MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 10

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Just entered the village and walked halfway, when suddenly a coquettish shout came from behind, "Aman, stop for me!"

Xiao Wu... Lin Manshan sorted out his expression, turned around, and smiled naively, "Miss Xiao Wu, what's wrong?"

I saw Xiao Wu's eyes were red, and her eyes moved from the hare in his hands to her face, and she muttered angrily, "Tutu is so cute, how can you kill them?"

Tutu is so cute, of course, it has to be made into spicy diced buns and eat two more bowls of rice for dinner... Lin Manshan put on his face with doubts, "Because it can be eaten! It's just like how wolves eat rabbits and rabbits eat grass, this is not very good. Is it normal?"

"Moreover, rabbits are very fertile, they can give birth to several litters in a year, and they can give birth to several litters in one litter."

"The elders in the village said that if you see rabbits around the crops in winter, you must catch them, otherwise they will all come out to eat the crops in the spring."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's face immediately flushed red, her little fists clenched tightly, her body didn't know if she was angry, she trembled slightly, "" After hesitating for a while, she couldn't think of a reason to refute , with tears in his eyes.

With a stomping of his feet, he turned and ran away.

"Little San, did I say something wrong?"

Lin Manshan looked blankly at Tang San who was still there, raised the female rabbit that he was holding in his right hand, "Little San, would you like to take one back for dinner? I have two, I can give you one. "

"No need." Tang San glanced at Lin Manshan with a dazed expression, then turned to chase Xiao Wu.

After pouting, Lin Manshan turned and left.

That night, I happily ate four bowls.

The annual leave lasted for one month, and he could hide if he went out alone, but with his family, he would inevitably have to meet Xiao Wu who went out to play.

Every time they met, Xiao Wu's eyes could be described as bitterness and hatred.

In response to this, Lin Manshan had a dazed look anyway, and took the initiative to smile back. Xiao Wu couldn't help it at all, and after less than half a month of vacation, she dragged Tang San back to the academy.

And Lin Manshan also returned to the academy after half a month of vacation. The spiders controlled by the animal control technique have limited memory and can only be stored for about a week. In order not to miss the information, he could only follow back.

Fortunately, his schedule is tight, and apart from sleeping at night, he is basically absent from the academy during the day. Although Xiao Wu was unhappy with him, she did not take the initiative to provoke him.

But there is no doubt that the relationship between Lin Manshan and Tang San Xiaowu has reached an irreconcilable point.

Chapter 22 Soul Power Level 10, Go to Wuhun Hall

Notting City, outside the Spirit Hall.

"Stop, kid. This is the Hall of Souls, so don't rush in."

As soon as he approached the door, Lin Manshan was stopped by the guards on one side.

"Big brother, I'm a student of Noordin's Elementary Spirit Master Academy. Now that my spirit power has reached level 10, I'm here to apply for a warrant to hunt down spirit beasts in the Soul Hunting Forest to obtain the first spirit ring." Lin Manshan pointed to the body on his body. School uniform, be polite.

After a year of cultivation, he finally took advantage of the one-month annual leave to cultivate his soul power to level 10 at the beginning of the new semester.

Since the awakening of his martial soul, he has been cultivating his soul power for the first month in order to solve the headache problem. It took him only 2 months to raise his soul power from level 3 to level 4. At that time, he thought he should be the first 10th level. It will be closed soon.

But as a result, reality gave him a slap in the face.

In the next few levels, he deeply realized what the talent gap is.

First level 1 in 3 months, level 1 in 4 months, and unable to improve to level 1 in the next 4 months, this is still under the condition of his improved meditation method. Although he only cultivated soul power at night every day during his academy, he also needed to allocate a small part of his time to cultivate soul power.

But so slow, Lin Manshan still did not expect it.

This is only the top 10! How do you play in the back?

"Suddenly I understand Yu Tianheng, Huo Wu, and the others in their 20s, their soul power is only in the early 40s." He often sighed.

Purely innate talent, it is too difficult for ordinary people to get ahead. It took him two full years to raise his spirit power from level 3 to level 10, while Tang San and Feng Xiaotian, who were born full of spirit power in their awakening, had level 10 spirit power at the beginning of the game.

Compared with him, it directly saves two years of hard work, and the gap is not generally large.

"So that's the case, then you can go in. Master Matthew Nuo, who is responsible for the certification of soul power and issuing warrants, is in the reception room on the second floor. You can go there to find him." Although he was a little doubtful about why a child in Lin Manshan didn't go to the school teacher for help After hunting soul beasts, he came to Wuhun Hall to apply for a warrant, but out of duty, the guards still guided Lin Manshan according to the procedure.

