MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 12

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"Golden, it still glows, what kind of soul beast is this? I can't see where it is."

"This is the golden-armored unicorn, also known as the double-pronged golden rhinoceros. It is a mutant of the unicorn. Compared with the ordinary golden-horned fairy, it has greater strength and stronger defense." On the dead wood, the shell of the whole body is dark golden, and the golden-armored unicorn with long horns in front of its head and on the back is uncontrollably excited, "The unicorn loses its shell every hundred years, and the one in front has two slaps. , it should have faded four times, and the age is more than four hundred years, which is just right for me."

The mutated golden-armored unicorn is much more than the Ton Ants of the same age... Lin Manshan sighed inwardly, the Ton Ants can only show their outstanding strength and talent when they grow up to the ten thousand-year-old Ton Ant King, and those who have cultivated for a hundred years can only say good.

The mutated golden-armored unicorn in front of him was different, far exceeding most soul beasts of the same rank in terms of strength and defensive attributes. And upon closer inspection, he can almost conclude that the age is definitely more than 450 years.

It just couldn't be more appropriate.

Turning his head to look at everyone, Lin Manshan said again: "Brother Xiao, everyone, although the Golden Armored Unicorn is extremely powerful, its defense is amazing, and it can fly, but once it falls on the ground, it has no means of attack and is small in size. An ordinary soul beast with an extremely slow crawling speed."

"In addition, the pial defense power of the lower abdomen and the junction of the arthropods on both sides is very low, which is the weak point."

"Brother Stick, Brother Hoe, Brother Rake, your three martial spirits are weapon spirits. I will find a way to shoot it down later. As soon as it hits the ground, you will smash it hard with your martial spirits, focusing on attacking the limbs and joints. Even if it hits constantly, it can limit its flight ability."

"It's best to take the opportunity to overturn it, let it show its lower abdomen, and let me have the opportunity to attack and kill it."

After speaking, Lin Manshan's face turned solemn.

"There is another point, you must remember, you must keep a distance, and keep your legs away. Its limbs are extremely strong, and it also has barbs. If it is accidentally hugged by the thigh, even if it is clamped, the bones will be pierced. "

"Well, we remembered it. Aman, you can make arrangements, we will listen to you." The three nodded in response.

Although they have only been with each other for a long time, in their eyes, they have long regarded Lin Manshan as a true friend.

Along the way, Lin Manshan has taught them a lot of precious soul beast knowledge for free.

Not long after, Lin Manshan finished talking about the hunting plan, and slightly handed over his hands, "Then I'll trouble you all."

"Small thing." The three of them smiled and began to act according to the plan, putting their toes on their toes and approaching quietly.

"Come on, I suddenly think I'm a beast spirit." Xiao Zizai shook his head helplessly. The four spirits they left behind were all melee-type beast spirits, and their spirit skills were also biased towards melee combat. According to Lin Manshan, it was easy to get pregnant. Holding the legs to kill in the middle can't help much.

"Brother Aman is also thinking of our safety." Brother Gou on the side also sighed helplessly.

On the other side, Lin Manshan separated and slowly approached ten meters from the other side, hiding behind the Golden Armored Unicorn.

"It seems that this hollow giant tree should be this guy's lair." The Golden Armored Unicorn is standing on the trunk of a fallen giant tree that spans the creek. There are many green branches and leaves growing out of it. In the shade of the branches and leaves behind the golden armored unicorn, there is a hole the size of a bowl, and the sawdust on the edge is still fresh.

Looking at the direction of the three thugs, they have reached the designated position.

Lin Manshan hurriedly raised his left hand and aimed it at the golden armored unicorn, which was covered by the carapace, revealing only a finger-width soft buttocks.

He has been blacksmithing for two years, and naturally he has assembled his own enhanced version of the silent sleeve arrow, a conical spiral arrow with a blood groove, making it more penetrating. The micro-wings are quartered, making it fly smoothly and silently. With a range of 30 meters, it can be launched at a distance of 10 meters, and its strength can definitely knock this small golden-armored unicorn with the beast and bark into the air.

After all, it was close to the water. Although this fallen tree was still alive, its bark had already been soaked, soft and decayed, and it shattered with force.

After turning on the insurance and adjusting the position, Lin Manshan pressed the switch without hesitation.

"Hugh..." A silver streamer lased out.

"Pfft!" It was precisely inserted into the **** of the Golden Armored Unicorn Fairy, and the arrow did not penetrate most of it. The barbed limbs grabbed the bark that turned into sawdust and flew into the air, the golden carapace on the back fluttered and opened, revealing the thin wings inside, and there was a buzzing sound.

