MTL - I Don’t Have a Soul Skill, I’ll Cut Down the Douluo-Chapter 96

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Let the Tiandou Second Team play against Shrek Academy, which is undoubtedly a gift to help Shrek Academy become famous.

And when my Tianxing Academy was first built, it just happened to need to improve its reputation. It's not as good as helping the enemy, so Salas is showing his favor on purpose? Lin Manshan couldn't help thinking.

No matter what, it is indeed a good thing to be able to fight against the second team of Tiandou. After all, it is the first game of the game, and it is the only game today, which is the most impressive. It is indeed beneficial for future college admissions.

It's time to put on a big wave!

While thinking about it, the lottery was over. Salas glanced at the audience and said in a calm tone, "I hereby swear by the reputation of Wuhun Temple, and the result of this lottery is absolutely true. In addition, I hereby announce that all those present are here. All Soul Master Academy students, as long as they can advance to the final stage of the finals, will be admitted to the Wuhun Temple by exception, and they can directly join my Wuhun Temple Temple."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar among the spirit masters present.

And Xue Ye, who was sitting on the VIP seat behind Salas, turned gloomy in an instant. Salas' behavior of pulling people in public was undoubtedly challenging his authority as the emperor of the empire. Ning Fengzhi on the side also frowned slightly, turned his head and shook his head slightly.

Xue Ye's expression softened a little.

"Then, what's going to happen next is the first match of the first round of the preliminaries for the Heaven Dou Division of this Continental Elite Spirit Master Competition. The Heaven Dou Royal Academy will play against the Tianxing Academy." Seeing Salas returning to his seat, the master of ceremonies spoke aloud again. He said, "Now, please leave the participating colleges in order. The two participating teams who will be playing later will be ready. After half an hour, the competition will officially start."

Hearing this, the colleges began to exit in an orderly manner under the guidance of the staff.

As the venue emptied, a round arena with a height of ten meters and a diameter of over thirty meters slowly rose under the operation of the staff. Of course, there is only one ring because there is only one match today. When the qualifiers really start the next day, there will be five arenas here, and five games will be played at the same time, ensuring that nearly 30 teams will all complete the qualifiers within one month.

After half an hour.

The host's high voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Audience friends, I am honored to be able to... Next, let me introduce to you..."

"The players that Tianxing Academy will send are: Captain Lin Manshan, Martial Soul Fierce Sword, Go Against the Sky. Vice Captain Shui Bing'er, Martial Soul Ice Phoenix. Team members Shui Yue'er, Martial Soul Dolphin. Team Zhu Zhuyun, Martial Soul Nether Civet…”

The Continental Soul Master Competition must be a real name, and the title obtained in the Great Soul Battle can no longer be used.

The reason is very simple. The titles of some academy contestants in the Great Soul Arena are really irritating. For a formal competition like this, you still have to pay attention to the image.

In addition, regarding player information, the official only confirms that the age is not more than 25 years old. Other than the name and martial spirit, the host will not read any information about the contestants. After all, in a competition like this, hiding strength is itself a strategy. In addition, the major high-level soul master academies have more or less background, and even if the big soul field knows the information, they would not dare to break it out and offend people.

If you want to know the specific information of the opponent, then look at the information channels of the major colleges.

After a short while, the host finished the introduction, "Next, two teams of contestants are invited to enter the arena!"

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the auditorium suddenly went out, only the lights in the arena below were still bright.

In the high cheers, the two teams of players slowly walked out of the shadows in the passages on both sides of the ring.


! ? "The cheers in the audience suddenly stopped.

Chapter 172 Ten Thousand Years Fourth Soul Ring

Looking at the two teams of players who were escorted by the golden beams after stepping out of the passage. Whether it was the audience, or the members of the various academies watching the game, they were all stunned.

There are seven people on one side.

After looking at it for a while, after confirming the eyes, only two people came out.

"what's the situation?!"

"Why are there two people in Team Skyline? It's still two girls! However, I have to say that they are in good shape..."