"Thank you big brother." Lin Manshan bowed slightly and walked straight in.

"It's a polite child." The guard smiled, stood up straight with his chest slightly raised, and continued his guarding work.

Entering the hall, you will be greeted by the frescoes all over the dome and the huge crystal windows around. The sunlight is refracted through the crystal, and the golden light is dazzling.

Who am I and where am I? Where is the staircase in such a rich and vast hall?

Looking at the hall where only a few servants were cleaning, Lin Manshan suddenly felt like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

What about my brother Tao? Why are you not here?

Did you go to the surrounding villages to help the children awaken their martial arts?

Lin Manshan was speechless, and hurriedly walked towards the nearest servant.

After some inquiries, I finally found out where the stairs were.

Dengdeng came to the corridor on the second floor, and with the help of the house number embedded on the side of the door, Lin Manshan finally found the reception room.

Extending his right hand, he tapped on the edge of the door.

"Come in!" There was a quick response from the door.

Lin Manshan pushed in the door. The clean and simple room was spacious and bright. The long sofas on both sides were neatly arranged. There was a long wooden table in front of him, and an old man in white sat behind him. He looked like he was in his sixties and full of energy. , the improvement is quite good.

At first glance, it is a person who lives a good life.

Seeing that a child who was about 1.45 meters tall and wearing a school uniform of Notting College walked in, Matthew Nuo couldn't help but get up and ask.

"Kid, is something wrong?"

"Master Matthew Nuo, my name is Aman. I'm a third-year student of the Nuoding Junior Spirit Master Academy. Now my spirit power has just reached level 10. This time, I'm here to apply for a warrant for you to enter the Soul Hunting Forest." Lin Manshan bowed slightly. Be polite.

"Oh? Isn't Nording Academy equipped with a permanent warrant? And as far as I know, Nording Academy arranges a mentor to help new students hunt soul rings every month. Why do you wait and let the mentor take you there?" Xiu Nuo said a little puzzled.

"Because I want to hunt a hundred-year-old soul beast." Lin Manshan said bluntly, "But my innate soul power is only level 3."

He didn't say that he wanted to hunt the power type, because if he said that, the opponent would definitely think he was crazy. Most of the power-type soul beasts are carnivorous beasts, which are extremely aggressive. When they encounter one, the second-ring battle soul master with the best age is not necessarily just past. Usually, only a few second rings or the help of higher-level spirit masters can stabilize the control and let people make up for the last blow to kill them.

"Hunting a hundred-year-old soul beast!?"

Matthew Nuo looked shocked. The spirit power level of the mentors of Nordin College was generally around 25, and the spirit ring configuration was average. It was indeed very risky to hunt a hundred-year-old spirit beast. In addition, the innate soul power is only level 3. This kind of talent is acceptable in the civilian class, but in the aristocratic class, it can only be said that it is okay, and it is difficult to convince the dean to take action.

If it's a bit related, there may be a chance.

If it doesn't matter, there is no backstage, and it is just an ordinary civilian, then it is impossible.

Noble children can’t even turn to the dean to help hunt down century-old soul beasts, let alone an ordinary civilian with low talent?

"Does this kid want to hunt by team?" He couldn't help thinking.

"Aman, do you know how dangerous it is to hunt a hundred-year-old soul beast? Does your family know?" Matthew Nuo frowned slightly, "Also, those who go to the Soul Hunting Forest to form a team are basically those who have already obtained the soul ring. My soul master, you don’t even have the first soul ring now, and no one will let you join the team. Even if there is a team for you to make up the number, it is estimated that you will not take the risk to help you hunt down century-old soul beasts.”

"Master Matthew Nuo, I'm an orphan." Lin Manshan whispered.

"Orphan..." Matthew Nuo suddenly felt a block in his chest, his mouth opened, as if he was stuck with something, and he couldn't speak. This is to hunt soul beasts, this is to commit suicide. If you succeed, you are lucky. If you fail, you will die. Anyway, there is nothing to worry about. Looking at Lin Manshan with pity on his face, Matthew Nuo suddenly asked again, "Little boy, what is your martial spirit?"

"Hatch." Lin Manshan answered truthfully.

Hatchet... Matthew Nuo fell silent for a while. If Lin Manshan's spirit was a relatively rare food type spirit or an auxiliary type spirit, he could persuade Lin Manshan to drop out of school and transfer to the academy under Wuhundian.

