MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 647 Let's get him to take revenge

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Lin Fan asked people to arrange for Huang Boren. Although today's Youcheng is remote, it should not be underestimated. The existence of higher than imperial power is in Youcheng. Even in the mountains, it is definitely not as simple as imagined.

Xiao Xiaozu asked curiously: "Lin, who is this guy? Why is it related to Wu Dao Shan? For his cultivation, he has no qualifications for sweeping the floor."

Lin Fan sighed, and then quietly said, "This is a long story. At the beginning, Wudao Mountain was just established, lacking money and people. He sponsored Wudao Mountain at 5,000 yuan, and I promised him that as long as Wudao Mountain got up, he would have him. With a seat, now that Wudao Mountain is really up, the head of the team naturally has to talk. "

"Hahaha, five thousand two, top ancestral gate, this is something that can't be encountered in the ancestral grave. If this seat was awake early, it would not wink if you throw it away." Xiao ancestor said, and he I also found out Lin Lin's excellent quality, that is, speaking.

Think about it too.

Although these days are not too harmonious, they are also familiar with each other in this not so harmonious way, it is considered to understand the way of communication between the two sides.


The evil **** Priest Lane felt the changes in the abyss and felt a little happy. The time has changed a bit. The evil gods who returned to the abyss were driven away by him and went outside to fight with those creatures.

Those creatures did not let him down.

It's really miserable enough to kill the evil god.

Many of the evil gods resurrected in the abyss frantically angered.

Seeing this is obviously not enough for Puestline. It is simply impossible to hide in the abyss to avoid death. The abyss will not take them.

Just let the abyss drive these out and continue to kill me.

The top ten evil gods have also all found a problem, and the Dow's Law has less and less influence on them, and they gradually understand what the evil **** Pustianline is doing.

They didn't try to stop them, but, just like Pustian Lane, were looking forward.

Only in the realm of evil gods, they noticed a freak.

That is the imperial demon.

Devour the evil god.

At the same time, it was found that the situation of the imperial demon had changed. It seemed that the evil **** was evolving, but the other party was not an evil **** and had not been recognized by the abyss. What was the reason for all this.

A desolate place.

Huang Yao still maintains the former shape, the body shape will always be so huge, but his body has found earth-shaking changes.


The Huang Yao dropped, the ground shook, and the power was transmitted from his feet. The surrounding ground instantly cracked, like a cobweb.

"This power is really powerful. I have reached the eighth level of the state. The rules of the road pattern are condensed in the body. Coupled with this perfect body, there are few who can win me in the world." Huang Yao said to himself, very Be confident.

"It's true that your changes have been amazing, but to say that few in the world can win you, but you are arrogant."

Suddenly, a voice sounded around the imperial demon.

The sound is almost unpredictable.

"Who?" Roared the imperial demon, the surrounding space could not bear such a voice, and it was broken directly. If someone hides in it, it will definitely be killed.

He glanced around and found no trace.


The Huang Yao is excited and can avoid his discovery. No one can do it except for his strength.

at this time.

Not far from the imperial demon, an illusive light curtain appeared, and a strange light flowed on the light curtain. "Imperial demon, don't think about who I am, you have guessed it. If you have to call it collectively, then I am your mouth. Evil god. "

"Ha ha ha ha ..." the Huang Yao laughed, "Evil God? I do n’t know how many evil gods this Emperor has eaten. How dare you send it to your door? Do you know how to write the dead words?"

"Really?" A voice came from the light curtain, and then said lightly: "Your existence makes me curious, but as a living being, you can devour evil gods, it really makes me wonder. If it is not certain that you are not an evil god, I really I thought you would be the reincarnation of an evil god. "

"Your existence should not be mixed with beings. I will take you to a place that will allow you to abandon this ordinary flesh and blood and completely break away from the realm of beings. What?"

The Huang Yao laughed, "Vulgar flesh? Out of the realm of life? No, this Huang Yao will not become a monster in your mouth."

"Monster?" The light curtain paused, and then said, "Look at your current situation, do you think someone will treat you as a monster?"

"What did you say?" The imperial demon was furious, the fat on his body was shaking, the fats collided with each other, making a loud noise, "What do you say to me? You **** thing."

He was most angry at being called a monster and fat.

Sure enough.

Only he will not look at himself with a different look, and the rest of the guys will think so.

"Don't you feel ashamed? Or do you think you are not a monster?" The voice continued to come from the light curtain.

