MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 592 temple

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Merck also looked up.

"It wasn't like this before. The three blood months were beautiful, white, bright, and alternated day and night, but since the invasion of the evil god, the strength of the evil **** has become stronger and stronger, it has become this way."

"Under the blood moon, the servants of the evil gods will become stronger."

"So I don't want your world to be overly invaded by evil gods, otherwise it will become exactly the same as here."

Merck has never seen how beautiful the world was, but from the records of books and old photos, he has seen how beautiful it was.

The evil spirit of the world where Merck is is too strong.

Lin Fan felt that the dark **** realm in his body became active, and began to draw the breath of evil gods that filled the world.

The Dark God Realm changes at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

He did not continue to pay attention and let the development of the Divine Land.

Not long after.

Lin Fan, led by Merck and others, stopped in front of a rather western-style city.

"Lin head, this is our city of hope. People living inside are fighting against evil gods. Although it is difficult, they believe it will be successful." Merck said, his eyes glowed with hope.

As long as the city exists, hope exists.

Lin Fan nodded, and he found that the city was protected by a mysterious force, resisting the power of the evil gods that permeated the air.

When entering the city, he noticed that a light curtain was shining at the gate of the city, and people could walk in at will without being blocked. After entering, it was found that the air inside had changed dramatically from the outside world.

There is no breath of evil gods, everything is very peaceful.

After entering the city, Merck and others also breathed a sigh of relief, without having to beware of the ubiquitous evil spirit.

You can completely release your mind and body and breathe fresh air.

"Mr Merck, welcome back."

Many people living in the city greeted with a sincere smile as they passed by them.

"Thank you."

Merck laughed. He liked the life here, and if he could seal those evil gods, it would be true happiness.

"Lin is in charge. They are ordinary people living here. They haven't been out of the city forever. They can only walk around here. In fact, sometimes they think that they are really innocent."

Lin Fan said: "I have never been out of the city, at least much happier than those who died in the hands of evil gods."

"Indeed." Merck nodded, agreeing, and then pointed to the building with a sharp corner in the distance: "That's the temple. There are twelve such temples, if not the temple leads us Maybe this world has long been occupied by evil gods, and we have all become unconscious slaves around us. "

Speaking of the temple, Merck's eyes clearly shone with worship.

Similar to that belief.

After a few streets, the temple was right in front of them, and at this moment, there were some people standing at the door of the temple, led by an old man with a staff.

Those extraordinary people who stood by the old man saw Merck and others coming back, and some of them couldn't help but want to ask, what is the situation in the blood food world.

Just because the old man is here, they suppress the curiosity in their hearts and wait quietly.

Merck came to the old man and respectfully said, "Holy Lord, we are back."

"Well, hard work." The old man smiled.

Merck said: "Holy Lord, this is the human forest leader of the blood-eating world."

The old man looked at Lin Fan and leaned slightly. "Welcome friends from afar, I am the Lord Muff of the temple here."

Lin Fan nodded slightly, and responded with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He could feel a powerful power in the other side, but it was not Dao Yuan, it should be the kind of power of the evil **** that Merck said, and finally it was transformed into a power that they could control.

"Please." Lord slowly said.

While he was observing the Lord, the Lord was observing him.

For the Lord, he could not see the young man in front of him.

Lin Fan nodded, followed behind the Lord, and walked towards the temple.

Merck and others stay outside.

When the Lord was far away, Merck and others were immediately surrounded, and they went to the new blood and food world, which is where many people yearn.

"Merck, how is this blood-eating world, must be beautiful?" A man asked curiously, the people around him looked at Merck and others with anticipation, hoping to hear what they had never seen before. Screen.

Merck shook his shoulder and said helplessly: "Sorry, I didn't really see it. When we arrived, the spirit of the evil **** had spread, and everything changed no different from ours here."

The voice just fell.

There was a sound of loss around.


"It's another beautiful world destroyed by evil gods."

"Why these **** evil gods must destroy the beautiful world and let us live in this shadow."

They scolded and were angry at the destructive evil gods.

Anxious to suppress all these evil gods.

"Merck, who was that person just now? Is he the king of that world? I think he should be very shy now, after all, the good world has been stared at by the evil god, maybe he can never imagine the destructive power of the evil **** How amazing, I hope he can bear all this. "The man who was just curious, asked, and felt sorry for Lin Fan at the same time.