Food-type spirits and support-type spirits have always been the targets of competition between the major colleges and the imperial army, and even if the spirit power is almost the focus of training. But a common martial spirit like Hatter, even if he joined the academy under the Spirit Hall, would hardly be taken seriously, and he would not send someone to help hunt down century-old spirit rings.

"Then have you decided what soul beasts to hunt?" Matthew Nuo asked again. After all, Lin Manshan is a student of Nuoding College. Their Wuhun Hall does not have the tradition of digging people, nor does it help non-wuhun The temple's exclusive soul master's responsibility and obligation to hunt down soul beasts. However, out of personal selfishness, he didn't want Lin Manshan to choose to hunt down too powerful a hundred-year-old soul beast to die.

If he just hunted down less aggressive centennial soul beasts, he would be fine, because at least there was hope. If you choose to hunt down a power-type or agility-type soul beast with a ferocious and aggressive nature. He has to consider whether he should send the child back to Notting College, inform the college tutor of his situation, and let the college tutor or the dean make the decision.

In this way, at least he can see and hear nothing in his heart.

"Master Yu Xiaogang from the academy once suggested that I hunt hardwood plant-type soul beasts." Lin Manshan almost blurted out. Although Yu Xiaogang's suggestion was pitiful, it was indeed a good way to help him hide his century-old soul ring.

Yu Xiaogang, a plant-type soul beast... Matthew Nuo nodded with a cloudy expression on his face. Except for its rough skin and thick flesh, Matthew Nuo nodded his head. Apart from rough skin and thick flesh, he was basically not aggressive. Killed successfully.

"It can increase the hardness of your martial spirit. It is indeed a good choice. Aman, do you have the proof documents that you brought three nobles to help open? This must be prepared in advance. If not, you'd better be Go back to the academy's tutor for help, and ask the parents of the noble students in the class to help with the issuance."

In addition to testing the soul power to issue the warrant, Wuhun Hall needs to confirm that the soul power has indeed reached level 10. There is another requirement, that is, the approval of the three nobles. It is not necessary for the nobles to be present in person, and others have no time to spare. They only need to let the nobles write a document, and then use the special seal issued by the empire to each noble to stamp it.

"Bring it." Lin Manshan nodded, and quickly took out three documents from his arms. When he fought Xiao Chenyu, he was also famous in the academy. In addition, Xiao Wu, who was in the same dormitory, was domineering in the academy. The aristocratic students of his are also polite to him. It's not too simple to find three students and ask their family for a copy of the paperwork.

Chapter 23 Yu Xiaogang's pride.

"That's good." Matthew Nuo took the document with a smile, glanced down, turned around and walked behind the table, took out a warrant from the drawer, picked up a yellow crystal ball from the table, and walked back to Lin Manshan. "Aman, inject your soul power into it."

"Yeah." Lin Manshan nodded, stretched out his right hand and placed it on the crystal ball.

Soon, Dandan's yellow halo lights up.

"It's true that it has reached level 10, here it is, this is the most basic warrant, remember to return it after use." Matthew Nuo handed the warrant to Lin Manshan, and said kindly: "Aman, pay attention to safety along the way, I hope next time Seeing you, you are already a first-ring spirit master."

"Mmmm, thank you Master Matthew Nuo." Lin Manshan nodded with a smile, took the warrant and shoved it into his arms, bowing slightly, "Then I won't bother you."

"Go." Matthew Nuo nodded with a smile, watched Lin Manshan walk out the door, and closed the door politely.

After walking out of the Spirit Hall, Lin Manshan walked straight towards the academy.

Walking into the gate of the academy, he went straight to the Academic Affairs Office and knocked on the wooden door of the Dean of Education's office.

"Please come in." A soft shout came out, and Lin Manshan gently pushed in the door.

"Anything?" Director Su leaned back on the chair behind the desk and opened his eyes slightly.

"Director Su, I'm A Man, a third-year working student, and I'm here to ask you for leave this time." Lin Manshan stepped forward and bowed slightly, "My soul power has reached level 10 now, and I'm going to the Soul Hunting Forest to get it. The first spirit ring."

"Aman?" Director Su suddenly remembered the two children Yu Xiaogang had brought into the academy two years ago, one of them was named Aman, and he had beaten Xiao Chenyu before, sitting upright and looking up and down, "I haven't done so before. Notice how tall it is."

"Could it be that you asked Yu Xiaogang for help?" The college arranges tutors to help hunt soul beasts. Students do not need to ask for leave. Just tell the tutor, and the tutor will report to the Academic Affairs Office. At the end of the month, they will arrange to lead the team to hunt Soul Forest.

