MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 653 Advent of evil

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"Asshole, who the **** is we?"

"Can lock us in the abyss, only those who can do it, what do they mean?"

"I'm going crazy, but I'm a great evil god, how can I be swallowed by this humble creature."

Those evil gods who have been devoured have finally been released.

And the moment they were released.

It just burst in place.

The anger in my heart was burning.

They can already be sure that the evil gods are hurting them.

Although the status between the two sides was hanged, they still couldn't stop their angry heart.

A group of evil gods scolded there.


The abyss shook under their horrified eyes, and at the same time conveyed an unpleasant breath, as if to be against them.

Although shock often occurred before.

But the abyss never felt bad about them.

"What the **** happened?"

Just then.

Some evil gods screamed.

"No, hurry up, the abyss is hurting us." At this moment, an evil **** screamed, and when his tentacle touched the abyss, he was directly destroyed, and the pain was real.


Many evil gods were completely stunned.

Damn it.

They are evil gods. It is as if they are returning home when they return to the abyss. How can such a situation happen? This is simply impossible.

Inside the abyss.

The top ten evil gods all appeared, "Train, what are you doing?"

They are also a little embarrassed.

Those are all evil gods. How could it make the abyss hurt them? At the same time, they were trembling in their hearts. What exactly did Trine do to the abyss and why the abyss obeyed him?

"It didn't do anything, it was just a matter of planning, and it would be good for you as well," said the evil **** Pustianline.

"What the **** are you planning? It's your job to get the Dow's Law back. At first, the Dow's Law was suppressed on the abyss, and why did it fit into them?" Asked an evil god.

He felt that Tyne was dangerous.

Much more dangerous than ever.

That feeling ... It's hard to say.

"What can he plan for? Naturally, he is planning the status of the three pillars of the original **** and the ancient god." A figure sounded around.

Many evil gods were frightened that they were not aware of who was talking, which seemed a little scary to them.

The evil **** Priest Lane did not change much, but smiled. "It turned out that our great evil **** Masaki has returned. If you don't come back for so long, I really think you have died outside."


The other evil gods were shocked. They didn't expect it to be Masaki.

The immortality of the evil gods made them think that if Masaki died, it would surely be resurrected in the abyss, but it has been so long that he has not seen him.

To them, it must be hiding somewhere.

"Dead? How dare I die, who knows if the abyss will resurrect me, you're right, Prostleyn." Masaki appeared, but no real body appeared, but a phantom appeared.


The top ten evil gods immediately felt something wrong when they heard this.

What does this mean?

Will the abyss be resurrected?

How could this not be resurrected, but why did Masaki say that he was asking Pustorane.

Could it be ...

Thinking of the current situation, a bold idea suddenly appeared in their minds.

It's even incredible.

"What are you talking about? How could such a thing happen?" Pustorion said with a smile, but his eyes looking at Masaki were a little weird, as if trying to completely kill Masaki.

But Masaki came only a ghost, and wanted to kill him, he naturally had to find his body.

"Well, at this time, what else do you want to hide? Do you really think that all evil gods are stupid?" Masaki disdain, "You have been in the layout from the beginning, because the three pillars of the original **** and the ancient **** Position, and although I am only the second evil god, I am deeply loved by them. "

"You're jealous of me, so you mistreated me so miserably."

"But don't forget, the three pillars of the original **** told the ancient god, you will never be able to completely control the abyss, because the father **** still exists."

Roared, Matsaki knew he had no hope of returning to his previous peak.

Postline was too vicious, suppressing the evil gods in the abyss, leaving no one from the Big Four to be killed at the same time. At the same time, he was unable to devour the evil gods' bodies, resulting in slow progress.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The evil **** Pussarian raised his hand impatiently, with a violent wave, a terrible abyss force struck, directly shattering the shadow of Masaki.

Then he looked at the ten evil gods, and slowly said, "He is just talking nonsense. Well, you will know something later. Now is the time. You should go to the world that hates us. . "

"Go on."

As he waved his hand, the power of the abyss surged, and their faces changed in shock. This was the power of the abyss, and Trian was really able to control the power of the abyss.

This is a very bad situation for them.

Looking silently, he was very excited, and the stronger the opponent, the greater his hope of revenge.

"You can go and see. Maybe you will see how your enemies died tragically in the hands of the evil gods." Postline said.

