pay protection fees to the Merlion Pirates.

Because they have confidence, when they face the Merlion Pirates again, they will never be so passive. Even, they believe that they can annihilate the Mermaid Pirates.

Because, they believe that the creatures they cultivated are invincible.

At this moment, Chu Xian and Xiaoying David Enze are in an underground entrance, around them, hundreds of gun guards falling to the ground.

"It's here." David looked down at the foothills and said.

Below, there is a small pool of hawthorn that is only five or six meters in size.

However, the pool is not visible to the end, and the inside is dark, like an abyss.

However, Chu Xian felt on the top that the water depth was only about 30 meters, but it was a bit strange underneath.

It seems to be a space without gravity, like space.

"Go, let's go down." Chu Xian said to them.

"Okay." Several people nodded. Chu Xian held Xiaoying and jumped directly inside.

They descended very quickly, but in an instant they felt like they were at the bottom.

"This is?" Xiaoying looked at the world in front of her.

Under them, it is dark, but with their current strength, they can completely ignore the darkness.

At this point, they stayed in a very magical space, suspended in the air, and it seemed to be unattractive.

What is even more amazing is that in the distant location, there are suspended plants that are motionless in the air.

The roots are rooted in the void and look very magical.

"Wow, what is this space, how can it be so amazing?" David and Enze also fell, looking at this strange space with amazement.

"Very interesting, let's go, let's go around and see." Chu Xian smiled and took Xiaoying's hand and walked toward the lower position.

Walking here seems to be walking in space.

When David was in shape, he came to the side of a tree. The tree of more than 20 meters tall did not know what kind of variety it was. It was amazing.

"Chuxian brothers, is this the treasure you said? Is it amazing?" Enze and David looked around in amazement.

"Yes, the fruits they took that day should have been found in this space, and there should be other fruits." Chu Xian said.

"Then we hurry to find it." Excitingly said.

"There are plants here, there should be creatures, you have to be careful, the creatures in this space are very powerful, and more than a dozen genes may exist." Chu Xian reminded.

"So horrible?" The two men were slightly stunned.

"You think that there are fruits that enhance strength. Those creatures may have lived here for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. The strength is absolutely not to be underestimated." Chu Xian said.

"That should be careful." The two nodded and raised some vigilance.

"Go, you are next to me, we speed up some speed." Chu Xian took Xiaoying and said to them.

In the vicinity, it has been searched by people of the Superman Group and the Na'vi Group, and there is no fruit.

Chu Xian took them all the way to the lower left front position In his sound wave investigation, there is a hollow grove there, there are some fruits, but there are also some creatures presence.

It was a very strange creature, a flat body, a pair of sharp mouths that looked like batfish, gathered in groups.

There are two kinds of fruits on the tree, one is the thumb-sized fruit that the undead war gods take, and the other is the fist-sized fruit.

"What is that in front?" Soon, Xiaoying and David saw the scene in front and their faces looked surprised.

"The creatures that are unique to the world, the fruits of those trees, are the fruits that can enhance their strength." Chu Xian stopped and looked at the past.

Several people looked curiously: "Is the strength of those creatures strong?"

"Ordinary is not very strong, you can deal with it, but the biggest one, you are not an opponent, about the strength of about ten." Chu Xian said: "There is a violent fruit that the undead war gods take, and There is one that can enhance the strength."