"Is this going to be two-on-seven?"


Xue Ye, who was sitting on the VIP seat, was also surprised, and turned to look at Ning Fengzhi with a warm smile.

"It seems that Nephew Lin is very confident in the strength of his team members. Unfortunately, Brother Dugu doesn't like attracting attention, so he didn't accept the invitation from the guests to come and sit with me, otherwise I would really like to ask him about training students on weekdays. Exclusive insights."

"..." Salas immediately glanced at Xue Ye out of the corner of his eye, sneered inwardly, every sip of a nephew Lin, the whole person recognized you.

He sneered at Xue Ye's public relations and provocation.

"It's really a pity." Ning Fengzhi smiled and then sighed with emotion, "It is said that Brother Dugu once took the team to the Sunset Forest for special field training and fought against spirit beasts. I think the training on weekdays is also extremely difficult. It is only natural that his strength is good.”

The reason why he knew about this was that Dugu Bo took people out for a long time and didn't return, and sent someone to send invitations to Tianxing Academy for testing, and the receptionist told them directly.

After learning the news, he was also surprised. This kind of special training method is indeed rare.

But it makes sense to think about it, after all, there are Ye Leng Leng and Lin Manshan in the team, so what are you afraid of getting hurt.

Xue Ye was immediately surprised and said with emotion, "Brother Dugu is willing."

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten that the girl from the Ye family is also in Brother Dugu's team." Ning Fengzhi reminded with a smile.

"Not to mention, there is still nephew Lin Xian."

Xue Ye showed a stunned expression and nodded slightly, "That's true."

"With Nephew Lin's medical skills, coupled with the martial spirit of that girl from the Ye family, as long as you don't get hurt too badly, it's fine."

While the two were chatting, the players on both sides had already walked to the ring and stood up.

Although the Tianxing team only sent two people, it was a little contemptuous, but the members of the Tiandou Royal Team 2 did not relax because of this, nor did they dare to say nonsense, they just silently prepared for battle. After all, it was an academy founded by Dugu Bo, and Lin Manshan also had a one-vs-7 battle in the Soto City Battle Arena, which has long since spread. This time, only two people were sent out, obviously relying on them.

This is the Continental Soul Master Competition, and it is in full view. Who wants to lose?

They all looked serious and did not dare to be careless.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing with a light gauze and Shui Yue'er stood side by side on the opposite side, waiting quietly.

Not long after, the referee's clear and powerful voice came.

"The first round of the qualifiers, the official start!"

After the words fell, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er pressed their bodies together, took a fighting stance, and their martial spirits were activated at the same time.

The halo under his feet was dense, and four yellow, yellow, purple, and black spirit rings suddenly unfolded, both of them.

"Fuck!" The auditorium suddenly exploded, and many people jumped up from their seats.

"The fourth spirit ring of ten thousand years, and both!?"

"The fourth spirit ring of ten thousand years..." Xue Ye's complexion also changed suddenly, and a dazzling gleam flashed in his eyes.

This... Ning Fengzhi is no longer determined, a ten thousand year fourth spirit ring can be said to be a coincidence and luck, and the two can never be luck. Dugu Bo, or Lin Manshan, had definitely figured out a way to absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring in the fourth spirit ring. In addition, Shui Yue'er can say that Zhu Zhuqing is younger than his daughter, and now he has broken through the soul sect!

This was definitely brought about by the medicine that Lin Manshan practiced.

A trace of remorse could not help but emerge in my heart.

At the beginning, if I could find a way to send Rongrong to Tianxing Academy, maybe... such thoughts could not help but arise in my mind.

While thinking about it, Xue Ye's voice suddenly came, "Sect Master Ning, do you know the reason?"

Ning Fengzhi only then returned to his thoughts, turned his head, pondered for a moment, and replied, "Brother Dugu once exchanged a ten thousand-year soul bone from Nether Wolf from Ning Mou, but now that I think about it, it must have been the cat-shaped man below. The child of Wuhun has absorbed it. As for the child of the Shui family..."

