MTL - I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group-Chapter 4

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One thousand flowers, one hundred evaluation votes, three monthly tickets, ten comments, and three rewards will add a chapter to the author.

Dear readers, the flowers and evaluation tickets in your hands will be refreshed tomorrow.

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Chapter 5 - Madara Uchiha's Ominous Premonition!


Konan looked at Nagato nervously.

At the same time, she was also waiting for Nagato's order, whether she wanted to do it or not, she just waited for a word.

Now Nagato's body is not particularly good.

This man was seen through at a glance.

If he does something to Nagato.

According to his ability similar to that of the masked man.

They have to do it in advance.

"Xiao Nan, don't worry, he has no malicious intentions!"

The whirlpool family can perceive the goodwill and malice in people.

On Bai Ye.

He didn't feel murderous.

After Bai Ye told his current situation.

Nagato also wants to hear, Bai Ye wants to cooperate with him so much, what kind of cooperation method does he want.

"By the way, you know my plan?"

Nagato was curious.

Now even the people in the Xiao organization don't know.

Their initial task was to make money.

Then raise funds for the organization.

As for the tail beast capture plan, only the masked man who claims to be Uchiha Madara knows about it.

Could it be that the two of them were revealed to Bai Ye?

"Catch the tail beast and let the world feel the pain."

Speaking of which, Nagato still lacks his own understanding of society after all.

I don't even know how to use the tail beast.

He listened to Obito's words.

This is a really silly one.

"He really knows!"

Nagato was shocked.

"The so-called plan is just using you, don't you suspect it?"

Bai Ye has always been curious.

Does Nagato know that Obito is using him?

Nagato actually chose to believe this crappy plan.

"if not?"

"Sure enough, no wonder I chose you, so you are so easy to deceive."


Nagato was speechless for a while.

His body is no longer good.

Of course you can only choose to believe.

If the body can.

He will never execute the plan so simply.

"What do you mean... chose me?"

Nagato also had some doubts in his heart at the moment.

He always felt like something was not quite right.

He is chosen?

"Because of reincarnation eyes?"

Xiao Nan next to him could only think of the eyes of reincarnation.

"That's right, it's because of the eyes of reincarnation. That's why I asked you to cooperate. Don't you realize that these eyes are somewhat repulsive to you?"


This melon baby is not as smart as Xiao Nan.

But they're good to go.

I have to start my own deception Dafa.

Because it can't last for a long time.

Bai Ye naturally had to choose a partner for cooperation.

It's not a big problem for this person to have fighting power.

Otherwise, if you choose a weak chicken to cooperate, wouldn't it be a waste of your time.

"You also have the idea of ​​​​playing the eyes of reincarnation?!"

Xiao Nan's face immediately turned ugly.

In my mind, I remembered being held hostage by Hanzo back then.

Yahiko also died because of that time.

"No, the reincarnation eye is really powerful, but it's not my own eyes, what's the use of it, it consumes my own vitality, right... Nagato?"

I believe that Nagato probably guessed something in his heart.

This reincarnation eye is not his at all.

"You said the eyes of reincarnation are not mine?"

Although he didn't want to recall it, at that time, because his parents died in front of him, he awakened the ability of the reincarnation eye.

And has been with me since I was a child.

He also thought that the reincarnation eye might not be him.

But this idea was denied by Nagato as soon as it appeared.

"The reincarnation eyes are the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, and the Sage of the Six Paths gave birth to two children after founding Ninja, one named Indra and the other Asura.

Asura inherited the celestial body of the Sage of the Six Paths, and Indra inherited the celestial eye of the Sage of the Six Paths.

As they multiplied, finally Asura's clan became the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan, while Indra became the Uchiha clan.

With the upgrade of Sharingan, the ability of Sharingan will also undergo different changes.

When the two powers are combined, a stronger power can be created, and this is... the eye of reincarnation! "

Since Nagato is so good.

Bai Ye felt that he could reveal something to Nagato.

It can be regarded as showing his sincerity in cooperating with Nagato.

The eyes of reincarnation are not his Nagato's, but Uchiha Madara's.

Speaking up.

If I completely disrupt Uchiha Madara's plan at this time.

Can he be resurrected in the end?


Uchiha Madara: [Speaking of which, I always have an ominous premonition. 】

White Beard: [Speaking of which, isn’t your plan still in progress? 】

Tony: [Hey, Madara, look at the killing you made! 】

In the chat skirt.

Uchiha Madara is always a little uneasy.

Yakumo Zi: [How about you use the function of the chat skirt to see the changes in your world. 】

Uchiha Madara is currently in Huangquan.

But at the same time, he can use the function of the chat skirt to see what is happening outside.

Although it cannot be changed, at least it can be seen.

Uchiha Madara: [No need, this plan is fine! 】

Although in the end he appeared in the form of reincarnation from the dirt.

But at least the plan worked.

As long as I don't get hurt in the end, it's fine.


And Xiao is in the organization.

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Nagato was shocked in his heart.

Could it be that this reincarnation eye is really not his? !

Chapter 6 - This is what you call a cripple? (seeking flower evaluation tickets)

Although Nagato felt a little hard to accept it in his heart.

But he still held his temper and asked: "According to what you mean, whose eye is mine?"

I have never heard of anyone from the Uchiha clan awakening the eyes of reincarnation.

"Uchiha Madara!"

"That masked man?"

how is this possible!

Xiao Nan's face immediately changed.

According to his logic.

If this reincarnation eye is Uchiha Madara's.

Why did the masked man give Nagato, and then cooperate with Nagato.

Too contradictory.

Why not choose to use the reincarnation eye yourself.


"So, how on earth do you think he is Uchiha Madara? If I came over with a mask and said that I am Senjujuma, would you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

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