MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 500 499. Buildings rise from the ground

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   Chapter 500 499. Buildings rise from the ground

  Wang Yi doesn't have many advantages as a person - forget it, there are actually many, but one of his biggest advantages is that he has the points between AC and AC.

   The leaders are all here, what are you pretending to be?

   He waved his hands low-key again and again, saying that he had only made a small contribution and only a small ability, and only hoped to make more contributions to socialist construction in the future.

  The leaders appreciated his modesty.

   Besides, he has indeed made great contributions to the prevention and control of pine wood nematode disease, and with the bonus of the literary work "Long Aotian Global Adventure", they are full of praise for him.

   And Wang Yi can make a bigger contribution.

  In 23 years, there has been a mature treatment plan for pine wood nematode.

   For example, the long-beetle chemical attractant No. 1 can be used to trap and kill the long-beetle. For example, the felled wood can be fumigated with methyl bromide to kill the long-horned beetle adults and larvae. For example, 25% cypress pine emulsion can be used for large-scale pesticide spraying.

   But these potions do not carry over 83 years.

   The medicine is no better than other things. The Forestry Bureau will more or less analyze its composition after getting it.

   At that time, Wang Yi couldn't explain the origin of the medicine.

   In this case he opted for biological control of pine wood nematode.

   In addition, he has not yet stated all the plans. Biological control of pine wood nematode is a very reliable channel, which is green, pollution-free and effective.

   Its principle is to eliminate the transmission route of pine wood nematodes. As long as there are no medium insects such as longhorn beetles, they will not become a climate.

   Among the channels for biological control of pine wood nematode disease, there is also the use of Beauveria bassiana and nematode-catching fungi to deal with vector insects such as longhorn beetles. This method is safe for humans, animals and plants, and has long-term inhibitory effects on pests.

   But its effect is very slow. It is not as direct and effective as the swollen-legged wasp against the beetle larvae, and of course it is not as good as the woodpecker, which is the ruthless role in dealing with the beetle.

   Regardless of your larvae and adults, being discovered by Lao Tzu is a 'duo duo'...

   Another Beauveria bassiana and nematode fungus need to be cultivated artificially, which has technical limitations, and the technical requirements for their use are quite strict.

   So Wang Yi would tell the Forestry Bureau about this method, but he couldn't help them further.

   is in the snow whirl dance.

   The bell for getting off work rang.

  Wang Yi didn’t stay any longer, and just said that he was going back to cook for the migrant workers, so he had to go first.

  Su Dai gave him face very much and said he would invite him to dinner.

  Wang Yi has no time, he really has to cook for the members.

   So he said sincerely: "Su Bureau, our top priority is to eradicate the pine wood nematode as soon as possible and protect the Guanhai Tingtao Forest."

   "So I won't bother you. When the pine forest disease problem is resolved, I will go to your unit to disturb a glass of wine, and I hope you don't think I'm greedy."

  Sudai is really busy here.

  He is a leader from the grassroots level and is very responsible for forestry work.

  In this way, Wang Yi said something nice, so he didn't go too far to be polite, patted Wang Yi's arm and said, "Then I won't be polite to you. You do yours first, and we have to do ours too."

   "But we will definitely meet again in the future. You are a great writer and you have written a good work. Our unit has to ask you to make a report, and then let comrades learn from you!"

  Wang Yi left, but Wei Chongshan followed him.

  The leader is going to see the granddaughter of an old friend.

   Qiu Weishui was busy on the ground at this time, and she and Zhong Yaoyao were each responsible for a large pot of rice.

  I have sausage for lunch today.

   One large pot is steamed with bacon, and another is steamed with Chinese sausage.

   Sausages per person and two, and the bacon is to fry green pepper bacon and make a broth later.

  Wei Chongshan smiled when he saw the busy Qiuwei Water, and said, "Shui girl, are you so busy?"

