MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 497 496. Busy at work

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   Chapter 497 496. Busy at work

  The rotary tiller attacked, and the other team members could only be dumbfounded.

   The power of the machine is amazing.

   In front of machines, the efficiency of manpower is not enough.

  I saw Wang Xianglai holding the machine, the two members in front were dragging, the machine roared with a 'woooo', and then lifted up the cold and hard mud, and the hard mud was loosened...

  It took ten people half a day to break up a row of hard mud. After the machine went over, it took three people less than half an hour to make the hard mud fluffy.

  The people in the left and right platoons stopped working, and stared blankly there, leaning on the handle of the **** and the handle of the shovel.

The    security team thought they were being lazy, and came over aggressively and shouted: "Why don't you work? You haven't stopped work yet, what are you all doing?"

   "I'm running out of strength so soon? I saw you guys shouting fiercely just now, that is..."

   "Don't shout, come and see, what do you guys use to see Tianya Island?" A village official interrupted them impatiently.

   The members of the security team looked over suspiciously.

  My grass!

   What kind of machine is this?

   Someone with a lot of knowledge scratched his head and said, "This is a scarifier? My aunt is from Ludi. They have machines for ploughing the land, but they are towed by a tractor. How can one person use it?"

   The members of the platoons on both sides cried and said, "Mother, how can I compete? They have machines!"

   The machine rumbled.

  The members of the Tianya Island are already experienced, and they swung their shovels so fast that they quickly filled up baskets of mud.

  Wang Xianglai put the shovel on the ground, spit in his hand and rubbed it, put on the shoulder strap, grabbed the handle of the car, and pushed the car out with great strides.

   It was more than nine o'clock and the clouds became thicker, and the wind began to blow.

   Cooled down.

   But the members didn’t care, they were working hot, sweating on their heads, and they continued to work in the cold wind.

   Qiu Weishui and Zhong Yaoyao came to deliver meals.

   In order to keep the members’ physical strength, Wang Yi prepared enough food.

  The morning snack is to add eight treasures porridge.

  The finished eight-treasure porridge was boiled in fresh water and then simmered for half a morning. The rice, glutinous rice, red beans, and red dates in it were all soft and rotten.

  The porridge bucket is opened at this time, and the hot air spews out with a sweet smell.

  Wang Yi waved his hand and shouted, "Come on, comrades, take a break, drink a bowl of hot porridge and continue working!"

  The big guys put down their work and surrounded them.

   Qiuweishui took out the sea bowl he brought, and used the sea bowl to divide the eight-treasure porridge.

   One of the big confusion is to get an enamel tank directly.

   Big Confusion wiped his hands directly on his clothes, holding an enamel jar while warming his hands and sucking in the hot porridge.

   The laborers who come to work these days don’t pay attention to hygiene. Besides, the fresh water is tight now. Like a big daze, they wipe their hands on their clothes, and then line up to receive bowls of porridge from the sea.

   Anyway, when I was working on the sea, I was wearing ragged clothes. If it was dirty, I would go back and let my mother-in-law wash it.

  Wang Xianglai pushed the car back to get his porridge. He took a sip first and said with a smile, "It's really sweet and fragrant, Mr. Wang's porridge is good. Is this the eight-treasure porridge that the students drank in the morning?"

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, tomorrow Laba Festival, the production team has distributed Laba porridge to the members, which is even better than the eight-treasure porridge we drank. I guess Bamboo is reluctant to drink it. When you go back, you two will drink it together."

  Wang Xianglai leaned on the dam and smiled: "Okay, go back and drink the fragrant and sweet porridge, it won't be cold this winter."

   "It's not cold to come here this time." Wang Fugui, the eldest member of the Shanggong community, said, "I used to come here, especially in the 1970s. It was really cold."

  Wang Xianglai sucked the hot porridge and asked, "I came here to repair this breakwater in 70 years, right?"

