MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 72

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If he could win Dugu Bo through Lin Manshan's relationship, it would definitely be better than a thousand troops, and Emperor Xue Ye would be more assured of handing over the throne to her.

Perhaps, adding a poison to the blue silver grass spirit is not bad... Seeing Dugu Bo, who possesses a poison attribute spirit, exerting his might, overpowering all the forces at the scene, Tang San couldn't help but yearn for it, "I only absorbed it now. With three spirit rings, the poison that can be attached to a martial spirit is of course weak. However, if more spirit rings are added in the future, with a spirit ring with a higher age, the poison may accumulate to a terrifying level, and it can release a super large amount like Dugu Bo. A range of highly poisonous attacks, with the power to threaten one country and one country."

Lin Manshan, who is only twelve years old, can have any vision, and how can he see the future potential of adding highly poisonous properties. When it comes to using poison, who can compare to my Tang Sect.... I think so firmly in my heart.

"Okay, the gossip is over. Then, I will announce that the Tianxing Academy is officially established." As Dugu Bo shouted loudly, a large number of fireworks were suddenly shot on both sides of the gate, and the Shui Artesian couple smiled and pulled the red silk away. . Seeing this, Gui Douluo, Ning Fengzhi, Xue Qinghe and other high-level leaders who were in the front seat stood up to congratulate him and participated in the ribbon-cutting with Dugu Bo.

After the ribbon-cutting was over, the water on the side said in a clear voice, "Next, I invite all the guests to enter the hall and take a seat."

For the establishment of the academy, Dugu Bo also borrowed a lot of people from the Ministry of Rites of the Royal Family and prepared a series of programs. When the show ends, it's almost time for dinner. At that time, the party really starts.

The sound of the water flowing down, tatata, two rows of young girls walked out of the house in sequence, smiling and guiding everyone into the hall.

All the forces in the square also got up and entered the hall in order to take their seats.

Chapter 139 Meet Su Yuntao Again

The first to enter the gate were the imperial prince Xue Qinghe who participated in the ribbon-cutting, and the team of Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. After that, Salas, the platinum bishop of the Spirit Hall, and Su Yuntao, who followed him, just walked to the door.

He was stopped by Lin Manshan, "Brother Tao!"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, even Ning Fengzhi and others stopped to look back, and then saw Lin Manshan walking straight towards a young man in white next to Salas. As he approached, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Salas and Ghost Douluo, and slightly cupped his hands, "I hope that the bishop and His Majesty will be able to accommodate one or two things." And the young man in white looked at Sarah with a cautious expression. , as if asking for instructions.

"Since it's an old friend meeting, let's take it for a while." Ghost Douluo smiled slightly, "Go ahead and join me when the party is over." After speaking, he nodded slightly towards Lin Manshan and led Salas into the house. .

When someone followed behind, Ning Fengzhi had to go too, he frowned and turned inward.

Seeing the boss leave, Su Yuntao then turned to look at Lin Manshan, and said somewhat cautiously, "Aman, if it's okay, I won't see you."

"Sura Wushen"

Lin Manshan frowned suddenly, and said a little displeased: "Brother Tao, why are we so good in our friendship?" As he said that, he put a hand on Su Yuntao's shoulder, "Let's go, let's go in too, we haven't seen each other for a long time, Let's have a good chat today."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look behind him, "Binger, Yueer, you guys should also go and meet your old teammates."

"Yeah." The two women nodded and watched a few people enter the door. When Tianshui College approached, they immediately got into a fight.

"Bing'er, who is that young man from Spirit Hall? He seems to be very familiar with your Aman." A female teammate couldn't help asking.

"His name is Su Yuntao. He used to be the deacon of the Martial Spirit Hall in Notting City, the Kingdom of Barack. He helped awaken Aman's Martial Spirit. Aman has always remembered this kindness and kept in touch with each other. After that, the two became friends. ..." Shui Bing'er introduced with a smile.

"So it is." Several people nodded, secretly sighing at Lin Manshan's gratitude.

While chatting, while crowded into the door.

On the other side, Lin Manshan led Su Yuntao to the seat on the inner edge of the reception hall and sat down.