"Nice job, Aman!" The three thugs exclaimed, quickly calling out their martial spirits, and jumping out of the grass.

"I'll fight!" Wooden sticks, hoes, and rakes greeted each other on the limbs of the golden-armored unicorn that had just landed on the shore.

"I'm going, Aman, your arrow is accurate. You're sticking it in its asshole, and the juice is coming out." Brother Hoe shouted in admiration, "Brother stick, you have a thin stick, so you can shoot him well, hurry up and poke him in the lower abdomen. , tilt it up and turn it over."

"Nima, you're so smart!" The stick scolded angrily, his hands kept moving, and the stick quickly poked the ground.

The next second, screamed in horror, "Damn it! It's holding me with a stick."

"I'm so strong, I feel like my stick is about to be snapped off!"


When Lin Manshan arrived, the golden-armored unicorn was already facing upwards, the limbs on both sides were beaten crookedly from the junction of the lower abdomen, the juice of Dandan overflowed from it, and there was a long arrow stuck in the back of the buttocks, and the juice flowed all over the ground. , The body trembled slightly, and it seemed that he was about to die. After all, it was only a hundred-year-old soul beast. The delicate lower body was injected with injections, and the weak joints were continuously beaten by three strong men.

Who can stand this.

Many people are powerful, honestly do not deceive me. If I come alone, I'm afraid I'll have to catch up for a while.

"It seems that luck is good, I thought it would not be so easy to break defense." Lin Manshan smiled.

"The main reason is that you shot the arrow well at the beginning. I dare to say that it was absolutely painful at the time." Brother Stick laughed.

"Okay! Brother Aman, hurry up and let it absorb the spirit ring, we will help you watch it."

"Yes, looking at it like this, if you don't start, it's almost the same."

"Okay, then I'll trouble the eldest brothers." Lin Manshan nodded, and quickly picked up a large stone from the side and pressed it on the Golden Armored Unicorn to prevent it from killing him with arms in his arms. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrow wings behind its buttocks and yanked it out. The Golden Armored Unicorn Immortal was shocked all over, and her pointed limbs trembled a few times, then she lost her voice, and a yellow spirit ring floated out quickly.

"???" Am I still going to stab you with this arrow? Why can't you take it any longer?

Lin Manshan held the arrow in his hand and lost, a little dazed.

"This is, it hurts to death?" Xiao Zizai and the others who rushed over saw the scene in front of them, and their thighs clenched subconsciously.

"It should be." Lin Manshan opened his mouth.

After saying hello to everyone, he quickly walked to the stream to wash the arrows and put them in the package. Then, he returned to the side of the Golden Armored Unicorn and sat cross-legged on the spot.

Closing his eyes and concentrating, on the palm of his hand, an extremely small sword-shaped martial spirit appeared out of thin air.

In the next second, the yellow spirit ring suspended in the air seemed to be summoned and quickly floated over.

Chapter 27 Thinking about the terrified soul ring absorption

"I'm going, such a handsome swordsman's innate soul power is only level 3? It's unreasonable."

After the previous hunting action, the sun had completely set at this time, and under the cover of the surrounding towering giant trees, the ground was already pitch black. When Lin Manshan absorbed the spirit ring, the spirit manifested in his hand was not large, it could be called a pocket, only one palm long, but under the light of the yellow spirit ring and Lin Manshan's green spirit power, Xiao Zizai and his companions could still Glimpse the outline.

Handsome is really handsome!

However, why is Aman's soul power green? The color doesn't seem right...

"It's okay, being handsome is a lifetime thing, the low point of innate soul power is low point." Brother Gou made a key comment.

"In addition, brothers, help me to see if I'm wrong." Brother Gou turned to look at the brothers, and pointed at Lin Manshan, "Brother Aman, what is the color of the soul ring that is being absorbed, how does it feel? Slowly changing? Besides, when a spirit master absorbs a spirit ring, shouldn't he slowly wrap it into his body, then tighten it around his waist, then enter his body, and finally manifest it on his spirit?"

"But Aman, the spirit ring doesn't seem to be moved from his waist?"

Everyone subconsciously tilted their heads to look over, and after ten seconds, they looked at each other.

"It seems to be true! What's the matter?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"


Just when everyone was caught up in the discussion that I read less, don't ask me, Lin Manshan was deeply touched.