   Qiu Weishui got up and looked back when he heard the sound. He stretched out his hand to brush the scattered hair on his forehead, revealing his flushed cheeks reflected in the firelight: "Grandpa Wei, why are you here? Are you here to inspect our work?"

  Wei Chongshan laughed: "I don't dare, I, I came here today with your man, and I want to hang out with you."

   Qiu Weishui said with a smile: "Okay, I'll scoop a few more pieces of meat for Comrade Wei later - you're really right, we're making bacon for noon today, Grandpa Wei, you like bacon the most."

  Wei Chongshan said: "Spicy, bacon, haha, how can we Funan people not like it?"

  He brought his secretary and brought a gift to Qiu Weishui.

   is not a precious thing, it is simple and practical, such as new scarves, sugar, toilet paper and so on.

  Wang Yi greeted them to sit down, let go of the cutting board, picked up the green and red peppers and started cutting them.

   A new iron pot was put on it. He poured water and simmered the soup first. When the rice was cooked, he poured vegetable oil into it and started to fry the bacon with peppers.

  The spicy taste is flying all over the sky.

  Wang Yi was busy with his work, and Qiu Weishui came over and swept his back.

   It was snowing heavily, Wang Yi bent over to work, and there was a lot of snow on his head and back.

  Wei Chongshan sat beside him and watched the two of them cheerfully while cooking the fire.

   He said to the secretary: "Okay, a talented man and a woman, a good match between golden and jade!"

   The secretary nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, it's a perfect match."

  The voices of the members came over.

   They were busy for a while after leaving work. The construction schedule was the fastest. The work that was originally expected to be barely completed in five days, today is only the second day, but most of the progress has been made, and it is expected to be completed in another two days.

   That is, they can finish their work in less than four days.

  The members just had a meal when they came back.

  The aluminum lunch box comes with a large porcelain bowl. The large porcelain bowl is rice, two sausages are placed on it, a layer of green pepper and bacon is scooped, and the aluminum lunch box is filled with soup.

   Soup and rice are complete and delicious.

  Wei Chongshan also got the same soup and rice. He tasted it and nodded happily: "Okay, Shui girl, you were greedy and greedy when you were young, what did I say at that time?"

   "I said you are not afraid to find a chef when you grow up? Teacher Wang has a high level of education and cooking skills. He is definitely a chef-level expert."

   Qiu Weishui hurriedly said, "How can I be greedy?"

  Wei Chongshan laughed: "Yes, yes, you are not greedy, I opened my mouth and said nonsense."

   He winked at Wang Yi: "Mr. Wang, you have to be careful in the future. There is a girl who is good at everything, but she just doesn't like being told that she is not good and can't stand criticism!"

   Qiu Weishui was even more anxious: "Comrade Wei, you are slandering the person of the revolutionary successor."

  Wang Yi comforted her and said, "They didn't tell you, why are you anxious?"

   Qiu Weishui was stunned.

  Wei Chongshan laughed even more happily.

  Wang Yi continued to comfort her: "In my opinion, you only have advantages. Since you only have advantages, how can you say that you are not good? Where can I criticize you?"

   "Look at me, am I a picky person?"

   Now it's Qiu Weishui's turn to laugh happily.

   Wei Chongshan was stunned.

  This Teacher Wang...

   Water girl is not his opponent wow!

  The group of them was eating happily, and the people from Jinlan Island came back.

  Huang Zhiwu laughed and ran to their camp.

  Wang Xianglai quickly covered the lunch box and said vigilantly, "Don't even think about messing around!"

  Wang Donghu said: "Yes, you guys got rabbits to eat alone two days ago, so don't think about messing around with them now."

  Huang Zhiwu didn't know Wei Chongshan, and Wei Chongshan had never been to their production team, so he didn't think much about it, and said directly: "Hey, we were wrong in front of us. We shouldn't be a villain and take care of a gentleman's belly, and eat alone with your back."

