MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 503 502. The published book will be sent to the island (Monday, please

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  Chapter 503 502. The published book will be delivered to the island (on Monday, ask for a wave of recommendation tickets)

   Seeing that Lin Jinhu said this with certainty, Wang Yi was suspicious.

   Is it so awesome?

   It is not that simple to change the engine of a motor boat, is it?

He decided to go on the boat and take a look by himself. He took a few photos of the engine corner and recorded a video. He was going to send it to the repair shop in 23 years. If Lin Jinhu couldn't handle it himself, he would know from the change of clothes in 23 years. Plan to come.

   Among them, the Weichai ST-22 engine that Lin Jinhu mentioned was taken by Wang Yi from 23 years ago. These engines are all machines from the 1990s. After repair and maintenance, they can still be used today.

   It just so happened that he had to go back 23 years to pick up the canning machine tomorrow, so he took photos, recorded a video and promised Xiang Manyin that he would first let him sail to Hongshu Island to berth. If it can be repaired, it will be repaired.

  Mangrove Island is now the location of key development projects among communal and brigade enterprises, and it is best to have a wharf.

   Originally, Wang Yi's idea was that the lack of a dock on Mangrove Island just avoided the approach of outside ships and the landing of outsiders on the island.

   But he now understands that this idea is wrong.

  The geographical environment of Mangrove Island is quite special. There are mangroves growing in the sea around the island, and the seaside is surrounded by shallow water areas. As a result, people from the outside world who want to land on the island can stop at any place around the island and roll up their trousers to go to the island.

   So it is better to build a dock:

   Just like the ancient Great Wall in the north, the Great Wall cannot really hinder foreign enemies from going over mountains and mountains. It can set up gates, and guide the market area and living area to the gate area naturally, which is more convenient to manage.

  If Mangrove Island has a pier, the first choice for outsiders who want to land on the island is to take the pier.

   They can set up a card at the terminal.

   Those who are allowed to go to the island can go to the island from the pier, and those who are not allowed to go to the pier can be given a warning.

  Tianya Island and Xianggong Island have business cooperation and are business partners. Xiang Manyin and Wang Xianghong are comrades-in-arms, so he naturally has to entertain him when he comes over at night. Dinner is eaten at Wang Xianghong's house.

   It happened that Wang Yi brought back the New Year's goods, and there were many vacuum-packed cooked foods, such as braised pork, stewed elbow, sauce beef and spiced donkey meat, etc.

   is very rich.

   Deep-fried peanuts, fried eggs with green peppers, stewed pork vermicelli, and a good meal was served.

   While changing cups, Wang Yi told Wang Xianghong about the idea of ​​repairing the wharf, and Wang Xianghong nodded.

   For the repair shop on Mangrove Island to develop, there must be a wharf.

   Hearing their discussion, Xiang Manyin put down his glass and said cheerfully, "Are you going to build a new wharf? I can help you contact the construction team, a construction team that specializes in wharf building and wharf repair."

   He further introduced: "It was my leader when I was in the army. He was a native of Wengzhou City. He changed his career to urban defense engineering, and then he set up a construction team to be responsible for the work of the wharf."

   Wang Xianghong smiled and said, "Use the public's cauldron to cook a small stove for your own."

  Xiang Manyin laughed and said vaguely: "Anyway, old squad leader, don't worry, you will definitely not break the law. His team has a high level of skill in repairing the wharf. You can use it with confidence."

   Hearing this, Wang Yi was quite happy, and raised his glass to toast Xiang Manyin.

   Tonight, this meal is worth eating, raking grass and beating rabbits.

   In this way, Hongshu Island helped Xiang Manyin repair the ship, and Xiang Manyin helped their contact to repair the wharf.

   It happens that the two sides do not owe each other any favors.

  When Xiang Manyin was leaving at night, Wang Yi went to get him two gift bags.

   New Year gift package.

   One was given to Xiang Manyin, and the other was given to his old leader.

The    New Year gift package is quite complete, including dried fruits, desserts, and meat. The gift package is a large plastic bag with the words "Happiness" and "Yi Nian Yu" printed on it. It looks festive.

