MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 588 This is my place of Lin Fan

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"It's disturbing."

"Are you trying to disturb my long and easy life?"

Lin Linfan frowned, and said to himself, he is very satisfied with the current life, do not want to be destroyed, even if there is no quarrel in these days, but still full enough.

To be honest, he didn't like those troubled days very much,

Although fun, running around and finding people is really too much trouble.

"Dog ..." Lin Fan shouted softly.

"My son, what's the matter?" Gouzi appeared immediately, absolutely on call.

"Say to my wife and my dad, I'll go out, and it won't be long before I return." Lin Fan said.

The dog walker didn't know what was happening to the boy, but thinking that there was no danger now, he nodded.

Lin Fan stepped into the dimension, attacked into the distance, rested for six months, and had to be busy again. It was really helpless. If it was the ghost of the four major leagues, he would definitely blast their dog heads. Hidden days However, if I had to engage in these things, my mind was almost pitted.

for a long time.

"right here."

Lin Linfan came out of the dimension.

"The breath in the air is a bit wrong." Lin Fan frowned, and found that the dim dark realm in his body was absorbing these breaths and integrated into the divine realm. Although it was thin, Lin Fan found that the realm seemed to like this breath.

But this is no longer the point.

The key point is why there is such a breath here.

Lin Linfan fell to the ground and found that the wild grass growing on the ground had withered. Take a closer look. Not only here withered, all the surrounding plants have withered.

"Which of the eight **** is practicing evil gates? It's too much for nature to let it go."

In this half year, because of the influence of Yongle, he still loved the flowers and plants.

Therefore, this kind of behavior that destroys flowers and plants is the least seen.

Lin Linfan is going to investigate and see what is going on.

This thing is quite weird. There must be something wrong. You must follow it up, otherwise the ghost knows what will happen.

Uh ...

"One step late."

Walking in another city, Merck looked at the city shrouded in the mist of the evil god, and his heart trembled. They went all the way to find the extraordinary people in this world, but unfortunately, they did not find any extraordinary people.

I encountered ordinary people who were infected by the breath of evil gods.

For them, if there are really extraordinary people, they will never ignore the cruel killing of ordinary people by the evil gods.


When they arrived at the city, they saw that they were one step behind by seeing the surrounding conditions.

The evil spirit's breath spreads too fast, covering directly here.

The dark and serene surroundings made them extremely disturbed.

"The channel of the evil **** has been built, we must destroy the channel, otherwise the maggots around the evil **** will come here through the channel, and then it will be a disaster of this blood-eating world, and the evil **** will be supplemented by a large amount of flesh and blood. The stronger it gets, the more pressure the temple will have, "said Merck.

Then the look became extremely dignified.

"It is extremely dangerous to destroy the channel of the evil gods. After entering, prepare for death."

The crowd nodded and they were ready. As the most brave fighters in the temple, they were naturally not afraid of death. At the same time, they were glad that the temple sent them out. He will die there at all times.

Now compared with the destruction of the channel of evil gods, everything has become extremely unimportant.

走 "Go, let's go in, pay attention to concealment, don't conflict with those infected, otherwise it will attract more infected people, then the difficulty of destroying the channel will be increased to the limit." Merck said.

"I understand."

"To build a good channel for evil gods, countless infected people need to contribute to the stable channel of evil power. I hope we can have time, and the best is that their evil power ceremony has just begun."


女子 Under the woman's spell, everyone enters the invisible state. Maybe they can't hide in front of the nightmare-level monsters, but these corpses will never find their existence.

Uh ...

After Lin Lin found the problem here, he didn't rush to go back. He had to investigate what happened.

If he gives him a guessing option, he prefers the evil alliance and the evil alliance.

Only they can do these disgusting things.

If you let the evil alliance and the evil alliance know what Lin Fan thinks, it will definitely growl. I, Nima, can you make a face, can you not blame people so unclearly, you know how we have spent the past six months ?

I bang those doors every day, and they want to die.

Finally blasted away, what kind of stuff came out.

move on.

Lin Linfan saw two figures in the distance, one for each dog.

I wonder, there are people in this wild country.

But when he saw the situation of that person and dog, he found that something was wrong.

Where is still human, what is special is a dark skeleton.

"Oh my god, evil alliance, evil alliance, what the **** are you doing and how can you make people like this?"

Lin Linfan threw the pot on the two leagues again.

Oh innocent.