  Wang Fugui nodded: "Yes, at that time it was really great to catch sea workers. Now it only takes five or six days to catch sea workers. At that time, it took fifty or sixty days..."

   "Reform and opening up, the policies are different, and in 1977 it was still more than 50 days to catch a seafarer." Someone said.

  Wang Fugui said: "But the most memorable time in 70 years was this breakwater project."

   "The whole project is divided into two phases. The first phase of the project was in the spring of 1968. The Wengzhou Prefectural Committee first organized the entire militia to build the inner embankment first, which was tiring and dangerous."

"Our members worked in the second phase. The first phase was from 1968 to the autumn of 1970. Then in the winter of 1970, our members followed the orders to excavate and expand the seaway. In total, two million cubic meters of earthwork must be completed, and the working day is Nine hundred thousand."

  Wang Xianglai raised his head and said, "I have the impression that it used a lot of labor, tens of thousands of people, right?"

  Wang Fugui shook his head: "It's more than 10,000. How many days have we worked? Not sixty or seventy? Counting the working days, the number of workers employed is more than 10,000."

  Wang Yi said: "That scene was spectacular."

  Wang Fugui rolled a dry cigarette and put it in his mouth. He smiled and said, "It's absolutely spectacular. Teacher Wang, you can imagine that there are more than 10,000 strong laborers in this seaway after the dry water."

   "You stand on top of the dam and look left and right, as long as you look from afar, no matter where you are, there will be people everywhere!"

   "It's not an exaggeration, it's like a pile of ants. Looking at it from a distance, this crowd is really an ant colony.

The person next to    added: "This is true at all. Although the seaway we see now is blocked with silt, it is actually very wide, flat and deep. It was not like this when we counted back 70 years."

   "At that time, the sea lanes were all messy things, stones, rotten seaweed, silt and so on. Now the places we stand are all driven out by hand in those days, and they are pushed out one by one!"

   "It's not just pushed out, some construction sites are too difficult to use a car, and the baskets are lifted out manually." Someone added again.

  Some people squatting on the breakwater and drinking porridge watched for a while, then slid down the breakwater and said, "Hey, look at the second row, look at the second row, they have a way."

  The second row is still trying to catch up with their progress.

   It was very difficult to push a heavy earth and mud truck from the bottom of the sea to the dam, so the second row thought of a way to pull the truck.

   They used local materials, turned a small wooden cart upside down, removed the rubber tires and left only the hub, and then fixed it on the river bank.

  The outer circle of the empty wheel hub is concave, so the members put a cable around the wheel hub. One end of the cable is tied with an iron hook and stretches to the bottom of the sea, hooking a large cart full of dirt.

   And the other end of the cable naturally stayed on the dam, and was held in the hands of two migrant workers.

   They made a pulley out of the wheel of the trolley.

   This thing is called a pulley, a dirt pulley.

  Someone pushed a large cart to the bottom of the ramp and hooked the front of the cart with an iron hook. The migrant workers on the dam turned around and tied the rope around their shoulders. The second row leader, Huang Zhiwu, waved his arms and shouted:

   "Pull the tackle!"

  The two migrant workers slipped down from the breakwater, using force and gravitational potential energy to jointly convert the kinetic energy of pulling the cart.

   So the two migrant workers reached the bottom of the river, and the cart was pushed onto the dam.

   And the man who pushes the cart is no longer as hard as before. When he gets up on the dam and pushes the cart, he can run straight to the dump.

   Efficiency has increased.

   Before, the men in their team had to stop and take a breath after pushing their carts up the dam, but now they can push the carts directly to the dumping ground.

  Other platoons were very interested after seeing it, and they turned the carts they brought over to make soil tackles.

   Wang Yi admired Huang Zhiwu's flexibility when he saw this, and praised: "No wonder Lao Huang can be the captain, this guy has two brushes."

  Wang Xianglai shook his head disdainfully: "What kind of brush is this? The dirt pulley has been around for a long time."