The Huang Yao did not hesitate and growled, "Yes, there will always be such a person who has never regarded me as a monster, and can even discover my beauty like me, no ... I have not found it before, but since he appeared, he told Where is my beauty, even after so long, I still remember those words. "

The light curtain was silent, as if meditating.

"Okay, you are looking for the perfect body. I can tell you where the evil **** is. Stepping into this light curtain, I will take you there."

The emperor demon heard that his heart was moving. He has been searching for the perfect body, especially after swallowing the evil god, he found that the perfect body is obtained from the evil god. Something to transfer to your own body.

"Yes, I'll follow you, but I hope you don't lie to me, otherwise the imperial demon must swallow you."

The voice just fell.

The imperial demon walked towards the light curtain. He had no fear. Even in the face of absolute horror, he had the determination to rip off the opponent's flesh.

In fact, it should be said that Huang Yao's head is a bit stupid.

It should be that it mutates itself, causing the brain to be not so good, and the vigilance against danger is too low. In order to pursue a perfect body, you can ignore any danger and step into the trap of others.


Since seeing Lin Fan, the Wuwei old demon has feared a lot of fear and is afraid to roam freely in the world of evil gods.

And he also met Su Ye and others.

He told Su Ye and others about Lin Fan's appearance in the world of evil gods.

However, Su Ye told the old Wuwei demon that we had met Lin head long ago, and the other party did not treat them well.

After hearing this, the inaction old devil looked at Su Ye with a grimace.


It turned out that what Lin said was true that day.

Then he ran a fart.

When I saw Lin Fanshi, his frightened complexion turned pale, and he ran away, this old face was a bit embarrassing.

"Now the law of the Daowen between heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger. Just a while ago, I had broken through to the eighth realm of the Dao. Now I am feeling the law. It may not take long before I can go further." Su Ye said.

He was excited.

Being able to go to a higher level is the idea of ​​his life.

Wuwei old demon said, "Will you find revenge on Lin Fan?"

When he said this, the surroundings suddenly quieted down.

Su Ye looked at the old Wuwei demon and said, "Are you looking for death?"

"How did you find yourself dead? He Lin Fan made our four alliances so miserable, don't you want to take revenge?" Wuwei old demon looked at the crowd, his eyes revealing his anger, but at the same time he had no choice but to think of Su Ye was so scared.

Anyone feared, he could understand, but did not expect to be Su Ye's first refutation.

"Wo Wu Lao Mo, we all know your thoughts, don't just think that if you can break through the eighth realm, you have the ability to compete with Lin Fan, but have you ever thought about how far Lin Fan's strength has skyrocketed? Or does he say Waiting for us to catch up? "Said Cang Tu Lao Yao.


They have all thought about this issue, and since they have all broken through to the eighth realm, why don't they follow Lin Fanbang.

But after careful discussion.

They think this is not the case, it is tantamount to death.

The Wuwei old devil reluctantly said: "Then we can wait. After finding out Lin Fan's strength, if he is sure that his cultivation is the same as ours, then he is absolutely sure to suppress him."

"Well, don't discuss these things first, go to the evil **** quickly." Su Ye turned away from the topic and didn't want to continue entanglement on this matter.

Tired of snacks.

He felt that if he followed the thought of the inaction old demon, he was afraid that he would go to the abyss of hell.

It is good to have something buried in my heart.

But if you say that, then the situation is wrong.


Looking at the current situation for the old demon, he sighed heavily and didn't know what to say. He felt that these people had been smoothed by Lin Fan, and they were suppressed without rebellion.

He can shake his sleeves and yell, the old man is unwilling to mingle with you timid like you, and then wander away.

But he did not do so.

In this dangerous place, it is more comfortable to hold the group.


Earthquake ~ ~ What happened? "

They looked up, and saw that there was a very thick dowling rule in the distance that turned into a long dragon, soared into the sky, passed through the realm of evil gods, and returned to where they should go.

"What's going on, who did it, and even released so many Daowen rules at one time." Su Ye was horrified. Such a strong Daowen rule, that was how many evil gods were killed.

And where did they kill?

Maybe it's too much.

Cang Tu, the old demon, said, "Did you say that Lin was in charge?"

"It's hard to say, it may be." Su Ye looked solemnly. In his opinion, only Lin can take charge of this level, otherwise, who else can do such a thing.

But that's fine.

For them, it's all good.