MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 598 1 group of **** guys

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According to Lin Fan, the evil gods are just a group of monsters with strange means and good strength.

As for whether it is immortal.

It is unknown for the time being.

If you can see Gomon next year, it may prove that Gomon is indeed dead.

"Everyone, the enemies we are facing now belong to a kind that is very hidden. They are more courageous and dare not contend with us face-to-face, but dare to hide in the dark and fight against ordinary people." Lin Fan said.

Zhao Lishan frowned, and said solemnly: "This kind of enemy is really troublesome. Even if we take the initiative to attack, it is difficult to find their tracks."

"My emperor's most annoying thing is these guys who have no guts." Shuihuang angered, his expression was very realistic, as if he really hated it.

He did not let Lin Fan take him to the world.

The key is that these monsters are so ugly and extremely horrible that the eyes of a pig-knife have just burst, and the scene now feels a bit scary.

at this time.

News came.

Believers are praying to pass on what is happening everywhere.


Lin Fan's two eyebrows were twisted together. The news passed by this believer was somewhat unusual.

Zhao Lishan found that Lin Fan's look was a bit wrong, and asked, "Lin Gongzi, what happened?"

"Well, I just got the news. The hand of the evil **** is reaching out a bit fast. The environment of a city within a hundred miles has been mutated. There are a lot of things that shouldn't exist. They can't solve them. I have to see them for myself. .

The Emperor Mao then recommended himself, "Head, if this happens, can the old man sit idly by, I will go with you."

After all, curiosity conquered nausea, and the emperor still wanted to see the situation there.

Lin Fan originally did not want to bring the emperor, but think about it, maybe he will use the other party ’s place, and it ’s okay to bring it.

"All right, let's go."

Lin Fan nodded, agreed to take the emperor with him, and at the same time told those believers that you can retreat. Since it can't be resolved, then leave to prevent accidents.


Alliance Investigation Department.

The evil gods invaded the alliance and found that the people here have a very high need for physical and spiritual convenience, which is in line with the invasion of some evil gods. They like it, so they give up the rich land, which has little spiritual food.

"Sir, there have been many unknown murders recently. The killer has not been found. It has caused a small amount of panic." Alliance investigators reported the latest situation.

Rarely does the league file a life case.

All this is based on a complete monitoring system.

No killer can hide anywhere.

But this time, they caused a lot of headaches. Even if they checked every monitoring, they did not find the suspect.

"Increased personnel search, this can never happen again."


Union's highest art exhibition center.

Each of the paintings here is the highest level in the league. Those who can put the paintings on display here are top master figures.

At this time, the art exhibition center was full of people.

They whispered.

"I heard that Zhou Daoqi also participated in the exhibition."

"He? When he first debuted, he was called the genius who is most likely to paint Saint Bai Yi in the new era."

"Yes, it's him, but it's a pity that the debut is the pinnacle, and later I don't know what happened. One picture is worse than the other, not even a third-rate painter."

"This art exhibition is the best art exhibition in the league. How did he get in?"


A group of people in the distance gathered in front of a picture, even though there were a lot of people, but the scene was very quiet, with no noise.

This scene aroused the curiosity of many people.

What kind of painting is it?

It's so addictive.

Gradually, there were more and more people there.

When you see that picture, everyone's eyes can no longer be moved, they are completely attracted by the painting.

It's hard to say what it is.

But the use of color has caused a great impact on their hearts.

Someone looks away and wants to know which master it is.

"Zhou Daoqi."

Everyone couldn't believe it when they saw the name.

In a messy corridor.

A man in a suit went on the phone with a happy expression on his face, and then said a few words to hang up the phone and knocked on the closed door, "Master Zhou, your painting was priced at 40 million Union Coins at the exhibition. Hope You can go to the scene and tell the buyer what you thought about the painting. "

He was excited.

He had no hope for Zhou Daoqi. After all, he was an outdated painter. If Zhou Daoqi had just debuted, it would be really difficult to find a painting. Later, his paintings became more and more ugly, and it was gradually considered that Jiang Lang was exhausted.

But now.

Once made into a god, he displayed the limelight in the painting.

Just after a long time.

Still no one answered.

Inside the house.

Zhou Daoqi was embarrassed, and the room was full of paint colors, and he was sitting there with his brush constantly leaving marks on the canvas.

"Perfect, perfect."