   "Let's not talk about soil pulleys. In the 1970s, we all erected booms to make serious cranes." Wang Fugui followed.

  Wang Yi is right when she thinks about it.

   Soil pulleys or pulley cranes are not high-tech or high-tech items. The common people do not have culture, but it does not mean that they do not have knowledge. Knowledge is needed everywhere in life.

   He asked: "If that's the case, why don't we set up a dirt tackle in our team? We also have a trolley."

   Wang Xianglai still shook his head: "Mr. Wang, don't do it, this thing is dangerous."

   "It's easy to pull the pulley to boost the big cart, but the wheel of the small cart is unstable after it is attached to the rope. No matter if you are careful or not, the cable will easily fall off the hub while pulling the pulley, and it will be easy to wear off."

   "Think about it, once the cable comes off..."

   Just as they were talking, Huang Zhiwu on the dam suddenly exclaimed, "Stop!"


  The steel hub was too slippery, and the cable fell off the inside with a 'slippery'.

  In this way, the pulley no longer exists, and the cable suddenly slackens. The labor of pushing the cart was already relaxing. As the force suddenly increased, he did not hold the cart, and the cart immediately went backwards.

   The two members who pulled the pulley and ran towards the bottom of the river were even worse. They had to use their arms to pull the car up, and at the same time, they dragged the car together by the gravitational potential energy generated by running down.

  The cable fell off, and their strength was empty. They were running from the dam to the bottom. They were pulling the cable to pull the car up. Similarly, the car gave them a reaction force, allowing them to descend steadily.

   Now that this reaction force is gone, they are running down hard again, and they run away all of a sudden, accelerating and rushing down...

   The front member slammed his head into the ground, and the back member was in a better condition, and slapped him directly.

   But in this way, the members in front suffered double damage, and the screams were really shrill.

   Many people couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene, and some said:

   "Golden Dragon, how tight your eyes are, and the guy behind you have to run and insert..."

   "Don't break the cow, right?"

   "Good guy, good guy, I understand this trick, it's called an old man's cart in ancient books!"

  Huang Zhiwu was furious when he heard their words, and shouted: "Don't go and see the situation of Dalong and Dongzi!"

  The members of their team threw the guy and ran over.

   The breakwater is not very high, and the two members are in good condition. The members at the back have meat pads, so there is no accident, but the front one broke the skin when he braked with his face.

   Someone greeted the barefoot doctor. The barefoot doctor came over with a medicine box and washed his face with water before applying the red medicine.

The    red potion was like blood, and it looked really scary when it wiped half of his face.

   The laborers of the surrounding platoons couldn't care about their work, and they went up to watch the fun.

   Wang Xianglai said: "Captain Huang, the dirt bike is very dangerous, you'd better not use it."

   "As the old saying goes, you get what you get for every penny, and every effort counts for an inch of work. If you don't have the skills to catch a seafarer, you have to work hard. Otherwise, why would the country ask our villagers to work?"

  Wang Fugui also said: "You guys are pretty good this time. It's because the rope fell off and not broken. If it fell off, it was blocked by a bearing. If the rope broke, it would be troublesome."

   Wang Yi also found out.

  It is not a big problem for the rope to fall off, because the cable will still be stuck at the wheel in the end, which can buffer and leave the reaction time for the labor force of the cart to withstand the car and not slide down.

   What will really hurt people is not to rush down from the breakwater that is more than two meters high, but that the cart does not stably back down.

   You must know that there are thousands of pounds of dirt on this car. What will happen if the dirt and the car hit people?

  Huang Zhiwu's face turned red and then white, and at this time, the cadres of their company came over.

   Ye Chen ran at the front and asked, "What's the situation?"

Before anyone could speak, he saw the trolley on the breakwater and the wheel with the tire removed, and suddenly lost his temper: "Why do you still use the trolley as a dirt pulley? A few years ago, I said that it is not allowed to use this thing. Yet?"

