MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 8 I Lin Fan is a good person

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"Cousin, do you have any thoughts?" Zhou Zhongmao asked.

Lin Linfan smiled, "It's all right, it's fine."

Physique: 18

Internal force: 0

Mind Method: None

Gong Gong Method: Tiger Sword Method (Introduction)

Anger point: 655.

This is the case now.

Physique increased to 18.

He does n’t have any internal force.

I said straightforwardly, he is now a brute husband who is empty and brutal.

如今 Now, it is Chen Guanshi who has something to say.

He is panicking now.

The woman in her mind was still the previous woman.

If it is the Su family, then it is really causing big trouble.

at this time.

They are already on the farm trail.

I scorched the earth hot.

The ground is cracked.


Many poor people saw Chen Guanshi.

But instead of coming over, they ran away and ran towards the distance.

"How do I feel like we are like a plague? When others see us, they are afraid. What is the situation?" Lin Fan asked.

Anger accumulates and goes back slowly.

Chen Guan's face was fierce, and he felt that these pariahs had made him lose face in front of his son, and he must do a good job.

"My son rest assured that the young people will immediately welcome these pariahs." Chen Guanshi said.

Lin Linfan waved his hand, and was a little bit dissatisfied: "What a pariah is not pariah, don't call it like this, vulgar and vulgar."

Chen Guan looked at his son in surprise.

I always feel that the son speaks strangely.

"Yes, what the son taught was that the villain changed." Chen Guanshi said.

But I still think that these people are untouchables, unspeakable. If it were not for the Lin family to relish, these people would have to be the same as those out of the city.

The walking dog's affection for the son again broke the limit.

The son-in-law is indeed a son-in-law, which is different from those glamorous noble sons.

As a servant of the Lin family, he said frankly that he was also considered a pariah.

Cross the farmland trail.

There is a village in front of it. There are a lot of houses, but they are too shabby. There are cottages and houses made of mud.

And the outer walls of those mud houses have cracked open a lot.

Even, he was doubting that if the next heavy rain, it would be possible to destroy these houses.

Civilians stood waiting in the village.

Some bowed their heads and said nothing, and some looked desperate.

"What to do, what to do, I can't deliver it."

"Chen Guanshi is here. If he cannot deliver it, he will be beaten."

林 When Lin Fan walked into the village, all the voices disappeared, and the whole village was quiet.

Even those children who are troublesome hide in the corner of the wall in fear.

管 Chen Chen coughed slightly, and then took a soft whip from his waist and clicked **** the ground, leaving a deep mark.

"Is everyone here? This is Lin Fu's son, please don't hurry to please the son." Chen Guanshi sternly said.

He must be afraid of these dalits.

Only when I know the fear, can I work hard.

"Lin Gongzi."

"Lin Gongzi."

On and off, the sound is uneven, and the sound is generally very low.


Chen Guanshi whiped his whip and fell to the ground again, his face was extremely ugly, and he said sharply, "Have you not eaten? Give me a loud voice."

"Why? What do you want to do? Put away the whip, and say something if you have a word, scare anyone?" Lin Fan frowned.

Evil landlord.

This little steward is in full play.

He was a fierce-faced Chen steward of the pariah. He was much more docile in front of Lin Fan, and hurriedly put away his whip.

The villagers in the Qiang village all looked at Lin Fan.

This is the son of the Lin family, they have never seen it before.

I also wondered how such a big man would come to this place.

Zhou Zhongmao had no interest in the matter here.

He is just to accompany his cousin.

Nothing else has much to do with him.

I was a bit helpless.

This time I'm here to collect taxes.

But in this year's weather, I am afraid that there will be very few harvests, and I may not even pay taxes, let alone fill my stomach.

But he was only a servant.

It's taciturn, or it's useless.

管 Chen Guanshi thinks that the son does not like his evil, so he converges and says, "Are all taxes ready for this year?"

No one spoke.

The villagers looked at each other, bitter.