   "We knew what we were doing was wrong, so we came back early today to roast rabbits for you to eat - do you want to eat roasted or stewed? Rabbits are too chai in winter, but they are actually delicious stewed."

   He probed to see the oily soup in the members' lunch boxes, and then looked at the green peppers and bacon slices covered in their bowls.


  Wang Yi didn't want to eat his rabbit, but he accepted Wang Yi's favor and insisted on making the rabbit for Wang Yi and the others to eat.

   Wang Yi had nothing to do with this. He didn't want to talk about too many common people's production teams making a fire in the pine forest in front of Wei Chongshan.

   After all, he saved the labor of the common people's production team, and let the leaders know that it was not good.

   So he gave the pot to Huang Zhiwu, who would stew a pot of hare soup to drink.

   Huang Zhiwu was busy working when suddenly a member of their production team shouted from the woods: "I see!"

   Upon hearing this, all of their members stood up suddenly, grabbed the shovel and hoe, and ran towards the pine forest without any explanation.

   This is the discovery of the rabbit.

  Wang Yi followed to watch the fun. He didn't see how to catch a rabbit in the morning, so he wanted to see it.

   Just like what Qiu Weishui said, the laborers of the civilian production team did not want to catch up with the rabbit, but chased the rabbit to drive it away.

   A few intercepted at the front, a few shouted at the back, each of them stretched out the wooden handle of the shovel or the wooden handle of the hoe, and slapped the ground and tree trunks.

  A white smoke rose from the jungle, which was formed by a hare stomping its paws into the snow on the ground.

  The gray-yellow hare ran desperately in the snow, but the snow was not suitable for it to escape. Although the snow was still thin, it had to fight against the snow every time it landed and pulled its feet, which was a waste of energy.

   Another No matter where it goes, someone is waiting for it.

   The poor hare was caught in an overlapping siege.

  What is the vast ocean of the people?

   Now what the rabbit has fallen into is the vast ocean of the people!

  It was surrounded, and the laborers made strange noises to frighten it:

   "Surrender, no matter how you flee, you can't change the fate of perishing!"

   "Quickly stop and don't waste our energy, get into our stomachs and let's contribute to socialist construction together!"

   The hare dashed in the snow, but failed to escape the encirclement in the end. The speed of escape became slower and slower, and finally it stopped moving.

  It has no stamina and is already paralyzed.

   The latest laborer sped up and rushed up, grabbed the hare's long ears and took it down.

   The group cheered and returned with the wild rabbit.

  Huang Zhiwu was quite content and said to Wang Yi, "Mr. Wang, it's time for us to add a meal for lunch today."

This was heard by the people from the outside team, and some people said: "Hey, Lao Huang, do you want to add food at noon? What good things do you add? We caught a lot of crickets here, take them to burn, and add a piece of food. ?"

  Huang Zhiwu turned his head and scolded, "Fuck off, grab a fart and go cricket in the winter to tease your grandfather?"

   The outsiders were not annoyed when they were scolded. They were all acquaintances. Many people laughed when they heard it.

   There are people who tease them: "You old Huang will never be able to compare to Teacher Wang, you are just a rabbit, what are you doing? Fart in the bed - eat it all by yourself!"

  Wang Yi is of course more generous than Huang Zhiwu.

  The two rabbits boiled a large pot of broth. He added a bit of Bone Broth's bisque to it to taste, and then invited the laborers around to come and drink it together.

   He greeted Wei Chongshan for a drink, Wei Chongshan waved his hand: "I don't drink anymore, I have enough to eat and drink to go, the work will be very busy in the future."

  Leaders are indeed visionary.

   The work behind them is indeed hectic, including the migrant workers rushing to the sea.

   Originally, the rush to the sea was expected to be a five-day project.

   Then, because a pest epidemic was found in the forest of Guanhai and Tingtao, the construction period increased by two days and became seven days.

   The extra two days are for the laborers to cut down pine trees...

