MTL - I Can’t Play This Game Anymore-Chapter 953 game-changer

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【I dare not play this game】【】

First of all, Eggplant took everyone to write down the identities of the four of A-Dong and the tasks they came back to complete on the table in detail.

"The purpose of the four of them is really pure. It is to help us obtain time rings, and then take them to fill the cracks in time and space, so their words should be credible."

Jimo continued:

"So if we want to save them, our only way is to find the last time ring."

Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"I've tried it all, it's nothing like the space-time compass, it's impossible to find the last time ring, and there's actually a paradox here, if we really found the last time ring, then we should know its location .

But if this is the case, how can we in the future tell A-Dong that the four of them can't find the time ring at all? Can't we just tell them the location and let them pick it up? So working backwards from the results, we never found the last time ring at all. "

Liu Dan nodded and said:

"I don't think this is the most unsolvable thing. We also speculated just now. The location they teleported to should be the sky above the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang that night. At that time, all of us watched them fall. This is something that has already happened. change, so that means we haven’t changed anything.”

Although Chen Ke and Liu Dan said negative information, Eggplant still recorded it.

At this time, Ji Han, who was originally silent, also added:

"One more thing, these four people were all sent back by the future me to carry out the must-death mission, and the future me understands the situation very clearly. If he really wants to do this, he should have already considered everything we have considered. went in."

Everyone summed up for a while, but found that the table was full of unfavorable information.

This is not a situation that is difficult to turn over, but a situation where there is no possibility of a turnaround at all.

However, I am used to all kinds of life and death eggplants, but I don't seem too desperate. At this time, I can still make a joke:

"I have to say, if you just play games, Ji Han, you really can't break this game, I give full marks."

But at this time Song Qian shook her head and said:

"No, I think there is a problem here! There is a hypothetical fact that I really can't accept: are they really sent back by Brother Han? Or, did Brother Han really send the four of them back to death? "

Liu Dan replied:

"These are what A-Dong said, and he didn't need to lie to us, maybe something happened to Ji Han in the future..."

Before Liu Dan finished speaking, Song Qian interrupted:

"Do you really believe that Brother Han will become the kind of person who sacrifices the lives of his relatives in order to achieve his goals?"

When Song Qian said this, her eyes swept over everyone present.

Ji Mo was the first to raise his hand and said:

"My brother will never!"

"Of course not Ji Ge!"

Liu Dan also shook his head.

Eggplant is even more straightforward:

"He is an idiot who is naturally altruistic, and he doesn't have the brains to harm his own people."

Although apart from Ji Mo, the others have been with Ji Han for almost a year, but everyone has walked on the edge of life and death with Ji Han more than once, and Ji Han has risked his life to save them more than once.

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【I dare not play this game】【】

So according to Ji Han's personality, he would rather come back by himself than send A Dong and the others back.

Song Qian nodded and said:

"That's it, so I will never believe that Brother Han will let the four of them come back to die, and judging by the appearance of the four of them, they have absolute trust in Ji Han and us in the future, how can we let them down trust?"

Liu Dan nodded and said:

"That's right, not to mention Ji Han, even a normal person would never send his child back in such a situation! There must be something wrong with it."

Hearing this, everyone felt as if they had grasped something, and the deadlock that had been fixed in their minds began to loosen.

Chen Ke slapped his thigh:

"So we probably got one thing wrong at the beginning: the future Ji Ge is not on the opposite side of us.

Maybe Ji Ge really told A Dong that they should die when they come back, but in fact what Ji Ge set up should not be a dead end! The future Ji Ge may still be on our side, and the fact that he told A Dong that they will die is part of his plan. "

Eggplant also drew a circle on the handwriting "Future Jihan" written on the table.

No matter what, at least one unfavorable condition has been removed, and there is no basis for removing it, it just relies on everyone's unconditional trust in Ji Han.

And Ji Han seemed to understand something, and said to himself:

"So, if I send these children, including my son and daughter, back to carry out the mortal mission, from what I know about myself, I'm afraid there is only one purpose: I will definitely do my best to save them."

Eggplant nodded and said:

"And this decision was made by you in the future, which means that he knows that you can successfully save them!"

The words that A-Dong once said to himself appeared again in Ji Han's mind:

"No matter what, Mr. Ji Han, whether it's people in the past, people in the present, or people in the future, everyone will trust you unconditionally, forever!"

The same goes for future self trust in self.

Liu Dan tapped on the table lightly:

"Okay, we have successfully cleared up the injustice of Ji Han in the future, but we still don't know what to do? After all, Ji Han in the future can't help us, because we and the future Ji Han can't help us. The only connection between Ji Han is A-Dong and the four of them, but now there is no way to ask A-Dong."

Eggplant added:

"Even if I ask them, I don't know. If the future Ji Han arrangement is to make the four of them think that they are going to die, then they won't let them pass on any useful information to us, so the future Ji Han will be very important to us. Also helpless."

But what Eggplant said stimulated Ji Han, making him seem to remember something, trying to remember while pressing his temples lightly.

Just now I lost confidence in myself, thinking that I would really do that kind of thing in the future.

Song Qian and the others are right, even if they come back to die, they will not let the children die, so the future self must have reserved a solution, and also believes that the current self can handle it.

Tsk, shit, my future self! It's all in the future, can't you speak more bluntly! Just find a way to tell yourself how to save them, wouldn't it be enough?

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【I dare not play this game】【】

Even if you leave a letter for yourself!


Ji Han instantly recalled that when he first met the four of A-Dong and couldn't trust them, A-Dong took out a letter and handed it to himself, saying that he could trust them after reading the letter.

And that letter contained his own game data at that time, which was absolutely impossible for outsiders to know, which proved that the person who wrote the letter was his future self.

Isn't that just a broken thing left by him in the future!