MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 1 End of the World Island

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   Chapter 1 1. End of the World Island

   It was already in the morning, and the fog on the sea was still heavy.

  The yellow and turbid waters are surging, the waves beat on the mottled fishing boats, and the water droplets are flying all over the sky.

  Wang Yi stood at the bow of the boat and looked forward, his eyes were full of sea fog.

  The sky and the sea are connected by fog.

   The sky above cannot be seen.

  I can't see the sea in the distance.

  There is only a white expanse between the sea and the sky.

   He was also at a loss in his heart.

   A few days ago, a Wengzhou government official suddenly contacted him and asked him to go back to his hometown, Wangjia Village.

  Wangjia Village is a village on an island. The island is called Tianya Island. The island is dilapidated and vacant, and now there are no residents.

  The local government is preparing to attract investment to develop vacant islands in the outer seas. In order to avoid property disputes, the residents of the outer islands who have moved out are required to return to the islands for delivery.

  Wang Yi did not have a deep impression of his hometown. He was taken to the inland by his father when he was less than one year old. After that, he lost his father when he was a child. What he knew about his hometown Tianya Island was limited to his father’s memories and some old photos.

   It stands to reason that the Wengzhou government should not contact him in this situation.

  However, after some investigation by the government, they found that there were very few people in Wangjia Village who could be contacted, and most of them were elderly people with limited mobility. They contacted Wang Yi and asked him to represent the village to preside over the village property inventory.

   To this end, the local government also handed him an old genealogy that he did not know where to find it, and also gave him the village information statistics book.

   He was concentrating on watching the sea and thinking about the trip. The iron-hulled boat was shaking. The boss of the boat who was in charge of sending him to the island, Uncle Bo, came over with a smile:

   "What do the little fellows think? They are more timid about being close to the nostalgia and don't dare to ask people who come?"

   This made Wang Yi laugh.

   He didn't expect the dark-skinned old boatman who always smiled and showed two yellow teeth to come to such a written poem.

   As a result, what he didn't expect was that Uncle Bo was very understanding of people's hearts, and when he saw him smiling, he could guess what he meant:

   "What's the matter? Do you think I only speak foul language and do rough work because of my uncle and I look rough?"

  Wang Yi hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't dare, I've heard from the leader Zhou who received me, saying that Uncle Bo, you are an old sea wolf, a know-it-all of Fuhai, and someone who has seen the world."

   Uncle Bo laughed, pretending to be old-fashioned and saying: "Xiao Zhou's words are not exaggerated, uncle and I dare not say anything else, I have indeed seen the big world."

  Wang Yi took out the prepared Huazi and gave him one.

  Suddenly, the ashes were misty.

  The sea fog became choking.

   Through the smoke, Uncle Bo's turbid eyes turned a little deeper.

   "Good smoke," he said, "Lady, I heard from Xiao Zhou that when you were a baby boy, you were taken away from Tianya Island to Shanghai by your parents, so you should not know the history of our outer islands."

   "I really understand this," Wang Yi said. "In 1934, Haifu on the outer islands began to build a town and there was Fuhai Town, and then gradually Haifu County."

   "During the Guangxu period of the former Qing Dynasty, the champion Zhang Jian Industrial saved the country and opened the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Fishery Company. At that time, fishing boats started to operate in the Fuhai area. Since then, Haifu County has become an important fishing port."

   Uncle Bo, who was about to pretend to be big, was stunned: "Ah? Didn't you leave us before you turned one year old? Then how do you know these things?"

   Wang Yi said: "My father told me before his death that he had a lot of affection for his hometown, but he was a teacher and was transferred to the inland to teach and had to leave his hometown."

   Uncle Bo smiled and said, "I'm a stranger in a foreign country alone, and I miss my relatives every time during the festival. Which wanderer who has left his hometown has no feelings for his hometown?"

   He returned to the topic and began to pretend to be aggressive: "There are four major fishing seasons in our hometown fishery, spring small yellow croaker flood, summer cuttlefish flood and large yellow croaker flood, and winter hairtail flood. Has your father told you about these fishing floods?"

  Wang Yi was about to speak, but Uncle Bo looked at him with sharp eyes.

   Can this society get better? How can we act as seniors?

   Noticing this look, Wang Yi turned the corner of the words in his throat and said, "My father never said this."

   Uncle Bo spit out a smoke ring with satisfaction and said, "Then I'm going to tell you a good story today, why should I talk about this?"

   "Because you don't think our outer islands are now depopulated, they used to be wider."

"Let's just say that the fishing flood in the 1970s and 80s, especially the winter hairtail flood, is the one with the highest yield and the largest scale among the four major fishing flood seasons. From the beginning of winter, the small snow, the heavy snow and the prosperous winter solstice have been able to reach It's so cold."

"At that time, our Fuwai Island was very lively. The usual population was less than 50,000 people. When the winter fishing flood starts, I tell you, don't believe it - by then, hundreds of thousands of people and tens of thousands of boats will come to the coast of the country. Woolen cloth!"