   Wang Yi's scalp went numb on the spot when he heard this arrangement.

   Isn't this a thorn in the eyes of every laborer, a thorn in the flesh?

  In the eyes of the laborers, their work was originally five days. It was because Wang Yi discovered the pine wood nematode that they increased their labor and construction period, and extended them by two days.

   In this way, he will offend people!

   Fortunately, the leaders of the regiment were more reasonable. They promised the laborers that the excavated pine trees would be cut and chopped and sent to the charcoal kiln in the city's coal yard to be burned into charcoal.

   This batch of charcoal will be distributed equally among the laborers.

   With such an arrangement, the laborers are willing to continue to work.

   Charcoal is a good thing these days.

  Especially now that it is winter and the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. It is necessary to observe the New Year during the Chinese New Year. At that time, it is much more comfortable to watch the New Year while guarding a pot of hot charcoal fire than rubbing your hands and stomping your feet.

  Charcoal is a rare commodity, and it is difficult for even urbanites to buy it.

  Farmers can’t buy tickets without a ticket, and even if they have money, they can’t buy it.

   In this way, if they can bring some charcoal back to the village after working on the construction site, not only can they use it themselves, but they can also sell it to fellow villagers to earn some money to subsidize their needs for the New Year.

   There must be a brave man under the heavy reward.

   In the next two days, the laborers worked even harder.

   For two days, all the pine trees that were dead or were in a state of withering were all rooted and sent to the open space outside.

  Some people are responsible for planing trees, some people are responsible for chopping wood, and some people are responsible for transportation.

  Tianya Island is also engaged in transportation.

  The sea mud is sent to the air defense island, and after screening, it is used to make bricks and burn bricks.

  Wang Yi took their row to work hardest and most efficiently. This is famous on the construction site. The leaders of the regiment saw it and appreciated them very much.

   In addition, Wang Yi discovered the terrifying pest of pine wood nematode, so the leaders admired him even more.

   In this case, Tianya Island needed sea mud from the dumping yard, and the leaders gave it to them very generously, and even arranged half a company to help load sea mud onto the ship.

   That half of the company's workforce did not complain, and even secretly felt fortunate.

  Because Wang Yi is very generous.

   They all know Mr. Wang's reputation for being generous, so working on the Tianya 101 transport ship is even harder than on the construction site.

  Wang Yi did not let them waste their energy. He told a few platoon leaders that he would go to their production team after rushing to the sea. When the time comes, each person will receive two cigarettes, two catties of sugar cubes, five catties of pork, and give them food stamps:

   are all necessities for the New Year.

  The industriousness and ability of their row also won them a certificate: Wengzhou City (region) 1983 Red Flag Award for catching the sea.

  January 27th, the 14th day of the twelfth lunar month.

   There is only half a month left until the Chinese New Year.

  Wang Yi, Qiu Weishui, Zhong Yaoyao and the laborers ended their seven-day labor life as a seafarer, and finally returned to Tianya Island on a transport ship.

   The snowfall that lasted for a day and a half ended, and the warm winter sun hung on the sky dome of the outer islands again.

  The sea breeze is turbulent, the water is clear, and the Tianya Island is quiet and motionless.

  The sun hangs in the air, and the sun is so bright that it seems that every inch of it can be seen.

  The wind is strong but not cold. The warm sunshine brings warm temperatures. The boat sails on the sea and looks at Tianya Island.

  The island in winter is exceptionally gorgeous under the warm sun, but it is winter after all, the vegetation is withered, the fish and shrimp are lazy, and the island always has a quiet atmosphere.

   makes people feel very relaxed and at ease.

   Da Dazed unbuttoned his padded coat and scratched his armpits, muttering, "It's not cold this winter, it's warm."

   "You are wearing warm clothes. Teacher Wang has prepared a military coat for you. What kind of rags did you wear in previous years?" Wang Donghu laughed.

  Wang Xiang looked at the island eagerly, and his mind had already flown to his son.