"Brother Aman, why are you covering your face?" Su Yuntao sat firmly on his **** and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Because I've become handsome, I'm afraid of attracting attention." Lin Manshan nodded slightly and replied seriously.

"???" Become handsome? The appearance can still be changed, how handsome is he... Su Yuntao was stunned and looked up and down.

Lin Manshan's skin, which had been smoky with charcoal and bronzed because of frequent ironing, now looks noticeably pale, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with an inexplicable temperament.

It's the kind of majestic temperament as a leader, when he saw it for the first time today, it was a little empty.

Immediately after seeing Lin Manshan taking off his mask, he was shocked, and the overall outline did not seem to have changed much. However, the skin is smoother and denser, like a knife cut, and there is no change under close inspection, but from a distance, it looks like a natural beauty.

Especially the steady and dignified temperament, which directly raised the appearance several levels.

"This... Brother Aman, how did you do it?" He couldn't help but ask, he also wanted to be handsome. There are really many beautiful girls in the Spirit Temple of Heaven Dou City, and his strength is average. But as long as it's handsome enough, it doesn't matter!

"Wow, so handsome!" Not far from the seats of Tianshui College, the students' eyes also lit up. In the next second, Qi Qi turned to look at Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, and one of the female teammates said anxiously, "Bing'er, Yue'er, we are good sisters. Aman's medical skills are so good, there must be some exclusive formula. You two can't forget us."

"The kind that Aman eats has already been formulated with myrrh." Shui Yue'er, who had already had a belly draft, squeezed out a helpless expression, rubbed her wrist flat on the table, and suddenly several wooden boxes appeared, "This is what our sisters usually use now. Applying the face before going to bed can beautify the skin and slow down the aging of the skin. There are not many herbs that can be prepared in Ah Man, I only have so many left, you should save some."

Before a second, the table was empty, and the air was filled with sour emotion.

"It's good to have a boyfriend with high medical skills. Why didn't Aman save me in the first place?"

"Bing'er, Qi girl, why don't you match me? I can be a small..."


On the other side, Lin Manshan was also explaining to Su Yuntao, with a tone full of Versailles, "Hey, Brother Tao, I can't help it. My daughter-in-law is too good-looking, and my brother is under a lot of pressure. To be honest, I sometimes feel inferior. So, Just think of a way.”

"Hey, my medical skills are still pretty good."

Saying that, he took out a ring from the soul tool and said with a smile, "Brother Tao, I'm really sorry before. After returning from Notting City, I've been busy with other things and have no time to visit you in the Spirit Hall. , this is a gift I specially prepared for you."

"This is a storage soul tool. It has only three square meters of space. It stores the medicinal wine that I brewed for you and Grandpa Mashino. Take a sip every day before going to bed to help you sleep. If you take it for a long time, it will also help you sleep well. It has the effect of detoxifying and quenching impurities, relaxing muscles and activating blood, and it can help to practice. My academy is short of staff now, so Grandpa Matthew Nuo can only rely on you to send it back."

"This is too precious!" Su Yuntao waved his hands in shock.

"Brother Tao, don't refuse. If you hadn't helped me awaken my martial spirit back then, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have the chance to become a spirit master. And after so many years, you and Grandpa Matthew Nuo also took great care of me, and now I only have the opportunity to become a spirit master. But I'm just doing what I can." Lin Manshan smiled, put the ring in front of Su Yuntao, and raised his brows slightly, "After drinking this wine for a long time, it can also become handsome!"

"Then thank you brother Aman." Su Yuntao took the ring from his heart and said with emotion, "It's a pity that Master Matthew Nuo didn't come to Heaven Dou City with him, otherwise he would definitely be very happy with your current achievements." Proficient in medical theory , Detoxifying Titled Douluo, 12-year-old spirit power level 32, killing Quartet in the big battle field. If the elders hadn't said it themselves, he would have suspected that he was telling a book.

Awesome, my brother Aman.

"When I went to Notting City last time, I also invited Grandpa Matthew Nuo, but he chose to dedicate the rest of his life to his hometown and the children in his hometown."

Lin Manshan sighed with respect on his face: "As a junior, I can only choose to support him."

