MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-~ 655 is too humble

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"Where do you want to go."

How can Lin Fan let the evils leave? The strongest evil **** here is evils. In order to perfectly evolve the dark gods in the body, they must be swallowed.


Wrathed, he is the tenth evil god.

How can it be suppressed by such a humble being with a very high position in the evil **** group.


Lin Fan felt that the space became sticky, so he did it again.

But for him now.

This trick is no longer feasible.

I saw Lin Fan open his five fingers, waving his arms and clicking, in the unbelievable eyes of the evil god, he directly grasped the evil in his palm.

"How can this be." The evil **** roared and struggled.

But in the world of Lin Fan.

Everything he does is futile.

"Last time let you be presumptuous, this time to see how you resisted." Lin Fan smiled, then opened his mouth, and the black hole reappeared, and in the scream of misfortune, directly put him in his mouth.


Mouth closed.

The gloomy idols in the body changed dramatically.

Countless silk threads emanated from the deities, entangled the evil gods, and continued to disintegrate, an amazing power passed on.

The body of the idol changes.

A lot of flesh is moving.

One finger, the back of the hand, the palm of the hand, the arm ... slowly covered with flesh.

"It really looks exactly like I thought."

Lin Fan muttered.

Xiao Xiaozu stared at the scene stunned. If it was not because he was too shocked, he would have given Lin Fan a kneeling.

He really didn't expect it to end like this.

Lin Zhangmen attacked the evil god, and a war would certainly occur, and naturally he couldn't sit idly by and ignore it, he must join in it.

But now.

This is really not a chance.

There was no fierce fighting at all. It was too scary to see Lin's head open his mouth and swallow up all the evil gods in one go.

Lin Fan's behavior is a great shock to every lord.

Some sovereigns have been thinking, waiting for me to become stronger.

I must take revenge.

You can see this now.

They dispelled all thoughts.

There was only one thought in my mind.

That's why I was wrong. I will never think so again. This strength is too scary.

What else is there to fight.

Even if you hold your head, you can't hold it.

Lin Fan returned to the original state, always paying attention to the change of the dark idol in his body, the flesh and blood continued to move, he swallowed so many evil gods.

It won't end so easily.

"Lin head, how did you become so powerful." Xiao Xiaozu said in shock. "Even if you break through to the eighth state, you must also understand the rules of the Tao pattern. No, even the eighth state is not easy He will kill the tenth evil god. "

"What the **** is going on with you?"

For Xiao Xiaozu, Lin Fan's recent actions have completely shocked him and didn't know what to say.

It just felt like the brain was completely stunned.

Lin Fandao, "Xiao Xiaozu, if there is something you can't figure out, don't think about it, it's not too good to think too much, do you think?"

That being said though.

But for Xiao Xiaozu, he really wanted to know.

What the **** is going on here.

Later, Lin Fan looked at many suzerains not far away. Those suzerainers found that Lin Fan's eyes seemed to tremble, showing a smile that was not too embarrassing.

They are showing off.

There is no way now.

The strength of Lin's head is too terrible.

So many evil gods are not his opponents. Just these people may be killed in person.

Fortunately, the head of Lin didn't have the same killing intentions as before, otherwise this situation may have scared many suzerainers to kneel on the spot for mercy.

Lin Fan only glanced back at his eyes.

He continued to lie down on his chair, closing his eyes and raising his head, maybe just the beginning, he was waiting for a more powerful evil **** to come.

"Lin head, what should I do next?" Xiao Xiaozu asked.

"The break, I just swallowed too much and was a bit overwhelmed. Anyway, the evil gods will come by themselves, don't be too anxious." Lin Fan said.

While resting.

Lin Fan silently raised the pattern.

No way.

Now the rage point increase is so overbearing.


At this time, Lin Fan found that the gloomy idol in his body gradually exuded an amazing light.

Once only a stone body, gradually covered by flesh and blood.

He felt a divinity slowly waking up.

Very wonderful feeling.

He can be sure that this is not the power of faith, but the divine power of the Dark Divine Realm.

"It's worse."

The divinity has revived, and I gradually understand a lot.

"So it is."

Lin Fan frowned, as if he didn't expect it to be the case, but these are not important. Now he only needs to solve the evil god, then all the troubles are over.


The roar shook the sky.

There are still many evil gods in deep panic and confusion.

"We are evil gods," Ruth muttered.

Although he ranks very low in the first-class evil gods, as an evil god, he thinks that such a tragic thing will never happen.

But now.

It just happened.

They were swallowed up as ants by a humble creature.

What a terrible thing.

