MTL - I Can’t Play This Game Anymore-Chapter 899 Thieves don't go empty

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Brother Ji, this is? Could it be that your blood has a restraining effect on them? It's not that my blood has a restraining effect on them, but that I just absorbed the blood of Vlad III, and I think the problem may lie here. Although there is no guarantee of blood type matching, a little injection should not be a big problem. Seeing that Chen Ke still wanted to continue asking, Song Qian injected it into her body first, and also felt a strange heat flow, but the discomfort was almost gone. Immediately afterwards, Song Qian walked towards the nearest corpse. Sure enough, even though she walked past this time, the corpse still didn't show any obvious reaction. It really is a matter of blood! Ji Han immediately used a new needle to draw some blood from his wound and handed it to Chen Ke and Eggplant. The two didn't care too much, and hurriedly injected a small amount of blood into their bodies. After the injections of both of them were completed, the corpses that were still running towards this side also slowly stopped and stood in place. Even Vlad III stopped the action of throwing the wooden spike and stuck in place. Chen Ke still didn't understand: Brother Ji, what's going on? Why wouldn't it be affected after injecting that guy's blood? Ji Han waved his hands to beckon everyone to follow him and explained: I just absorbed his blood and figured it out. First of all, Vlad III and the other corpses did not attack each other. They should not have been dead before. What consciousness, but they can clearly judge the enemy. Vlad III doesn't even have a head to ensure that he won't attack by mistake. So I think they must have some way to distinguish between friend and foe. After absorbing the blood of Vlad III, he stopped attacking, and I have a bold guess: they may have absorbed the blood of **** in some way , so there is no hostility between each other, which is why there will be a bottle of Jesus' blood left below. I think if the people from the Priory of Mount Sion **** the Holy Grail here, this bottle of [Jesus Blood] can help them improve their abilities, and also prevent them from being attacked by these corpses. Of course, the Holy Grail they escorted No need, because the blood of **** already flowed through his body, so they can confirm that the corpses here will only attack foreign invaders. Eggplant was puzzled and said: Then why don't you let everyone inject that bottle of Jesus' blood directly? I don't have the guts. This bottle of blood is the original [Jesus Blood]. Its concentration is not comparable to that of Vlad III's blood. It can remove all the abilities produced by it, although there is a high probability that it will not. But in the situation just now, I can't guarantee whether our abilities will be affected. That bottle of blood still needs to be brought back for Chen Ke and the others to confirm whether our injection is safe. I think it will have a more or less restraining effect on the Dracula family. Speaking of which, the four of them had already returned to the wall hole illuminated by the many red lights behind the previous stone platform. This time Ji Han didn't try to break it violently, but tried to press his arm up. When the arm touched the red wall, the red wall was like melting red ice, gradually revealing the hollow in the center. It seems that if necessary, the people of the Yinshan Priory can even take these corpses out to fight. Chen Ke took a deep breath and said: Huh, this saves a lot of energy, let's go, then let's retreat quickly. Wait a minute, I want to see if there are any other clues in the stone platform, they are all here, try not to miss anything. Everyone also knew that Ji Han's thief had a habit of not leaving empty space, so they followed him to the destroyed stone platform. Because Vlad III once drilled out of it, there is only a big pit that looks like it was blasted, but the pit looks relatively neat, and the inner walls are all paved with marble. A large number of neat thin stone slabs are scattered in the center, which looks like a shattered sarcophagus. Because these corpses were not aggressive at this time, everyone had no scruples and jumped down one after another. As expected, Ji Han found the words engraved on the stone slabs on the inner wall of the stone pit. This guy is really different from other corpses, even the treatment is so special. The text was an introduction to Vlad III's life. Although it was not a long record of his life, it also answered Ji Han's doubts. According to the description above, Vlad III was once also the Holy Grail. In other words, this guy was also a descendant of Jesus, so he was protected by the Priory of Mount Sion. But because there are also many people who want to find and kill the descendants of Jesus, after an injury, Vlad III suffered from bloodthirsty as if he had been cursed, and led his troops to fight the Turkish army, which made his illness worse . His body actually began to gradually become lignified, and only by constantly obtaining fresh blood could the pain be reduced. UU Reading Xionshan Priory also tried their best to find a way to treat him, but they all ended in failure. Seeing that the bloodthirsty of the guardian Holy Grail became more and more serious, the Priory of Mount Sion finally voted to deprive Vlad III of the Holy Grail status, and concentrated their efforts to kill him. The body is buried here. However, after killing him, the people of the Priory of Mount Xion also found in his body the ominous object that the other party cast a curse on: a golden branch. In order to ensure that similar things will not happen to the Holy Grail guarded later, they will also find the golden branch and bury it together with other items of Vlad III, so that other members of the monastery can identify it. After reading this short paragraph of text, Ji Han and the others basically understood why this guy was given such special treatment, and why his blood could open the burrow. Chen Ke said excitedly: I didn't expect that I was actually injected with the blood of the Holy Grail! Brother Ji, so not strictly speaking, we are actually the Holy Grail? Ha, you can ask the people from the Priory of Mount Xion to see if they admit it. After speaking, she turned to the crushed sarcophagus, and Song Qian, who had finished reading the text on the wall, was already fumbling beside the sarcophagus. There seemed to be a lot of sundries inside, so she naturally knew what Ji Han was looking for. Soon, Song Qian fiddled with a golden branch that was only one finger long. it's here! This should be the golden branch that caused Vlad III to suffer from bloodlust. Seeing that Song Qian lowered her head to take it, Ji Han hurriedly stopped her and said, "Don't move, be careful, this thing is poisonous. Chen Ke, where are the gloves? There should be a lot of Vlad III's personal belongings in here. Let's throw the gravel aside, and the rest The things under the package include the golden branches, all packed and taken away. Said that here I took out a few storage bags from the bureau from the backpack. Okay, Ji Han, I've seen people who don't go empty, but you're the first one to go empty.