After all, no one wants to see the arrival of the evil god.

Merck solemnly said, "Dear folks, I hope you can take it seriously. That person is not the average person, but the **** of the world. He is a god-like figure, but he can be compared with an evil god. I invite him to come. We are here to hope that he can deal with the evil gods together with our temple. "


Everyone was uproar.

Can't believe what I heard.

"Merck, aren't you crazy? You said that young man just existed like an evil god?"

"No, this is absolutely impossible. Evil gods are unmatched. No one can compete with them."

El, who had not spoken, said: "Merck is telling the truth, the one who is really strong and very strong. We met Tiss, the slave of the evil **** Lula, there."

Everyone exclaimed.

"What? Tis? You mean Tis, the old-time ruler, you are so lucky to meet such a horrible guy and come back."

They have dared not imagine what the appearance of Tees would be like.

Tees is really scary.

Especially for his body type, for them who have not seen the real evil god, it can be said that it is a behemoth. A shock can cause an earthquake.

Al shook his head with regret: "You are all wrong, not because we are lucky, but because of the misfortune of the old-time ruler Tis, who died in the hands of Lin."

The crowd was stunned again, and some even twisted themselves hard, thinking they were dreaming.

But the pain made him know that this was not a dream, everything was true.

Al looked at the shocked expressions of his companions, secretly smug.

Maybe someone who hasn't seen that scene in person, or it's really hard to believe that it's true.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing, if you know it, you'll be really scared to death," said Al.

The curiosity inflated and everyone looked at Al, looking forward to knowing what was going on.

Elm silently took out the silverware and unscrewed the bottle cap.

A strong spirit of evil spirits drifted out, and Aier hurriedly closed the cap.

"Do you know what this is?"

"This is the blood of the evil **** Lura."

The voice just fell.

After finally calming down the people inside, they were shocked again and didn't know what to say.

Merck was helpless, and Al's personality should be changed. He likes it too much.

Although everything is true.

It was too straightforward.

The hallway of the temple was somewhat dim, and unknown walls were carved on the surrounding walls.

"I want to know where the evil god's base camp is. I want to find them." Lin Fan asked.

The Lord, who was leading the way, walked slightly, then moved on, "Know what?"

Lin Fan calmly said: "They invaded my territory, which made me very unhappy, and I was not willing to slowly rub down with the enemy. I want to kill these evil gods as soon as possible to restore a peaceful day.

At this moment, Lord Mouff couldn't keep calm and looked at Lin Fan in amazement.

He had never heard anyone say such a thing.

Actually want to kill the evil god.

Then laughed, as if the other party was too angry to say angry words.

"Come with me, and you'll know everything soon," Muff said.

Lin Fan solemnly said, "I'm very serious. Where is the old nest of the evil gods? I can't bear their jumping."

Muff didn't answer, but just faced Lin Fan with a smile, and then proceeded to the innermost.

Not long after.

Muff took Lin Fan to the deepest place, and saw where a book floated, the book was closed, the cover was made of some kind of fur, and several iron chains were wrapped around the book, exuding a dark atmosphere.

"The breath of this book is very wrong ~ ~ Lin Fan said.

Muff said: "It's really wrong. This is the book of evil gods, the source of the temple's power, which records the details of the evil gods. The evil **** Lula who invaded your world belongs to the thirty-two first-class evil gods. The tyrant, the greedy human flesh, is infected with his evil spirit, and it becomes a dark skeleton without any consciousness. "

"And the evil **** Lula comes from the abyss. Immortal, even if killed, he will be resurrected in the abyss, free from the flesh and blood of the outside world, and maybe a piece of rotting flesh, which is the habitat of the evil **** Lula. Unless he appears on his own, never expect to find him. "

Lin Fan frowned. He didn't come to listen to this, but he really wanted to come and kill the evil **** and go home to rest.

Muff continued: "Evil gods cannot be destroyed, they can only be sealed. We are creatures created by the ancient gods. After disappearing from the ancient gods, we become blood food, slowly multiply, and grow to a certain degree. The evil gods Will come to eat, and now all that can be done is to protect the last pure land and wait for the return of the ancient gods. "

"The temple can use the power of some evil gods, perhaps because they are afraid of the anger after the return of the ancient gods, so they are helping us."