MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 607 Living myth

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In this extraordinary day, countries have published words that have shocked everyone in the world.

The first is a country, and the content of an international conference affects the hearts of countless people.

People are waiting on the Internet for a announcement by the national government for this meeting.

But the result is waiting to shock everyone.

One country issued: Since then, the Merlion Pirates will be the hegemon of the world.

"All countries will not have sea areas, and all sea areas are the territory of the Merlion Pirates."

This kind of declaration made people who watched the live broadcast on the Internet full of shock.

However, as soon as it was not long, more and more countries issued statements to speak on the territory of the country.

"At present, all countries in the world no longer have maritime territories. The maritime territories belong to the territory of the mermaid pirate group. This is a decision made by the leaders of all countries in the world and the territory that the mermaid pirate group should have."

"The Mermaid Pirates are well-deserved ocean hegemons. They have more strength than anyone imagined. Eight years ago, their Merlion Pirates were a marine hegemon, and they are still."

Some countries have spoken and followed the world's major powers and developed countries.

Even in the big American white house, the head of the country, the former hegemon of the world issued a statement that the Merlion Pirates will be the master of the ocean.

Later, some words to maintain peace were mentioned.

The world is shocked.

"Where is the strength of the trough, it will enable all countries in the world to recognize the status of their pirate pirate hegemon."

"Eight years ago, the Merlion Pirates Group defeated the countries of the world. At that time, some countries did not issue a statement, and now they actually admit it."

"This is recognized by the international countries. Is it the rhythm of the mermaid and the mermaid pirate group?"

"What happened at the international conference, I saw it at the beginning, where there were countless giant beasts, and the dense beasts were terrible. This is not a country that can be dealt with. How can the world compromise?"

"The mermaid pirate group is simply too powerful. What happened to the international conference, can all the countries of the world surrender?"

"Insane crazy, how is this possible? Is this realistic? Is it possible for the Merlion Pirates to defeat the giant beasts around the international islands?"

"Thousands of giant beasts? Mermaid pirates can fight all the countries in the world, and how strong they are."

On the Internet, countless people were shocked to discuss, people can't believe that all the countries in the world actually recognized the pirate pirate sea hegemon.

And one country gives up the field of the ocean.

You know, many countries have many maritime territories and even are mining some resources. Now they say that they don’t want to, and they have given up countless interests.

It is impossible to imagine what happened to the international islands that would enable countries around the world to make such choices.

However, at this time, the media that had traveled to the international islands made some remarks about the meeting.

One of them involves the Mermaid Pirates.

The famous American media, direct evaluation: the mermaid pirate group, and the Chuxian prince, they have invincible strength, the world can never imagine the power of the mermaid pirate group, they have been separated from the human category, called God For too.

At present, the giant beasts cultivated all over the world can be easily killed for the pirate group, and their strength has surpassed the sum of the world's forces.

At the same time, the famous European media directly said on the famous platform: You have not seen the power of the Merlion Pirates. You can't imagine the power of the Merlion Pirates. Their strength makes the whole world tremble. According to our guess, Eight years ago, it was the mermaid pirate group that opened the genetic world. The strength of the Chuxian lord was like a demon.

The speeches of the two famous media have shocked the world. What kind of power is it for them to call the Mermaid Pirates a god?

What kind of power is it that can make the world tremble?

The world is discussing the strength of the mermaid pirate group.

The mermaid pirate group opened the era of genes. Some people say that they have mastered alien technology, so they are so powerful. Some people say that they are sea gods.

Various arguments, all kinds of guesses.

On the Asian road, all countries also made statements.

Even if it is domestic, a declaration was issued on the issue of the national territory for this meeting.

This time, the country did not hide the cover and directly announced the deeds of the Mermaid Pirates.

And directly said: the leader of the Merlion Pirates will be the hegemon of the world's oceans and the hegemon of this era.

Unlike the average country, the country is not pessimistic because of the loss of the national waters. At the top level, it is full of smiles.

Because Chu Xian, the leader of the Mermaid Pirates, is a native of their country, and the relationship between them is very good.

In nominal terms, the waters are the site of the Mermaid Pirates, but if they are mining in the surrounding oceans, there is still no problem.

Therefore, the domestic leaders are very proud to say: the leader of the Merlion Pirates is the people of our country, and has always had very close ties with our country. The relationship with the top of our country is very good. This relationship between the fish and the pirate group, the country Will be even stronger.

This made everyone in the country stunned. At the same time, the century about the mermaid pirate group was also dug up by some people in other countries' networks.

As a result, the country is boiling.

"It’s too hoisted. Is this the mermaid pirate group? I didn’t expect them to be the hegemons of the ocean eight years ago. More than 100 countries have encircled them, and they all surrendered and worshipped!”

"The leader of the mermaid pirate group is called Chu Xian, I wipe, the typical Chinese people, this is the most powerful person in our country so far?"

"I am going to be a pirate. Are there any friends who are teamed up?"

"A pirate group formed by a Chinese person has been mixed into the current world hegemony. I really admire it. The countries all over the world agree with their position. What is the strength of this ability?"

On the domestic network, the Chinese people looked at a piece of information with a big eye, and they just remembered it, worship!

As a result, the name of Chu Xian was quickly smashed out on the Internet. In the end, boring people pointed their attention to the boss of Wonderland Hotel, Wonderland Aquarium, Chu Xian.

A character who is also legendary in China.

A person who opened the hotel in major cities and is said to have the right to awkwardness, but people are only guessing.

Those who have income in the upper echelons of the country are not talking about it.

