MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 67

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"Father's letter?" Could it be that my father also watched my game last night... Tang San's eyes suddenly burst into light, he took the letter, quickly opened it and read it,

"No wonder, no wonder..." He kept muttering, his expression slowed down a little, and then he was surprised, "Father actually came to take me out for special training in person!"

When I was surprised to meet my father, I also wondered in my heart, "Isn't my father an ordinary blacksmith? How does he train me and improve my strength."

"Anyway, my father will never lie to me. Since he said so, there must be his reasons." He decided to fold the letter again, and his face repeated confidence, "Don't worry, father! I will definitely cultivate well in the future. In the future, rely on your own strength to defeat Lin Manshan."

To be precise, it was killing... A cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he was annoyed, "I was really too impulsive before, as my father said, I have to learn to control my emotions in the future."

In the general outline of Xuantian Treasure Records, Mount Tai collapsed in front without changing its color, and the Yellow River was determined to be at the top without being surprised. The real master of hidden weapons has a calm mind at all times! I haven't done enough... Thinking about it, I raised my head to look at Flender with a smile on his face.

"Dean Flender, I'm fine. It was true that I was too impulsive and caused you trouble."

Seeing Tang San regaining his confidence, Flender also looked relieved, smiled and said, "It's all trivial matters."

Just as he was talking, Da Tata suddenly heard footsteps outside the door. He turned his head and saw that it was Yu Xiaogang who came in with hot porridge. His face was haggard, and he didn't sleep well.

Tang San's eyes flickered suddenly.

Then he whispered, "Teacher..."


A few days later, in the Pope's Palace.

"Your Majesty, the Bishop of Soto City in the Kingdom of Barak came to report and found traces of the Skywalking team in the Great Soul Arena." Ghost Douluo bowed and saluted. They all have secret whistleblowers. The purpose is the same as other forces, to discover outstanding soul masters and use them for their own use. If there is a threat, they will be dealt with in a timely manner.

After speaking, he took out the letter and presented it respectfully, "I also found Yu Xiaogang, and the two sides broke out a little unhappy."

Lin Manshan's scolding is really good. When it comes to my heart...he said in my heart.

Of course, he definitely couldn't demonstrate it again in front of Bibi Dong, that would definitely lead to a tragic death.

"Xiaogang..." Bibi Dong's expression changed instantly, her eyes flickered, and her soul power surged into her hands. Then opened the letter and quickly previewed it.

In just a moment, the aura all over his body fluctuated violently, his body trembled a little, his face changed even more, his eyes flashed with chills, but also with a trace of daze. After a while, the momentum gradually subsided, and the beautiful complexion returned to its former sullenness.

At the bottom of the steps, Ghost Douluo lowered his head slightly, he didn't dare to lift it up, and cursed in his heart: "Yueguan, that ungrateful guy, ran very fast after reading the letter.

Pinching the letter in her hand, Bibi Dong's expression remained calm, "The plan remains the same, we will talk about everything after the completion of Dugubo's Tianxing Academy and the ceremony. In addition, we will dispatch investigators to keep an eye on the Tianxing team's overseas operations, and confirm that Lin Manshan's Whether the skills that can harden the arms can be imparted to the teammates around you. As for the Shrek team, I don’t need to worry about it for the time being.”

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope." Ghost Douluo responded quickly.

"The kid who met the two big teams back then, is there anything in sight now?" Bibi Dong continued to ask.

"Your Majesty the Pope, according to reports, the witnesses back then have been ordered by the two major academies, and the Tiandou Royal Team has also been threatened by Dugu Bo, and has never talked about it outside. Therefore, no news has been detected." Douluo bowed. Tucao in the bottom of my heart, Dugu Bo personally threatened, whoever dares to say who will kill the whole family, it will be strange if they can find out.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, just said in a daze, "Go on."

"Yes." Ghost Douluo was relieved and hurriedly resigned.

Hell Douluo walked out of the hall, Bibi Dong spread out the letter again, glanced at her complexion, like laughing at herself, like a wry smile, like nostalgic, gritted her silver teeth and whispered, "Oh, coward, you're not wrong."

Immediately frowning slightly, he fell into deep thought, "Tang San, Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, innately full of spirit power..."


In the middle of July, Tian Dou City is full of warm sun.