"Which year was there no injury caused by a dirt pulley accident on the construction site? Needless to say, last year, no, it was the year before, the winter of 1981, when Chen Laosi and Buck Teeth of Zeshui Commune fell off a big push. One of the cars smashed the leg and the other broke the rib, have you forgotten about this?"

  Huang Zhiwu lowered his head, lowered his eyebrows and said, "Leader, I was wrong."

Wang Yi went to study the wheel hub and said, "Leader, in fact, making a dirt pulley is a good way to speed up the construction period. Just design a steel ring on the outside of the wheel hub, and use the steel ring to stick the rope on the wheel hub. face."

   Ye Chen said, "Is it necessary to weld? Welding will damage the wheel of the trolley. It's not worth it!"

  Wang Yi said: "We need to weld, but we don't have to weld the steel ring to the hub, just put a piece of..."

   "Forget it, don't spend all this time." Ye Chen interrupted him impatiently, "Mr. Wang, let's stop fiddling around, catching sea workers is a hard work, let's work hard."

   He waved his hand and shouted: "Okay, comrades, don't watch the fun, there is no fun to watch, all continue to work on your own!"

  Wang Yi also wanted to introduce his thoughts to him, but people didn't appreciate it, so he left after dispersing the onlookers.

The less trouble, the better.

  You can just go to work honestly, why do you work so hard?

  Wang Xianglai also pulled Wang Yi and said, "Mr. Wang, you are someone who has a way, and you can definitely make the design of the dirt pulley safe."

"But there's no need for that. Towing the dirt tackle has to go one by one, one car to another, right? Up and down, back and forth, the tow man has to carry the cable and drag it, and after a few days, he will put his clothes on. It's worn out, it's not worth it."

   Wang Yi couldn't help laughing when he said this.

   What reason is this!

   Afterwards, the motivation of the members has been pumped up, and the progress of the project has been accelerated.

  Because the company sent them not only hot water and dry food, but also a generator, a tape recorder, and two loudspeakers.

  The recorder is connected to the two speakers, and through the speakers, the sound of opera is transmitted to the ears of the big guy:

   "Ma Dabao was so drunk that he was busy returning the house. He just felt that the sky also turned and the earth turned. Why did the sun set under the east mountain, the moon rises in the west, and the sky is bright..."

"Today's business is not good, and I can't sell a few copper coins a day. I Ma Dabao was upset and walked into the burning hotel. You, the shopkeeper, give me two jins of wine, and then get me a plate of fried Sanxian, hey. Don't look at the torn clothes I wear, I don't give a lot of money for drinking..."

   Just like the Great Fishing Flood Battle, catching sea workers also needs to inspire the energy of the labor force, activate the atmosphere of the construction site, and enrich the cultural life of the migrant workers.

   This piece of Lu opera is not ordinary. It is the most famous excerpt from "Borrowing a Relative" sung by Lu opera performance artist Mr. Li Daijiang. It is called Ma Dabao is drunk.

  The members were more motivated when they listened to the opera.

   The leaders of the company also came over from time to time with loudspeakers and shouted:

   "The day is done and the day is finished. This year's work will be completed this year. This year's task is heavy, and the construction period needs to be rushed. If the construction period is not met, you are not allowed to go home. Want to hug your wife and hold the child? No..."

   "It's still the old rule, whoever is advanced, who receives praise, and which class is behind, will name and criticize the leading cadres of the class and group, give me some points, and let me throw my arms away..."

  I can’t see the sun on a cloudy day, and I don’t know what time it is, but the gong after work can’t go wrong. At noon, the gong rang with a ‘bang bang bang’.

   In this way, the leaders of the battalion headquarters shouted "stop work", and the cadres of the company headquarters put down their horns and greeted each team to line up to eat in the cafeteria.