   This is definitely a good choice for gifts, even for leading cadres in the city.

   Xiang Manyin was instinctively polite when he got the gift bag, but the gift bag itself is full of festive and trendy New Year goods, who doesn't like it?

   So the two sides said a few polite words, and Xiang Manyin finally took the big gift bag with embarrassment...

   Watching him leave the boat, Wang Xianghong was very unhappy: "Hey, we used him to find the construction team to build the wharf, but we don't owe him anything."

   "The construction team he leads is taking advantage of the country. We use his construction team to give him money. He should give us gifts."

  Wang Yi said with a smile: "I'm sending small things, just a little New Year's goods. It has nothing to do with who owes someone a favor. This is our favor."

   "Look, Captain Xiang is not someone who doesn't understand human feelings. He has accepted the New Year's gift from me now, and he must return the gift later."

   "And how do human feelings come from? Walking around, relatives who don't move around are not relatives, and friends who move around often become relatives. These are relatives and friends!"

   Wang Xianghong patted him on the back and said, "Okay, what you said makes sense, then you can do it as you see fit."

  Wang Yi returned to Tingtao Residence, and the Qiuwei River was already on the kang.

   Now he has left Tingtao Residence in a big confusion, and temporarily went back to his own home to sleep.

  The winter vacation is over, except for the teacher in charge of the night school literacy class, everyone else went back to their homes to prepare for the New Year.

   Watching Wang Yi come back, Qiu Weishui, who was reading under the lamp, folded the page he saw and asked, "I made you sober soup, would you like a bowl?"

  Wang Yi doesn't drink much, so I just mean it.

   But the daughter-in-law made a hangover soup, so even if you don't drink, you have to have a bowl.

   Qiu Weishui put on the fleece warm underwear he brought over. These clothes are tight-fitting. She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and her beautiful figure was revealed in the light.

  Wang Yi brought her a bag and said, "There are self-heating stickers in it. You can put one on the outside of the Qiuyi where you stick the belly position tomorrow. It can generate heat for several hours and avoid the cold in the palace."

   "Afraid that I won't be able to give birth to a child?" Qiu Weishui laughed, his eyes wandering, the young woman's charm could no longer be covered.

  Wang Yi thought I could go to his mother, what kind of soup should I drink?

   Let’s work.

  After the work, the two of them were quite satisfied when they huddled in the warm quilt. Qiu Weishui shook his hair to avoid being crushed, and said, "Actually, this small house is not bad, it's not big, it's very warm for two people to live in."

  Wang Yi said: "When the building is built on the foundation of my house, let's make the bedroom a little better, so that it will be as warm to live in."

   Qiu Weishui shook his head.

   In the future, they will have a big house, but it will not be as warm as Tingtaoju.

  Wang Yi heard this and felt that things were easy to handle.

   The Tingtao Residence will not be demolished, so the two of them will live here temporarily.

   In fact, living in a seaweed house is quite good.

   Warm in winter and cool in summer.

   The next day, Wang Yi instructed the members to move all the New Year's goods to the ancestral hall.

  There is also an empty house in the ancestral hall, which is full of new year goods.

  The old people basking in the sun were very interested in watching the members’ busy work, and asked, “Is this the New Year’s product prepared by the production team this year?”

  Wang Xianghong did not dare to reveal the existence of the New Year's goods in advance.

  The members must be impatient and want to split up, so that children and adults are greedy, maybe they will eat up the New Year's goods before the Chinese New Year.

   So he was vague, so that the members who moved the goods were not allowed to discuss, so he honestly moved the New Year goods into the ancestral hall and locked the door.

  The students had nothing to do. I heard that there were New Year's goods flocking to the door. Those who were looking at the cracks of the door, those who were lying on the ground and looking up from the threshold, and those who were lying on the windows and shielding the sunlight with their hands and looking in.

   This made Wang Xianghong shake his head again and again: "The dung beetle is having a meeting, you guys are stinking!"

