MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 43

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"Dai Mubai is also here!" Zhu Zhuyun frowned slightly, and then sneered, "As a dean, the private life of my student is so rambunctious, it has obviously affected his cultivation, and he doesn't even care about it. It can be seen that this man named Flender has his own personality. Not much better."

"As for the institute that was founded, it is estimated that that is the case."

"Ha, Zhuyun, didn't you see that the soul tools in his store have neither marked prices nor a remark function? The soul tools only need to be injected with soul power to know the effect. You don't think he has tested these soul tools himself. function?" Lin Manshan smiled and shook his head, "But what he said back to me was that he could inject his soul power on the spot to check the effect, but if it broke, he would have to pay compensation."

"This profiteer, he is fishing!"

Zhu Zhuyun immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Listening to what you said, I suspect that the soul tools he put in the shop are damaged. If they were good, they would have been auctioned in the auction hall."

To say that the most valuable place to sell high prices, of course, has to be the auction.

As for soul tools whose manufacturing process has been lost for a long time, there are very few in the world, and they are obviously rare items that can be auctioned at high prices.

As long as it's not bad, no matter how weird the function is, you can always meet people who like unique and collectibles.

"I don't know if it's a profiteer who sells things, but when it comes to running an academy, this person is indeed a profiteer." Lin Manshan took over, "As far as I know, Shrek Academy has extremely high admissions requirements and requires the age of a soul master. Under the age of 13, the spirit power reaches level 20 or above. However, during the enrollment period, they never write out the enrollment requirements and put it out, but the enrollment fee costs 10 gold spirit coins. Confirm the age, the conditions are not agreed, the registration fee will not be refunded.”

"Isn't this cheating money?" Zhu Zhuyu, who was always kind-hearted, couldn't help but interject.

"Third sister, don't doubt, this is cheating money." Zhu Zhuyun was filled with righteous indignation, "How long does it take to touch one's bones, it is estimated that it will only take a few seconds, and that's how to charge money? This is the principal, with a real face. No more!"

"First Clan"

If it is a very famous school in the local area, with strong teachers and resources, and even an official background, it is fine to charge money like this, after all, the rules have long been spread. But if he is not well-known, this kind of behavior of slapping his face and pretending to be a fat man without considering his own situation is no different from cheating money, and it also wastes other people's time to sign up for other colleges.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn his eyes back to Lin Manshan.

"Aman, is this Shrek Academy a famous school in Soto City?"

Chapter 91 Shrek Academy.

"how to say."

Lin Manshan touched his chin, "In terms of faculty, Shrek Academy is really good. Apart from Dean Flender, who is a high-level soul sage, there are two other soul sages and two soul emperor-level mentors in the academy. ."

"But when it comes to the teaching environment, it can be described as unsightly."

"It's in the wilderness, and it's in dire straits. The living conditions are also very simple, like a private house. There is no mimetic environment inside, no training equipment, and even food is not guaranteed. It can be said that even the primary soul master academy is inferior." Lin Manshan shook his head, "By the way, By the way, Shrek Academy has not been registered in any country, so it is not a regular academy.”

"In addition, there are currently less than 5 students in it."

"Isn't it? With this lineup of instructors, just doing anything is enough to maintain a college's livelihood, right? Not to mention that there are only so many students." Zhu Zhuyun was surprised, and then frowned, "Besides, no matter how poor, it shouldn't be. Let’s take the registration fee. According to your introduction, this Shrek Academy is not well-known at all. How can those who sign up from other places know the rules? Is the process of groping your bones after paying the registration fee to deceive people?"

"Ten gold soul coins, this is a small amount for a noble soul master, but it is not a small amount for a civilian soul master family." After speaking, he curled his lips, "Oh, an academy with such teacher qualifications, It's not ashamed to do such a thing."

"Who knows." Lin Manshan shrugged.

"By the way, Aman, how many years has this Shrek Academy been established?" Zhu Zhuyun asked again, narrowing his eyes.

"Do the math, it's almost twenty years." Lin Manshan nodded.

"If that's the case, then Shrek Academy should have taught a lot of outstanding graduate students over the years, right? After all, the admission requirements are so high." Zhu Zhuyun asked with doubts, "How can these students become famous on the mainland? Come back to visit and sponsor the college that once cultivated your own. Logically, it will never become the status quo you mentioned."

"Oh, this is about the teaching achievements of Shrek Academy."