   He said casually: "The big confusion is that I feel that it is not cold now, but it is normal that it is not cold now, and it will be the beginning of spring in more than a week."

   "It's early spring this year." The big guy chatted casually.

  Wang Yi helped Qiu Weishui tidy up the scarf, and said with a smile: "Spring is coming, we met in spring, and it's the season for us to meet again soon."

   Qiu Weishui took his arm and smiled: "Yeah, we met in spring. I always secretly rejoiced later, fortunately I stayed in the toilet that day, and fortunately you were a big hooligan and drilled into the women's toilet..."

   "That's a misunderstanding!" Wang Yi was helpless.

   Qiu Weishui lightly rubbed his head on his shoulder, and said softly, "My favorite misunderstanding in my life, otherwise I wouldn't be able to touch you."

  Wang Yi said, "That's not right, Xiaoqiu, didn't you listen to Grandpa Wei? We are a match made in heaven. We must have a relationship as husband and wife in this life."

   "If we don't meet in the toilet, then we may meet on the street. In short, we will always meet, and then I will launch a fiery pursuit of you. You will eventually be moved by me and marry me as a daughter-in-law."

  Autumn Weishui smiled sweetly.

   She likes Wang Yi to say this.

   Peace of mind.

   As the ship approached the pier, Wang Yi shouted, and Lao Huang jumped on the pier.

  The busy members also stood up and looked at them. After seeing the figures of the people on the transport ship, they waved their arms together in excitement.

  The boat docked, and a group of people carried luggage and grain to the pier.

  Old Huang is fighting Wang Yi and Qiuwei River again.

   As usual, the tail wobbled and flew up.

  As usual, when they came back this time, the production team was lively again.

   The children of the laborers who went to catch the sea workers ran over to help their father with their luggage, and the father often gave them a snack:

   They stopped work last night, and then each team organized a brief walk around the city, going to the market and the rudimentary collection to buy some New Year's goods, so the laborers had more or less snacks in their pockets.

  Wang Dongzhu also came to carry the luggage for Wang Xianglai, and Wang Xianglai took out a package from the bag and handed it to him.

  Square and upright, it is very heavy to start.

  Wang Dongzhu exclaimed in surprise as soon as he got it, "Dad, it's a book!"

Wang Xianglai said with a smile: "It's a book, it's a set of "Geography Knowledge", my father has only attended night school for a few days and has no culture, so I don't know what's so good about this set of books, but Teacher Wang said this book is amazing, yes The best magazine in our country."

   This set of "Geographical Knowledge" is a magazine, and it is indeed a national-level thing. It will soon change its name:

   National Geographic!

  Wang Yi has no children yet, but the primary school students are all his children. A dozen people surrounded him first, and then another came one after another:

   "Mr. Wang, come and have a look, our school is starting to build a building."

   "Will we be able to live in the building next semester? Is it the one in the textbook? The one in the city?"

   "Live in a building! Live in a building! We want upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones!"

   They surrounded Wang Yi and Qiuwei on the top of the water, and they met Wang Xianghong who was going down the mountain.

  Wang Xianghong happily listened to the shouts of the students and waved to Wang Yi: "Come and have a look, China Construction is worthy of being a national unit, it's amazing!"

  Wang Yi went up to the top of the mountain to look.

   There are three buildings on the top of the mountain that are being constructed together. They were just demolished when they left. Now the first floor has been built and the skeleton of the second floor is being prepared!

  There are quite a lot of construction workers, either pushing carts or laying bricks or mixing mud, and boldly leading a team of strong laborers to fight.

   Judging from the number of people, this is not very fast.

   Just this year, Pengcheng is going to build an international trade building with a 53-storey main building.

   Starting from this International Trade Building, the infrastructure maniac was officially launched:

The main body of the building was upgraded from one floor for seven days to one floor for five days, and then one floor for four days. Starting from the 30th floor, it created an unprecedented high speed for three days and one floor. The world's leading ranks of the construction industry.

