MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 36

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Lin Manshan took the letters, maps, and portraits prepared by the two women.

It has to be said that Zhu Zhuyun is indeed a man who has been educated by the court, and is indeed multi-talented. The interior environment of the Xingluo Royal Academy is drawn in detail by simply sketching with charcoal, and the sketched portraits are also lifelike.

Looking at the portrait of Zhu Zhuyu at the moment, he made a brief summary.

A gentle and childlike face, with tolerance is great, and there is a hang in sight!

Is this really only fifteen years old?

Yu Guang glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, and then thought of the hot dog food Zhu Zhuyun made last night, and suddenly felt reasonable again.

The Zhu family is really a family with amazing genes.

Putting all the things into the soul tool, Lin Manshan looked up at the two women, "If that's the case, I'll take a trip in person tomorrow. Even if things go well, there must be someone to answer them. The distance between Notting City and Gengxin City is not short. It will take twenty days to go back and forth.”

"It just so happens that I haven't seen my teacher for more than two years. I have been studying forging for many days, and it is time to go to the Blacksmiths Association to accept his inspection and correction. So I plan to stay in Gengxin City during this period of time. Just stay home and wait for me."

"Time is running out, and I'll talk about returning to the village when I get back."

If Zhu Zhuyu lives in Zhu Mansion, he is really worried about safety. But in a place like the academy, he could completely use his soul perception ability and emptiness to enter without knowing it, and he could handle the matter by himself without involving the Blacksmiths Association.

In addition, with Zhu Zhuyun's strength, in a small place like Notting City, it is enough to protect himself.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuyun's expression suddenly became somewhat reluctant.

Gengxin City is not too close to Xingluo City, and it is estimated that the fastest journey by horse-drawn carriage is about ten days. Including the journey from Notting City to Gengxin City, Lin Manshan will take almost two months to come back even if things go smoothly.

She just got married. How can the bridegroom go away on the third day of the bridal chamber, and it will take two months to leave.

After tangled, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but say, "Aman, why don't I accompany you to Gengxin City and wait?"

Lin Manshan shook his head, "The risk is too great, Gengxin City is a main city after all, and it is also the place where the military of the Star Luo Empire orders weapons and equipment, and there are frequent exchanges of merchants, maybe there are from Star Luo City. A sergeant or a family businessman. If you happen to have seen you, it will be troublesome. Besides, going back and forth is a waste of time at such a long distance."

"Besides, it's the first time for Zhuqing to come to the Heaven Dou Empire like you, so you can't let her wait at home alone. Besides, you have to take the time to get acquainted with the things I teach you as soon as possible. So, I'm not here. During this time, you should stay at home."

"Okay, that's it." Seeing Zhu Zhuyun's expression still a little hesitant, Lin Manshan made a decision.

"Zhuyun, we still have time to stay together in the future, but the Zhu family may not continue to give you time for the third sister. We actually have no choice."

Hearing this, both women's faces sank.

"Okay! Aman, then I'll wait for you at home." Zhu Zhuyun calmed down and nodded slightly.

"Continue to eat." Lin Manshan nodded with a smile.

After lunch, Lin Manshan took the two girls to Notting City to get acquainted with the environment, and bought some daily necessities by the way. Because I was going to go away soon, I didn't stop by the way to visit the Tieshan family.

After returning to the residence, after having a simple dinner, the three of them began to practice separately.

Late at night, Lin Manshan once again experienced what is called emperor-level treatment. Afterwards, Zhu Zhuyun told Zhu Zhuqing that he had already made a choice in his heart, and asked if he could teach the scriptures, Lin Manshan nodded in agreement. Then....

Lin Manshan had a hunch that one day, he would be twice as happy, and he had an immersive dream that night.

The next day, saying goodbye to the two daughters, Lin Manshan went straight to the inn.

He paid the money to hire the best carriages and drivers, and practiced all the way along the way, traveling day and night.

After arriving at the border, he got off the carriage, walked to the border entrance and showed the road guide with the logo of the Blacksmiths Association given by the height of the building, and the guards let go without hesitation.