His expression was mad and excited, his eyes were clearly different from ordinary people.

"These paints are so perfect. This is the ultimate art."

The colors of these pigments are weird, and the bright red is like blood.

There was not a strong **** smell in the room.


There was a knock at the door.

Zhou Daoqi's mood became increasingly irritable.

The man outside the door frowned, and there was nothing going on inside.

Just before he was about to knock on the door, the door was opened before his hand touched the door.

A smile appeared on his face, and he wanted to talk to Zhou Daoqi about the situation there.

But before he spoke, he was scared and pale by Zhou Daoqi's nagging face.

The atmosphere suddenly freezes.

It seemed to be freezing around.

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Daoqi's voice was very cold, the other side only felt as if his heart was frozen.

"Master Zhou, I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to inform you that your paintings are very popular at the exhibition. Some buyers started with 40 million Union currency. I would like to ask you to tell the buyer in the past ..."

Before the words were finished, they were interrupted ruthlessly by Zhou Daoqi.

"No interest, don't bother me."


Thoughtful Kai shakes his hand and closes the door.

The other party was stagnant, and I didn't know when the forehead was overflowing with sweat, and it was just frightened by the thoughtful thought.

Maybe the master has a weird temper.

He can only guess.


"Head, there seems to be something wrong in that place in front of me." The emperor followed Lin Fan, and saw the ground in the distance, showing a dark red color, mixed with black, like the abyss of hell.

Lin Fan was rather upset. "These evil gods are really invincible. It seems that they must find a way to expel them and continue to let them go like this. One day they will be out of control."

The evil **** Gomon gave the emperor the feeling that there was nothing strange and even felt a little fragile.

Therefore, his impression of the evil **** is not as terrifying as he knows.

The two fell to the ground.

The emperor raised his feet and exclaimed, "What is so sticky?"

Take a closer look.

Exclaimed instantly.

"My God, this is meat."

The emperor looked at the soles of the shoe, contaminated with some mud, and slowly fell to the ground with the shake.

The surrounding trees had already dried up, and occasionally dead leaves fell and stirred with the meat.

"Head, it seems that no one can live here. How did this happen, even if there were evil alliances, those guys in the League of Demons would never do this kind of thing." The Emperor's heart was frightened, and he was horrified If it wasn't for his mentality, I'm afraid he would be paralyzed by the situation here.

"Damn evil god." Lin Fan took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Is this something special?

Lin Fan walked towards the city ahead.

The emperor shouted at the back, and found that Lin Fan ignored him at all, and was quite helpless, so he could only follow.

When the two of them stood outside the city, they saw many complete corpses hanging on the wall, and the whole city was shrouded in gloom.

"This method is quite fierce, not artificial, even the former evil Taoism can't compare." Shui Huang said.

The evil demon blood faction faction is also cruel, but compared with the situation here now, it can be said that little witches see big witches.

"This group of **** evil gods, the four major alliances are afraid to compete with me, but these guys only dare to play tricks behind the ordinary people," Lin Fan said coldly.

Words revealed his disdain for evil gods.

Enter the city.

It was empty, without any anger.

When their feet fell on the ground covered with meat, they felt as if something was moving underneath.

"Evil god, what kind of thing are you doing? What does it mean to show up to fight with me and keep mutilating ordinary people? Or do you mean that your evil gods are a group of cowardly trash, do you dare not appear?" Lin Where scolded.

A city is empty, which means that at least tens of thousands of people have died in the hands of evil gods.

"In your words, you are just a group of humble evil gods." Lin Fan ridiculed, he was curious about the existence of evil gods from the beginning, and gradually hated them.

I even want to come.

In addition to being selfish enough, the guys in the Big Four are much better than those evil gods.

At least there will be no slaughter of the city ~ ~ head, is it useful to swear? Asked the emperor.

"Whether it's useless or not, these evil gods are dead." Lin Fan said, as if he was thinking of something, "After you return, you don't stay in Wudao Mountain for the time being, you are sitting in the town pool to prevent the evil gods from seeping in."

He was about to go to the temple and ask Muff how the light curtain could resist the invasion of evil gods.

He had to get one for all the cities.

But the point now is to figure out what's wrong here.

Now that there are no ordinary people alive in this city, he is not polite.


A breath of terror spread out from Lin Fan, the breath was like a sharp wind blade, cutting everything around him.

Is to force the guy hidden here.

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