MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 468 467. The situation is grim, but we must fight for victory

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   Chapter 468 467. The situation is grim, but we have to fight for victory

   Comrades came to participate in the fishing competition in great spirits, but they got blackheads and blackfaces on the first day of opening the door, which was really a blow to morale.

  Wei Chongshan could hold his breath, but the team members couldn't hold his breath.

   He knew this, so he arranged for the cadres of the district/county fishery headquarters to join forces with the cadres of the command team and command team below to go to the grassroots level, with the fishery team as the unit, to hold a meeting one by one tonight.

  According to the old rules and traditions, the team members of the big battle live in the homes of the common people.

  The people in Qiyao Township and five villages on the island have packed up their houses. Those who have beds donate beds. For those who don’t have beds, they put hay and mats on the ground to provide them with a living environment as much as possible.

  Wang Yi and his team lived in a village called 'Golden Bird Village'.

According to legend, the earliest people in this family chose to live in this place because they saw a big golden bird circling here. They thought it was a treasure of feng shui, so they lived there. It has grown from the earliest two families to the present sixty. Multiple households.

  Golden Bird Village gave them a place to live, and then took out the office of the village committee and used it as the headquarters for the several teams that lived in.

   In accordance with the old rules and traditions, the team members who came to participate in the competition did not need to pay for living in the home of the villagers, but they had to learn from the soldiers to clean the houses of the villagers and chop firewood and fetch water.

   It just happened that today was not too busy, the team members were not tired, so after they put down their luggage, they got busy.

  Washing windows, sweeping floors, fetching water, chopping firewood, and busy work.

  The villagers lent them the kitchen.

   Of course, rice, noodles, vegetable oil, etc., are purchased by yourself.

  The Tianya Island team's dinner is handled by Wang Yi as usual.

   I thought it was going to be a big fight today, so each team at the beginning of noon prepared a relatively hearty lunch, but it didn't work out, so the big guy was discouraged, and the meal preparation in the evening became easier.

  The fishery headquarters distributed food. One person per day was two catties of refined grains and three catties of coarse grains. The team members were not too tired today and were reluctant to eat fine grains.

  Some team members were dissatisfied, so they asked the village cadres who commanded the team to eat at least a few pieces of meat at night, which should be the same as the situation of Tianya team.

  The village cadres are worried.

The command team does have a share of funds and material guarantees for additional subsidies. Taking the village or production team as the unit, the subsidy fund for this fishing flood battle is 500 yuan, and the material subsidy is 500 catties of refined grains, 1,000 catties of coarse grains and 200 catties. pounds of pork.

   This is also the reason why each village and each production team actively mobilized village members to participate in the fishing flood battle.

   Generally speaking, these subsidies are distributed in this way. A part of the subsidies is given to the village members, and the rest is distributed by the cadres of the village production team.

   In this case, the less subsidies are given to village members, the more cadres can get.

   Now the village cadres are not saying that they are selfless. Many of them are hoping to get a little more from this subsidy, so that the family can have a good year.

   Under such circumstances, it must be the less frequent and smaller the amount of subsidy given by the command team to the players on weekdays, the better.

   Cadres with such a workload today can refuse subsidies.

  According to past experience, everyone was motivated on the first day of the Fishing Flood Contest, and they often got good harvests.

  The more you get and the more you pay, the command team has to subsidize the team members so that everyone can eat better.

   In the next few days, the harvest may be reduced. At this time, the command team can use reasons such as "I didn't spend much effort today" not to subsidize, and to withhold money and materials.

  As a result, they didn't expect that this year's hairtail flood season would be very strange. The harvest was not good when they went out to sea on the day of the heavy snow and the solar term!

However, the team members still need team subsidies according to the previous rules, but the reason has changed. From the original "Today's labor intensity is too high, eat a good meal to restore your strength" to "Today's harvest is too bad, quickly eat a good meal to restore your fighting spirit." '.