   "I have to lock these things in my house later, lock them in the wing room. I can't keep them in the ancestral hall all the time, so that I can save being remembered."

   It is still Wang Yi who loves students.

   He distributed peanut beans to the students—a kind of peanut with a crispy shell, various flavors, and a crunchy taste.

  The students each packed a pocket, stuffed it into their mouths, and stomped happily:

   "I have a milky flavor. This white one has the same flavor as the white rabbit toffee. It's delicious."

   "Er pig, eat a red one, hehe, the red one is the best..."

   "Don't eat it, it's spicy, give it to me..."

   "Hiss, what's the matter with the green one? Eat the nose drill..."

  Wang Yi also gave them points of throwing guns.

   Then after a while, there were 'bang bang bang bang' sounds all over the island.

  The smashing gun brought a faint smell of gunpowder.

   This is also the flavor of the New Year.

  The children were having fun eating and eating, and there were excited shouts everywhere.

   This is also the flavor of the New Year.

  Wang Yi went back to 23 years in the afternoon. After contacting the boss of "all complete", he sent the canning production line into the warehouse and pushed it into the space-time house. He quickly returned to 1983.

   He has become less and less affectionate for 23 years.

   When he came back, he heard someone calling him outside Tingtaoju: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, are you inside? Zhang Youxin is looking for you, and I have your stuff..."

   "Mr. Wang? Teacher Wang?"

  Wang Yi didn't expect that he would not be here for 23 years, and someone here would look for him. Fortunately, he had no nostalgia for 23 years and came back as soon as possible, otherwise it would be very easy to have an accident.

   He didn't say anything, wanting to see the reaction of the members.

  The commune who called him outside called a few times and saw no response from the house. He wanted to come in and have a look. He had married Lao Huang and his cubs who lived outside, and bared his teeth when he saw someone coming in.

  Wang Yi does not allow others to enter Tingtaoju except for Big Maze and Qiuweishui. He has taught Lao Huang, Lao Huang is very understanding of human nature, and has become his master at Tingtaoju.

  Lao Huang bared his teeth here, and his cubs bared their teeth, so frightened that the member did not dare to break in rashly.

   He had to leave angrily, and then boldly shouted to the busy construction site: "Did you really see Mr. Wang entering Tingtaoju? There is no one inside. I called several times, but no one answered."

  Boldly, who was busy laying bricks, raised his head and said, "I entered the house earlier, when did I go out? I didn't look at it, I guess he went out when I didn't pay attention."

   "Didn't go out? I also saw him go back, but I didn't see him come out." Someone said, "Did any of you see it?"

   The others shook their heads.

   Wang Yi smacked his lips when he saw this.

   These people are quite determined. Forget it, they have to go out and give an explanation.

   He quickly found a bottle of eye drops and put them in his eyes, and then went out without closing his eyes.

   There were red bloodshot eyes in both eyes, and the eye drops flowed out. After wiping it, it was like yawning and shedding tears.

   He opened the door with a yawn, winked and asked, "Who called me? I just lay down and didn't sleep for half an hour, who called me?"

   boldly saw this and said: "Look, I said that Teacher Wang didn't come out."

  Wang Yichong said impatiently: "I will go back to Tingtaoju in the future to sleep, or to write a book. Don't come to me, and I will talk about anything else."

   Several people laughed awkwardly: "Okay, okay."

   "I didn't look for you, Mr. Wang, I never look for you when you enter the house, it's the pillar looking for you."

   "The pillar, what are you shouting in such a hurry? Whose house is on fire?"

   Zhuzi was even more embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, it was Zhang Youxin's postman who sent you something and asked you to come and get it."

  Wang Yi pretended to be impatient and said, "In the future, just find someone to pick it up. You don't have to come to me for this kind of thing."

   He yawned, rubbed his eyes, and went down the mountain with a displeased face.

   Zhuzi and the others were silent.

   boldly said: "Don't disturb Mr. Wang when he enters the room in the future. He and Mr. Xiaoqiu just got married, and they work very hard at night. Our gentlemen are all here, and at this time, we need to make up for sleep during the day."