A person is mixed in such a position, not that they can talk behind the scenes, a bad one, being said that you insult the leader of the mermaid pirate group, you may be targeted.

The people in the country are proud of it, and every day they are interested in talking about the Mermaid Pirates on the Internet.

At this time, in a high-level club in Beijing.

"I tell you, you may say that you don't believe it. At the beginning, Chu Ge had had a drink with us. When we were a few years ago, we were together."

"What are you? You look at the scar on my shoulder. It was the first shot of Chu Ge, but we didn't know each other. Now we are good friends."

"This year I have to go to the mermaid island of Chuge for the New Year. Oh, I am not bragging. If we don't do something that hurts the world, Chu said, I have difficulty finding him, haha."

A group of top-ranking sons, such as the ancient city river and the rain, blew in the clubhouse against a group of younger brothers.

They know that Chu Xian is very powerful, very powerful, and their older generations are graciously talking to them, but they have not thought of it, even to the point where they are so arrogant.

When they learned that the mermaid pirate group was recognized by the whole world, when the ocean was recognized by their countries as their territory, the first reaction of Jiangliuyu Ancient City was to lie.

At the same time, the sons of the sons were ecstatic, the thighs were too thick, and the mountains were just higher than the sky.

"Wow, brothers, Chuxian brothers sent a message, he sent a message in the group." Suddenly a son looked at the phone, said with excitement.

"What information?" A few people in the ancient city, the rain, quickly took out the phone.

"Brothers, after a month, I will hold a wedding with Xiaoying and enjoy a face to attend our wedding."

"Haha, the Chuxian brothers invited us to join him and Xiaoying's wedding, haha, see no? This is the strength of your older brother."

Several people said with a smile on their mobile phones, and then quickly responded one by one.

Congratulations on Chu Ge, information such as happy weddings are sent out immediately.

Some of their younger brothers were a little bit stunned in the room. They saw it for the first time. The top sons of Shangjing were proud to be like a child, and those new Shangjing Gongzi brothers looked at him with envy. My brother shouted and pulled me in, bringing words like me.

"Well, all the people have already invited." In the villa of Haiqing City, Chu Xian smiled and said to his parents and Xiaoying parents.

"It’s time to hold a wedding, and it has dragged you for eight or nine years.” Chu mother gave him a blank eye.

"A wedding is held one month later. We have to prepare for this time. This wedding must be a grand ceremony." Chu said on the side.

"Do not worry, my parents, this will be a century of wedding." Chu Xian said with a smile.

"Well, it should have been like this. Tomorrow we will go to the mermaid island to arrange it." Chu mother suggested.

"Good, we will pass tomorrow."

Xiaoying’s parents immediately nodded and smiled. The wedding of their daughter and son-in-law was finally held, although they have been together and have already obtained the certificate.

But without a wedding, I always feel less.

"We will invite friends and family to the past and let them go earlier." Chu Fu thought about it.


The family discussed, Xiaoying's face was full of happiness and the body of Chu Xian.

The family smiled.

Chu Xian told the old people about the wedding and the old friends such as Hong Chenghai Coulee and Ge Wenqing Jinhua.

However, the Queen of England got the news from Enze and personally called to express his blessing and hope to attend his wedding.

For the good show of others, Chu Xian did not refuse, and invited a warm invitation.

Next, I don’t know where the wind leaked. The heads of some big countries in the world also learned about his wedding news, one by one, and wanted to attend the wedding.

Chu Xian did not refuse for such a large group of people. Anyway, the mermaid island is big enough, and there are no problems with tens of thousands of people gathering together.

In more than 200 countries in the world, Chu Xian received more than two hundred calls.

No way, the mermaid pirate group or the gods of the gods, of course, these mortals will come to show.

This kind of horrible force does not mean an ordinary country. It is the head of the most powerful country at present, and it is also a respectable shouting of a Chu leader.

The day of the wedding is getting closer and closer. Under the good mood of Chu Xian, the workers who work for the Wonderland Hotel and the Wonderland Aquarium are directly paid ten times the salary of one month, and one person has issued tens of thousands of red envelopes.

This made all employees excitedly shouted long live the boss.

In Haiqing City, something happened that shocked the country.

On the morning of the 25th, a black Pegasus flew directly from the sky and landed in a villa.

Soon, two men and a woman sat on the black Pegasus and flew into the sky.

This picture, let some people take pictures with their mobile phones, and instantly caused everyone's vibration.

The sky is soaring, even if it is the genetic era, even if the strong now can jump more than ten meters, but this myth is always the first time.

Followed by, people put their eyes on the men and women of the Pegasus.

After some people's investigations, people finally learned that there is the residence of the boss of Wonderland.

Following this, there are more and more people who are sure that the owner of the Wonderland Hotel is the leader of the Merlion Pirates.

People finally know why the mermaid pirate can become the hegemon of the ocean, and even the hearts of all, the hegemon of the world.

At this time, on the satellites of individual countries, the heads of some countries looked at the leader of the mermaid pirate group in the sky with a black Pegasus in the sky.

The speed of the horse was more than five or six times the speed of sound.

This horrible strength is really a living god, the myth of today.

"It seems that the next earth is the era of the mermaid pirate group. This wedding of the Chuxian lord, we have to prepare for it."

"There are still twenty days of weddings for the pirate pirate leader. Be prepared, and the gifts should be prepared."

The heads of the countries of the world are secret.

And the chaebols and powerful groups that learned about the wedding of the pirate pirate leader also thought about how to participate in the wedding, and they were familiar with each other.

This is a living myth that needs them to worship.

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