After entering the territory of the Star Luo Empire, he came to the post station and hired a carriage at a high price, and drove straight to Star Luo City.

Xingluo City, the capital of the Xingluo Empire, is located in the southeast of Gengxin City, facing the Xingluo River originating from the Star Dou Great Forest to the east.

According to the normal speed of the carriage, if you want to pass through Gengxin City, you should start from Notting City, which is close to the border, and you will have to travel for at least a month, taking into account the terrain factors. Lin Manshan chose to bring two coachmen along the whole journey, change horses near the city, bypass Gengxin City, and travel in a straight line day and night, and it only takes nearly 20 days to arrive. If it doesn't take time to change horses, it can be faster.

The carriage slowly moved forward on the avenue, and the cold and humid air that should be in the southern winter penetrated through the gaps in the car curtains, causing Lin Manshan to bring a wisp of white mist with every breath.

"Applause..." The horses neighed, and the coachman shouted crisply, and the speed of the carriage suddenly slowed down.

Then, a clear shout came, "Master Aman, we have arrived at the gate of Xingluo City."

PS: Sorry, Zhu Zhuyu's plot was temporarily added as the plot progresses, so it's a bit sluggish. I'll get through this as soon as possible and then get into the main story.

Chapter 77

Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes and responded softly, "Well, it's hard work for you two."

"Should...should..." The two coachmen sitting outside responded quickly and politely. If you have milk, you will be a mother, and if you give money, you will be a father. times. Moreover, he was very polite and polite to them along the way, he spoke nicely, and he was not pretentious. He was still a soul master.

Say no more and keep driving.

They were not allowed to drive within 200 meters of Star Luo City, they could only slow down.

At this moment, Lin Manshan had already lifted the curtain of the car.

Looking around, the city wall is about 20 meters high. Maybe it was because it was January, the wind was cold, and no one came in and out, and it was bleak from a distance.

The carriage moved forward slowly and stopped more than ten meters away from the city gate.

"Then I will trouble you two to wait at the inn outside the city for a while." Lin Manshan jumped out of the carriage and turned his head.

"No trouble... No trouble... Young Master Aman may go into the city to run errands, it's fine for us to wait outside for a few more days." The slightly older driver said politely.

Lin Manshan had negotiated a return trip this time, and he had already paid for the accommodation at the inn.

This is a big customer, and there are still twenty-five days until the Chinese New Year, and they will travel day and night to get back at most ten days. Anyway, I paid for it, and it's nothing to wait a few days. When this order is completed, it is time to go home for a fat year.

"Thanks a lot then." Lin Manshan cupped his hands with a smile, turned and walked towards the city gate.

Entering the city, the streets are wide and there are many shops on both sides, but because the weather is too cold, there are no people coming and going.

Lin Manshan recalled the situation of Xingluo City introduced by Zhu Zhuyun, and walked straight towards Xingluo Royal Academy.

"It's a pity that it's too cold to see a single bird. Otherwise, you can use the animal control technique to explore the path first." Lin Manshan, who had not heard a bird call after walking for a long time, couldn't help but sigh, then shook his head and raised his head. Looking at the white and gold-studded building on the high mountain in the distance, "That should be the Xingluo Royal Academy, right? It's really extravagant. It's built like a mountain park. It's really imposing."

"However, I have to say that sometimes there is a face project." Lin Manshan couldn't help thinking that when he was in high school in his previous life, his father took him to the university campus to visit, he praised him on the way, and then made him want to study hard and fight for the test. superior.

He was indeed inspired to be strong.

As a result, let's not mention it!

Gorgeous and handsome things can always win the hearts of young people. For example, the Xingluo Royal Academy in front of us. It is estimated that many parents of small nobles have brought their children to see it from a distance... Lin Manshan sighed and continued to move forward. Go, "It's still the afternoon, go to a hotel at the foot of the mountain to fix it, and then go in at night."

Not long after, Lin Manshan came to a hotel to open a good room. I simply ordered a meal and started practicing after eating.