   Everyone nodded quickly.

   Zhang Youxin was very happy when he saw Wang Yi, and carried two boxes, one large and one small, onto the dock.

  Wang Yi took a look at the two boxes. The small alley was mailed by the publishing house. With a move, he opened it directly. There were ten copies of "Long Aotian Global Adventure (1 stacked together.

   Zhang Youxin now also knows about the publication of Wang Yiyou's works.

   When he saw the new book inside, he shouted strangely on the spot: "I'm sloppy, Teacher Wang, your masterpiece!"

  Wang Yi said: "What's less surprising is just a book. Haven't you seen the new book?"

   Zhang Youxin laughed and said, "I've never seen a writer before!"

  The commune members who were busy around the pier heard this and came over: "Mr. Wang, is your book coming?"

   "Is it called Long Aotian Global Adventure? I read it in the newspaper, you are really amazing, Mr. Wang."

   "What else is there to say? Teacher Wang can do anything. He can write poems, articles and novels. Without him, he can't."

   "He won't have children." Someone joked, causing a lot of laughter.

   Then someone said: "Mr. Xiaoqiu is the one who has a baby. He and Mr. Xiaoqiu are exactly a pair."

  The members crossed their shoulders to watch "Long Aotian Global Adventure", very curious and excited.

   This is Teacher Wang's work!

  Wang Yi took it out and shared it with them, and they waved their hands again and again:

   "The hands are both water and sand, so I can't touch your masterpiece."

   "That's right, I just went to deal with crabs, and there is a fishy smell, but don't affect the scent of ink on the book."

   "Wait when I go back and pack up, and then go to Teacher Wang to read."

   "And what is the big box? Are they all books?"

   Another large box was mailed from the Shiwandashan area. The sender was a name that Wang Yi was not familiar with.

   He opened it and saw that there were some special products in it, including dried beef, flute, and tea leaves—most of which were tea leaves, several packs, each with stickers, such as Maojian tea, moss tea, Fenggang tea, etc.

   There is also a letter and a group photo inside.

   The photo shows Wang Yi and a newlywed couple.

   After seeing the photo, he understood, wasn't this the young couple who went to participate in the fishing flood competition and met in Fohai?

   He gave the young couple a lot of film at that time, and now the young couple gave him New Year's goods!

  Returning the peach.

   is a man of attention.

  The members followed, and Wang Yi passed the photo to them, and then explained casually: "My classmate, he is from Shiwanda Mountain, and he got me some of their local specialties."

   "This year's New Year's goods are special products from all over the world, all of which are mailed by my classmates."

  The members laughed again and again after hearing this, looking forward to the scene of dividing the New Year's goods.

  An old man looked at the photo and nodded: "It can be seen that these two couples are definitely cultural people. Look, they have a temperament, which is different from our muddy legs."

   "It's really different. This woman is dressed so festively, and this man is dressed like a cadre."

   Wang Yi secretly said that you really guessed correctly, the woman is a teacher, and the man is a civil servant.

   He put away the photos and the New Year's goods and books.

   Okay, Mr. Wang has another classmate to give gifts...

   But what the members are most concerned about is not the New Year's goods, but "Long Aotian Global Adventure".

The news of   'Mr. Wang's book was published and printed in type' disappeared on the island and quickly spread all over the island.

   Qiu Weishui, who was helping the costume team, came back first, then Zhu Zhenxue and Wang Xianghong also came. The number of people who came after them increased one after another, and even Shou Xing Ye came with a cane.

   In fact, Shou Xing Ye was quite excited and trotted all the way with a walking stick.

  Wang Yi saw a moving picture on the Internet when he saw the last old man who moved so quickly. An old man walked into the clubhouse with a cane, and a big girl with a hip and skirt came out to help him. He also trotted all the way.

  Shou Xing Ye shouted excitedly after seeing a group of people surrounded by the locust tree: "Mr. Wang's book has become a type? It's a book? Has the state decided for him to print it out for him?"