   And this year's Tianya team was treated very well. They had examples and role models, so they asked their team to mention the subsidy.

  The cadres of each command team were going to see what the Tianya team had for dinner, but when they entered the courtyard, they saw that the members of the Wang family were either tidying up fish or cutting pickles.

   Seeing this, they immediately became emboldened, and went back and said to their own team members: "The Tianya team eats fish and pickles, it's better for us to eat fish, if you want to eat, then go."

  The team members were dumbfounded.

   They didn't expect Tianya Squad's dinner to be so bad, so they went over to see it for themselves, so they went back in dejection and went back to eat coarse grain noodles and fish.

  Wang Yi is indeed going to let his team members eat fish.

   Eat pickled fish!

  I cast a net today to catch some miscellaneous fish, including some ox tongue fish.

   This is good fish.

  The ox tongue fish is the common name of the outer islands. It also has another name. This name has become famous in 22 years - Longli fish!

Online and seafood markets are full of Longli fish fillet, which is a whole piece of white and medium-to-pink fish. The price is cheap, but many of them are impersonated by freshwater fish. .

  Longli fish also has a scientific name of semi-smooth tongue sole. This fish has a delicious taste, high meat yield, smooth fish taste, and has the advantage of being cooked for a long time and not getting old.

  It is a high-protein food with little fishy and peculiar smell, which is very suitable for oil splashing.

   But its fish meat can be cut into fish fillets, so Wang Yi thinks it is very suitable for pickled fish!

  Sauerkraut fish with rice, even brown rice is delicious.

   And Wang Yi brought the sauerkraut fish seasoning, heat the vegetable oil, add the seasoning, chopped green onion, garlic slices and **** slices to fry until fragrant, add a large bag of sauerkraut seasoning and stir fry, and then add water to start the soup——

  Sauerkraut fish is to drink soup, the key is to drink the soup.

   If the businessman makes it, it should be seasoned with fresh soup. For example, Wang Yi bought the finished seasoning with concentrated soup. After adding it, cook it for a while, and then put the sliced ​​fish in it.

  The sour and spicy taste permeates the kitchen. As soon as the doors and windows are opened, the wind blows in, and then the fragrance fills the courtyard.

   The pickled fish made by Wang Yi is a large iron pot, so the sour and spicy fragrance is rich and spread widely.

   The members of the outside team smelled the fragrance, but no one thought about Tianya Squad, because they saw that Tianya Squad was eating fish and pickles tonight. How can fish and pickles taste so fragrant?

  The iron pot from the neighbor's house was also borrowed to cook rice.

   In order to be less conspicuous, Wang Yi braised two rice, millet and rice together, so that the steamed rice was not completely white, so that the outside team members would not say sour words when they saw it.

Several households in Jinniao Village who provided houses for their team members followed suit, and Wang Yi also distributed pickled cabbage fish for their families, a small pot of fish meat, fish steak, pickled cabbage and sour soup, enough for a family of about the same size. Eat your last meal.

  It was cold and rainy.

   Is there anything more refreshing than having a bowl of hot rice and sauerkraut with fish and sauerkraut?

   Really, that is, after eating, come with a bowl of hot and sour fish soup!

  The fish in sour soup tasted so good that the team members were reluctant to drink it, and they all squatted in the yard or at the door and took small sips.

   Someone from the outside team saw it and came over to say hello: "Huzi, what are you drinking? Are you drinking broth? Judging from the way you enjoy it, you must be as popular as a capitalist drinking spicy food again!"

  Wang Donghu rolled his eyes: "Fuck off, I'm drinking fish soup!"

  The outsiders don't believe it: "Is the fish soup so delicious? Look at the enjoyment on your face..."

   He said and leaned over to take a look.

   is really a bowl of fish soup with a few pieces of fish in it.

   And it's still a bowl of clear soup, there's nothing oily.

   In this way, the members of the outside team left, and they discussed a few words on the way: "Everyone said that the food in Wang's family is good, so I see it is the same."