Lin Manshan took the girls into the mansion and had a good reunion dinner with Old Jack, Tie Shan and others who had returned early. Then he said hello to everyone, followed Dugu Bo into the inner room, just sat on the chair with his buttocks, and went straight to the topic, "Grandpa, I intentionally poisoned Tang Hao."


? Dugu Bo suddenly narrowed his eyes and leaned slightly, "Man'er, how to implement it?" "

"The lead box in the cave behind the waterfall, as well as Tang San." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Grandpa, in the Soul Battle Arena of Soto City, I showed my unique skills in refining jade, and ripped apart Tang San's third place with my body alone. Soul skills, with Tang San's talent, what do you think he will think?"

"There is no doubt that I am unconvinced and unwilling. I will try my best to defeat you. Even kill you, take your soul tool, and check if there is a training text for practicing jade hands." Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly lit up, if something Si, "It can be seen from the battle at Soto City that Tang San is a narrow-minded person, and he will never let you go no matter what. However, after this battle, he must also know that he cultivates step by step. It can't be your opponent at all. So, he can only think of other ways..."

"To be precise, Tang Hao helped him find a way." Lin Manshan sneered, "And the 100,000-year-old right leg bone that has been absorbed by me is the fastest shortcut. However, Tang Hao will definitely not give it to Tang so easily. Three. Gaining power quickly through external objects, if you have a bad temperament, it will only make people eager for quick success, and they are even more reluctant to face setbacks and lose the heart of the strong."

"So, I have to add fire."

"As long as I meet him on the field in the future, I will defeat him with absolute oppression, making him feel the gap between me more and more. Let him be unwilling, let him become decadent, become hungry for power, long for revenge, and live in the midst of being It is hard to extricate myself in the shadow of my easy defeat."

"And Tang Hao definitely doesn't want to see his son become like this! He doesn't want his son who has innate soul power and twin martial souls to lose to a soul master of the same age who only has third-level innate soul power." Dugu Bo's eyes flickered. , sneered: "But as long as he doesn't defeat you head-on, Tang San will live in your shadow one day. At that time, Tang Hao will have to make a decision."

"And when he went to get that lead box, it was our chance." Lin Manshan chuckled.

"The weight of the lead box with and without the spirit bone is obviously different. Tang Hao will definitely open it on the spot to check. What we have to do is to hide the poison that can kill him instantly in the lead box, and let him After being poisoned, there was no chance to even get out of that cave."

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Grandpa, the snowy swan kiss may come in handy."

"With the fragrance of Qiluo Immortal, we can enter without being affected after the incident, and it is safe. Of course, when the time comes, I will use the animal control technique to monitor the birds and beasts on the surrounding cloth to ensure that the news is received as soon as possible."

"Maybe, Tang Hao will take Tang San with him, then, hehe..." Dugu Bo also looked cold, then asked, "However, I can't grasp the medicinal properties of that snowy swan kiss, I'm afraid it's poisonous. You have to arrange it. And the mechanism in the box has to be arranged by you, I can't do it. "

"It's natural." Lin Manshan nodded.

I will match a poison that is worse than the post of the king of hell, and add a snow-colored swan kiss to see if you die.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go now. Just in time to transplant the Blue Silver Emperor..." Dugu Bo hurriedly urged.

"Well, the sooner this matter is arranged, the better. Grandpa, let me tell Yanzi and the others first." Lin Manshan nodded, got up and walked out of the room with Dugu Bo.


PS: The problem with the title Douluo flying in the previous chapter has been changed. Thank you for your corrections. And those dads and beauties who rewarded, thank you!

Chapter 135 Shrek's Return to the Great Soul Arena

Soto City, the big battle field.

Yu Xiaogang led the team into the hall and walked straight to the registration point for the team competition. With the help of the recovery sausages provided by Oscar every day, it took half a month for the injured players to finally fully recover and have completed their rehabilitation training. During this period, he also arranged targeted training for the rest of the team members. Now, with all the staff in full condition, it's time to come to a team game to break in.

Take out the team badge and hand it to the staff, "Please, sign up for the team battle."

Looking up to see the person coming, the staff member's eyes suddenly lit up, took the badge with a smile, and politely said: "Sir, please wait a moment." After speaking, holding the badge, Tata walked quickly to the back of the work area, and soon disappeared in the corner.


? "Yu Xiaogang's expression suddenly changed, and his expression became gloomy.

He still had a fresh memory of the Tianxing team.

Not long after, under the leadership of the staff, Director Ao appeared in front of Yu Xiaogang with a genial look.