Time passed little by little, and night soon came. Lin Man opened his eyes and looked out the window at the sky.

"It's almost time." With a low voice, he got up and went out the door.

The outside is cold and piercing, the night sky is starless and moonless, and it is pitch-dark.

Lightly cushioning his toes and running between the eaves, Lin Manshan could vaguely hear the slightly suppressed humming.

Within the range of perception, many souls overlapped together, emitting violent fluctuations.

"I miss my cloud, finish things early and go home early to enjoy..." With a secret sigh, the speed under his feet was even faster.

Not long after, Lin Manshan came to the foot of the mountain and looked at the nearly 20-meter-high wall and fence in front of him.

"As expected of the royal family, this really surrounds a mountain as an academy."

With a pad of feet, a step on the wall, "Escape the sky!" The body swept over the barbed fence and landed firmly on the grass.

"Huh? Sure enough, he raised a soul beast in the forest..." Lin Manshan was surprised. Through his soul perception, he actually found a soul beast that was over fifty years old.

"Zhuyun said that there are still centuries-old birds and soul beasts that can be warned, and they must be avoided."

Thinking of this, I hurriedly avoided it, and was even more surprised, "There are quite a few soul beasts."

"Using the ten-year or one-hundred-year-old spirit beasts as guards, as expected of a high-level spirit master academy, there are still many agile and powerful ones, this is really not afraid of the students going into the woods to play poker and being attacked by spirit beasts. Kill me." Lin Manshan was amazed.

"No wonder Zhuyun instructed to take the token and go through the main entrance to sneak into the academy. In the forest of spirit beasts surrounding the academy, I am afraid that only high-level spirit masters above the level of spirit kings can avoid the safe passage of spirit beasts through their own perception. Well. Natural fortifications."

"Unfortunately, I'm different! And the soul beasts here are not that dense."

With a slight smile, his feet accelerated again.

Not long after, a wall that was exactly the same as the outside appeared in front of him.

Repeating the old trick, Lin Manshan easily swept past and landed on the grass. According to the map description, his current location is in the back mountain near the backyard dormitory.

At this time, it was late at night, and the branches and leaves were swaying in the cold wind, and there were no students walking around.

Rubbing the dirt and grass clippings under his feet, Lin Manshan looked at the direction and ran briskly.

Soon, more than a dozen souls with a strength far beyond his appeared within the range of perception.

Lin Manshan looked up and saw a row of extremely gorgeous five-story buildings. Behind the building, there are exquisite small buildings that are far apart and neatly arranged.

The ten-meter-high fence starts from the walls on both sides of the front row of buildings, and encircles the area where the exquisite small building is located in an arc shape. A winding stream passes through it, and the surrounding trees are lush, and a small park is beautiful.

And the more than ten more tyrannical souls are mostly distributed on the first floor of the front row of buildings. The other several more tyrannical ones are scattered in the small building at the rear.

"It seems that the instructors are also graded..."

Lin Manshan squinted his eyes and looked for the target building, "According to Zhuyun, her third sister is soft-natured and likes to be quiet. She lives in a small courtyard at the back, in the corner of the last row. Let me take a look..."

After a while, his eyes were slightly opened, "I found it."

"It's really far away, not only far away from the students, but also far away from the tutor. It is already early in the morning. Seeing that the soul is fluctuating and so stable, those powerful tutors should have fallen asleep." After understanding the situation, Lin Manshan was also secretly relieved. "It seems that you don't have to stay here all night. Tomorrow, when the tutors go to class, I will mix in."

"Let's go around first..." In his thoughts, he turned around and ran quickly through the darkness.

After a while, with a little toes, he easily skimmed over the fence, walked through the shadows under the trees, and quickly arrived at the target dormitory.

"The doors and windows are closed, and there is only one person inside..." Looking back and observing the surroundings, Lin Manshan quickly took out the token given by Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuyu from the soul tool, went around to the balcony, and jumped with his feet. go up.

"It's a sliding door..." He stretched out his hand and pushed it gently, but it was pushed open.