  Wang Yi said: "Yes, look at Lord Shouxing."

   He handed a copy to Lord Shouxing.

Shou Xing Ye was illiterate, but after getting the book, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the words on the cover one by one, and said, "Long, Ao, Tian, ​​Huan, Qiu, Da, Da, Xing, Xing - there is another one in the back, this I Know, one! One is a bar!"

  Wang Yi said with a smile: "Yes, these nine characters, Lord Shouxing is literate. I also heard people say that you are illiterate. Isn't this a rumor?"

   Lord Shou Xing laughed: "I'm illiterate, how can I read? But I know what book you're writing, and I can read it right."

   He opened the book and looked inside, groping for the pages to sniff it, and said to the surroundings, "Fragrant, there is a scent of ink on it, and the scent of ink is more fragrant than pork!"

   Everyone nodded.

  Lord Shou Xing looked at the book in his hand with great comfort: "Okay, there are good things before the Chinese New Year, our Wang family is not a scholar, this is a champion!"

   "In the past, you had to be a champion in order to write a book and get the country's approval for printing. Good! Teacher Wang, you are really capable!"

   He said to Wang Xianghong: "This year's Chinese New Year, I have to tell my ancestors about burning paper. We are the masters of the Wang family!"

  Wang Xianghong smiled and said: "I said earlier, when Mr. Wang came back to set up a school, I told my ancestors in Qingming that our Wang family has a great young man, and our Wang family has a good day!"

   He picked up a cherished book, touched it, and nodded again and again.

   In the eyes of ordinary people these days.

   Those who have published books are serious writers, not ordinary intellectuals.

  Teachers are intellectuals, but writers are writers!

   There is a writer in his family, and the members and Yourongyan are all scrambling to take the book home and read it.

   Among them, the person who dared to smash away the people around him was the quickest to grab a book, and then Wang Xianghong relied on the long and hard pipe rod to give him a slap on the back of his hand:

   "How many words do you recognize? What are you doing with this book back?"

   boldly said: "I am the most active in the night school, isn't it, I wish you a teacher? I wish you a teacher to let me be the monitor!"

"Captain, don't underestimate me, I'm quite literate now, and reading a book is no problem. Besides, I can guess the words I don't know. In Mr. Huang's words, I can always guess the same in the context. "

  Wang Xianghong said: "Okay, don't be silly, let me tell you, this book is very precious now, and many people in the county can't buy it if they want to buy it."

"So don't mess around with this book, I already know how to distribute it. One is for offering at the ancestral hall, one is for Teacher Wang to keep as a souvenir, one is for Teacher Xiaoqiu to send to Grandpa Xiaoqiu, and one is for keeping. After it is framed and displayed by the team committee, the school library will distribute one copy, and each of the five grade book corners will distribute one copy..."

   Ten books and ten uses, and he arranged them clearly.

  The members sighed.

   I can't distribute this book myself.

  Wang Yi discussed with Wang Xianghong: "It's winter vacation time, and the school hasn't been built yet. In this way, the ancestral hall and my grandfather's books will be taken out, and the other eight books will be distributed to the commune members in turn."

   "One set of three books, two sets of three sets of two books, and four sets of one set of books, let's read them first, wait for our members to read them, and then go back to school and collect them..."

   "But the big guy has to protect it." Wang Yichong told everyone, "Don't read the book when you are eating and drinking, don't stain this book, this book is really not easy to buy."

   There were quite a few editors who came from the publishing house at that time, and this book will definitely be republished.

  The first batch of books, but those who participated in the new event on New Year's Day, have been sold!

   If the publishing house hadn't contacted the printing house to mail him the book, Wang Yi wouldn't be able to buy it here!

   Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words and immediately made a promise.

   Wang Xianghong smacked his lips and continued to tell the big guy: "Don't get me dirty!"

   Qiu Weishui has already read two "Long Aotian Global Adventures". She didn't read the content when she got the new book, she just flipped through it to check the printing quality.

   She loves this book and wants to collect one.