   "Hey, it's all rumors."

   "This is called three people becoming a tiger!"

   "Where is the tiger? Where is the tiger? I'm so hungry now I can eat a tiger's thigh!"

  Wang Yi also squatted at the door to eat.

   Hou Yuqing came over and called him: "Mr. Wang, how did you eat it? Didn't you say that you would go to the command team's stove to eat fried octopus and fried mahi mahi mouth tonight?"

Wang Yi said: "Forget it, let's eat it, today's harvest is not very good, damn, I don't think I can make any money back from the oil bill. I feel ashamed of the motherland and the people, so I won't go to eat it and drink a bowl of fish here. Soup."

   Hou Yuqing sighed.

   He has not participated in many fishing flood battles. In the past, he worked in the county hospital and had to go to the outpatient clinic and would not follow him out to sea.

   But he heard more secrets in the command team today. The difference in harvest today made history and made him feel unhappy.

   So he said, "Forget it, I'm not going to eat fried fish either. Let the command team save the oil. I'll fry the fish later when the yield is high the next day."

   "Then what, Mr. Wang, get me a bowl of fish soup to cushion my stomach, I'll just eat it like you do."

  Wang Yi touched a bowl, scooped a piece of fish head, some pickled cabbage and fish soup for him - he didn't want to fool the old doctor by eating fish head, it was the fish meat that would have been dried out!

   Hou Yuqing went to borrow a lunch box from a member who had eaten, washed it carefully, and went to add some rice to serve as a side dish.

   He is a hygienic person, but he is not a person who chooses food. He eats it like a fish head, removes a piece of fish gill meat and slaps it in his mouth. He is happy: "How is this done? It's delicious!"

   Fish head meat with sauerkraut, he slowly picked up the rice.

  Wang Zhenchang saw it and went to the owner to borrow a cup. He unscrewed the jug that Wang Yi gave him and poured a glass of wine for Hou Yuqing: "Director Hou, have a drink at night to go to the cold? We are old and can't stand the cold!"

   Hou Yuqing said happily: "Okay, I'm just worried that I don't have my jug with me."

   He looked at Wang Zhenchang's jug and was a little curious: "Where did your jug ​​come from? It's so beautiful."

  This big jug is really beautiful. Now the jug used by the drinkers is the military kettle, the green one.

  The jug prepared by Wang Yi for the members is a 304 stainless steel flat jug. It is quite large and can hold five jins of wine. There is a leather cover on the outside of the jug that can be carried on the waist, just like carrying a box gun.

  Everyone who participated in the Fishing Flood Contest has such a flat water bottle with the words: 1982 East China Sea Hairtail Fishing Flood Contest and Tianya Island as a souvenir.

  The printing on the jug was not deliberately bells and whistles, it was because the shopkeepers helped to print the words for free when buying the jug.

   This kind of service should not be given in vain, so Wang Yi asked him to print these words.

  Wang Zhenchang also thought that his jug was very beautiful. He happily handed it to Hou Yuqing and said, "Our production team asked the Northeast factory to make it, and they also helped us to print the words."

  These days, people like to drink two glasses, even doctors like to drink, so drinking utensils are collectibles in this era.

   Hou Yuqing immediately fell in love with such a jug.

   Wang Yi gave Wang Zhenchang a wink when he saw this and nodded to Hou Yuqing.

  Wang Zhenchang understood what he meant, and handed the jug to Hou Yuqing directly: "Director Hou, if you look down on me as a farmer, then you can take the jug."

   Hou Yuqing waved his hand quickly: "Hey, old comrade, look at what you said, we are all leaders' warriors, how can I look down on you? But I can't take this jug, it..."

   "It's my whole heart." The old man Wang Zhenchang was also very good at talking. He stuffed the jug into the old director and said, "Director Hou, I'm afraid you forgot. In 1972, my arm was cut by the fish-killing knife."