Just like the spider controlled by the underworld animal control technique can be sensed by him, he can also sense the martial soul and life weapon that has been injected with soul power. At the same time, you can also feel the changes in your physical body.

At this time, Lin Manshan could clearly feel that a majestic energy was pouring into the martial soul, and then fed back to the flesh through the martial soul, as if the martial soul was a transfer station with a filtering effect.

And with the injection of energy, he can also feel that the martial soul is being strengthened by a strange energy, becoming more and more hard, and his body is constantly being transformed. The muscles and root bones of the whole body and the meridians seemed to be stimulated suddenly, and they all became extremely active.

In addition, with the passage of time, Lin Manshan was surprised to find that after the energy of the spirit ring was injected into the spirit, most of it remained in the spirit. into the muscle and root bone.

"The Ronin from Douluo"

What made him even more peculiar was that in the energy of the spirit ring pouring into the martial soul, he actually felt a turbulent soul fluctuation, but it was blocked by the martial soul and did not absorb it.

He understands this, because only pure souls can give birth to pure soul power after burning, and it is for this reason that the soul power of the underworld people can be transferred to other people through the underworld reincarnation technique without harming them. the soul. Unless you actively devour foreign souls, the power of the soul will come out of self-protection and exclude foreign souls from entering the body.

After all, if the soul is tainted, the resulting power of the soul will no longer be pure, which will contaminate the body, distort the body, and further pollute the soul in the process of feeding back the soul, thereby affecting the mind.

This is also the reason why almost no one in the Underworld will cultivate by swallowing their souls.

After all, it is still a trivial matter to become insane, and it is absolutely unacceptable to become ugly.

"However, how did this soul fluctuation come from?" Lin Manshan couldn't help but ponder, "I am absorbing the spirit ring now, and this soul fluctuation also came during this process, that is to say, the source should be from the spirit ring. ."

"Soul rings are special energy bodies condensed after the death of soul beasts. After being absorbed by spirit masters, they can not only increase their cultivation, strengthen their physical bodies and martial spirits, but also enable the absorber to obtain soul skills? Soul skills..." Lin Manshan couldn't help but think When Xiao Wu sacrificed to Tang San, the spirit ability that produced the eight-stage smashing smash was a spirit ability that required Xiao Wu's soul to be materialized to be used together, "So, the spirit ring, as an energy body, is not only a carrier for carrying spirit abilities , can also be used as a carrier for soul storage, does the formation of soul skills come from the soul?"

"After the death of the ten thousand year soul beast, it needs to resist the vibration of the soul when it absorbs the spirit ring. From this, it can be seen that after the death of the soul beast, the soul will not dissipate immediately, but will use the so-called resentment, no, the essence of resentment may be a A kind of soul or residual consciousness...retained in the spirit ring? It's just more or less? Then, could the essence of a soul skill also be a kind of residual spirit or consciousness?"

"Otherwise, why do spirit masters not need to comprehend after acquiring spirit abilities, but only need to inject spirit power to activate them?"

"If this is the case, then after the spirit master absorbs the energy of the spirit ring, the spirit ring can still be retained and attached to the martial spirit. Because, energy is needed to maintain the existence of the spirit ability!" Thinking of this, Lin Manshan again He couldn't help thinking of Tang Hao, "So, after Tang Hao cast the blast ring, the spirit ring turned into energy and injected into Tang Hao's body, and then the soul skill disappeared."

"After the spirit ring is blown up, where does the residual consciousness of remembering the spirit ability go?"

"Tang Hao didn't take advantage of the broken spirit ring to hunt down older spirit beasts and replace them with higher-quality spirit rings after the ring explosion." Lin Manshan sighed, "Maybe it's not that he doesn't want to, but It can't be done at all."

"Because the residual consciousness of remembering the soul skill is still retained in the martial soul, it just needs to be recharged later, and the energy of the soul ring can be replenished before the soul skill can continue to be used."

"And Tang San, did he transfer the first few spirit rings to Xiao Wu's body after resurrection, with the remaining consciousness of the spirit skills stored in it?"

"In the process of combining the spirit ring with Xiao Wu, this fragment is either replaced, smashed, or transformed, and finally becomes Xiao Wu's original spirit ability, and at the same time, it also loses the spirit that was replaced with a higher age. The possibility of the ring." Thinking of this, Lin Manshan couldn't help but think, "I don't know if Tang San knows the secret, if he did, he would be really terrified."

Xiao Wu is really a tool person.