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Salas, who frowned slightly, as if he was thinking, and said to himself, "Your Majesty Ghost Douluo has gone to Tianxing Academy three times to ask for medicine, and he must have proposed to exchange the ten thousand year spirit bone for the number of times of refining medicine. The request of the Wuhundian family is very big, and naturally there is no shortage of a few ten thousand year soul bones. It is the rare medicinal herbs needed for the top-grade medicine pill refined by Lin Xiannephew, not only in large quantities, but also extremely difficult to collect."

"Your Majesty, the martial spirits of these two children are both beast spirits, and their physical quality is not low. If they have the blessing of the ten thousand year spirit bone, it is indeed possible to withstand the energy shock brought by the ten thousand year spirit ring. However, Ning One is very curious, how the two children survived the shock of the soul contained in the ten thousand year spirit ring. Regarding this, Your Majesty, perhaps only Brother Dugu or Nephew Lin can give an answer."

"As for why these two children were able to break through the soul sect at such a young age, in addition to the spirit bones, Lin Xian nephew's medicine refining technique probably has a lot of credit. You know, Lin Xian nephew's medicine has no side effects."

"Even if ordinary medicinal materials are in his hands, they have the effect of turning corruption into miraculous."

"With the continuous help of these medicines, coupled with hard training, the speed of soul power improvement is naturally not slow."

In this game, Lin Manshan will directly release Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yueer to fight, which should be to expand the influence of the academy and facilitate future enrollment.

However, Zhu Zhuyu and Ye Lengleng should not have the fourth ten thousand year spirit ring, otherwise they would definitely play.

Anyway, if you want to expose it on the field in the future, there is no need to hide it. They are released, and the publicity effect is better.

When Lin Manshan had just arrived in Tian Dou City, Zhu Zhuyu and Ye Leng Leng were still far from the breakthrough soul king. It was reasonable to say that the breakthrough soul sect could also arrange to absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring.

But now, it doesn't.

Ye Leng Leng is an auxiliary soul master, and his physical strength is really not good enough to meet the requirements. But Zhu Zhuyu was also a beast spirit. Since Lin Manshan could exchange spirit bones from the spirit hall, the problem of physical strength should be solved.

But why didn't the fourth spirit ring absorb ten thousand years? Is there anything else that is not up to the mark?

For example, the willpower and mental strength that is enough to resist the shock of the soul...

However, since Lin Manshan helped Shui Yueer and Zhu Zhuqing absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring in the spirit sect stage, he would definitely be able to do it himself. Even his first three spirit rings were absorbed by leaps and bounds, so he came up with a theoretical basis for him to absorb spirit rings by leaps and bounds, and transferred them to the two girls.

And the absorption of spirit rings by leaps and bounds was also one of the reasons why he was able to defeat the Shrek team by himself.

Linking these things together, Ning Fengzhi suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, and at the same time sighed in his heart.

Such a strong comprehension, such a strong willpower and courage, is by no means comparable to Yu Xiaogang.

My Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School does not lack the spirit bones. If Rongrong can absorb it, maybe I can find a chance...

"Nephew Lin's medical skills are indeed extraordinary." Xue Ye nodded, then smiled, "As for the method of resisting the vibration of the ten thousand year spirit ring, Sect Master Ning, maybe next time we meet, we can ask Brother Dugu for advice."

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"No matter what, they are all children of our Heaven Dou Empire. It is also a blessing for the Empire to achieve such achievements at such a young age." Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuyu, Zhu Zhuqing, and the ghost cat Wuhun, he naturally guessed the identities of the three . But so what? Since she voluntarily married into the Heaven Dou Empire, she was a native of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the Star Luo Empire dared to step over and grab someone.

What's more, there is still Dugu Bo in front. Does the royal family of the Star Luo Empire dare?