Lin Manshan also squinted his eyes suddenly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, "Shrek's graduation condition is to cultivate to the Soul Sect before the age of twenty. There are only fourteen who graduated. The rest who did not graduate were unable to complete the graduation requirements before the age of 20 or died while hunting soul beasts."

"???" Zhu Zhuyun stared at him, his face was full of disbelief, and he immediately swears, "Damn, the tutors of this academy eat dry rice, right?"

"According to the time required to awaken the martial arts at the age of 6 and enter the primary soul master academy for 6 years, the admission requirements of Shrek Academy do not mean that students are required to be 12 years old when they leave the primary soul master academy, and must have level 21 spirit power. ?"

"This kind of talent, in the future, even if his spirit power increases by two and a half ranks in a year, how can he still be at rank 40 before he turns 20? Even if the spiritual master's cultivation is slow in the later stage, why won't he graduate only 14 out of 62?"

"No mimetic environment, no wonder!"

"His grandmother, this Shrek Academy is simply deceiving its children and students!"

"At 12 years old and level 21, or even higher than level 21, which high-level soul master academy with a mimetic environment is such a student not rushing to accept? As long as they are diligent enough, their achievement will be worse than that of studying in Shrek Academy?"

"Also, what happened to this dead man?"

Zhu Zhuyun's beautiful eyes widened, "Three soul saints, two soul emperors, the soul beasts that need to be hunted for soul masters to break through level 40 are only 5,000 years old. No need to enter. How did these mentors of Shrek Academy allow their students to be killed by soul beasts in the living area of ​​the thousand-year-old soul beast? Or, for such talented students, Shrek Academy let them hunt by themselves Killing soul beasts? If you say that, you might as well go to other high-level soul masters to study."

"Students with this kind of talent, in the Advanced Spirit Master Academy, the instructor will definitely keep the hunting spirit rings throughout the whole process."

"This is what I have always wondered about..." Lin Manshan shook his head, "To be honest, when I first learned this information, I was also a little angry."

"There are 62 students. On average, only 3 students are recruited each year. There are fewer students than the tutors, and it is impossible for the students to break through at the same time. In my opinion, it is completely dereliction of duty by the academy."

After speaking, he pouted again and glanced at the three women, "There is one more thing you may not know, according to the news from the students in Shrek Academy, among the 14 graduates of Shrek Academy, the most outstanding One of the elders is now the youngest elder in the Spirit Hall. But as far as I know, the elders in the Spirit Hall seem to be all Titled Douluo powerhouses, right? And if it is true, the time is not right! Plus 12 years old, that's the title Douluo achievement at the age of 32, do you believe this kind of thing?"

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"I don't believe it anyway."

Lin Manshan shrugged.

"Does this Shrek Academy really dare to brag about it?" Zhu Zhuyun was taken aback, "Don't talk about the titled Douluo elder, even an honorary elder, his power is comparable to that of the Spirit Hall branch bishop. There is such a relationship in , Shrek will become the poor and sour person you said? Not to mention that he doesn't even have the qualifications to run a school. With the help of such a student, he can even award one to Flender even if he operates under the shadows?"

As he said that, he shook his head and tutted his tongue in admiration, "It's said that people are shameless, and they can do everything. I have gained a lot of knowledge today."

"Who said no." Lin Manshan nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Zhu Zhuyun slapped the table and said coldly, "This is Shrek Academy, this is clearly the dung beetle Academy. It's smelly and hard!"

After speaking, he turned to look at Lin Manshan, "Aman, what is there to see in such an academy."

"Flander is so shameless, and you've exposed your money again today, I'm a little worried that going to that guy will be detrimental to us. Also, Dai Mubai is still there, and it affects my mood when I see it. Besides, there's something like Dai Mubai. The things are there, what kind of good people can the students inside be."

"Maybe they are all hungry ghosts in their colors. When the time comes, their eyes will look around, which will be unappetizing."

Hearing this, Lin Manshan suddenly thought of Ma Hongjun, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, and he nodded slightly, "If that's the case, then don't go. Zhuyun, after dinner, I'll take you back to the hotel first, and then I'll go out to do some errands, we'll do something tomorrow. Let’s go to Heaven Dou City.”

"Yeah." Zhu Zhuyun nodded, suddenly remembering the last time Lin Manshan entered Xingluo City alone, she was still afraid. He quickly asked again, "Aman, what are you going to do, there won't be any danger, right?"