"Yeah." Su Yuntao nodded, then looked around the hall, and continued: "Brother Aman, I heard that you have picked up the old Jack family. What about them? Why didn't you come to the party?"

"Grandpa, they didn't like this kind of occasion, so they didn't come." As for the brothers. There are so many beautiful ladies and sisters who are definitely wanting to come, but unfortunately the sisters-in-law don't agree... Lin Manshan mourned for it in his heart.

"So it is." Su Yuntao expressed his understanding.

After taking the juice handed by Lin Manshan, they turned to the forces that entered the door, and listened to Lin Manshan's introduction.

The reception hall is not too small, not too big, not too big. All who can come and participate are soul masters. The conversation between Lin Manshan and Su Yuntao was heard clearly by everyone who had entered the hall, and sighed that Lin Manshan knew the picture of gratitude. At the same time, the mood is also different.

After all, the one who was remembered by Lin Manshan was from the Spirit Hall.

Lin Manshan is indeed a good boy... On the side of the Spirit Hall, Ghost Douluo and Platinum Bishop Salas are in a happy mood, and the latter is even more envious of Su Yuntao.

Who doesn't want a medicinal wine that detoxifies and quenches impurities, relaxes tendons and activates blood, and is beneficial to cultivation?

Lin Manshan is a medical master who can cure the poison that Dugu Bo has accumulated for decades. The master's product must be a high-quality product, and the effect must be good.

But if you ask Su Yuntao what he wants, he would definitely not dare. Speaking of which, Lin Manshan's temper is a bit similar to Dugu Bo's. They both repay kindness and revenge, and they are both righteous and evil, and they are really good to friends. But it is also really cruel to those who have offended him.

For example, those from Shrek Academy were beaten really badly.

In his thoughts, Yu Guang also glanced at the door, the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly, his eyes showed disdain.

Within sight, Yu Xiaogang stood Liu Erlong and Flender on the left and right, walking out of the door under the guidance of the girl, a fat man behind him was staring at the girl's buttocks.

Ma Hongjun? Oh, no wonder I was beaten...

What kind of teacher they say, what kind of disciple they teach. Regardless of such an important occasion, it shows what level and virtue are the teachers of Shrek Academy usually teach. Not to mention morality and immorality, the most basic law of survival has not been taught well.

So provoking right and wrong, after graduation and going outside, maybe one day he will be killed for offending people.

"Huh! Isn't that Tang San?"

On the other side, Su Yuntao also recognized Tang San from the Shrek team who had just walked in the door. He had not noticed that in the square before, the seat of Lanba Academy was at the back. During Tang San's study at Nuoding Academy before he was 12 years old, he would come to the Spirit Hall to receive a subsidy from spirit masters every month, so he remembered his appearance very clearly.

Surprised, Tang San glanced across the hall, just right here.

After all, he was a fellow villager, and he was his own martial soul, so Su Yuntao hurriedly raised his hand.

Tang San's face was calm, his eyes just stopped, and then turned away.

So embarrassing... Su Yuntao's face froze immediately, obviously he was quite polite when he received the subsidy from the soul master.

The raised hand is slowly lowered, and the embarrassment is concealed by drinking juice.

And this scene happened to be seen by Xue Qinghe, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Salas and others. Ghost Douluo and Salas' eyes froze for a moment. Tang San and Lin Manshan came out of the same village. They were both spirits awakened by Su Yuntao. Tang Sanyue received subsidies for six years in a row, and they finally met. Don't nod your head. And Lin Manshan only received one gold soul coin in six years, but he went to give gifts to Matthew Nuo and Su Yuntao every year, and even donated 100,000 gold soul coins when he was going to travel far away, and now that he met, he took the initiative to invite more wine. .

There is such a huge disparity between people.

Since Qianxunji became the Pope, the two great empires have been afraid of the number of spirit masters under the jurisdiction of the Spirit Hall. Therefore, for various financial reasons, the special subsidy funds for civilian spirit masters have been reduced year by year. Forty percent left.

In order to maintain this expenditure, the Wuhun Temple's finances had been very tight during that time. If it weren't for the current Pope Bibi Dong's vigorous development of self-employed industries after taking office, and filling the loopholes, perhaps the amount of subsidies for soul masters would have been cut long ago.