Holding a white paper in his hand.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's vigilance and displeasure, Director Ao still smiled and said politely: "Dear team leader, I'm really sorry for the unpleasantness you made last time. A team with good strength has come. I secretly think that it will be a good training object for the team you lead."

Said, handed the paper, "This is the information, whether to decide to fight, it is up to you to decide."

There is information... Yu Xiaogang suddenly let out a sigh of relief, took the information with a dazed expression, lowered his head and read it quickly, then his eyes lit up, raised his head, and opened his mouth.

"This battle, we should go."

"Okay, dear leader, I'll make arrangements right now." Director Ao bowed his hand with a genial smile.

At this time, Yu Xiao just raised the paper again, his eyes flickered slightly, and his fingers couldn't help pinching a little bit.

Captain: Yu Tianheng. Martial Spirit: Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, level 39 assault-type battle spirit master. Soul Rings: Two yellow and one purple.

Vice-Captain: Graphite. Martial Spirit: Xuanwu Turtle, a Level 38 Defense-type Battle Spirit Master. Soul Rings: Two yellow and one purple.

Player: Stone Mill. Martial Spirit: Xuanwu Turtle, a level 37 defense-type battle spirit master. Soul Rings: Two yellow and one purple.

Player: Yufeng. Martial Spirit: Wind Chime Bird, a level 36 agility-type battle spirit master. Soul Rings: Two yellow and one purple.

Player: Oslo. Martial Soul: Ghost Leopard. A 36-level agility-type battle spirit master. Soul Ring: Two souls and one purple.

Player: Chisheng. Martial Soul: Tian Qingteng. Level 32 Control-type Battle Spirit Master. Soul Ring: Two souls and one purple.

Player: Yuqin. Wuhun: Qin. Level 31 Healing Item Spirit Master. Soul Ring: Two souls and one purple.

The entire Soul Honor team, captain Yu Tianheng, Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Martial Soul, no one is more familiar with this person and this Martial Soul than him. In fact, he is very familiar with all the martial spirits recorded in the documents. This is completely different from the Skywalking team I encountered last time. And familiarity means that clear targeted tactics can be formulated.

The last time they fought against Team Skyline, they suffered a big defeat, casting the shadow of defeat on the hearts of all the players. Especially his disciple, during this time, he had been worried that Tang San would lose confidence in his Blue Silver Grass spirit, thus further shaking his teacher's teaching. So what needs to be done most now is to help Tang San and the Shrek players regain their confidence.

The easiest way to regain confidence is undoubtedly to fight against a strong enemy and defeat it.

The entire Soul Honor team, 5 of which are above level 35. Another martial spirit is Tian Qingteng, with a spirit power of level 32, a plant-type control martial spirit of the same level. Very good, with a comparison, the meaning of my teaching can be highlighted... In my thoughts, my eyes are full of fighting intent, and I turn around to gather the team.

Not long after, everyone from Shrek gathered together.

Yu Xiaogang carried it on his back with one hand, his face was calm, he didn't say much nonsense, he directly put the information on the table, and said sullenly, "This is our opponent today."

Everyone looked down and was shocked.

"All the souls, Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Martial Soul!" Ma Hongjun shrank, and was the first to exclaim.

"There are 5 more, they are soul lords above level 35..." Oscar was also a little worried.

Is it a full soul team? Tang San's eyes flickered, there was no timidity in his eyes, instead he was full of fighting spirit.

Tian Qingteng, a level 32 control system Battle Soul Venerable... Flender's eyes flickered, Yu Xiaogang glanced from the corner of his eye, and he suddenly realized that he put his fingertips on the glasses frame and smiled: "The entire Soul Venerable team , the martial arts configuration is also almost perfect, and it has everything. The strength of this team is not weak, Xiaogang, since you choose to fight, you must already have a strategy in mind?"

tomato novel

"Naturally." Yu Xiaogang, who was carrying one hand, nodded, "First of all, about the martial arts of this team..." He began to introduce martial arts and countermeasures to everyone.

Half an hour later, under the leadership of Dai Mubai, all the Shrek team members walked into the corridor in high spirits.

After about two quarters of an hour.

Everyone returned with a smile on their faces.

Seeing the confidence radiating from the faces of Tang San and his teammates, Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly, his waist stiffened.

On the other hand, Qin Ming smiled slightly after guiding the team members, "Everyone, let's go back to rest first."

