MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 601 Don't be afraid, I am not a bad person

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Desolate mountains.

Lula's behemoth-like body lay there motionless, while the imperial demon squatted aside, as if eating some delicious food.

The evil **** Lula never thought it would become like this.

Whenever the imperial demon bit his flesh and blood, the pain hit him, he completely felt the pain he had never felt before.


The screams of the evil **** Lula are getting weaker and weaker, and even if the imperial demon is covered with scars, even the body is full of sore holes, it still keeps eating.


The screams disappeared.

This desolate mountain range is playing with the evil **** becoming blood food, and is being eaten by people.

Huang Yao is indeed a tiger.

The disgusting creature such as the evil **** can swallow without hesitation.

It even seems to be addictive.

I have to say that this is very scary.

It is no longer known whether the state of the imperial demon is a person or a demon, but it seems that the imperial demon gradually began to be abnormal after a long time.


The evil **** Lulla resurrected in anger, and the roar of anger rang through the abyss.

There was a scream of panic in the roar.

It seemed to be panicking when thinking about what the Huang Yao had done to him.

Is that guy special?

I am an evil god.

It was such a tragic death.

Strange and shameful, unforgettable, resentment accumulated in the heart, can't wait to swallow the humble fellow.

Lula didn't like to stay in the abyss, it was dark, there was no sound, no light, and there was never any place where the humble blood food was located to make him more comfortable.

Therefore, not long after the resurrection, Lula left the abyss and returned to a place he knew.

Huang Yao's belly was like a bottomless pit, devouring it, and such a huge body was completely swallowed by Huang Yao in a very short period of time.

"It tastes good. It makes up for its shortcomings. It is far from perfect to be flawless."

Huang Yao has his own ideas, and he needs to make up for his own shortcomings.

Buggu's group of guys will not let him go, he will eventually face one day.

Huang Yao is lost in thought.

He wanted to continue to search for the evil god, but he didn't know where the evil **** was, and he could find that Lula had to rely on the tentacles he had snatched from him, and traced to Lura according to the smell.

The target is now dead.

Then ...



The Huang Yao's expression changed suddenly, as if he had discovered something important.

"This breath has reappeared."

"Isn't it dead?"

Huang Yao wondered, maybe this kind of thing was an incredible thing to him. With his head, it was hard to figure out what the reason was.

"Maybe, brother."

In the end, Huang Yao found a reasonable answer to answer her doubts.

He went for the smell.

What the evil **** Lula didn't know was that he had been followed by the imperial demon, so he tirelessly rushed away just to eat more evil gods.

Is this behavior excessive?

It's not too much at all.


"This map is a headache." Lin Fan looked at the leather map in his hand, and to be honest, he didn't understand very well, he seemed to understand a little, but the specific situation really depends on whether God gave it to him. Give this opportunity.

If I had known it earlier, I would have Muff find someone who knew the picture to guide him.

Unfortunately, in order to show his ability, he does not know how to pretend, which makes it difficult to do.

It is now in a forest.

The spirit of the evil **** is still so dense.

However, these leaves are not green, but appear a kind of gray, and look at them as if staying in a gray world.

"It doesn't look like a place with evil gods."

Lin Fan sighed, a little helpless, it was too difficult to find the way of the evil gods. This group of guys would hide too much, making people very helpless. He didn't know when this was the end.



There seemed to be a breaking voice.

This sound came from behind. Listen carefully, as if something was launched, but to Lin Fan, he had already ignored these things.

Several sharp silver spears broke through.

When these silver spears were about to touch Lin Fan, they were blocked by an air wall and could not enter the slightest. Then they lost their impact and fell to the ground.

Lin Fan looked back and found that there were several ropes in the distance.


It is definitely not an evil **** who can arrange the organs. After all, the evil **** is very confident in his own power. Where can he use these methods?

This is already the case. Is anyone still here?

Lin Fan was somewhat skeptical.

Who are these institutions used to deal with?

Evil god?

Don't make a joke anymore, prefer to believe in telling a joke in front of an evil god, and kill the evil **** with a smile, and never believe in this ghost operation.

Don't even say it's an evil god.

Even in the face of the rulers of the old era, these institutions seem to be playing tricks.

"Don't start, he's a human, not a slave of an evil god." A voice came from a distance.

Then came the movement, someone jumped from the branch, and when they fell to the ground, they stepped on the gray leaves and made a crisp sound.

"Huh? It's weird, but there is no one around." Lin Fan was a little surprised.