   He rolled up his sleeves and showed the old director the scar: "You sewed it for me when I went to the county hospital!"

   "I was off work at the time. You see, I don't have any money at home and asked me if I could survive the pain. I said I could, and you said don't go to the pharmacy to prescribe anesthesia. You sterilize me and then sew the needles directly!"

"As a result, you asked me to bite a piece of gauze and sew eleven stitches. After the sewing, you sterilized me and prescribed medicine. In the end, you confiscated the money for the needles. I went to the pharmacy to pay for some anti-inflammatory drugs..."

   Wang Yi said in a helpful voice, "No wonder my grandfather Chang quickly poured you a glass of wine when he saw Mr. Hou eating here. It turned out that there was such a thing in the past."

   Hou Yuqing really forgot about this.

   It's been ten years!

   And he really did this kind of thing in the outpatient clinic, I don’t know how much.

  The fisherman inevitably needs stitches. He decides the treatment plan based on the fisherman's family situation. Basically, the fisherman can judge by the skin color of the fisherman's hands, the skin color and the clothes and speech.

   In this way, if he feels that the other party's home is difficult, he will not be allowed to go to the pharmacy to prescribe anesthesia, he will give free stitches by himself, and then he will pay the hospital two cents for materials.

   Generally, people with poor family conditions can bear the pain of stitches without anesthesia. What they can’t bear is that they have good family conditions and go through the process of buying anesthesia by themselves.

   Wang Zhenchang's words were sincere, and Wang Yi persuaded him again. The old director smiled and took the jug, but he still took out ten dollars and stuffed it with Wang Zhenchang:

   "I want the wine jug as a gift; but the wine inside is not good. This wine is good wine, pure grain and good wine. If I can taste it, I will give you ten yuan as the money to buy wine."

  Wang Zhenchang didn't accept it, and Wang Yi didn't want to accept it either.

  Send the Buddha to the west, and the human feelings to Qi.

   He took the money and gave it to Hou Yuqing to stuff it back, and said, "This is all the wine that was funded by our production team. Don't talk about it, Mr. Hou, please accept it."

   At the same time, he changed the subject: "By the way, does the command team have a meeting tonight? When is the meeting? Why didn't you come to inform me?"

   Hou Yuqing said: "To hold a meeting, the commune's command team will be the unit, and the county headquarters will send cadres to preside over the meeting."

   "The exact meeting time is still uncertain, because one command team and one command team are required to come to the meeting!"

   It seems that the Longlong Command Team cannot be opened for the time being.

   So Wang Yi washed the dishes and went out for a walk.

  The winter rain was cold and the wind was cold. The newly arrived team members in Jinniao Village seemed lively to walk around and talk, but outside the village was a little lonely and deserted.

  Since golden birds used to build their nests in this village, it was naturally due to the lush forests around the village. Wang Yi saw many plane trees in the village.

  The plane tree is tall and burly, but the branches after all the leaves are swaying in the wind and rain seem weak. There are many rough and simple bird nests on it. The birds have already flown south, leaving only a silence.

  The situation of the households in Jinniao Village is better than the average condition of Changlong Commune. There are water and fields in the village, and you can see corncob stacks and straw haystacks in the yard of every household.

  The women in the village came and went with baskets, doing business with the fishermen who came to participate in the battle:

   "Comrade, come out and bring a piece of floral cloth to your home. Look how beautiful this floral cloth is, a product of the serious Shanghai textile factory."

   "This comrade still smokes dry cigarettes? The government gives you five yuan a day, but you can't bear to smoke those with filters? Get a pack of red plums, it's less than sixty cents, what a face!"

   "Comrade, you can save on clothes but not on food. It's inconvenient to cook after you go to sea. Let's change to some noodles. This thing can be used in an emergency. When you are busy, boil some hot water and throw it in, and it will be a bowl of noodles that are fragrant and sweet."