The evil **** Priest Lane watched all this, and fell into deep contemplation again.

"Hahahaha ..."

Ji did not go out with Lin Fan desperately, but wanted to be an onlooker watching all this.

When I saw Lin Fan swallowing all the evil gods in one bite.

He was really stingy.

Immediately after, he felt ridiculous.

It turned out that Lin Fan was also a monster. From the standpoint of silence, the flesh and blood of the evil **** is inedible, and the demon eats the flesh of the evil **** and becomes a monster.

He Lin Fan is also eating, so he will definitely step into the back of the imperial demon.

"What are you laughing at?" The evil **** Priest Lane looked at Silence.

Silently said "I laugh at him Lin Fan, but also a monster."

"A monster?" Whispered Pusterline, then whispered "when the monster can devour the evil god."

Silent's heart trembled suddenly, he knew that he was just a little crazy, which caused Train to be unhappy with him.

Pustian Lane pondered.

Looking at the resurrected evil gods, I thought that these wastes could bring him something that surprised him, but he did not expect it to become like this.

"Give me to go."

"And you top ten evil gods."


The abyss is shaking.

The evil gods who have just been resurrected in the abyss are about to go crazy when they feel this terrifying power comes over again.

Asshole, really asshole.

There is just no way.

"I won't go out. Even if I die in the abyss, I will never go there. The evil **** does not believe that he died in the abyss. He can control the abyss and prevent the evil **** from resurrecting in the abyss." Said the evil **** Ruth.

Facing the abyss breath that came from him, he did not give in, but walked towards the abyss breath.

The remaining evil gods were horrified and looked at Ruth.

They did not stop, but did not wait in place, but kept back.

Ruth went into the abyss.

They also want to know what will happen in the end.

But soon.

A miserable cry passed.

Immediately afterwards, the screams disappeared.

The evil **** Ruth was devoured by the abyss.

All the evil gods looked intently, were they resurrected?

After a while.

They did not see Ruth appear again, and then looked at each other.

From their own eyes.

They saw panic and uneasiness.

Is the evil **** Ruth really dead?

The death in the abyss, and not yet resurrected, made all the evil gods panic.

"Go, hurry, die in the abyss, we will not be able to resurrect." The evil gods shouted in horror, attacking distantly.

Damn it.

What exactly is going on.

The evil **** looked at the fourth evil god, "Pustrine really controls the abyss. We can't compete with him. Is his purpose to let them die?"

The fourth evil **** did not answer.

The same is true of the other evil gods, they are all thinking and thinking about things.

Not long after.

"Go, let's go to the world and see. He can't completely control the abyss. Even if we die, he can't limit our resurrection."

Forbidden Haihaiyan.

Lin Fan lay on the chair, and the dog prepared some fruits.

And those suzerainians are standing in the distance, dare not approach, nor dare to leave.


Forbidden Haiyan sent shock again.

"Here it is again, which one of the top ten evil gods will come this time, or will they still be those of the previous evil gods." Lin Fan looked forward to.

He hoped that the top ten evil gods would arrive.

"They're here." Xiao Xiaozu solemnly said that the immortality of the evil **** is very troublesome.

At the beginning, if the evil gods were not suppressed by the Daowen rule, they could be killed by the immortality of the evil gods.

And now.

For Xiao Xiaozu, he really didn't know what method to use to deal with the evil god.

"Don't be nervous, just after a wave, now come again, the ending is still the same." Lin Fan said.

Xiao Laozu said, "Lin is in charge. You must not be careful. The immortality of the evil gods will keep them coming back, and we will exhaust one day."

Lin Fan was full of question marks in his head.


This reason is in place.

From practice to the present, he has no idea what exhaustion is.

Forget it.

Forgive Xiao ancestor's ignorance ~ ~ Lin Fan disappeared in place, appeared in front again, staring at many evil gods, "What the **** are you doing? What about the evil god? What about the evil **** Priestline? Let him out. "

"Humble soul, don't be too crazy."

The evil **** roared.

They are really angry to the extreme.

I was pitted in the abyss and came here again to meet such an excessive guy. I was really angry and really wanted to kill the creature in front of me.

"Forget it, you go back and tell the evil **** Pustorane. I want to go over with him and see the first evil god. What's different, as for you."

"Too humble."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan swallowed the evil gods again. For Lin Fan, the principle of Daowen is really easy to use.

Forbidden under the sea.

"Did you see it?" The evil **** looked terrified and looked at other evil gods around him.

Although he ranked the tenth evil god, facing Lin Fan, he also felt a sense of weakness.

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