As long as there are people around him, he cannot escape his perception.


Several people in weird costumes came out of the dark.

Lin Fan was a little confused when he saw these people.

The strength is not strong. Compared with those guys in the city of hope, the gap is a little big. Even Merck can pick them.

"Sorry, I thought you were a slave of an evil god, so I used the organ for you. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise you really don't know what to do."

A middle-aged man walked out. The clothes on his body were different from those of the city of hope. They seemed to be made of some kind of plant and wanted to be clothed, but the colors were not ugly.

"It's all right."

Lin Fan said with a smile, then wondered: "Are you from the Twelve Holy City?"

The middle-aged man just wanted to talk. He only heard the sound of wind roaring from a distant world. His expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said, "Go, now is not the time to talk, those guys are here again."

Lin Fan looked up, and the breath of the evil god's servant seemed to warm up and move, but his behavior seemed to the other side as if frightened by this sudden scene.

The middle-aged man hurried over to pull Lin Fan, "Go, hurry."

"Ah, heh ..." Lin Fan really wanted to say that it was not necessary. You guys just watched my performance, but watching their fearful expression, I felt that if I didn't follow them, I might scare them on the spot.

Lin Fan didn't say much, but the middle-aged man pulled him to run forward.

Then a huge old tree appeared in front of it, and someone was waiting there, and then saw that man ’s lips moved slightly, as if he was reading a spell, and a vortex appeared in front of the old tree, more like a door.

"Hurry up, all quickly." The man who had just chanted shouted at them.

He looked very anxious, and looked up to the distance from time to time. Although he could not see anything, the feeling of oppression was getting closer.

Lin Fan was drawn into it by a middle-aged man.

Suddenly, there was a cave in it. It turned out to be in a cave. The torches on the walls were bright and scattered the darkness.

Everyone sat on the floor panting.

"It's dangerous. I didn't expect to encounter a patrolman."

The middle-aged man who hauled Lin Fan on the road was lingering.

Then he looked at Lin Fan and said, "Hello, my name is Doug, and I am the captain here. Where did you come from, what is your name, and what is happening here?"

Doug asked several questions in one breath, and looked at his companions at the same time, let them pay attention.

After all, it was just in an emergency, and they were brought back without investigating the identity of the other party.

If misconceptions are a disaster for them,

Lin Fan looked up and found that they seemed very wary of themselves, and couldn't help laughing. "You don't have to be too nervous, I'm not malicious to you, I'm just looking for evil gods and passing by here."

Ascension of the evil gods is like stepping on their tails, and they are horrified with sweat.

They looked at Lin Fan's eyes full of vigilance. If they had previously worried about the identity of the other party, now they are even more worried.

After all, this implicates the evil god.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. It's not malicious. I look for evil gods, I just want to kill them." Lin Fan said.


A group of people shuddered, and then someone couldn't help but laughed out loud.

It seemed as if it wasn't so good and immediately waved.

"I'm sorry, I don't think it's funny. It's just the first time I heard someone say that, do you know what an evil **** is? That ’s immortal existence. We can survive in the hands of an evil god. It's not easy. I never thought about it. Can kill the evil god. "

"Anyway, this kind of thing is generally spoken. No one really believes it, but you are not staying in the city. Why are you here? I am familiar with Muff, the city of hope, do you know?" Lin Fan asked.

Doug nodded, "Know, the Lord of the Temples of Hope, Muff, but we are not the same as them. They can compete with the evil gods and rely on the power of the evil gods, but this power is too unstable. If they are one day like other evil gods, they will have no way to resist. "

"And we are hiding here. After countless people's efforts, we have developed a new power, using the power permeated in the heavens and the earth to strengthen ourselves. Although the strength is slowly increasing, it will one day become stronger ~ www.novelbuddy .com ~ so as to compete with the evil gods. "

Does Lin Fan feel that this is the same as what they cultivate?

There is no need to rely on the power of evil gods to strengthen themselves, but they found out relatively late and did not sort out a system at all. It can only be said that they are all touching the stones and crossing the river, requiring the efforts of countless previous people.

Lin Fan more agrees with their ideas. Muff and others rely on the power of evil gods. After all, they are a bit false and not too reliable.


Someone exclaimed in the cave.

"Who has seen Little Gut, he doesn't seem to be here."


The crowd froze, and then hurried to find it.

But soon, someone shouted in horror.

"Little Gut is not here. Did he just go out with you?"

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