  The poor family is rich on the road, saving clothing but not eating, this is a simple outlook on life.

   Hearing that some women were changing the noodles, some team members asked with interest, "Sister-in-law, how do I change the noodles?"

   "One pound of Fuqiang powder is exchanged for one pound of dried noodles," the woman said.

   Hearing this offer, the team members went back uninterested.

   One pound of dry Fuqiang powder can make one pound of dried noodles in three or four taels, which are pure white noodles.

  The dried noodles that the women of Qiyao Township used to exchange flour were not made of Fuqiang flour, but mixed with eight sides.

  Fuqiang flour is 70 jin, 100 jin of wheat produces 70 jin of flour; 81 jin is 81 jin of flour from 100 jin of wheat, the difference between the two is the grade.

   In this way, converting a pound of rich and strong powder for a pound of dried noodles is a huge profit, which makes fishermen who are used to living a frugal life stop looking.

  The business is not good, and the women of the island are sullen.

  The location of Dashui Island is not very good compared to the main island of Fohai County. If the residents of the island want to make some small business, they all rely on the annual fishing season to do business with fishermen who come to rest on the island.

Even if the planned economy market has been strictly controlled in the past few years, they can still do petty business - serving the fishing and flood fighting teams, earning some hard money is not a problem, and besides, they are far away from the main island of the county town, and the law enforcement units on the island are open to this. One eye closed.

   However, after the reform and opening up, the fishing flood battles were gradually banned. The yellow croaker fishing flood battles and the jellyfish flooding battles have disappeared. Now the scale of the hairtail fishing flood battles has also dropped sharply. As a result, the islanders can’t make much money.

  Some women wanted to do his business after seeing Wang Yi.

   But when they saw Wang Yi's school coat and leather boots, they thought it was the new cadre of the county fishery headquarters, so they gave up the idea of ​​doing business with him.

   The cadres of the fishery headquarters all eat commercial grains. How can people lack these basic materials?

  Wang Yi wandered around the Golden Bird Village, but didn't go far, because he didn't know when the headquarters would hold a meeting.

   Sure enough, after he turned around and returned to the village, someone waved at him: "Mr. Wang, go to the command post, there is a meeting!"

The    command post was set up in the office of the Golden Bird Village. A stove was raised inside, and the captains and deputies of each command team were squatting and chatting inside.

  Wang Yi saw Wang Xianghai after entering, Wang Xianghai quickly patted the empty bench beside him and motioned him to sit down.

   Seeing him come in, Chang Long, the director of the Agriculture and Fisheries Office of Changlong Commune, whispered to the leaders of the Fishery Headquarters: "Leader, everyone is ready."

This time, Sun Bai, the commander-in-chief of the county fishery headquarters and director of the county agriculture and fishery bureau, took a sip of hot tea from the teacup and said, "Comrades, I won't repeat today's situation, you all know the predicament we have encountered. Bar?"

   "Know!" The voice in response was weak.

   The atmosphere of the venue was dull.

  Sun Bai smiled and said, "Everyone raised their heads, what's the matter with you? Today is the first day of the battle. We didn't achieve brilliant results, and then the comrades became discouraged? Are we so embarrassed to say that we are participating in the battle?"

   "Huh? Comrades, battle is not a word that can be used in ordinary situations. There are battles on the Korean battlefield, and there are battles on the southern battlefield. In those battles, our most lovely children and soldiers are fighting with their lives!"

   "We used this glorious and great word for our fishing activities, so have we inherited the glorious and great tradition of our disciples? Then, what is the tradition of our disciples?"

   "Director Chang, come on!"

   was often called a general, and then was stunned.

There are many fine traditions of    disciple soldiers, which one do you want me to mention?

   He hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Our people's army has three great traditions. One is to obey orders in all actions.

  Sun Bo laughed, took another sip of tea and asked, "Director Chang is right. What about the other battles? What about the first battle?"

   "Comrade Wang Yi, come on!"