"I still have a few people to meet, I'll be back later..." After saying that, he waved his hand and turned to leave. Not long after, he came to the room where the Shrek team was.

Qin Ming used to be Duguyan's team teacher, and Yu Tianheng was Duguyan's teammate... Yu Xiaogang, like an outsider, looked at Qin Ming's greetings with Flender thoughtfully. It wasn't until Flender introduced him that Qin Ming turned around and saluted him respectfully. Then he turned to one side, avoided the salute, and said sullenly, "You're welcome."

Seeing this, Qin Ming's face suddenly stiffened.

Flender hurriedly cleared the siege, "Haha, Qin Ming, you are his nephew's teacher. You are considered to be the same generation in terms of seniority, so Xiaogang naturally cannot accept your courtesy." In the confusion of everyone and Yu Xiaogang's slightly dissatisfied eyes , Flender smiled, "It's all my own, Xiaogang, you don't have to hide it. Do you want me to tell everyone that Yu Tianheng is your nephew?"

"What?" Everyone in Shrek was taken aback, Yu Xiaogang actually came from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

"You have already told them." Yu Xiaogang's face turned gloomy in an instant, and he said coldly, "Flander, how many times have I told you that I have nothing to do with the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family." Turning to look at Tang San, "Little San, you and Flender will go back first, I have something else to do." After speaking, he walked straight towards the gate.

"Hey, I'm talking too much." Flender felt a little remorse, and then began to introduce Qin Ming to everyone.

As he was talking, as if he suddenly thought of something, he couldn't help but leaned over and asked, "Qin Ming, since you are the leader of the Tiandou Royal Team. Do you know Lin Manshan? I heard that Duguyan used to be you. , she and Lin Manshan are in a relationship."

"Dean Flender, have you met on the field?" Qin Ming's face suddenly showed surprise.

"Well, I lost miserably." Flender looked a little embarrassed, "That Lin Manshan is simply outrageous."

"Aman is indeed a genius of the sky. Not only does he value affection and righteousness, but also treats people with friendliness. He is a person who is extremely worthy of friendship." Recalling Lin Manshan's performance in treating Duguyan with righteousness, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile.

Although he was reluctant for Duguyan to drop out of the academy, he was more of a blessing.

Lin Manshan complied with the original agreement and came to Tiandou City to help Duguyan get rid of toxins. This can be guessed from the martial arts displayed by Duguyan at the Great Douhun venue. Such a person who keeps his promises is indeed a good match. .

Emphasis on love and righteousness, and kindness to others?

Seeing that Qin Ming's evaluation of Lin Manshan was so high, everyone in Shrek suddenly flashed a hint of surprise. And Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun who were standing on one side, flashed a trace of displeasure in their eyes.

They were beaten badly by Lin Manshan.

Seeing that Qin Ming's face turned solemn in vain, he shook his head and said: "President Flender, I'm sorry, I promised Yanzi that this matter would never be leaked. Moreover, Senior Dugubo personally came to the academy to instruct, and the academy also A gag order has been issued, prohibiting those involved from talking about it."

Just now, he kneeled and bowed again, saying that he would always be a disciple of Shrek Academy. I thought it was my own, but I didn't want to say such a trivial thing. We won't say it again... Xiao Wu pouted, just like Tang San next to him, the displeased expression on her face suddenly thickened.

Dugu Bo threatened... Flender nodded slightly, expressing understanding, and said helplessly: "Okay then."

Looking back at the people in the room, he turned back and smiled, "Okay, this is not the place to talk. I'll settle the points first, Qin Ming, come to our hotel later. We haven't seen you for many years, let's have a good chat."

"Okay, I can't ask for it." Qin Ming nodded happily.

On the other side, Yu Xiaogang stopped Yu Tianheng who was leading the team back to the hotel. After some reminiscences, Yu Xiaogang began to introduce his disciple Tang San, his eyes twinkling brightly, and he said to himself, "One day, I will let the world know that even though I am a waste, I can teach you one. Unparalleled genius."

My disciple, but twin martial souls...

As he spoke, he looked directly at Yu Tianheng, and said earnestly, "Tianheng, remember my words. If you want to show your full strength at any time and lead your team to the final victory."

"Then let go of the pride in your heart."


12 years old, level 32, just like Aman... Yutian hasn't recovered for a long time. Until Yu Xiaogang asked again, "Tianheng, do you know Lin Manshan?"

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