"It's not dangerous, just go outside the city to catch a few bugs, birds, etc." Lin Manshan laughed.

Zhu Zhuyun didn't ask the reason, but blurted out, "Then let's help you too, and hurry up."

"Alright." Lin Manshan nodded.

Not long after, a few people finished their meal.

Go outside the city.

Chapter 92 Tianxing Academy

PS: Change first and then change.

South of the city, small woods.

"Aman, what skill did you use just now?" Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but ask in surprise, seeing that the sparrow who had been injected with 'soul power' immediately became obedient and no longer struggled.

"This is a psychic technique. After using it, you can control weak creatures for investigation." Lin Manshan released the sparrow, shook his head slightly, and did not explain much, "Unfortunately, this skill involves the soul, and it is too difficult to get started, you can't learn it now. ."

"Soul!" Zhu Zhuyun was immediately taken aback.

"Not bad." Lin Manshan nodded, turned to look at Zhu Zhuyun, and said with a smile, "I haven't figured out a way to safely teach this skill to you, and I'll teach you when I figure it out one day. Let's go. , we continue to find..."

While walking, Lin Manshan explained.

"Tang San's teacher is Yu Xiaogang, and he has been friends with Flender for many years. If my expectations are not bad, Yu Xiaogang should let Tang San join Shrek Academy, which means that Tang Hao also I will follow. And as long as I arrange these little insects and birds in Shrek Academy, I can monitor the movements of Tang San and Tang Hao, which is also one of the purposes of my coming to Soto City."

"So it is." Zhu Zhuyun nodded, then seemed to think of something, sneered: "It's really similar!"

"Haha, what you said makes sense." Lin Manshan smiled and continued to walk forward.

After about an hour, the four of them turned around and walked towards the city gate, looking at the sparrow flying away with the spider in its mouth.

After a while, "Huh?" Lin Manshan stopped and faced the Rose Hotel.

The three women followed, and Zhu Zhuyun subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, they have already entered the city." Lin Manshan smiled, "And just left the Rose Hotel."

"So, it's right that we don't go to Shrek Academy." Although he didn't know how his man felt it, Zhu Zhuyun chose to believe it unconditionally, "You beat that silly girl last time, I guess they still hold grudges. Well. If we conflict with them at the gate of Shrek Academy, Flender will definitely help them, not to mention the guy behind."

"Aman, now I suddenly understand why you want to bring your adoptive mother and Uncle Tieshan to Heaven Dou City."

"And I believe that they will definitely participate in the Continental Soul Master Competition in Heaven Dou City." Lin Manshan turned his head and smiled.

"Hey, isn't that right? That stinky silly girl, I still remember grudges!" Zhu Zhuyun raised his eyebrows as he answered.

"Let's go, they've gone far." Turning back, Lin Manshan continued to move forward with his three daughters.

Not long after, the four returned to the hotel.

"Aman, when Tian Dou City meets with Sister Yan'er and the others, and you have successfully cured Dugu Bo, what are your plans next?" Zhu Zhuyun pillow wrapped in a bath towel, her hair was slightly wet, and her cheeks were dyed with lingering rhyme. asked in a low voice on Lin Manshan's chest.

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"What do you think?" Lin Manshan asked back, the relationship between the two has long been known, and the familiar can no longer be familiar. He knows very well that his daughter-in-law's words are by no means innocent. If he can ask, he must have his own ideas. .

"I didn't have any ideas at first, but after hearing your introduction to Shrek Academy today, I have some ideas." Zhu Zhuyun raised his head and smiled brightly, "Aman, why don't we also build an academy? Now we already have With four people and three sisters, Yan'er, Bing'er, and Yue'er, we can just make up a seven-member team. When the time comes, you can let Senior Dugu manage the relationship, and it should be easy to register the academy. There are still two years before the competition starts, which is enough to build the academy.”

"Also, with the money we have, with the help of Senior Dugu, it's not difficult to buy a piece of land in the outer city, not to mention the inner city. When the college is built, you can hand over the college's cafeteria to your adoptive mother's house. Take care of it. If they want to farm their own land, they can buy another piece of land outside the city. As for Uncle Tieshan and the others, they can be responsible for the maintenance of the college."