  Wang Yi said to her: "You collect my manuscripts, it's not interesting to collect this kind of finished book, but if you like it, wait for me to go to Xinhua Bookstore to buy you a copy."

   Qiu Weishui said: "No need, Xinhua Bookstore can't buy it."

"You can't buy any in the county or city, and it's not easy to buy even in Shanghai. Teacher Xiao Yang called back. She found four Xinhua Bookstores in Shanghai and only bought three copies, but they were all confiscated. Sixth, they robbed them, and they also want to keep them.”

   Wang Yi blinked.

  I, am I a best-selling author?

   He immediately became proud. This book was written by himself, stroke by stroke. Of course, he referred to many reference books for professional content, but he definitely did not plagiarize it.

   In this way, the sense of achievement in his heart is really full.

   Qiu Weishui rewarded him at night.

   So he felt empty again.

  The next day, the couple went to the county.

   Special trip to deliver the book.

In fact, Wang Yi meant to wait until the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month before sending it, because the local custom is 'the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month to catch up with the New Year's fair, and the whole family will prepare the New Year's goods'. .

   Or you can go to deliver the book today, and bring the New Year's goods with you, but it is too early to send it, and it is not so festive.

   As a result, Qiu Weishui was in a hurry, so he had to deliver the book today, and let his grandfather see the capabilities of his man.

  Wang Yi had no choice, so she had to temporarily pack some gifts and take them with her to the county on a passenger boat.

   When we arrived at the pier, there were food stalls of their communes and enterprises. The stalls were steaming hot, with roasted sweet potatoes, fried chestnuts with sugar, fried peanuts, fried melon seeds, and a pot of Oden.

  Oden sells very well at the wharf, and it is served with yimao for takeout. The men who make great efforts on the wharf like it most.

   If you want to eat cheap oden, you can eat white radish, tofu, etc. If you want to eat something good, there are eggs, chicken meatballs, pork meatballs, etc., whether you eat cheap or expensive, there is a bowl of sweet and delicious soup.

   This thing is very friendly to travelers. Travelers bring children. Oden is not spicy but sweet, and children like it most.

  Wang Yi and the others had two children eating eggs when they were there. They ate a little bit, and ate a little bit of soup. They were happy.

   There were a lot of people next to the booth. Wang Yi checked that he didn't bother Wang Dongxi, and led Qiu Weishui on a bicycle to take her to the county.

  Winter is coming to an end, and the sun is warming up.

   Sunning on Qiu Weishui's body was warm and hot, which made her very satisfied. She hugged Wang Yi's waist and hummed happily in the back.

   Many people on the road turned to look at her.

  After all, it is rare for girls to wear creamy white navy collar woolen slim coats in this era, and it is even rarer to wear long boots on their feet.

   was brought to her by Wang Yi.

   When they entered the yard of the county party committee building, they were stopped by the guards. Wang Yi had no pretense, so he went to the reception room and introduced himself to the concierge in a low-key manner.

   Actually, it's not needed at all. Qiu Weishui knocked on the door, and the doorman smiled when he saw her: "Yeah, it's Xiao Qiu, why are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qiu Weishui picked up the kettle on the ground and poured him a cup of boiling water, and said generously, "I brought my wife to see my grandfather today, isn't he not working yet? I think I will go up first, so as not to disturb his work when I go to work. ."

The concierge nodded and said yes, then looked at her dress and said, "Didn't you marry to Tianya Island? How do I think you are married to Shanghai? Your clothes are so beautiful, these boots are the same as the former female spy- Hey, I'm talking nonsense!"

   Qiu Weishui's woolen coat has a slim shape but no shoulder line. The sleeves and the body are cut in one piece, with large lapels and milky white wool. The wheat-colored skin on the neck and face is healthier.

   Don't look at this coat, it's very light and thin. It's a serious good thing. It's made of fine frontier wool, which is extremely warm. The price is more than 20,000.

  Her boots are of ordinary shape, but they are also milky white, simple and generous, and very ordinary elastic boots with large tube circumference and pointed toe. With a coat, they look elegant and indifferent, which matches her temperament very well.