  The buildings built on Tianya Island are small brick and concrete buildings. For China Construction Units, building this thing is like a fisherman casting a net.

   Easy and effortless.

  The school building was built during the winter vacation and then only needed to install doors and windows without any decoration. This did not put too much pressure on the construction team of China Construction.

   After all, they are well-staffed and well-funded.

  Wang Yi stepped forward to take a look.

   The construction site is still very irregular these days, even for the construction team under China Construction.

   Now there is no widely distributed safety helmets made of thermoplastic materials, let alone safety helmets made of glass fiber reinforced plastics, modified polypropylene plastics, ABS plastics, polycarbonate plastics and other materials commonly found on construction sites in the 21st century.

  For example, the helmets distributed by the construction team of China Construction Construction are old-fashioned rattan helmets, and the woven material is not much different from the bamboo hat.

   Of course, this helmet is also protective, but the workers don’t like it because the weather is cold and the wind is still strong. The material of this helmet is similar to the mat, and it can be cold when worn on the head in winter.

   Rattan woven safety helmets have slits and do not block the wind, so workers either wear blue cotton military hats or felt hats.

Not to mention the construction team led by   .

   Some of them are directly bald!

   Wang Yi looked helpless.

   But the awareness of construction site safety is not strong in this era, he can't control other workers, only the construction team of the production team.

   The problem is, the construction team of the production team has no hard hats!

  Wang Yi never paid attention to this matter, he thought for a while, he still had to wear a helmet from 22 years ago.

   Just wear a rattan helmet, protection is better than no protection.

   Tingtao Residence has not been demolished yet, and Wang Yi can continue to live here.

   Later, he said that he was going to rest, so he locked the door for 23 years, and sent a text document to Qiu Danian to replenish it.

   He checked the rattan helmet on the Internet and found that the result was optimistic:

The rattan safety helmets of these years are different from those of the 1970s and 1980s. The reason why the current rattan safety helmets are made of rattan is to wear them for ventilation in summer. In fact, the safety is not much worse than the safety helmets made of advanced materials such as fiberglass. .

   Because it has a steel top inside it!

  This helmet also has a pull-out lining to adjust the size. Wang Yi doesn’t need to ask Qiu Danian to buy it. The industrial park where he rents can meet his needs.

  The price is not expensive, from 25 to 75.

  Who is Wang Yi?

Local tycoon!

   Then he must buy 50.

   He bought a hard hat and took it back directly. In the evening, Wang Xianghong wanted to catch the wind and dust for him, so he took the hard hat boldly with him.

   I was very happy when I saw the hard hat.

  The workers of the construction team disliked this kind of hard hats because it was cold and ventilated, but the construction workers of the production team liked it.

  Because they found out, this helmet and tooling are standard supplies for regular workers of China Construction.

   They do not envy the tooling. Wang Yi equipped them with denim-style tooling, which is warm, strong and majestic.

   So they envy a hard hat.

   Now that Wang Yi took out the safety helmet, he was happy if he was bold, and when he got it in his hand, he immediately Mosuo carefully and looked inside and out.

  Wang Yi said to him: "This thing is used to protect the head, not to show off. You honestly wear it for me, and it is absolutely not allowed to take it off in the construction site, and it is not allowed to show it off to others!"

   "In addition, this kind of hat is not warm. You gave it to the team members and asked them to go home at night and hand them over to their wife and mother to sew and lining them. It's better to bring some cotton, which will keep you warm."

   Rattan helmets only look from the outside, they are similar to the standard hats of workers these days, the difference is in the inside.

  The current rattan helmet is fixed on the head with a cowhide strap like a bucket hat, and there is no pull button and no steel top.

   So Wang Yi asked the builders to sew up the inside. As long as the fabric was sewn on, no one would be able to see the difference between this helmet and the popular rattan helmet.

   boldly and hurriedly agreed, wearing it on his head and showing off to a few people who came to drink: "How, how? Does it look like a state worker?"