The man and the dog found Lin Fan and came quickly. Lin Fan didn't take any action. He grabbed the skeleton and let the skeleton's hands grab the body.

I felt like itching, without feeling a little.

Lin Linfan fiddled with the skeleton skull and looked closely, but found no problems, but she could sensitively feel that there was a weird atmosphere adsorbed on the skeleton.

"Similar to the origin of the Dark God Realm, but with different characteristics, from one place?"

Lin Linfan speculated that he did not know much about the dark **** realm.

But now the atmosphere attached to this skeleton is somewhat similar to the dark **** realm, making him somewhat doubtful where these guys are from.

解决 Solve the two skeletons at will, and continue to attack forward.

After a long while.

He suddenly found that the earth was shaking, and there was an extremely wicked, distant breath from the distance.

These breaths have a strong infectious negative force.


Lin Linfan looked up and found that the distant world was dark, as if there was a huge shadow, and it was coming towards this side at a very fast speed.


"Damn, we are still too late after all. I did not expect that it was Tis, the most disgusting slave around the evil **** Lura." Merck and others fled in a panic and couldn't compete with each other.

The woman holding the staff whispered and waved the staff. The air seemed to be controlled at once, and turned into countless wind blades, attacking each other, but these wind blades left countless wounds on the opponent's huge body, but In a blink, these wounds healed.

Al was reconciled, "It seems that our actions have failed. The channel of the evil **** has been established, and there is the servant Tis, who is next to the evil **** Lulla. We have no chance of winning. No chance. "

"Don't hesitate, hurry up and show the teleportation array. We leave here and go back to report the situation."

等等 "Wait, there are living humans over there."

在 At this moment, Al found Lin Fan in the distance. He didn't know who Lin Fan was, but he regarded the other person as an ordinary human being. In this world without extraordinary people, ordinary human beings are the food of evil gods.

I am really humble and pathetic.

"I'll take him with you, you build a teleportation array." Merck said.

Then speeded up towards Lin Fan.

"Ordinary people, don't be afraid. We are here to save you. The dirty monster behind is terrible. It will be miserable if he gets caught."

Sherlock Merck was afraid of the other's fear and shouted in advance.

When Merck was about to get close to Lin Fan, he shuddered, and saw the other person reach out his hand, and then held his neck, and then there was no follow-up. Instead of grasping the other party, he was caught by the other party. Living.

He struggled.

But the strength of the other side is really too big, the palm of his hand is motionless.

"Merck ..."

Everyone saw that Merck was suppressed by the other party, and they hurried up to try to rescue Merck, but Merck raised his hand and said, "Don't come over."

Then he looked at Lin Fan, "Extraordinary, we are not bad people. Your world is being invaded by evil gods. We are here to help you. Could you release me first?"

Lin Linfan frowned and wondered.


Evil God?

看着 He looked at the clothes of these people, unlike the people in this world, and the patterns on the armor were all strange, and at the same time exuded a mysterious power he could feel.

Lin Linfan let go of each other and looked at the huge monster in the rear.

吗 Is everything he sees caused by this guy?

我们 "Let ’s go, this is Tis, the servant of the evil **** Lulla, very strong and terrifying. We are not opponents at all. I will tell you the specific situation when I escape." Merck said quickly.

"You humble people who rely on the power of evil gods, dare to use the power of evil gods to oppose me and other great beings. It's **** ~ ~ The sound of Tees is disgusting. Maybe it's in this voice With some kind of negative force.

Lin Linfan has never seen such a monster.

The body looks like jelly, with redness all over, and blood dripping, and there are countless tentacles growing on the crimson body, and many tentacles like suction cups are adsorbed on the tentacles. These mouthpieces are not disconnected.

怪物 This monster has no face, no nose, no eyes, and the red meat ball has a mouth that is never lame in the middle, and a circle of sharp teeth is terrifying.

"What are you? This world is my Lin Fan's territory. Do you dare to make trouble here, don't you want to live?" Lin Fan exclaimed.


I just rested for half a year, and even these seemingly disgusting guys appeared, I really don't know where they came from.

"Humble ants, you are wrong. This is the blood-eating world of Lord Evil Rura, you are all the food of Lord Evil." Tees' voice is very strange. Ordinary people face such monsters, for fear that they cannot stand Stable, not to mention communicating with each other.

Fen Merck and others looked at each other, their eyes exuding fear.

到底 What is going on in this blood-eating world?

I didn't even know the fear in the face of such horrifying Tees.

He can defeat Tees only the ancient existence of the temple.

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