"Okay, I can't help it already." Ji said.

He really waited too long.

After becoming an evil god, let him see hope.

Even, he was fortunate to be an evil god. If he did not know the existence of an evil god, he would never be able to access such a mighty power in his life.

Forbidden Haihaiyan.

Lin Fan and others spent a few days here, and their level of life was okay, but they did not suffer much, and Xiao Xiaozu had already let go, and he was playing.

"Lin, do you really say that it ’s really nice to relax and enjoy life. If you can solve the problem of the evil god, I really want to look around and walk around." Xiao Laozu said with a smile, only Behind this smile is bitter.

Who knows what the final result will be.

He didn't have any confidence to fight against evil gods.

It's really not at all.

Even if he has now restored the strength of the ninefold realm, but he is really not confident in the face of the real horrifying evil god.

Lin Fan laughed and said, "That is nature, you have to enjoy your life. Think of me as a wealthy son, my original life was to spend a hundred years without worry. It has become like this, I do n’t know when it will die, maybe it wo n’t die in a lifetime. ”

He has a headache.

Become an ordinary rich man and enjoy for a hundred years, then leave with eyes closed, but now, it has become a busy life and has been working hard for the future.

Xiao Xiaozu didn't want to talk to Lin Fan.

I feel like I can't say anything with this kid.

And sometimes listening, it was really annoying.


Forbidden Haihai's eyes trembled, and a horrible breath emanated from there.

"They're here." The ancestor Xiao Xiao condensed, and the expression of laziness just disappeared, replaced by solemnity.

"Don't be too panic." Lin Fan still lay there leisurely, squinting, looking at the distance, it seems that the evil **** came as they thought.

Can be followed immediately.

A lot of familiar voices came.

"Help ..."

One figure after another flew from the eyes of the forbidden sea.

Su Ye, the leader, was pale. He looked terrified and looked back from time to time.

And calling out for help is simply an inaction old demon.

They searched for evil gods in the world of evil gods, but suddenly, the situation changed dramatically, and a strange breath came from afar. They saw a lot of evil gods roaring in that breath.

All the breath has been destroyed.

So they were shocked and ran away.

Of course, there is also a suzerain who is not afraid of death, but in the blink of an eye, the suzeem died in the breath, even without a chance to fight back.

It's scary.

"What's your situation? How come you ran out." Lin Fan said, his voice passed away instantly.

The monarchs in the panic god, seeing the distant figures, were immediately overjoyed, and all came towards Lin Fan.

"Lin was in charge. Something went wrong there, and there was a strange atmosphere covering it. Several suzerains were dead inside." Su Ye said in a hurry.

Although he is very calm and calm presence.

But when I encountered these things, it was really panic.

Because there is no hope at all.

"That's the abyss breath. The evil gods are really coming. They are free from the suppression of the dow pattern law, naturally they are going to be destroyed." Xiao Laozu said.



The forbidden sea and the sea's eyes exploded fiercely, a breath rising into the sky, permeating the air.

"It must be blocked, or the consequences are unthinkable." Xiao Xiaozu said in a deep voice, followed by a five-finger scratch, and the rule of the dow pattern descended from the sky, drifting into snowflakes, and then these snowflakes were suspended around the atmosphere and frozen directly.


A huge ice sculpture appeared in the air.

"Great ..." Lin Fan praised.

Xiao Laozu reluctantly said, "This can only limit ~ ~ and cannot be suppressed. If you do not block those evil gods, it will still be the same."



Just after Xiao Xiaozu had just finished saying this, many cracks appeared in the ice sculpture, and then burst instantly.

The breath that had just soared away disappeared.

The forbidden sea and sea eyes returned to calmness, but still a thick breath was boiling, but it did not cover the whole world as it did just now.

at this time.

In the crowd.

Gu Yuan and Xu Yuanming bowed their heads, avoiding Lin Fan's sight, he found that Lin Fan's eyes were looking for some people.


A bad voice came.

"Gu Yuan, Xu Yuanming, the two of you still don't hide, you have discovered the two of you long ago, but you did not expect that you can live to this day, it is really difficult." Lin Fan said.

He was the most unpleasant to Zongmen, these two.

of course.

Well now.

He didn't want to treat them.

I don't want to go against the sky https: //

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