   "Like a deserter from the National Army." Liu Hongmei laughed at him.

  This can make you bold.

   But Wang Yi stared at his face and pondered it carefully.

   This piece is really a bit of a ** temperament!

  Tonight's catching the wind and washing the dust is very grand. One of the laborers who go to catch the sea workers will come over.

  The production team bought a pig, killed the New Year pigs to eat pork together, and had a solid meal!

  The commune members who are still willing to go collectively to work for the state these days are all good comrades. Although the state provides food and eats, it is too tiring to work at sea. How good is it to have the strength to go to the city to work for others?

   If you are willing to work hard for a week, you can earn 20 yuan and 30 yuan!

  The big guys chatted around the work of catching the sea. The men smoked each other, and then they spoke in the smoke:

   "It's a pity that you didn't go to work this time. Teacher Wang has made a contribution, and even the city leaders were alerted. They went to our place to eat and talk and laugh."

   "It's Wei Chongshan from the city, mother's, I can also brag to my relatives that I sat and ate with Wei Chongshan during the Chinese New Year this year."

   "You can't do it, the third one. You were like a quail at the time. You knew how to eat with your head down. I chatted with Leader Wei for a while, and Leader Wei even praised me for my ability."

   Bold and others are envious.

  Wang Xianghong said with a smile: "Our production team is the most capable. I know the situation of other teams. One or two are unwilling to go to work for the country. They have to draw lots and urge cadres. They have no enthusiasm."

   "I heard that the fishing flood war will be cancelled in the future, and the work of catching sea and river workers will also be cancelled." Wang Dongxi said.

   Liu Hongmei asked, "Who did you hear? That's impossible, right?"

"My eldest sister got married in North Jiangsu, and she went back to her parents' house in the twelfth lunar month. I went back and talked to her about it. She was working as a nanny for a county cadre. She said that the arrangements for going to the river in North Jiangsu had been carried out until five days. Years later..."

   "Come, come, let let, let let." The colander led the people to bring the dishes, "Still shouting? It seems that you are not hungry."

   The laborers hurriedly looked at the plate in his hand.

   looked at him with a wide-eyed smile: "Good guy, there is roast chicken and roast duck, which is more abundant than the New Year's Eve dinner."

   "And fish, and fish!" Someone shouted outside the door.

  Wang Yi looked back, hey, it was the people of Ou at the door.

   The neighbouring man teased: "Oh, is Lao Bai here? Lao Bai, you have a good nose, do you smell the fragrance on the boat?"

   "It's normal, the captain's door is facing the pier."

   "Haha, Lao Bai came to me - Lao Bai is still carrying a big fish!"

   The people of Europe really came with a big fish.

   This fish is a good fish, with a small head and a small tail, and a very chubby body. You can see that there is a lot of meat at a glance.

   And the color of the outer skin is very beautiful, the back of the body is blue-black, the abdomen is silver-white, and the lights are shining, and there are faint blue-blue-white colors flickering.

   Those present recognized the identity of the fish at a glance: "Ha, it's a bomb fish!"

   "Okay, Lao Bai, the bomb fish you got is not small, a meter, right? Big fish!"

   bomb fish.


  Ou people brought the fish into the door and smiled: "I didn't come here to eat, but I heard that Mr. Wang was back, so I brought the bomb fish that I caught - Mr. Wang said that this fish can be used for oden."

  Wang Yi heard the sound and went out and said, "Yes, the bomb fish can be made into Oden soup after being smoked and dried."

   "This fish is so big and beautiful, Lao Bai, have you found a school of bomb fish?"

  The people of Ou nodded excitedly: "Yes, there are traces. I have been searching for so many days, and finally found the trace."

   "And just in time, Mr. Wang, you are back, so we can go fishing for this bomb fish in the next two days, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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