MTL - I Can’t Play This Game Anymore-Chapter 893 can't take away

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The blood of Jesus? This stuff actually exists.

Ji Han didn't pay too much attention to the option of enhancing abilities, because the gap between him and Duke couldn't be resolved by enhancing abilities.

Besides, I am not a Westerner, so I don't know how the strengthening effect of the blood of **** is.

But since there are so many, it doesn't hurt to use them separately.

Is Kiryu a Westerner? Shouldn't it be? Putonghua is so standard, and he is also the Consciousness-only Society founded in China.

It doesn't matter, give him some to try when the time comes.

It is mainly the second effect of [Blood of Jesus]: ​​it can eliminate the ability generated on its basis.

I don't know if the ability of the Dracula family counts. If their abilities can be eliminated, then they may only have some game items distributed by Duke, which can greatly increase the winning rate.

The reducing agent I bought from the game store before did not respond to the blood of the Dracula family. It must be that the old guy Duke has improved the blood of the family, so the things in the game have long had no obvious effect on them. .

And the [Blood of Jesus] in front of them is an item obtained in the game, unless Duke has obtained it before, it should be effective for them.

But what puzzled Ji Han was that the game introduction interface in front of him flickered.

Why is the game description interface flickering? This kind of situation has never happened before. Could it be that there are traps set by other players here?

Eggplant looked at the bottle of glowing red liquid on the stone platform and asked:

"Wouldn't the wine in this place be the fine wine of the Priory of Mount Xion?"

Chen Ke frowned and said:

"Could it be the blood-red liquid stored under the base camp of the Priory of Mount Xion?"

Ji Han nodded and said:

"That's right, the blood of Jesus."

Song Qian heard this and said curiously:

"Is that the blood of Jesus? Are there so many?"

"Well, this thing will definitely be useful against the Dracula family, so we must find a way to take it away."

As Ji Han said that, he wanted to walk up the platform, but was stopped by Song Qian in time.

"Brother Han, looking at the situation just now, no one can guarantee that there will be no traps here, especially when the blood of **** is so blatantly placed on the table."

"Phew, sorry, I was in a hurry, then let's find the exit first, make sure it's in and out, and then see how we can take it away."

Retracting the feet that were about to set foot on the stone platform, Ji Han and Song Qian circled around and came to the back of the stone platform, which was still full of simple graves.

Seeing that just now, Chen Ke roughly deduced that it was the blood of **** based on guesswork, so he followed up and asked:

"Chen Ke, does the blood of **** have any clearing effect on vampires?"

"Ji Ge, of course, if it is an ordinary vampire, even holy water is afraid, let alone the blood of Jesus, although I have not actually seen the power of that kind of thing, but after all, it is an artifact with similar attributes , it should work wonders."

Eggplant was puzzled and said:

"This is even more strange. Didn't we see the arrest warrant about the Messiah before? He had been lurking in the stronghold for so long. It stands to reason that he should know that there is Jesus' blood under it, right? And he directly offended The entire Priory of Mount Sion, knowing that they will deal with me, why didn't they smash this bottle of Jesus' blood when they left?"

Ji Hanxin said that it was indeed the case, Messiah was a player just like himself, and he would definitely be able to see the information.

According to his status at the time, it would not be difficult to take away the bottle of Jesus' blood, right? Even if it's not to deal with other vampires, it's fine to use it entirely to improve your own abilities.

Song Qian speculated:

"Currently, there are several possibilities. First, he didn't come to me either, but he shouldn't have been undercover for such a long time; second, he only had that sexless blade in his eyes, so I didn't estimate anything else, but I remember about him. It is clearly written in the situation that he returned to the stronghold after killing a few companions to get

Take the asexual flow blade, that is to say, he can take it away and smash the bottle at the same time;

If these two options are ruled out, then it’s not that he doesn’t want to take it away, but that he feels that he can’t take it away, or he may face great risks if it is difficult to take it away. "

Hearing this, Ji Han couldn't help but look back at the bottle of [Jesus' Blood] placed in the center of the open space.

It doesn't matter, no matter what, I have to get this thing.

In this church, I hurriedly searched for the traces of the time ring before, and then I searched for the exit as soon as possible to escape. This is to save time. After all, the captain doesn't know what's going on there.

But now that something that might be able to deal with Duke appeared in front of him, he must not give up.

The four of them walked through the small graves with crosses inserted one by one to the wall behind the stone platform. Looking back, this place was exactly the same as the place where everyone came in.

But there is no hole or way out on the wall, and even the traces of man-made excavation are very vague, and this time I touched the stone and it was not treated with anti-reflection like before.

However, Ji Han and the others were not depressed. Eggplant fired another flare, and the four quickly ran along the wall with the white light above their heads, hoping to find some clues.

After using a few flares, Ji Han and the four of them were exhausted after running down the lap, but they found nothing useful except for solid stone walls and simple graves along the way.

Looking at the lighting sticks thrown evenly in front of the wall during the running, Ji Han took a few breaths and smiled wryly:

"Where are we looking for an exit here? It's obviously a scenic spot. It's actually a bit nice to shop around with lighting sticks."

Eggplant kicked away the stones at his feet and cursed:

"Grass, what does this mean? Could it be that those Holy Grails who knew they couldn't escape, that is, the descendants of Jesus, came here to set up a small grave for themselves when they knew they couldn't leave? Bury themselves and wait Sneak out after the enemy is gone?"

These words made Chen amused:

"Pfft, UU Reading, brother eggplant, you are really a genius in design, and you have spent so much effort just to play a clone of the grave head shadow?"

But upon hearing Eggplant's words, Song Qian said thoughtfully:

"I remember you speculated before, Brother Han, that this should be the way to **** the Holy Grail away, right? If that's the case, it's normal for the exit to have a certain degree of concealment, after all, it needs to prevent the people behind from chasing it.

But there is a problem here, why set up such a stone platform on the way to **** the Holy Grail to escape, and put the precious blood of **** on it blatantly? "

Ji Han was taken aback when he heard the words, and then slapped himself on the head fiercely:

"Damn, I'm preconceived, let's go to the stone platform!"

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