"So, don't they have something to do when they're bored? When the time comes, they can hire some people from outside to help them. If they want to rest, they can directly hand it over to the workers below. If they want to come to such an arrangement, it should suit their hearts. "

Two years is enough time for my sisters and I to successfully cultivate the stunts on the Jingtian Collection, and our strength will definitely increase to a terrifying level. When the academy is established, with the strength of Aman and his sisters, we will be able to reach the champion of the Spirit Master Competition. At that time, if the reputation of the academy is sold out, it will definitely attract a large number of soul masters to join, and by then, the grassroots team of the family will also be there.

As for high-end combat power, it is enough to have Dugu Bo to support the scene in the early stage.

After that, I waited for Aman and my sisters to grow up... Zhu Zhuyun thought to himself. The inheritance of blood is necessary, but the protection of external forces is also necessary. As a Zhu family woman who has been in the vortex of power, she is very aware of this.

"This is indeed a good idea." Lin Manshan's eyes lit up after hearing this, and nodded with a smile.

I'm from a commoner, but my daughter-in-law is a noble-born Bai Fumei. My story can definitely be written into a classic fairy tale love story called "Born in a Commoner, Rich Family Daughter Falls in Love with Me". Well, I have to leave this chance for my future students to meet Bai Fumei and Gao Fushuai, and let them carry forward my love story. Therefore, noble students also have to accept...

After all, the thoughts of the father-in-law and mother-in-law must also be considered.

Thinking of this, Lin Manshan said solemnly, "If that's the case, then let's build an academy with teaching and no discrimination. Both nobles and commoners can join. Of course, I will formulate strict school rules to avoid a rat shit. The situation of a bad pot of porridge. As for the name of the college..." He touched his chin, pondered a little, and continued: "Let's call it Tianxing College."

"The sky does not stop, and the self-improvement does not stop. The heaven and the earth turn over and over again, and after tens of thousands of years, it has never stopped. And those of us who want to go further on the road of soul masters, we should follow the example of heaven and earth, self-improvement, and continue to forge ahead. ."

"If one day you are in a desperate situation, you will even have to go against the sky in exchange for that silver lining."

"This is my interpretation of the word "Tianxing", and it is also what the students of Tianxing College need to keep in mind in the future."

After he finished speaking, he looked down again. Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyu raised their heads in unison, and looked at him with bright eyes. Lin Manshan could see the little admiration in their eyes that could not be concealed. Only Zhu Zhuyun was still muttering with a shocked expression.

"The sky doesn't stop, and self-improvement doesn't stop. When you are in a desperate situation, go against the sky."

After a while, he raised his head excitedly, his eyes filled with admiration, proudly said:

"Husband is a great talent, let's call it Tianxing Academy."

Chapter 93 Pain, it hurts too much.

Two days later, south of Soto.

"Brother, look, there's a small village over there." Xiao Wu, who was riding on Tang San's back, suddenly pointed forward.

Tang San looked in the direction of his finger. The location of the village was about a mile away. It was not large, with only a hundred or so households, which was smaller than the Holy Spirit Village. The outer layer was surrounded by a sharpened wooden fence, which seemed to protect against wild animals.

The shadows of the village were moving, and a lot of people gathered.

Seeing this, Tang San turned around with a smile, his eyes full of doting, "Xiao Wu, Shrek Academy, as a spirit master academy, should be very famous locally. Let's ask, maybe people in the village will know. specific location."

After a while, Xiao Wu jumped off Tang San's back, stood at the entrance of the village and looked up and down, with a stunned expression, "No way?"

Looking through the fence, there are dilapidated wooden houses inside and dilapidated doors outside. Looking up, there is a dilapidated plaque hanging on the wooden archway. Looking from left to right, behind the feces green humanoid monster picture, there are five large characters randomly carved.

Shrek Academy.

Looking back, the two looked at each other, each stunned.

The next second, Xiao Wu turned on the crazy rant mode, "Brother, did the master make a mistake..."

"I've come here, let's see the situation first." Tang San also smiled bitterly.

After speaking, he dragged Xiao Wu into the queue.

He tilted his head and looked forward. On the left side under the arch, there was a long black table glowing with oil, and an old man in his sixties sat behind. On both sides of the old man, two young men were standing. One is a little thinner, with a face like a crown jade, with a pair of peach eyes, and is extremely handsome. The other was obese, with red hair and thirsty eyes, gazing randomly in the team.

"Huh?" Tang San followed his gaze, frowning slightly.

The fat man's gaze was always on the private parts of the women in the team, and both young and old had to take a look.

The next second, his eyes suddenly widened, and his Adam's apple surged.

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