   The atmosphere of the steaming and buzzing construction site suddenly changed, and the members rubbed their sore shoulders and began to sigh.

   After working hard all morning, I can finally rest, but I feel physically exhausted and tired.

  Some people climbed the breakwater and collapsed directly at the door, all looking up and breathing hard.

  Tianyadao's members are highly motivated and highly motivated. Others work and I don't work. They are still working while sullen.

   Almost all the other platoons stopped.

  Most of the teams took a breather and then lined up to go to the cafeteria to grab a meal.

   But some platoons come with livestock, either cows, mules or donkeys, and let them pull carts, so people can relax.

   Livestock is a precious productive force. The environment and conditions of the outer islands are not suitable for raising livestock, so whether it is a cow, a mule or a donkey, it is very precious to the villages and production teams.

   The cadres of these shifts and groups can't take a rest after work. They have to arrange the handlebars of the animals to place the animals first. When they need to get water, they need to get water, and when they need to feed them, they should feed them.

   Teams and groups lined up to pass by the dam. When they saw that Tianya Island was still busy, some officials raised their voices and said:

   "Look at it, look at it all, this production team is rushing to advance, our village can't do it, it's too busy, and we're doing a bad job."

   "I said you can't let my face fall to the ground and be used as a **** pad to play with, and you have to work harder in the afternoon!"

  The commune members don’t care what the cadres say, what are they striving for? How much money do you give in advance? Make money now!

   But they didn't mind saying a few sour words to relax, and they took the Tianya Island and the neighboring Jinlan Island to fire:

   "This is the Tianya Island of Changlong, the veteran team collective, can we compare with others?"

   "That's right, we are separated from them by 108,000 miles, we can't compare, but Jinlan Island is next to it - Huang Zhiwu, the workers in your team have made people pull it down several times!"

   "Captain Huang, you still have the face to eat? Don't eat, work overtime, you are right next to the example production team, you have to learn the spirit of example..."

   "Fuck your mother's eggs." Wang Xianglai cursed irritably.

   Immediately someone pouted and said, "Oh, I'm just joking with you, why can't I make a joke?"

  Wang Yi heard this and picked up a piece of dirt and smashed it directly on the person.

  The man was stunned for a moment, then he was furious. He picked up a stick on the ground and rushed to the breakwater, roaring, "What are you doing? Bully others?"

  Wang Yi said: "Aiya, I'm just joking with you, why can't you be joking?"

   That labor blushed suddenly.

   The members of their team came over and took him away, and they all said, "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

   "They're all from the same county. If you don't look up, you can see them. Let's walk around and eat quickly."

   "I heard there is a dish today! Braised vermicelli with cabbage, hurry up!"

   Each team immediately accelerated their pace.

  The crowd left one after another, leaving the animals to walk slowly and leisurely.

  The handlebars waved their whips and threw out whips, shouting the animals swaying to the woods to find a shelter for the animals to rest.

  Cows have bells on their necks, and mules and donkeys have bells on their necks.

  The crisp sound of the bell rang along with the whiplash of 'crackling'.

  Wang Yi looked at their backs, he felt that this scene really had a period atmosphere.

   It was almost time, he beckoned the members to stop and go back to eat.

  Wang Donghu came up and asked, "Mr. Wang, what do you have for lunch?"

Wang Xianglai pushed him away and said impatiently: "Why are you a rice bucket? As long as you can, there is no sound all morning. When it's time to eat, you should ask what to eat first - no matter what you eat, you can still have less of yours. share?"

  Wang Donghu laughed.

  Wang Yi said: "Have a good meal at noon, have you heard of the big plate chicken in the northwest?"

   Hearing this, the laborers were very excited: "Ha, do you have a big plate of chicken for lunch?"

   "What is Dapan Chicken? Is it delicious?"

   "You can tell it's delicious just by listening to it, a big plate of chicken, a big plate of chicken!"

   "That's great, enough chicken for lunch!"