  Wang Yi exclaimed at the right time.

   Uncle Bo gave him a look of 'you are very sensible'.

   He took another breath and said, "Together with the fishing flood, there will be hundreds of large and small fishing flood headquarters on our islands, and at least hundreds of thousands of people will come here. This is called the Great Fishing Flood Battle!"

   "How can there be a house with so many people and headquarters in Fuhai? What should I do then?"

   "Our islanders are enthusiastic, and they are all fighting for the country and the collective, so every family accepts comrades from all over the world to participate in the general battle. If there are not so many beds, everyone will make a floor and eat a big pot of rice."

"To say something you young people can't understand now, at that time, no matter where you were, as long as you saw our island boy shouting 'comrade', then you were our relatives - people were simple at that time, and everyone followed the leader with all their strength and went forward. All the work is to build a strong new socialist China!”

   "So here comes the comrades, our island boy will never pull his crotch, the members themselves put forward a slogan called "Two Only!"

   Speaking of this, he got excited, and threw his fists and said solemnly: "As long as there is a place to lie down at home, don't let comrades sleep on the street! As long as there is a bite of food in the pot, don't let comrades go hungry!"

   "Actually, it's good to eat and sleep. The main reason is that the headquarters has no place to lay it. The living room, wing, and bedroom have to be used, and some are even placed in the kitchen of the common people. When it comes to cooking, the headquarters will have to be disbanded!"

   Wang Yi laughed.

   He saw that the old man had only one **** of cigarettes left, so he took out another and handed it over.

   The old man did not smoke directly this time. He first looked at the brand on the cigarette, and found that it was Hua Zi, so he put it on his ear and clipped it.

   Wang Yi said: "It must have been very lively at that time."

   Uncle Bo showed nostalgia on his face: "It's so lively, you won't be able to see that scene for the rest of your life."

   "Hardware stores and supply and marketing cooperatives have all been emptied! Gas stations—it wasn't called a gas station back then, but an industrial oil service company, and the industrial oil service company's inventory bottomed out!"

   "The door of the Grain Management Office opens and the rice and noodles are all out! The non-staple food store is always in short supply!"

   "All units must work overtime!"

   "The doctor in the hospital is going to stay at the pier. The militiamen have been protecting the catch day and night to prevent the reactionaries from wreaking havoc. Slogans are hung everywhere - all for the purpose of winning the Great Fishing Flood Battle!"

   The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and his body trembled.

  Wang Yi didn't know if he had high blood pressure, so he quickly handed him mineral water to calm his emotions.

   Uncle Bo pushed away and said, "I'm not thirsty, listen to me, this is not the most lively place yet, do you know where it is the most lively?"

  Wang Yi shook his head.

   Uncle Bo smiled and said, "Remind you, it's related to the machine!"

   Wang Yi was shocked: "It has something to do with chickens? At that time, the social atmosphere was so upright, why are we here..."

   But this answer is also reasonable, after all, hundreds of thousands of fishermen gathered in one place.

   In the end, Uncle Bo gave him a slap and laughed and said, "What are you thinking? It's a motor shop by the wharf! It's all three-machine repairers. Do you know what a three-machine is?"

  Wang Yi shook his head awkwardly.

   He really doesn't know this.

   Uncle Bo said: "It's a walkie-talkie, a fish finder and a radio."

"At that time, there were really many people and there were really many boats. I remember 1973 and 1973. Yes, in 1973, there were more than 80,000 people working in our Fuhai Fishing Farm, and there were 5,800 boats. There must be 250,000 fishermen and 10,000 boats in the past year!"

   "At that time, our commune was going to shout a slogan, and we were shouting that the off-season would turn into a peak season! What big fish and small fish, fish parents, fish ancestors, fish roes and fish grandchildren!"

   Having said this, he began to sigh, with a sad look on his face.

   Wang Yi said subconsciously, "This is overfishing."

   Uncle Bo lowered his head and said, "Yes, but I didn't understand the truth at that time, thinking that the sea is inexhaustible."

   "As a result, after Wang Xiaoer's New Year's Eve, one year is not as good as one year. Resources are declining and flooding is impossible - it's really **** uncomfortable!"

  Wang Yi handed him another cigarette.

   Uncle Bo clipped it to the other ear, took out a packet of Liqun and took one:

   "Now many of the wild things we have here have disappeared. Large yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, hairtail and squid, these are the four major fish we are proud of."

   "What is domestic fish? Every household can catch fish that can be found. As a result, except for hairtail, there are no wild yellow croakers and squid."

   "My grandson is fifteen years old this year. If you put the big yellow croaker and the small yellow croaker together, as long as there is no difference in size, he can't even tell the difference."

   "How can you imagine this in seven or eight years!"

  Wang Yi sighed with him.

   Uncle Bo told him about the past of the fishing flood battle.

   Only when this topic is brought up will he be in high spirits.