"Nima, it feels like being a thief!" Lin Manshan twitched his cheeks and pulled the door into the living room.

Afterwards, he lightly stepped on his toes and walked slowly to the door. He put his palm on it, and slowly injected his soul power along the crack of the door. After sensing it for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it is a single-row down-type wooden bolt door, and there is no wooden wedge under it to block the door."

In his thoughts, he swiped his right hand towards his waist, and a silver needle suddenly appeared.

Immediately, he squeezed it and inserted it into the crack of the door, gently pushed it, and pushed it again with his left hand, and the door opened.

"I slept to death..." Walking into the door, looking at Zhu Zhuyu, who was lying on his side with the quilt wrapped like a zongzi, with only half of his head exposed, Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, turned on the light, and walked to the bed with his right hand. in shoulder position.

Shake gently.

"Hmm..." The girl murmured softly, pulled the quilt, and covered herself even more.

So Lin Manshan increased his strength.

"Huh?" The girl finally felt something different, she pulled down the bedding sleepily and slowly opened her eyes.

The surrounding light was bright and it was hidden by the tall figure, so the eyes did not feel any discomfort. When they first opened their eyes, they saw a large male palm with a golden hair crown and a beautiful pendant on it.

"Sun and Moon"

The hair crown of the eldest sister Zhu Zhuyun, the pendant I gave to the fourth sister Zhu Zhuqing as a birthday present... Zhu Zhuyu's eyes widened, subconsciously looking up, a burly man in black with a handsome face, with a With a slight smile.

The man... clenched the quilt tightly with both hands, and leaned back against the head of the bed while leaning back.

Not shouting loudly, but watching with vigilance.

So embarrassing... Lin Manshan smiled awkwardly and put the hair crown and pendant into the soul tool, then took out two letters and handed them to the girl, "My name is Aman, this is a letter from Zhuqing and Zhuyun to you, they are now People are very safe, and you will know the specific situation after reading it.”

Hearing this, the young girl's face was instantly delighted, she raised her eyes to look at Lin Manshan, and then quickly lowered her head as if she had done something wrong, her wine blushing slightly, her eyelashes trembling slightly, she cautiously reached out to take the letter, and said crisply, "Aman, it's hard work. is you."

After speaking, he quickly opened the letter written by Zhu Zhuqing on the top, and looked at it seriously.

"It's okay." Lin Manshan smiled and understood that the girl was thanking him for helping deliver the letter.

He turned around, walked to the table with small steps, pulled over the chair and sat down, looking at it secretly.

As expected of sisters, they look at least seven points similar to Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun, which is why he dared to show tokens and letters without asking. However, although the faces are similar, the temperaments of the three are completely different.

Zhu Zhuyun was charming and emotional, and Zhu Zhuqing was danya and cold. This was the impression the two women gave him in their previous relationship. As for Zhu Zhuyu in front of him, he felt a kind of gentleness with a weak temperament. Although he is a few years older than Zhu Zhuqing, his facial features are more childish, with a petite and childlike appearance, and there are traces of depression between the corners of his brows, which I feel pity for.

The kind that seems to be easy to bully, it is easy for people to develop a desire to protect.

No wonder Zhuyun was so worried and wanted to be by his side. If it were my sister, I would be worried too. No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel bullied. It feels like the kind of person who doesn't dare to resist with a punch, and only secretly wipes tears...

Lin Manshan sighed to himself.

In the face of the family's arrangement, the three daughters also made completely different choices. Zhu Zhuyun chose to follow the trend and forge ahead, trying to obtain the capital to rival the family in terms of power and status through Davis. Zhu Zhuqing chose to leave, wanting to get rid of family control by staying away from his home country and improving his strength. As for Zhu Zhuyu, he chose to endure and submit to the family's arrangement.

It's not easy... Lin Manshan retracted his gaze, took out the tea from the hotel from the soul tool and drank it alone.

Not long after, Zhu Zhuyu read the letter.

He raised his head to look at Lin Manshan, looked at him a little, and whispered, "Brother-in-law..."