  Wang Yi said: "Wait, you have misunderstood. I'm not eating big plate chicken at noon. I just ask you if you know what big plate chicken is. If you don't know, I'll introduce it to you."

   He put away the tools and led the laborers away.

  Wang Xianglai pushed the cart and put the rotary tiller on the cart.

   Can’t help but be on guard!

   This thing is too precious, it is easy to be stolen!

  Wang Yi said: "Don't worry, there is a security team on duty patrolling, and you can't lose any tools."

   Wang Xianglai asked him: "What if the security team steals it by itself?"

   I really can't answer this.

   When they returned to the camp, they saw that a large pot was hung from a nest in the ground to be roasted by the flames.

  Zhong Yaoyao placed a foam box beside her, someone lifted the lid of the box, and inside was a quilt.

  Open the quilt, and the warm aroma of noodles will come on your face.

   It's all scones!

   Browned and browned scones!

   Qiu Weishui hurriedly said: "Cover the lid of the box first, don't let the heat escape, this is a baked noodle cake that we bought and wrapped to keep warm after it came out of the oven, and it will be soaked in mutton soup later..."

   "Lamb soup? What about mutton soup for lunch today?" The big guy was surprised.

   They put down the lid of the box to open the lid of the pot.

  The thick white soup is boiling in the pot.


  The mutton cut into large pieces is slowly tumbling along with the boiling mutton soup in the center, which looks delicious.

  Wang Yi said: "Let's eat another famous Northwest food for lunch, mutton steamed buns!"

   Lamb steamed bun is the most suitable food for heavy labor.

   Think about it, the man in the northwest faces the severe cold in the winter, eats a meal of mutton steamed buns, carries the burden of supporting the family, goes out to fight the wind and snow, and fights the mad sand.

Moreover, the mutton steamed buns have meat, cakes and soups, especially the soup can cook vermicelli, plus pepper, chili oil, snoring, no matter how much work you do in the morning, how tired it will be, you can full HP resurrection!

  Wang Yi also prepared Laba garlic for the members.

  Outer island people don’t like to eat raw garlic, but Laba garlic likes it. This kind of garlic no longer has the irritating nature of raw garlic, leaving only the sweet and sour taste, which is very suitable for appetizers.

  A garlic clove was taken in one bite, and after eating, a piece of cake was pulled in with chopsticks, and the stomach was eaten, and the whole body was warm.

  Wang Xianglai was eating the cake dryly. He raised the cake and said, "This thing is really fragrant. Did you buy it at the sheep soup shop in the port? I heard from the women in the village that you invited them to eat this thing, Mr. Wang."

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, it's the cake from that house."

   Wang Xianglai said: "Wait, wait until the sea work is over, I will buy some cakes to bring back to Bamboo. He has never eaten such fragrant baked noodles."

  40 strong men and 200 toasted pancakes, swept away!

   So they still have stomachs to eat lamb.

  Each person has a big bowl of mutton, and the soup is enough but the mutton is rationed, so they eat the cake first, drink the soup first, and finally come to eat the meat to enjoy themselves.

  Most people eat half a bowl of meat and eat it slowly. They burp, and every burp is full of the taste of sheep soup.


   At this time, the people who went to the cafeteria to make meals came back intermittently.

   A group of people complained:

   "Damn, I didn't see so many people when I went to work..."

   "Damn, you can really rob them one by one, my dog ​​can't rob them of shit..."

   "Have you got the seaweed egg drop soup? I just grabbed two tortillas and a salted radish..."

   "What kind of seaweed egg drop soup? There are egg drop flowers in it? Grass, my eggs are sprayed out into a pot of water, and the egg drop is more than in this soup!"

   Only the people from Jinlan Island did not complain.

  They came out of the pine forest furtively and furtively, picking their teeth, smacking their lips, and aftertaste, and it seemed that they had gone to have a good meal.

   But when they got back to camp they were busy again.