  As the sun got higher and higher and the sea fog became lighter and lighter, Uncle Bo's son who finally sailed the boat shouted "Tianya Island", Wang Yi's body was shaken by the shout, and he hurriedly looked up.

   At this time, far away from the coast, the sea is no longer turbid gray-yellow, but clear blue.

   But that's not a good thing.

The reason why the sea water off Wengzhou is turbid has nothing to do with pollution, it is because the warm current of the Bay in the south flows northward along the southern coastline, and the cold current of Guizi and the Yellow Sea in the north flows southward along the north coastline. And the sediment was stirred up.

   In addition, there are three large rivers flowing into the sea, bringing a lot of sediment. Fresh water and sea water blend together to form a unique mixed tide along the coast.

  The floating sediments on the seafloor provide food for marine life, and mixed tides provide them with a habitat.

  The sea water near Tianya Island is clear, and the water is so clear that there are no fish. In such an environment, the fish yield is often poor.

   The blue sea is a green island.

  The island is filled with mountains one after another. There are quite lush trees on the mountains. The reason why it looks green is because there are many vines growing on the mountains.

  The ivy climbs, covering from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

  There are houses without doors and windows at the foot of the mountain, which are also covered with ivy, empty and deserted.

   Uncle Bo sighed a little: "The Wangjia Village in Tianya used to be very lively. It was a large village. Wang Xianghong, the village party secretary, is a capable person."

   "There is also a veteran in your village. I heard that he made great contributions in fighting the US imperialists in North Korea. It was only found in the government's archives in the past two years. We didn't know it at the time. I saw him when I was young..."

   He shook his head again, not knowing what he remembered, and his face was even more embarrassing.

   "Now many outer islands are deserted like this," he said in a low voice, "It wasn't like this in the past. In seven or eight years, it was so lively here."

  Tianya Island also has a pier connected to the sea. Fishing boats came to this rickety pier. Wang Yi carried a large camping bag and two large suitcases to go to the pier.

   Uncle Bo warmly helped him, the two suitcases were very large and heavy.

   Back on the boat, he said, "We live on Jinlan Island, not far from here. Xiaozhou entrusts me to take care of you, so you need to call me, but the signal here is not good, so be careful when you call."

  Wang Yi smiled and said, "Okay, uncle, thank you."

   The rumbling sound of the fishing boat gradually disappeared.

  Wang Yi retracted his gaze and went ashore carefully.

  Although the fog has dissipated, there is a lot of humidity at sea, and the stone road on the island is covered with moss.

   He walked very carefully, otherwise a slip could easily fall.

  The sea water slams on the shore making a sound of 'clattering'.

  In spring, everything recovers, birds and insects are more common, and there are 'chirps' sounds from time to time.

   Occasionally, in the distance, a steamship honked its whistle.

   But there is no vocals.

   He vaguely felt that he was abandoned by human society!

  The houses in Tianya Village are mainly scattered in the northeast, southeast and west, and the wharf connects to the southeast corner of the island.

  Wang Yi put down his luggage and found the village information statistics book and the old genealogy. As a result, when he started to use the two booklets, he felt that something was wrong, and there was something in the old genealogy.

   He opened the old genealogy and saw that there was an ancient green key in it!

  The key is crystal clear green, like jade, the thickness of the little finger and the length of the middle finger.

   Looking at this key, he wondered, when did this thing exist in the genealogy?

   He picked up the booklet and put his bag on his back and walked to the nearest red brick and grey tile house.

   This is an old house with mottled walls, desolate and desolate.

  The gate collapsed and was connected by an ancient iron lock, so Wang Yi looked at the iron lock and the jade key in his hand, and tried to insert it.

   does not match, the keyhole of the iron lock is larger, and the jade key is inserted directly.

   But he still twisted it habitually.


  'click' sounded.

   The lock is open!

  The door then opened, and an old-fashioned warehouse with an area of ​​about 100 square meters appeared.

   There are only doors and no windows, it is empty.

  Wang Yi tentatively walked in, and then he felt something was wrong: behind the gate is a yard, how can there be a warehouse directly?

   At this moment, the door behind him automatically closed!

   Silent shutdown!

   It was pitch black in front of him!

   This scared him to the point of shrinking his eggs on the spot: It's a bit weird, I have to run away quickly, I can't stay on this island, I have to hurry back to the mainland!

  The old house in the wild village Yeling automatically closes, this is the standard plot of ghost movies!

  Wang Yi hurried to pull the door.

   The door panel opened smoothly, and he went out immediately.

   The sun is shining outside the door.

   stabbed him so much that he couldn't help closing his eyes.

   And as the door opened, a loud and high-pitched shout came into his ears:

   "The great leader taught us that our educational policy should enable educated people to develop in moral, intellectual, and physical education, and become laborers with socialist consciousness and culture!"

   "For the revolution to protect vision and prevent myopia, eye exercises start now."

   "Close your eyes!"

   The novice is entering the battle, please bring more old drivers!



   (end of this chapter)

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