As a veteran of the two generations of Popes, he, Ghost Douluo, saw this process in his eyes. Moreover, he has also seen the amount of money to fill the loopholes every year. The amount is huge and shocking. Those who have not experienced it will not understand it.

Now that he can see someone like Lin Manshan who remembers his kindness with his own eyes, even if he has become a titled Douluo, he is heartened. And when he met someone like Tang San who took the subsidy for granted and didn't remember anything, he was really angry and wanted to shoot people to death on the spot.

With a sullen face, he turned his head, his mind moved, he turned his head and glanced at Ning Fengzhi and the others who were sitting beside him, his eyes were placed on Dugu Bo who was in the first place, and he smiled slightly, "Brother Dugu, congratulations on being able to have such a grandson-in-law as Aman. According to me As far as I know, apart from obtaining the first spirit ring, Ma Xiunuo, the manager of the branch hall of Notting City, forcibly stuffed a gold spirit coin as a subsidy for the spirit master, and he has never received it again after that."

"But Aman always remembers Deacon Matthew Nuo, who certified him as a soul master and distributed a subsidy, and Deacon Su Yuntao, who awakened his martial spirit for him. In the next six years, he will bring gifts every year to visit. Moreover, after turning twelve years old, before coming to Tiandou City to fulfill the contract with Dugu brother and granddaughter, he privately donated 100,000 gold soul coins to Matthew Nuo.”

"Furthermore, a few months ago, his adoptive parents' family, as well as the blacksmith shop owner and guys who taught him to forge were all taken over to Heaven Dou City. This son is very affectionate, keeps his promises, and has the courage to take responsibility. It is rare in the world.”

"Unlike some people, Yueyue received my Martial Soul Hall subsidy, but I never remembered even the slightest kindness in my heart. Even when I see the elders of the Martial Soul Hall who helped awaken the Martial Soul and distributed the subsidy, they are also righteous. Don't look at it."

As he said that, his eyes did not forget to swipe in the direction of Yu Xiaogang. To be honest, he really didn't know what was good about Pope Bibi Dong's fascination with Yu Xiaogang. Yu Xiaogang's soul power is level 29, so he has been subsidized by spirit masters from the Spirit Hall for decades. It never dropped once a month, but it never said a good word to Wuhun Hall. According to the investigation, it was a stern face even when receiving money.

As for the students of Shrek Academy, they were similar to Tang San, and they were polite when they received the money. On weekdays, he didn't shake his face, and occasionally slandered. Because of the conflict with Lin Manshan, he sent someone to check the whole thing.

At that time, it was an annoyance, and there was a sense of being scorned and despised.

But when Pope Bibi Dong found out, he perfunctory directly, otherwise he would have come to the door and shot him to death.

"That's right! Otherwise, how can you be my grandson-in-law." Dugu Bo suddenly stiffened, very proud. As he spoke, he raised his brows, "However, my granddaughter-in-law and I are both people who repay kindness and revenge. We never make friends based on birth and background, but only on whether the people we meet are worth making friends with. So, don't think about it. In order to spread this friendship to the entire Wuhun Temple, we will not eat this set."

"As for some of the people you mentioned, you don't need to be sloppy here. Those guys offended my grandson-in-law a few months ago. Then they were repaired by my grandson-in-law. To be honest, such a shameless person You deserve to be beaten."

As he said that, he glanced in the direction of Yu Xiaogang and sneered.

"Oh, it's my grandson-in-law who is kind and merciful. If the old man was there at the time, he would definitely be slapped to death."

"It really deserves it!" Ghost Douluo smiled and nodded, not caring at all about Dugu Bo's separation.

Things are done for people to see, it doesn't matter how the parties feel.

PS: Change it first and then change it. I will make up a chapter in the evening. Let’s get up and read it tomorrow morning.

Chapter 140 Ning Fengzhi's thoughts, the auction begins.

After he finished speaking, Ghost Douluo did not forget to turn his head to look at Ning Fengzhi, "What does Sect Master Ning think?"

"Aman, this kid is really good." Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded and commented, but his heart froze.

But it's not because Lin Manshan remembers the feelings of the Wuhun Temple's division, and has a deep friendship with the people inside.