Putian tax?

How come there is no need.

But if they do not pay, the consequences are not what they can bear.

"Huh?" Chen Guanshi frowned. Under what circumstances did these pariahs not want to pay taxes?

公 My son came with him today. If he didn't make this matter beautiful, how would the son think of him?

"Chen Guanshi." At this time, an old man stepped out of the crowd.

I am very old, and the wrinkles on my face are not much different than the bark.

"We must pay the tax, but this year's harvest is not good. Can you pay less or owe it?" Said the old man.

He is the village head here.

The situation this year, there is really no way.

He knows that the reason is not important to the Lin family. As long as he can pay taxes, everything is easy to say.

管 Chen Guan's face gradually changed.

His eyes changed to those pariahs.

"Village chief, come here today with my son-in-law, and you tell me this?" Chen Guanshi gloomed, and then looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Linfan looked up at the sky and fanned out.

"It's really hot this day."

"Some signs of drought."

He didn't even know how his taxes were collected.

And this little assistant is very humane.

I do not bully ordinary people.

The peasants present at the meeting must have a lot of anger in their hearts, but there was no point of anger.

"Dog, how is this tax collected?" Lin Fan asked.

The dog walked back and said, "My son, I will collect 150 jins per acre."

"What?" Lin Fan heard it, and was stunned, as if he didn't understand it, and asked again; "How do I accept it?"

"Go back to your son and collect by the mu." Gouzi said.

Lin Linfan was shocked.

This is higher than the violent tax in Qin Dynasty.

This is clearly not to give people a way to live.

"How much is an acre of real estate now?" Lin Fan asked again.

"My son, one mu of land is currently collected at about 200 kilograms." Gouzi said, this is the tax of Youcheng, leaving only a little for the farmers, and the rest are tax.

"Fearful, what kind of bastard's tax is this? This is simply not a chance to live." Lin Fan cursed.

Only when he said that.

I was not just stunned by Chen Guanshi.

连 Even those farmers are dumbfounded.

The dog walker hurriedly whispered in Lin Fan's ear: "Son, this is the tax set by the master."

"Okay, no matter who decides, this farm tax is simply disheartening, and it must be changed. As a son of the Lin family, I have given the new farm tax here."

"From today, the restless acres will be harvested, and only 10% of the annual harvest will be harvested."

Lin Linfan said.

This disgusting behavior must be stopped.

As a rich child of the landlord's family, you must do something practical.

"My son ~ ~ must not be ah." Chen Guanshi reacted and hurriedly stopped.

This is a terrible thing.

If you let the master know, that day will all fall down.

The villagers stood stupidly.

Xu Du opened his eyes and looked at Lin Fan.

I just said what Lin Gongzi said?

Lin Linfan ignored Chen's affairs, but instead looked at the sky, looked at the ground, and said again, "This ghostly hot weather is scary. It belongs to drought. This year's field tax is exempt.

"Prince ..." Chen Guanshi is going to spit blood, absolutely.

"Are you a son or a son of me, what I said is useless? I bear this, as far as I said, if my father doesn't agree, let him come to me." Lin Fan said.

Wealth in wealth insurance.

When it's time to brush your anger, don't soften your hands.

Must be stubborn.

I can't chop my only son?


此时 At this moment.

The villagers knelt down.

The head of village Xun was kneeling in front of Lin Fan, and the old tears rang, "Thank you son, thank you son."

I have never read.

Thank you for saying too much.

But the truth is revealed.

Annihilation is false.

Lin Linfan stepped forward and helped the village head up, bitterly saying: "Village head, you have to plant the land well in the future. It is up to you whether my son can enjoy life smartly."

This sounds strange.

But for villagers, this is not the point.

"My son rest assured that we will plant the land well and we will definitely pay the field tax next year."

Lin Linfan nodded with satisfaction.

"Go, fight back home."

Chen Chen looked desperately at his son.

This is a big deal.

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