   Qiu Weishui didn't care what the uncle said. She picked her toes and said, "All female agents wear leather boots. These are not leather boots. Look, they actually have short hair on them. They are made of artificial material."

   This is Wang Yi fooling her.

  These boots are also made of genuine leather, and they are still famous. A pair of boots is more than 8,000.

   Qiu Weishui's whole body, inside and out, was prepared for her by Wang Yi, and the whole set came down to more than 50,000 yuan.

Uncle    took a closer look, smacking his lips and said, "Artificial material? But it must be a good thing. Your clothes are not cheap. How much?"

   Qiu Weishui said proudly: "My lover bought it for me, it's not cheap, it cost more than fifty."

   Uncle looked at Wang Yi in amazement.

   So willing to spend money?

   is an offspring who loves his daughter-in-law.

  Registration is required to enter and exit the government. Wang Yi has completed the registration and went in with Qiu Weishui.

  Ye Changan was basking in the sun behind the window and drinking tea to digest his food when he saw the two of them coming, throwing down the newspaper and going back to sit down.

   Qiu Weishui pushed open the door and jumped in the past, Wang Yi looked at the office.

   is quite simple.

   A set of desks, a row of chairs, two benches in front of the desk, the national flag and party flag on the table, and the busts of great teachers and leaders posted on the filing cabinets, bookcases and walls.

  Ye Changan put down the teacup and squinted at Qiu Weishui: "Do you still remember me? Ha, I thought you only had your husband in your eyes after you got married."

   Qiu Weishui smiled and said, "Grandpa, look at what you said, how can it be."

   She took the teacup and poured water into it.

   Seeing that the water is not too hot, I went to the wall to change a new kettle and poured steaming hot water.

   Ye Changan smiled slightly when he saw this.

   Count this girl as well—"Wait, what are you doing with my teacup?"

  Qiuwei Shui poured boiling water into the teacup and gave it to Wang Yi: "The sea breeze is very cold all the way, I will pour a glass of water for your grandson-in-law to drink."

   Ye Changan looked blankly at Wang Yi and slapped the table angrily: "Raise the robbers!"

   Qiu Weishui giggled and said, "Just kidding with you. This is your teacup. I don't know how many times you have drunk the tea in the cup. How could I give it to others?"

   Ye Changan also laughed and said, "I'm also joking with you, do you think I can't think of this—wait, why did you pay him back?"

   Qiu Weishui said: "Your grandson-in-law's hands are very cold, I will pour him a cup of water to warm his hands."

   "Come on, Mr. Wang, please hug me."

   This time it's no joke.

   Ye Changan licked his lips and looked at Wang Yi holding a teacup in both hands to keep warm, even more dazed.

   He wanted to shoot at Qiuweishui, but after thinking about it, he couldn't bear it, so he stared at Wang Yi: "I haven't seen your lover care so much about you."

   Qiu Weishui gathered his hair and said, "I don't need it, my hands are hot, try it."

   She put her heart on the back of the old man's hand, and said with pride, "How is it? Are you hot? I have a secret weapon!"

   said, she patted her belly.

   Hearing this and watching her actions, Ye Changan was suddenly surprised.

   He stood up excitedly and said in disbelief, "Aren't you kidding me this time?"

   Qiu Weishui said: "Of course not, no, grandpa, are you misunderstanding..."

   "Do you have it?" Ye Changan asked happily.

   He also gave Wang Yi a look.

   Admiring glances.


  You have a kind of kid!

   Qiu Weishui hurriedly said: "No, I don't, it was something warm on the outside of my stomach, so I wasn't cold all the way, I was warm all over."

   The light in Ye Changan's eyes disappeared in an instant.

  's admiring eyes dimmed.

  He pointed at the two with a helpless smile and sighed, "You guys, you guys are really good. This time you're here to make fun of my old man?"

  Wang Yi was even more helpless when he heard this, and directly came to LeBron James:

  I haven't said anything since I entered the door except to greet you, so how could I make fun of you?

   (end of this chapter)