In fact, with the old fox Dugu Bo, and the relationship between the Ye family and the Shui family, Lin Manshan would not easily fall to the Spirit Hall no matter what.

With the terrifying ability that is enough to sneak attack and destroy any living force on the mainland, for Dugu Bo, maintaining neutrality is undoubtedly the best choice.

Because once they choose to fall in favor of one of the forces, the rest of the forces will inevitably gang up to the death to kill Dugu Bo, so as to avoid the death threat of Dugu Bo from coming to him one day. Death of a few high-end combat power and death of the whole family, everyone knows how to choose.

No matter how strong his strength is, once he encounters several major titled Douluos participating in the encirclement and suppression, it will be extremely difficult for Dugu Bo to escape, and the people around him will face fatal threats.

And maintaining neutrality means that whoever provokes it will take the initiative to push Dugu Bo to a hostile force. In addition, Tianxing Academy was built in the Tiandou Empire, and people who were close to Dugu Bo lived in it. This will undoubtedly make, especially the Tiandou Royal Family, think that they have the innate advantage to win over Dugu Bo. Under the entanglement of many parties, it is difficult for the major forces to make up their minds to take huge risks to surround and kill.

People are unpredictable, and the wall created by suspicion will become the biggest obstacle to the alliance of all forces.

In this case, befriending Dugu Bo will undoubtedly become the first choice of all forces.

Dugu Bo naturally thought of this as well, so he would only say things that he didn't want to be an enemy of anyone in the square before. As long as they don't take the initiative to cause trouble, Tianxing Academy is the object of friendship and protection for all forces. At the same time, the forces will also take the initiative to avoid conflicts to avoid conflicts.

After all, if it doesn't make sense and provokes Dugu Bo to do it, it is reasonable for outsiders to say anything.

Therefore, he did not worry about the Dugu Expo going into the arms of the Spirit Hall from the beginning to the end. What really made him uncomfortable was Tang San's indifferent response to Su Yuntao.

Tang San and Lin Manshan grew up in the same village and entered the same primary spirit master academy. Ghost Douluo's words before, no doubt reflected the two of them. Lin Manshan reciprocated with gratitude, while Tang San was ruthless. Seeing Su Yuntao, the person who helped awaken his martial spirit and distribute subsidies, he didn't even nod his head, and Su Yuntao took the initiative to say hello. .

This is no longer just being ruthless and ignorant. In public, he refuses to even behave himself. This is because he doesn't even know the basic principles of life. Twelve is not too young. Look at Lin Manshan, who was born a commoner and grew up alone, at least he has done a great job at this point.

And Tang San... such a person with such a nature, even if he is extremely talented, is it really worth making friends and investing in?

In addition, Tang San's teacher is Yu Xiaogang.

In order to test his theory, Yu Xiaogang, as an elder, actually tricked a six-year-old child into absorbing the wrong spirit ring, and even pushed the dean to drop him because of a trivial matter. Tang San has been deeply taught by him for many years, will he be affected?

His sister-in-law, Xiao Wu, is also an unruly, self-willed, open-mouthed person. Perhaps there is a relationship between Tang San's neglect of discipline on weekdays, and this is enough to see one or two...

Thinking back on the battle of the Soto City Great Soul Battle that he sent someone to investigate, Ning Fengzhi's heart sank, impulsive, irritable, open-mouthed, and overkill. This was his evaluation of Tang San's performance in that battle.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai in the team were lustful and didn't know how to control, and their cultivation might have been affected. With such a mind, how high can you achieve in the future?

The so-called close to Zhu Zechi, close to Mo is black, is it really good to put Rongrong in such a team?

Thinking back on Tang Yuehua's perfunctory treatment of his ally in the matter of immortal grass, Ning Fengzhi was even more troubled.

But on Lin Manshan's side, there are many beauties, and he is the grandson-in-law of Dugu Bo, so he will definitely not join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Moreover, Dugu Bo had publicly announced the neutrality of Skywalking Academy before, and he would never let the academy have anything to do with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Therefore, it is impossible for Rongrong to jump in the queue and use Lin Manshan's unique medical skills to assist in his practice.

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