"Sect Master Ning, seeing these two children, I feel more confident in what you said before." Xue Ye smiled, if Team Skywalk could win the Continental Soul Master Competition, it would be a good thing for the Empire.

"Haha, Ning Mou and His Majesty have the same idea." Ning Fengzhi replied with a smile.

"Humph." The outsider Salas snorted coldly, but he didn't say anything, but he was sneering in his heart. For example, today Xing Academy has reached a cooperation with Wuhun Temple in dealing with Clear Sky Sect, and we will get rid of Clear Sky Sect together. .

Then it's your turn next... Yu Guang catches the two who are talking and laughing, and a chill fills his heart.

On the other side, in the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy, "How is it possible, how is this possible?!" Tang San's eyes were dull, and he kept saying in his heart that the fourth spirit ring of the ten thousand years, he thought only he had, was unique in the mainland.

But now, there are two girls appearing directly in front of them, and they are only two girls with a single martial spirit. Zhu Zhuqing was even younger than him.

It's really hard to accept.

Moreover, even if Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er have the fourth spirit ring of ten thousand years, doesn't Lin Manshan also have them?

In addition, the youngest Zhu Zhuqing has the strength of the Soul Sect. What about the other members of the Tianxing team?

Can the Shrek team I lead really defeat the Skywalk team? Can I really beat Lin Manshan alone? Silver teeth clenched tightly, feeling agitated.

Zhuqing had already broken through the spirit sect and possessed the fourth spirit ring in ten thousand years...Dai Mubai was shocked.

His face was full of disbelief.

The other members of the Shrek team also looked shocked and disbelieving.

Can we really beat such a team? The players couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration in their hearts.

The instructors also turned solemn.

This, how could it be... Yu Xiaogang's complexion was even more pale, his fingernails were embedded in his palms, and his eyes were dazed and absent-minded.

In the arena, the members of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Squad were also stunned and forgot to attack for a while.

Seeing that the opposite side stayed for a while before making a move, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er on the other side were not ready to wait.

"Second soul skill, Youbo."

Shui Yue'er let out a soft drink, reminding the other side, the blue light rippling under her feet. An acceleration of the body, like water skiing, quickly floated towards the opponent's formation.

Zhu Zhuqing did not release his soul skills, but his running speed was not slow, closely following behind Shui Yue'er.

The second team of the Tiandou Royal Squad finally reacted, and the spirit rings under their feet lit up one after another, preparing to activate their spirit abilities.

And right now.

"The third soul skill, sound wave!" Shui Yue'er stopped her body, opened her mouth, and the sound of the dolphin jumped up.

Chapter 173 Don't Consume It?

The sound was sharp and exciting, swaying forward like a ripple, and the ground dust fluttered.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..." The members of the second team of Tiandou felt like they were hit hard. They came from aristocrats and were spoiled. How could they have suffered such torture? He subconsciously covered his ears and bent over, looking in pain.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing immediately activated his soul skill, "The third soul skill, Nether Ghost Claw." His ten fingers immediately stretched out slender purple sharp blades, and his toes were padded. It was also an instant surge, and the afterimage was dragged out on the spot.

After just a few flashes, they came to the side of the Heaven Dou Royal Team, and at this moment, the sound of the dolphin was interrupted.

Everyone in the Tiandou Second Team seemed to be hollowed out and their faces were pale. In order to resist the sonic attack, their muscles were tense just now. At the same time as the body felt relieved, the eardrums stinged, the stars in the eyes floated straight, and the seeds in the brain were also buzzing with pain, subconsciously shaking his head and blinking his eyes to drive away the discomfort, and the body was shaking slightly.

The weaker people even bent down on the spot to gasp for breath or vomit. The sonic attack not only shook their eardrums, but also shook their whole body organs.

Coupled with the shock and dizziness in my mind, I also felt discomfort in my abdomen, and I felt nauseated for a while, and I really wanted to vomit.

At this moment, an enchanting figure suddenly rushed into the formation like a butterfly wearing flowers.

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