It's a lucky boy, with Yu Xiaogang's help, he might be able to hunt down a hundred-year-old spirit ring...

Director Su nodded, "Okay, I see."

"Then I won't bother you anymore, goodbye Director." Lin Manshan bowed slightly, retire and leave.

Not far from the Academic Affairs Office, Yu Xiaogang came from the other side.

"Aman?" Looking at Lin Manshan walking towards the dormitory building, Yu Xiaogang suddenly remembered Lin Manshan's evaluation in front of Tang San that he was unwilling to eat and drink, and suddenly interrupted the conversation between him and Tang San, causing him to Almost missed a twin martial soul disciple. Although Tang San has completely distanced himself from Lin Manshan under his original persuasion in the past two years, every time he sees it, he can't help but feel a bit of disgust in his heart, and at the same time, there is still a hint of doubt, "The new semester has just started, why is he here at the Academic Affairs Office? "

"An ordinary civilian soul master, why do I care so much?" Shaking his head, Yu Xiaogang walked straight into the Academic Affairs Office.

Knocked on the door and walked into the office, looking at each other with a slightly puzzled look from Director Su.

"Master, why are you here? Didn't that kid named Aman come to ask for leave?"

"???" Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly, "Does this have anything to do with me coming here?"

Didn't you ask Yu Xiaogang for help? Director Su's expression became even more puzzled, and he explained, "Just now, that kid came to me to ask for a leave of absence and said that his spirit power has exceeded level 10, and he was going to go to the Soul Hunting Forest to obtain the first spirit ring. I thought he asked you for help. "

"He didn't come to me, maybe he has already found someone else to help." Yu Xiaogang said sternly.

His heart was full of disdain, "This kid really has the idea of ​​​​comparing, and wants to hunt down a hundred-year-old spirit ring."

"But, is it really that simple?"

Lin Manshan was born a commoner, and his talent was ordinary. He was not qualified to ask the dean of the college to help. As for the academy instructor, the spirit ring configuration is too poor, and he is unable to hunt a hundred-year-old spirit beast alone, unless he pays a lot of money to invite several, but does Lin Manshan have such financial resources?

Obviously not!

Without becoming a soul master, you can't even get the subsidy from the Spirit Hall. How much income can you earn by working as an apprentice in a blacksmith shop? As for looking for people outside, he has never heard of any high-level soul masters in Notting City for so many years.

As for the Spirit Hall, with Lin Manshan's talent, even if he joins the Spirit Hall, he will not be heavily cultivated. Besides, the configuration of the guarded spirit masters in the Spirit Hall of Notting City is similar to that of the mentors of Notting Academy, and it is impossible to take risks for an ordinary spirit master.

"Could it be that you are planning to form a team to hunt?" Thinking of this possibility, Yu Xiaogang was even more disdainful, "It's just ignorant! If you don't even have the first spirit ring, which team will accept it? It is estimated that it will be gray soon. Run back, accept the ten-year spirit ring that the academy helped hunt and kill. No talent means no talent, and delusional change of fate is simply wishful thinking."

If a commoner can change his life, then what am I... As if thinking of something, Yu Xiaogang's face darkened, but only for a moment, he regained his vigor, and continued: "Director Su, I am here to help me today. Disciple Tang San asked for leave."

"Could it be that Tang San's spirit power has already reached level 20?" Director Su was suddenly surprised.

"Not bad." Yu Xiaogang's chest was slightly raised, a rare smile appeared on his face, and there was a look of pride in his eyes.

At the end of the first semester last year, Tang San's spirit power was already close to level 17. It was March now, and a whole year had passed in between, including two annual vacations. There was no need for class in the morning, so Tang San had more time for cultivation.

Soul power breakthrough 20, but it is a matter of course.

In terms of age, Lin Manshan was still above Tang San, but his spirit power levels were 10th and 20th. In terms of the difficulty of cultivation, the first ten levels of a spirit master were the easiest stages to improve, but it took Lin Manshan two full years to break through.

This is the gap brought by talent, the insurmountable gap.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. Blue silver grass martial arts can be cultivated so quickly. It really is a famous teacher who has become a master apprentice. Today, the old man has gained a lot of knowledge. Master, congratulations to you." Teacher Su congratulated respectfully. .

Yu Xiaogang liked this feeling very much, his hands trembled slightly, but his face was sullen, "The road of cultivation must not be slack, there is still a long way to go for Xiaosan."

Read The Duke's Passion