"So, after the spirit ring is absorbed, the energy is mainly divided into three parts and goes to three places. The first is to enter the meridians, expand and strengthen the toughness of the meridians, and at the same time increase the cultivation base. The second is to integrate into the flesh and roots. Bone, strengthens the body, so after absorbing the spirit ring, the spirit master will grow taller and stronger in a short period of time. The third is to stay in the spirit ring to maintain the existence of the spirit ability, and hang it on the spirit."

"Well, so, damn..."

Lin Manshan was suddenly shocked.

"I have practiced soul power, and my martial soul has also been injected with soul power. All foreign souls are repelled, naturally including soul residues and consciousness residues."

"Doesn't that mean that when I absorb the spirit ring, I can only absorb the energy of the spirit ring, and I can't even generate spirit skills?"

Absorbing the energy of the spirit ring, he was actually feeling it.

As for soul skills...

Seeing is believing, and practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Without thinking any more, Lin Manshan quickly calmed down and concentrated on absorbing the spirit ring.

Chapter 28

Time passed a little bit, and after about two quarters of an hour, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes.

Into the eyes, are the slightly strange eyes of the seven strong men.

Lin Manshan trembled in his heart, and suddenly had a guess, and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Why do you look at me like that?"

"Brother Aman, let me tell you something." Xiao Zizi frowned and said with a strange expression, "It seems that your absorption of spirit rings is not the same as ours. When a few of us absorbed spirit rings, spirit rings They are all put on the body first, and then put on the spirit at the end. But yours, just stopped on the waist parallel to the spirit, and then, just like that, slowly disappeared."

"To be honest, it's the first time I've seen this happen."

"Would you like to summon the martial spirit to see?" Brother Gou couldn't help but interject.

"Okay." Lin Manshan, who stood up, patted his buttocks and nodded, and summoned his martial spirit, but there really was no spirit ring.

"This..." The crowd suddenly understood, Xiao Zizai opened his mouth and finally said, "The knife is quite handsome."

Xiao Ziwang on the side pondered for a while, and said quickly, "Brother Aman, how much has your soul power improved? What is your soul skill?"

It doesn't matter if there is a spirit ring, anyway, it's usually useless except to look good and pretend to be a force.

For a soul master, soul power and soul skills are the key to affecting strength.

"Soul power has increased by 3 levels, and now it's level 13. As for soul skills, no soul skills are produced." Lin Manshan answered truthfully, not only was he not depressed, but he was extremely overjoyed. You must know that Tang San had been cultivating Xuan Tian Gong before his martial soul awakening. After he had awakened his martial soul, he had cultivated for three months to absorb the spirit ring, and he had already accumulated a lot of spirit power in his body. But even so, after absorbing the first spirit ring, his spirit power increased by 3 levels, and he absorbed the spirit ring as soon as his spirit power broke through 10 levels, and his spirit power also increased by 3 levels.

It's been pretty good.

More importantly, judging from how he felt when absorbing the spirit ring before, although his martial spirit did not have a spirit ring attached, the energy in the spirit ring had already been absorbed by him. It's just that most of them are used to strengthen martial arts, but isn't this better?

The strength of the life weapon is an important factor that affects the power of the soul. The stronger the basic strength of the life weapon, the stronger the power it can exert after the soul power is increased. From a long-term perspective, this is a sure-fire business. After all, there are not many ways to greatly increase the strength of a life weapon in a short period of time, and absorbing a spirit ring happens to be the quickest way.

"No soul skills!?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Compared with the spirit power being improved by 3 levels, there was no spirit ability, which obviously surprised them even more.

"It's fine, it's good to continue cultivating, and the improvement of soul power is quite large." Lin Manshan smiled.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and in the end they could only accept this reality and try to say something comforting.

After reconciling, Lin Manshan glanced at the surrounding sky, then glanced at the corpse of the golden-armored unicorn on the ground, which was completely crushed by the stone, and said, "Brothers, it's getting late now, and it's too dangerous to continue walking. , why don't we camp nearby. However, it is more dangerous to be stationed too close to the water source at night, and we need to stay farther away."

"Well, there is a relatively empty place not far from the way we came just now. Let's go back the same way. Let's go there. It's so dark now and we're not familiar with the surrounding environment. It's dangerous to search blindly." nodded and said.

"Okay!" Everyone nodded, with Xiao Zizai's brothers at the front, returning the same way.

Lin Manshan followed at the back, packed the package, bent over skillfully, lifted the stone lightly, wiped his hand, got up and quickly followed the team.

By the light of the night, with the light touch of the fingertips, it was a bone the size of a baby's fist with a long sharp horn on it.

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