   If Wang Yi was the first to be questioned in place of Chang Diao just now, then he would also be stunned and didn't know what to say.

   Now that Director Chang has tripped mines, and the leader has given hints, he can easily answer the correct answer: "Use me in the first battle, use me to win!"

  Sun Bai put the teacup heavily on the conference table and said with a smile, "Yes, use me in the first battle, and I will win!"

   "What a fighting slogan and oath!"

  Chang Liao shed tears in his heart: Leader, you cheat on me, you also know that this is a slogan and an oath, so why did you ask Tradition just now?

  Sun Bai continued: "The children and soldiers have slogans, and we also have slogans. Little snow is small, heavy snow is big, and the winter solstice is prosperous, right?"

   Everyone said, "Yes."

  Sun Bai said: "We hunt for octopus all the way south, from our Fuhai Sea to the Fohai Fishing Farm in the south."

"Today is the first day of going south, so what's the difference in the harvest? Isn't it? It's already the solar term of heavy snow. There are often strong windy days at sea, and there will definitely be strong windy days. Are you afraid that you won't be able to find a school of fish on a windy day? !"

  Before and after storms are often the most dense seasons with fish, but the storms are dangerous, and fishing boats can’t go to the extreme for catching fish. Therefore, fishermen have to catch “wind-head fish” or “wind-tail fish” before and after the storm.

   Compared with the weather when the storm swept the sea, it was relatively safe on the days when the wind was in the limelight. At this time, the fishermen had to go to the sea to find their harvest.

  Sun Bo first gave the cadres a shot of cardiotonic, and then shouted slogans to mobilize their emotions.

   But some people were uneasy and asked: "Leader, is the meteorological working group reliable this time? If we want to grab the sea at the head and tail of the wind, we need the working group to accurately predict the meteorological situation!"

  Sun Bo said with a smile: "You can rest assured. This working group is organized by the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, but its administration, political education and life management are temporarily under the responsibility of our fishery headquarters."

   "People are here to help us. The working time is this winter. When the winter fishing flood ends, it will be cancelled."

   "We all know that the Shanghai Metropolitan Meteorological Bureau is a meteorological unit second only to the National Meteorological Administration. This time, they sent a deputy director to lead the team. The forecasters, telegraphers, cartographers, and waiters are fully staffed."

   "I have learned about their work tasks. Every day, they have to fill in the East Asia weather map at 02 and 14 o'clock, the surface weather map in China at 05, 08 and 17 o'clock, and the East China Sea region weather map every hour."

   "They also listen to the weather forecasts of Hudu, Jinling, Qiantang, and Qindao Meteorological Observatories at any time. Based on that, combined with the weather map of the East China Sea, they issue 24-hour to 36-hour weather forecasts and alerts for our fishing grounds."

   "So you can rest assured, our support units are very reliable, and with them, our grasp of the weather at sea is absolutely first-class accuracy!"

He looked at his watch and said, "For example, I received a forecast when I came here. Starting at eleven o'clock tonight, the light rain will change to light rain and snow, and starting at 1:30 midnight, the light rain and snow will officially change to light snow. "

   "It's going to snow." Someone below sighed.

  Sun Bo said calmly, "What is the name of catching snow-white hairtail in a snowy day? This is the most fashionable word in the city right now."


   It did snow at night.

   After a night of rest, the fleet continued southward in the snow, and then the cadres of each command team found it.

   Fishing for hairtail at sea on a snowy day is really romantic, but it's really **** hard!

   This is the first snow that Wang Yi experienced in 1982.

   The little snowflakes drifted for half the night, covering the ground and spreading all over the fishing boat. He looked at the fleet from the bow, and the fleet turned silver.

  Wang Xianghai smiled at him and said, "Oh, it would be nice if it wasn't snowing in the sky. What a good hairtail, our hairtail is this color."