   There are no tents on Cam Ranh Island, and the lodging relies entirely on shacks. The more huts they dug, the more soil they dug out.

  Huang Zhiwu led the people to build two stoves with seawater and mud and stones, one for cooking and the other for cooking.

  The inside and outside of the stove was plastered with an iron shovel, leaving a flue and firewood passages, and putting a large iron pot on it, it was really decent.

  Wang Yi looked at the way he was cooking rice on a fire in his house.

   is not as professional as others!

   Each team has to bury the pot to make rice after returning from the dry food. It is not enough to rely on this dry food to support their stomachs. Going to the sea is heavy work, and you must have oil and water, otherwise you will not be able to get up after working for a day.

   For a while, the smoke from the cooking in the camp was wafting up.

  The laborers in charge of the cooks were busy waving their shovels. The cooking spoons made a clanging sound when they touched the iron pan. The hot pan cooled oil and chopped green onions were poured in. The smell of food wafted everywhere in the wild.

  The laborers are either holding a pipe stick or smoking a dry cigarette, waiting around the pot to eat.

   They stared at the pot one by one, and their mouths slammed, just like a bird facing an old bird who came back with bugs, waiting to feed.

   There are also diligent people in the roster, who go fishing after work, and they will come back with a few fish in reeds and gills.

   They went to the puddles in the river to catch the crucian carp and came back to make soup.

  Crucian carp soup is a good thing, milk.

  The crucian carp was disemboweled and the scales were scraped off. Occasionally there were small trees next to the camp, and they used branches to pass through the gills of the crucian carp and hang them to dry off the fish.

   Then there are greetings everywhere:

   "Boil crucian carp soup tonight?"

   "Yes, drink a crucian carp soup at night and sleep warmly."

   Someone else came back with tired steps, scolding: "Damn, all the rabbits are dead?"

   "I said earlier that there are no rabbits in the pine forest, you have to find it..."

   "Fuck your mother, I was here to catch a seafarer in 70 years, and I could catch a rabbit a day..."

   "Wait for the snow, wait for the snow, you can see the rabbit footprints when it snows..."

   Hearing these words, Huang Zhiwu and his Jinlan Island members snickered.

  Wang Donghu noticed and asked, "Oh, are you going to catch rabbits in the pine forest?"

  Huang Zhiwu hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, where are we going to catch rabbits? Are rabbits so easy to catch?"

   The golden dragon next to him rubbed his hip bones and said, "That's right, we haven't eaten yet. Didn't you see that we just made a fire and made a meal?"

  Wang Yi went over to look at the millet porridge cooked in their pot, and then pouted.

   You must have eaten well, otherwise, how can you survive the hunger of rushing to work all morning just by relying on this thin millet porridge that can be used as a mirror?

   After doing this in the morning, he was really tired!

   It is also extremely difficult to catch sea workers and river workers. Most people really can’t stand such hard work.

   He felt right.

  I ate lunch at noon and continued to work in the afternoon. It was such a hard work again, and I was busy until it was dark before finishing work.

  Tianya Island still eats the food you bring, and eats two meals in the evening. First, while each team is lined up, they go to make rice and cook instant noodles to eat, add eggs, and eat both eggs for one person.

   Then wait until midnight to eat dumplings.

  Two small meals and frequent meals are more friendly to the stomach, and this can better replenish physical strength.

   After they returned to the camp, they drank the soup from the White Elephant's house, which was delicious. The water boiled and beat the eggs in it.

   Just when the smell was wafting from the pot, they heard a sharp whistle, and some people were shouting: "Catch escaping workers, catch escaping workers!"

   The laborers who were waiting for the meal got up and ran to the place where the whistle sounded.

   This is the rule for catching sea workers.

  If there is too much labor to endure or escape from the construction site for other purposes, then all staff have the responsibility to arrest them.

   Similar troops catch deserters.

   Now, the camp is even more lively!

   (end of this chapter)

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