Wang Zhenchang also said: "In the past, when we caught a lot of octopus, a basket of octopus, a box and a box of octopus were piled on the boat, and everywhere was silvery white, everywhere was silvery white, and the whole boat fell a layer. Snow is even more beautiful!"

   "Because the white of the hairtail is silver and shiny, not like this snow is dead!"

   "It's still very cold!" Someone added later.

  The weather is really cold.

  The wind from the sea is also quite strong, and the rolled up snowflakes slapped on people's faces and hands like pieces of glass slag, and the people's skin hurts.

   The fishery headquarters issued an order, and they drove in the direction of Fohai County, fishing all the way.

  Other districts and counties are also moving closer to the Fohai Sea. The sea of ​​​​fohai has always been rich in octopus. Another weather team sent good news in the morning. There may be stormy days in the next 24 to 36 hours!

  The team members are all waiting for this storm, otherwise, a boat will catch an average of 180 catties of hairtail a day at sea. This harvest is too bad, they have no face to go back to see their relatives!

   This is the Great Battle of Fishing Floods. It is an opportunity to give the motherland and the people the courtesy of bringing fish, and it is the glory of the fishermen.

   is about to enter the twelfth lunar month and prepare for the new year. Many urban and rural residents in the north are waiting for the hairtail they catch.

   Fried hairtail has always been a dish that inland people coveted during the Chinese New Year. If people can’t eat fried hairtail because they can’t catch enough hairtail, the fishermen will feel shameless.

   In the morning, the members of the Tianya Squad were fishing with mother and son and fishing with nets, but the harvest was still not very good.

   never came across a school of oarfish.

   Then, around noon, a transport ship with the red flag of 'Fishery Command' came to their waters.

   Seeing this boat, Wang Zhenchang said with a face full of shame: "It seems that the leaders of the fishery headquarters can't sit still. They should know the fact that our catch is not good, and they must come to criticize us."

  Wang Xianghai comforted him and said, "Uncle Chang, don't think so. If the leader is here, how about driving such a big boat? This is a fishing boat. They are here to collect fish from our county!"

  Wang Zhenchang was even more ashamed when he heard it: "Mummy, why don't you criticize us? Just what we have caught in the past two days, why is it worth the command to use such a big boat to collect fish? It's a waste of diesel oil for the country!"

   Wang Xianghai's guess was right but only half right.

   The transport ship did come to collect the octopus, but not to collect the octopus and send it to the cold storage in Fohai County, but a team of marine experts from the province came to do the research.

The research work of the    expert team requires the cooperation of their personnel who have participated in fishing operations.

  Because Wang Yi is the only college student and highly educated person in the entire fishery headquarters, the county fishery headquarters sent him to a transport ship to cooperate with the research team of experts.

   There are many experts in the team, more than a dozen people are busy.

  There are old comrades wearing blue army caps and grass green army coats, and there are also young people wearing down jackets.

   Some are holding books, some are holding toolboxes, and some are carrying octopus to check the situation.

  No one came to greet Wang Yi and the others immediately after they got on the boat. The experts were discussing together:

   "It can be confirmed that the amount of hairtail resources in the East China Sea outside the south of the Yangtze River this winter is expected to be the worst year since the 1970s, and the output may not reach 78 years..."

"Sampling statistics on the hairtail fish caught in the Fuhai side. The average **** length of the spawning hairtails in the Fohai side is 22.2 cm, which is 1.5 cm less than the average **** length in 1972. The minimum **** length of the hairtail's gonads is continuously changing. Small, 1.5 cm shortened in ten years is not a good thing..."

"The first statistics began in 1959, and in the first five-year period in 1964, only a few hairtails reached sexual maturity at 13 to 19 cm, right? What about this year? All 17 to 19 cm have reached the third period. Sexual maturity, even 15 cm can reach the second or third stage of maturity..."

   Hearing their discussion, Sun Bai, who accompanied him on board, took a deep breath: "The situation is so severe this year?"

   (end of this chapter)

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